CCR2007232. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #232-2007 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY RUEKERT/MIELKE FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR MOORLAND ROAD WATER TOWER WHEREAS, The attached proposal submitted by RuekertlMielke outlines the engineering tasks necessary to complete the design, bidding and construction administration a new water tower; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the documentation and has recommended approval to the Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the proposal submitted by RuekertlMielke for design and construction services for the Moorland Road Water Tower. DATED THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER ,2007. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #232-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 11/07jmb . . . w 11(L'"~o\ ùtt' ö~ 4t ;? ~ ~ - 2. 007 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance Committee/Common Council To: Finance Committee/Common Council ~ From: Engineering,.Department, David J. White, P.E., City Enginee~ Subject: Design and Construction Services Agreement for Moorland Road T~ er Date: November 19, 2007 Background Analysis of the existing fire flows available to proposed commercial and industrial development in the Moorland Road corridor identifies substandard conditions. The ability to provide adequate flows to this area requires the construction of a new water tower. The developer of the lands west of Moorland Road and south of College Ave will dedicate to the City a parcel along College Ave for locating a new tower. Attached is the Ruekert/Mielke proposal that outlines the engineering tasks necessary to complete the design, bidding and construction administration for a new tower. The total fee is $76,000.00 with the fees for each part of the process as follows: Preliminary Design: $6,500 Final Design: $19,000 Bidding Phase: $4500 Construction Phase: $43,500 Reimbursable Expenses: $2500 The process to design, acquire DNR approvals, bid and construct this project is expected to take 50 weeks. Beginning the process near the end of 2007 will complete the tower by the end of 2008. The tower will be painted in the summer of 2009. The cost to hire a sub-consultant such as Dixon Engineering to inspect the painting operation is estimated to cost approximately $15,000. The preliminary construction cost estimate for the water tower is $1,000,000. Recommendation for Action by Committee/Council: I recommend that the Finance Committee/Common Council approve the Engineering Services proposal from RuekertlMielke in the amount of $76,000 Fiscal Note(s): Total $ Requested: $76,000.00 Amount of Total Requested Budgeted: 100% Amount of Total Requested Unbudgeted: 0% Expenditure Account(s) number recommended be used: TID #10 S:\CITYHALL\Engineering\Water Projects\Moorland Tower\RM design agreement 111907.doc . . . . . Ruekert.Mielke engineering solutions for a working world November 30, 2007 Mr. David J. White, P.E. EngineeringlDirector of Public Works Projects City of Muskego P.O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150-0749 RE: Moorland Road TIF Area Elevated Water Storage Tank Amended Engineering Services Proposal ~ Dear David: Per your request, we appreciate the opportunity to provide this engineering services and level of effort proposal for design and construction of the referenced project. The basic services provided will include, and be covered by, those services referenced in our Agreement for Professional Services (AGREEMENT) with the City, dated December 15, 2003. More specifically, the following basic services in the AGREEMENT will be used: . Preliminary Design Phase - Section 1.3 . Final Design Phase - Section 1.4 . Bidding or Negotiating Phase - Section 1.5 . Construction Phase - Section 1.6 We understand a new tank is needed primarily ~o provide fire protection for the Moorland Road TIF area in the vicinity of Moorland Road and College Avenue. We further understand a site suitable for the tank is available in this area, and it either has or will be acquired by the City. The tank will be a single pedestal spheroid style, which is the same design style as the City's other existing elevated tank. The tank maximum water storage elevation will be identical to that of the City's existing elevated tank. As a supplement to these basic services, we propose the following scope: 1. Meet with the City to identify the tank storage capacity, site considerations, desired options and appurtenances for the tank, site considerations and other details as appropriate. 