ccr1966151RESOLUTION #151 TO AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF A 1960 MODEL W-216 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE OSHKOSH TRUCK WHEREAS the Public Works Committee has detemnined they are in need of a new highway truck to replace an existing 1953 Model Oshkosh truck and, WHEREAS monies have been provided in the 1966 Budget for such a purchase and, WHEREAS a 1960 Model W-216 four-wheel drive Oshkosh Truck Oshkosh Motor Trucks, Inc., at a cost of $5,000.00 and, (complete with power steering) is available from the WHEREAS the Public Works Committee has recommended that the City purchase the above vehicle and put up for sale the existing 1953 Oshkosh truck which is being replaced. City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Public Works THEREFORF. BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Committee to purchase a Model W-216, four-wheel drive 1960 Oshkosh Truck (complete with power steering) at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00. BE IT F'URTHER RESOLVED that the Public Works Committee is authorized to sell to the highest bidder the present 1953 Oshkosh Wuck which is owned by the City. Attest: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS COMiYI TTEE