CCR2007241. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #241-2007 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE DEDUCTIBLE FOR AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE POLICY WITH THE STATE OF WISCONSIN PROPERTY INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE INSURING ALL CITY OWNED LICENSED VEHICLES WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has auto physical damage coverage (comprehensive and collision) with the State of Wisconsin Property Insurance Fund for the City's licensed vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed and taken action on a recommendation regarding the deductible amount for this coverage and the City's licensed vehicles that should be covered under the auto physical damage policy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee does hereby approve a deductible of $15,000 for the auto physical damage policy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all of the City's licensed vehicles should be included for coverage in the auto physical damage policy. DATED THIS 11th DAY OF December, 2007. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #241-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego 11/2007jm . . . CITY OF MUSKEGO Reports and Presentations to Standing Committees of the Common Council (Finance, Public Works and Public Utilities) And to Common Council.. ,. ~ vo/ II~e:..') !..j, "'] ;;;"L{ I To: Common Council Strategic Goal #: (for future use) From: Janice Moyer, Clerk-Treasurer Presenter(s): Janice Moyer Department(s): Clerk-Treasurer Subject: Topic / Purpose for Presentation/Report to Committee or Council - Auto physical damage coverage - which vehicles should be covered and consider a higher deductible. Date: November 29,2007 Background Information: Since 2003 the City has had auto physical damage (collision and comprehensive) coverage with the State of Wisconsin Property Insurance Fund. The deductible is currently $500. The current coverage is replacement cost. Replacement cost means that all vehicles listed would be replaced with a new vehicle with similar features if the vehicle was unable to be repaired and was considered a total loss. The City has vehicles that date from a 1979 dump truck to 2008 police vehicles and trucks (see attached list). There are a total of 68 licensed vehicles, with a total purchase price value of $3,121,691. Key Issues of Consideration (Maximum of 5): 1. The premium for the auto physical damage could be reduced by 52% with a $10,000 deductible or reduced by 63% with a $15,000 deductible. Premium savings 2003-2007 if the following deductibles had been used, insuring all vehicles for collision and comprehensive: . 10,000 deductible $71,353 . 15,000 deductible $86,446 2. Between 2003-2007, the amount paid by the Property Insurance Fund for auto physical damage claims was $13,065. The City paid $3,000 in deductible. There were six claims, the total paid was $16,065. 3. Annual aggregate limits the number of deductibles to 3 if the $10,000 or $15,000 deductible option is chosen. 4. The 2008 premium for this coverage is $30,361 with a $500 deductible. $10,000 deductible the premium would be $14,574 and $15,000 deductible the premium would be $11,234. 5. A summary of the insurance coverage the City elects is due by December 31. Deductible amounts and the dollar total of vehicles to be covered are included in the summary. Recommendation for Action by Committee and/or Council: Approve $15,000 deductible for auto physical damage policy. Include all licensed vehicles for auto physical damage coverage. Date of Committee Action: November 27,2007 Planned Date of Council Action (if required): December 11, 2007 Total $ Needed: None Fiscal Note(s): Savings in premium based on experience. $ Budgeted: $ Unbudgeted: Expenditure Account(s) to Be Used: . VEHICLE DATE PURCHASED n ----- --- ---------- - ----------- j_~!