2. Perform a design survey of the site. 11300000 Miscellaneous Project Files> 207 Misc Engineering> Proposallamended white-20071130-engineering services proposal.doc W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 . Fax: (262) 542-5631 . www.ruekert-mielke.com . . . . Ruekert.Mielke engineering solutions for a working world Letter to Mr. David J. White, P.E. EngineeringlDirector of Public Works Projects City of Muskego November 30, 2007 Page 2 3. Prepare engineering design drawings for bidding the project. The drawings would include a site plan, SCADA equipment design, connecting water main and appurtenances layout, and views of the tank identifying required features and options. The drawings would also include details for required features and options. 4. Prepare a project manual including technical specifications, advertisement for bids and proposal form. 5. Solicit proposals from qualified finns for perfonning soil borings. Review proposals and recommend a finn for perfonning the soils work. Coordinate the geotechnical report with the bidding documents for the tank. 6. Prepare and forward submittal infonnation to the DNR for approval of the tank under NR 811, Wisconsin Administrative Code. 7. Prepare and forward submittal infonnation to the PSC for approval to construct the tank under PSC 185, Wisconsin Administrative Code. 8. Review bids received and recommend award. 9. Arrange, attend and record a preconstruction meeting with the city and contractor. 10. Coordinate, calculate and perfonn construction staking. 11. Review and process shop drawing submittals required by the contract documents. 12. Process progress payments and respond to contractor requests for infonnation. 13. Review claims. Draft and process change orders. 14. Provide full time on-site inspection for underground pipeline installation and for pavmg. 15. Perfonn and document erosion control inspections during and after construction as required under NR 151, Wisconsin Administrative Code. 16. Attend site progress meetings. Make periodic site visits at appropriate times to document progress and observe work. 17. Perfonn an inspection of the work to detennine substantial completion status. Prepare a punch list of items needing completion to qualify for substantial completion. Prepare Certificate of Substantial Completion. W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 . Fax: (262) 542-5631 . www.ruekert-mielke.com . . . . Ruekert.Mielke engineering solutions for a working world Letter to Mr. David J. White, P.E. EngineeringlDirector of Public Works Projects City of Muskego November 30,2007 Page 3 18. Coordinate DNR inspection of the completed project. 19. Perform a second inspection of the project to determine final completion status. 20. Prepare and forward final pay recommendation and project record drawings. We propose to provide these services using our standard hourly rates per the AGREEMENT as follows: Phase Estimated Compensation Preliminary Design Phase Final Design Phase Bidding or Negotiating Phase Construction Phase $ 6,500 19,000 4,500 43.500 $ 73,500 Total The design phase services would be considered complete upon written recommendation of contract award. The construction administration phase services would be considered complete upon forwarding of the final pay recommendation. Reimbursables such as mileage, photos and outside printing costs are over and above these amounts and are estimated at $2,500. The following services are specifically excluded from this proposal: 1. Site acquisition assistance. 2. Design of water mains beyond the site parcel boundaries. 3. The cost of soil borings and geotechnical report. While we would solicit proposals and coordinate the geotechnical report with the bidding documents, the cost of the soils field work and report by the selected subconsultant would be paid directly by the City. Based on our past experience, we estimate this cost at about $4,500. 4. No final landscaping and fencing would be specified or included with the tank contract. Based on our past experience, this work can be performed most efficiently and economically directly by contractors specializing in these types of work. W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 . Fax: (262) 542-5631 . www.ruekert-mielke.com . . . . Ruekert. Mielke engineering solutions for a working world Letter to Mr. David J. White, P.E. EngineeringlDirector of Public Works Projects City of Muskego November 30, 2007 Page 4 5. SCADA System Integration - Our design will include SCADA instrumentation devices to monitor appropriate conditions at the tank. However, integration of these devices with the existing water utility SCADA system is not included. RIM can provide SCADA system integration services at start-up on an hourly basis. 