CCR2007191. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #191-2007 ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS (No Parking - Settlement Court) BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego that the following traffic regulations as indicated by the official signs and signals designated are hereby adopted. The Highway Superintendent, in conformity with Chapter 349 State Statutes, shall place the following official traffic signs and signals at the intersections and upon the highways indicated; that said signs and signals shall be so located as to give adequate warning to users of the highway and no provision of the Traffic Ordinance (Chapter 7) of the Municipal Code for Muskego with respect thereto, shall be enforceable unless and until such signs are erected and in place and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person. All resolutions or parts of the resolutions inconsistent with or contravening this Resolution are hereby repealed. NO PARKING SIGNS Both Sides of Settlement Court from a point 150' south of the centerline of Woods Road to Woods Road BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Treasurer shall file this Resolution in her office as part of the original City records. DATED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER ,2007. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Tracy Snead Ald. Noah Fiedler This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #191-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the Ci ~f ~USkl{y(O reasurer 10/07jmb . . . CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Common Council it wi !\PSO ~ Iq I- 2007 To: Common Council Engineering.Department, David J. White, P.E., City EngineerU\:;J No Parking on Settlement Court 00'\ From: Subject: Date: October 5, 2007 Background Alderman Schaefer submitted a request to the Public Works Committee to prohibit parking along both sides of Settlement Court at the entrance off of Woods Road. High school students have been parking in this area. Recommendation for Action by Common Council: The Public Works Committee at their September 26, 2007 meeting recommended that the Common Council approve no parking restrictions along both sides of Settlement Court from Woods Road to a point south of the median island on Settlement Court. Fiscal Note(s): Total $ Requested: Less than $200 Amount of Total Requested Budgeted: 100% Amount of Total Requested Unbudgeted: 0% Expenditure Account(s) number recommended be used: S:\CITYHALL \Engineering\ Traffic\ Traffic restrictions\Settlement No Parking 100507.doc