~Oshkosh Dump ,..ruc~__- -- 1985 MAC Truck ------ - ---- - ------------ ---- J_986 Che"y Truck ------ 1988 Ford Truck - - -- ---------- 1989 Chevrolet Truck ---------- - 1992 GMC Truck (4WQL__-- 1993 Ford Pick-Up_Truck_- 1995 Ford Econoline Van ----- -- -------- - - - 1995 Ford Truck 1996 IHC Truck 1996 IHC Truck - - - ------- -- 1997 International 2554 Truck Nov. 1996 ---------- -- - ------ 1~~!3_Q()cl9.e_Tru~_- ----------,--------- --. 1998 Equipment Trailer . 1998 -199S-FordCrown Victoria -----T ---------------------,-- ------- - ---------- -1-- ------ - - . - 1iii-gR:~;~::rEiCk == =í=~~r", 19~:11 ~~~~ 2~:~~-~~~~;U_~k--==~------_J~~_~ay, ~~9~_- -- --- . t999_GMC 1/2 ,-oJ1_f'i9_k-_~f>_- i----_____--i 1999 International Truck April, 1999 ' ---- ----- --- - ----- -- -- - - ------------------ r-- _1JJ~9 International Trucki\pril, 1999 ___I 2000 Ford F250 Pick-~p__- Jun~, 2000 - ! 2900 IHC Truck - - August~_~06 --- 2QOLCJ"1ev!()I~t'-r11paJé3- - ___lY1arch, 2001_- -- 2001 Equipment Ir~ile-,"-__---- --2001 20Q'1lnte~national?55~J-ruck Sept. 2000 2002 poct.ge '3al!1_Iruc!...__- - - - -- february, 2002 2002 Ford Truck January, 2002 2002GMC - - -~=====~--~-~_OCT.~OÓ2-_~- - - -- 2002 International Truck i July, 2001 : ìl~~~~~~J~r ~ri~~'1~i1=== 2003Ç_hevrolet 1"!l.J~~ u- - - F~bruary,~QQ3- . 2003E()r~Cro\Nl1~ictori~_____---- --- ---- May._~Q..9L_- 2003 Ford Expedition____- MÞ,RCH,2003 -- 2003_F()rd Pick-Up (F2_50) --- - - May.- 2003 2003 GMC Truck Feb. 2003 ---- - ---------------- - - -______n__-- - 2003 GMC Truck Jan. 2003 --- - - ------------- ------- 2lJQ} International 7400 Truck ~ept. 200? . 2004 GMC Truck April, 2004 . 2004 International 7400 Truck Au: 2003---! ------ - ----------- - ------- ,A.pril, 1989_~ -------- - ------ JUNE, 1995 -------- ------ ------ - PURCHASE PRICE -------- 65,951 _~8,-Q..90 9,245 - _~5,9!~ 14,133 21,250 _--_14,5~9 16,253 ---.160,000 ___1 07 ,3~~ 107,345 J~ 150 27,094 ------ 6,000 21,009 ~_2,974 - 2~,~?Q 13,957 17,147 12,827 15,850 - - --- --------- 89,200 - ~~,~Q.Q 21,730 43,050 19,070 - -~,OOQ 90,922 30,880 170,000 19,283 92,362 230,000 16,773 _J 6,687 1~,733 29,979 m_- 20,O~Q 25,162 26,604 - --___22,3?6 40,381 106,000 42,492 107,137 . . . VEHICLE DATE PURCHASED -------------- ---------------+-- 2005 Ford Expedition April, 2005 2005 Ford Crown-\7ictoria-------: --May, 2005 2005 Ford--Crown Vi~9--,"ié3 - ~~- -----L-- May, 2005-- ~~~ l~E~~~;i;::~k -===~=t=-I~~'iË= 20Q9Qodge S~rinter- ~------ - -- u_~----- May,_~~O~_u 2006 Ford Ranger : Feb. 27, 2006 i! ~~~f~!~rU~k-~~~-=~--~t~r~:.. 2007_Cbevrolet Tru~____-- - S~f>L~OOL- - 2QO?_Equip_r1'1_~nt Trailer March 2007 2007 Ford Crown Victoria Feb. 2007 - -- ---------------- 2007ford Crown Vict2!~_- Feb, 2007 2007 Ford Crown Victoria Feb. 2007 -------- - --------- ---- 2007 Internatiional Truck Jan. 2007 ----- --------- - -- ----------- 2008 Ford Crown Victoria ------_u_- ~LJly,~Q..Q7__- '?QQ.~_Ford- C_æ~n V}ctoria___- - July,~OO?- 2008 Fs>rd Crown Victoria July, 2Q()'7 2008 Ford Pick-UEIr!J_cl<__- -L - -~é!~, 20Q? 20Q~ Inl~J1~tio_n~1 Truck --- _Ma~, ?QQ?_-- ------------------------ ---- ------- Total ------------- ----- PURCHASE PRICE - ---- -------- -- 25,641 - -- ---- 20,639 20,162 ---- 26,450 ---- n 1~,QQO 20,000 17,836 31 ,293 13,195 ---- - -- --- 22,047 14,628 -- _100,~94 22,402 4,500 ----- 20,6.~~ - - _____20,624 _n 2~_!~24 101,QOQ -- ~,~14 - ------ 20,614 20,614 31 ,145 108,000 T--- I I - 1 I I 3,121,691