6. Specialist Subconsultants - Owners sometimes desire to have specialist subconsultants involved with inspection of various portions of the work. These portions are typically field welding inspection, shop paint coating inspection, and/or field paint coating inspection. The costs of these specialist services are not included in this proposal. We do recommend that at least part time inspection of field coatings be provided by a specialist subconsultant. We can discuss this further as you see fit. The above described professional services will be provided to you in accordance with our Agreement for Professional Services with the City dated December 15, 2003. Please indicate your acceptance of this proposal by havjng the appropriate authorized official(s) affix their signature(s) where indicated and returning two fully executed copies to our office. Very truly yours, RUEKERT/MIELKE ( ttuMf~ Gregory E. Bolin, P .E. Project Engineer GEB:tag cc: Scott Kloskowski, Public Utilities Superintendent Steve Schultz, P.E., RuekertlMielke Doug Nelson, P.E., RuekertlMielke Kevin Hickman, RuekertlMielke Pat Wohlers, P .E., RuekertlMielke File W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 . Fax: (262) 542-5631 . www.ruekert-mielke.com . . . , . Ruekert.Mielke engineering solutions for a working world Letter to Mr. David J. White, P.E. EngineeringlDirector of Public Works Projects City of Muskego November 30, 2007 Page 5 CLIENT NAME: By: Title: '1f~ ATIE~ By: . . 0 OA) Title: -=fft. . lAr<l V- Date: /é)..f3f 0.7 Date: Designated Representative: Name: DCt\f ~ ð w l~~ Title: ~-.-\-~ 12~~ ""~~\ ì ....~ Phone Number: Z Ce Z. - ú? q - $Z.8 ~ Facsimile Number: 2. Co 2. - " 7q - ÇG;.I '-, ENGINEER: RU~kert~~ ~- BY,~- Title: Senior Vice President Date: November 30. 2007 Designated Representative: Name: Gregorv E. Bolin. P.E. Title: Proiect Engineer Phone Number: (262) 542-5733 Facsimile Number: (262) 542-5631 W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 . Fax: (262) 542-5631 . www.ruekert-mielke.com . . . . . Ruekert. Mielke engineering solutions for a working world November 8, 2007 Mr. David 1. White, P .E. Engineering/Director of Public Works Projects City of Muskego P.O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150-0749 ! ' -. 1, v RE: Moorland Road TIF Area Elevated Water Storage Tank Engineering Services Proposal Dear David: Per your request, we appreciate the opportunity to provide this engineering services and level of effort proposal for design and construction of the referenced project. The basic services provided will include, and be covered by, those services referenced in our Agreement for Professional Services (AGREEMENT) with the City, dated December 15, 2003. More specifically, the following basic services in the AGREEMENT will be used: . Preliminary Design Phase - Section 1.3 . Final Design Phase - Section 1.4 . Bidding or Negotiating Phase - Section 1.5 . Construction Phase - Section 1.6 We understand a new tank is needed primarily to provide fire protection for the Moorland Road TIF area in the vicinity of Moorland Road and College Avenue. We further understand a site suitable for the tank is available in this area, and it either has or will be acquired by the City. The tank will be a single pedestal spheroid style, which is the same design style as the City's other existing elevated tank. The tank maximum water storage elevation will be identical to that of the City's existing elevated tank. As a supplement to these basic services, we propose the following scope: 1. Meet with the City to identify the tank storage capacity, site considerations, desired options and appurtenances for the tank, site considerations and other details as appropriate. 2. PerfonTI a design survey of the site. 11300000 Miscellaneous Project Files> 207 Misc Engineering> Proposallwhite-200711 08-engineering services proposaLdoc W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 . Fax: (262) 542-5631 . www.ruekert-mielke.com . . . , .Ruekert.Mielke engineering solutions for a working world Letter to Mr. David J. White, P.E. Engineering/Director of Public Works Projects City of Muskego November 8, 2007 Page 2 3. Prepare engineering design drawings for bidding the project. The drawings would include a site plan, SCADA equipment design, connecting water main and appurtenances layout, and views of the tank identifying required features and options. The drawings would also include details for required features and options. 