CCR2007256. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #256-2007 PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENT TO EXERCISE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT POLICE POWERS UNDER ~66.0703 WI STATUTES AS TO HILLSIDE DRIVE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin: 1. The Common Council hereby declares its intention to exercise its police power under ~66.0703, Wisconsin Statutes, to levy special assessments upon property within the following described area for special benefits conferred upon such property for storm sewer, ditching, and pavement replacement: HILLSIDE DRIVE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS See Attached Legal Description and Map 2. The Common Council determines that the improvements constitute an exercise of the police power and the amount assessed against each parcel shall be based on the unit basis. . 3. The assessment against any parcel may be paid in cash or in annual installments. 4. The City Engineer shall prepare a report which shall consist of: a. Final plans and specifications for the improvements. b. An estimate of the entire cost of the proposed project. c. Schedule of proposed assessments. 5. When the report is completed, the City Engineer shall file a copy of the report with the City Clerk-Treasurer for public inspection. 6. Upon receiving the report of the City Engineer, the Clerk-Treasurer shall cause notice to be given stating the nature of the proposed improvement, the general boundary lines of the proposed assessment area, including a small map thereof, the time and place at which the report may be inspected, and the time and place of the public hearing on the matters contained in the Preliminary Resolution and the report. This notice shall be published as a Class 1 Notice and a copy shall be mailed at least ten (10) days before the hearing to every interested party. 7. Some of the proposed assessments mayor may not be deferred by further action of the Common Council. . 8. The hearing shall be held at City Hall at a time set by the Clerk-Treasurer in accordance with ~66.0703, Wisconsin Statues. . Reso. #256-2007 Page 2 DATED THIS _11th December ,2007 DA Y OF SPONSORED BY PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Tracy Snead Ald. Noah Fiedler This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #256-2007, which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8 . . . . Legal Description for Hillside Drive Drainage Improvement Assessment District All that part of the one-quarter of the northeast one-quarter of the northeast one-quarter Section 8, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin more fully described as follows: All those properties lying adjacent to Hillside Drive from a point 39 feet north ofLochcrest Boulevard to a point 640 feet north of Lochcrest Boulevard. The properties to be assessed are also known as the following tax key numbers: MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC 2189-035 2189-036 2189-038 2189-039 2189-040 2189-042 2189-044 2189-045 MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC MSKC 2189-055 2189-056 2189-058 2189-059 2189-061 2189-062 2189-063 2189-065 IMuskego City 13922952007 Road Program - Hillside Drive> 2] O/Hillside Drive Design> AssessmentlLegal Description-Preliminary Assessment Resolution doc . . ~ u t >' - <D~ " ~ ~ .3 ;:; ~ ~ ~ u -' .. u H ~ " .- - 0; >' E <II : " . ~ . ~ . ~.. " ,.- -'. " a. ~i E/ . 0 ~~ .~;);~~ - g:~~ ~ N", 0 ,,"'/U :~~K - .3t5f:' ~/"i;! z" '1'x m "- ;X; :::; '" MAP 1 HILLSIDE DRIVE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CITY OF MUSKEGO WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN I \ \ 0' I I \ , , ., , , \ , , ., , , I , , ~. I I I -----------..- --------..---- r c: m :t ----;> ~ Z C) liTTLE -----------..- MUSKEGO HillVIEW DRIVE c ~ LAKE w > æ c ------------- -----------..- Ll- D:: 0 C :I: U æ ---- ---------- -----------..-- _.- .--- ----.- - .-/ .__. lEGEND N W~E V . - --------_..-. ..... ~fUS~~~QI -- ASSESSMENT DISTRICT S 200 400 I 0 100 GRAPHIC SCALE DATE: NOVEMBER 12, 2007 SOURCE: RIM BASEMAP SOURCE: WAUKESHA COUNTY PARKS AND LAND USE e 2007 Copyright Ruekert & Mielke. Inc. . Ruekert. Mielke engineering soIUDons for. woddng wodd . . . Vv I Rpsott 251. CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Common Council To: Common Council EngineerinllDepartment, David J. White, P.E., City Engineer ~ Preliminary Resolution Declaring Intent To Exercise Special Assessment Police Powers for Hillside Drive Drainage Improvements Project From: Subject: Date: November 30, 2007 Background Property owners along the east side of Hillside Drive between Lochcrest Boulevard and Hillview Drive asked the Public Works Committee in 2006 to consider a paving project to divert water draining from Hillside Drive on their property. The Committee voted to spend $40,000 on a paving project that would alter the road drainage from an easterly flow to a westerly flow. Ruekert/Mielke performed the field survey and began the preliminary design which determined that this proposed repaving would not work. The west side of the road is much higher than the east side. Following considerable discussion with the area homeowners, the 2007 Public Works Committee asked RIM to find an alternat~ dp"i~n to address th~, homeowner's concerns. That design consists of a ~1(\tt~tf:1rain stormwáte. collection system along the east side of the roadway. The cost to install the slnt~ed drain system was bid at $61,425 substantially over the $40,000 budget. The Public Works Committee considered the bids at their September 26, 2007 meeting and decided to hold a special assessment public hearing in the future for all costs over and above the $40,000 budget. Recommendation for Action by Common Council: The Public Works Committee recommends that Council pass the attached resolution along with the project legal description and map exhibit as the first step towards preparing an engineering report and holding a special assessment hearing on the Hillside Drive drainage improvement project. Fiscal Note(s): Total $ Requested: None ÀlfI~UDt Gi Total Requt:sleu Budgetef1: \IV/,. Amount of Total Requested Unbudgttcd: (1% Expenditure Account(s) number recommended be used: S:\CITYHALL\Engineering\Road Programs\Hillside Drive\Preliminary Assessment memo I I3007.doc