4. Prepare a project manual including technical specifications, advertisement for bids and proposal form. 5. Solicit proposals from qualified firms for perfoffi1ing soil borings. Review proposals and recommend a firm for performing the soils work. Coordinate the geotechnical report with the bidding documents for the tank. 6. Prepare and forward submittal information to the DNR for approval of the tank under NR 811, Wisconsin Administrative Code. 7. Prepare and forward submittal information to the PSC for approval to construct the tank under PSC 185, Wisconsin Administrative Code. 8. Review bids received and recommend award. 9. Arrange, attend and record a preconstruction meeting with the city and contractor. 10. Coordinate, calculate and perform construction staking. 11. Review and process shop drawing submittals required by the contract documents. 12. Process progress payments and respond to contractor requests for information. 13. Review claims. Draft and process change orders. 14. Provide full time on-site inspection for underground pipeline installation and for pavmg. 15. Perform and document erosion control inspections during and after construction as required under NR 151, Wisconsin Administrative Code. 16. Attend site progress meetings. Make periodic site visits at appropriate times to document progress and observe work. 17. Perform an inspection of the work to determine substantial completion status. Prepare a punch list of items needing completion to qualify for substantial completion. Prepare Certificate of Substantial Completion. W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 . Fax: (262) 542-5631 . www.ruekert-mielke.com . . . r . Ruekert. Mielke engineering solutions for a working world Letter to Mr. David 1. White, P.E. Engineering/Director of Public Works Projects City of Muskego November 8, 2007 Page 3 18. Coordinate DNR inspection of the completed project. 19. Perform a second inspection of the project to determine final completion status. 20. Prepare and forward final pay recommendation and project record drawings. We propose to provide these services using our standard hourly rates per the AGREEMENT as follows: Phase Estimated Compensation Preliminary Design Phase Final Design Phase Bidding or Negotiating Phase Construction Phase $ 6,500 19,000 4,500 43.500 $ 73,500 Total The design phase services would be considered complete upon written recommendation of contract award. The construction administration phase services would be considered complete upon forwarding of the final pay recommendation. Reimbursables such as mileage, photos and outside printing costs are over and above these amounts and are estimated at $2,500. The following services are specifically excluded from this proposal: 1. Site acquisition assistance. 2. Design of water mains beyond the site parcel boundaries. 3. The cost of soil borings and geotechnical report. While we would solicit proposals and coordinate the geotechnical report with the bidding documents, the cost of the soils field work and report by the selected subconsultant would be paid directly by the City. Based on our past experience, we estimate this cost at about $4,500. 4. No final landscaping and fencing would be specified or included with the tank contract. Based on our past experience, this work can be performed most efficiently and economically directly by contractors specializing in these types of work. W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 . Fax: (262) 542-5631 . www.ruekert-mielke.com . . . , 8Ruekert.Mielke engineering solutions for a working world Letter to Mr. David J. White, P.E. Engineering/Director of Public Works Projects City of Muskego November 8, 2007 Page 4 5. SCADA System Integration - Our design will include SCADA instrumentation devices to monitor appropriate conditions at the tank. However, integration of these devices with the existing water utility SCADA system is not included. RIM can provide SCADA system integration services at start-up on an hourly basis. 6. Specialist Subconsultants - Owners sometimes desire to have specialist sub consultants involved with inspection of various portions of the work. These portions are typically field welding inspection, shop paint coating inspection, and/or field paint coating inspection. The costs of these specialist services are not included in this proposal. We do recommend that at least part time inspection of field coatings be provided by a specialist subconsultant. We can discuss this further as you see fit. Thanks for the opportunity to provide this proposal. Please call with any questions and/or to discuss this further. Very truly yours, RUEKERT/MIELKE ~~~~ Gregory E. Bolin, P .E. Project Engineer GEB:tag cc: Scott Kloskowski, Public Utilities Superintendent Steve Schultz, P.E., Ruekert/Mielke Doug Nelson, P.E., RuekertiMielke Kevin Hickman, RuekertlMielke Pat Wohlers, P.E., RuekertiMielke File W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1020 (262) 542-5733 . Fax: (262) 542-5631 . www.ruekert-mielke.com