RESOLUTION #172-2007
WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the attached professional services
contract between the City of Muskego and Planning and Design Institute, Inc. (PDI) for
assistance with the Janesville Road Streetscaping Planning/Design project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve
the attached Agreement subject to approval of the City Attorney.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to sign the Agreement in
the name of the City.
Ald. Bob Melcher
Ald. Neil Borgman
Ald. Keith Werner
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #172-2007 which
was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
Planning Department
To: Common Council and Finance
From: Jeff Muenkel AICP
Date: August 23, 2007
Janesville Road Streetsæping Contract to Planning and Design Institute, Inc. (POI) Re:
As discussed at the last Council meeting, City staff sent out Request For Proposals for the
streetscaping design work of the upcoming Janesville Road reconstruction from Moorland Road to
Racine Avenue. This was due to the County not partaking in these efforts as it is up to individual
municipalities to plan for any enhancement related items (Landscaping, street pavement techniques,
lighting, furniture, etc.). A number of proposals were received and staff ultimately picked the Planning
and Design Institute, Inc. (POI) to do this vital work for us as they demonstrated the most knowledge
and expertise surrounding streetscaping and the best ability to take this project thru the public
involvement process.
The County is developing the reconstruction of Janesville Road in the public eye via a Context
Sensitive Design (CSS) process. This process will allow many meetings with stakeholders and the
public over the next year. The public and the stakeholders will be able to comment and influence the
design and the streetscaping to eventually implement a design that hopefully addresses all interests.
The meeting timelines will be known to Council in a short time and the Mayor will be putting together a
list of stakeholders for the CSS meetings shortly.
A draft copy of the contract is enclosed for your review. City staff and POI staff will be on hand at the
Finance Committee in order to answer any questions. Please note that the Council resolution is
subject to any attorney-desired changes for the contract.
The fees for the streetscaping design are not to exceed $71,425 and a majority will be included in the
Janesville Road Reconstruction Capital Budget starting in 2008. The funds required in 2007 will come
from the City's Capital borrowing account.
Thank You.
The City of Muskego. WI
This agreement, effective as of August 28, 2007, is between The City of Muskego
(hereinafter referred to as the Client) and the Planning and Design Institute, Inc., a
Wisconsin Corporation 241 N. Broadway, Suite 300 Milwaukee, WI 53202 (hereinafter
referred to as POI) for professional services to assist in a project entitled:
Janesville Road Streetscaping Planning,lOesign
For this purpose, the CLIENT and POI agree as follows:
Article 1 POI's services
POI shall engage in the following activities on behalf of the client:
. Provide the planning and design of streetscaping elements along Janesville Road in
downtown Muskego as identified in Addendum A.
Article 2 Client's Responsibilities
In addition to those tasks and responsibilities stated in other portions of this Contract, the
Client shall:
1. Provide POI with the most recently available base maps in hard copy and digital
format for the project area.
2. Provide POI with the most recent reports and studies relevant to the project that are
requested by POI and available to the Client or which are otherwise stated in the
Client's scope of services, request for proposals, or other descriptions of this project.
3. Send out timely notices for. and convening, meetings with committees, workshops,
public hearings, informational meetings, and other group meetings. The Client shall
also be responsible for arranging for a suitable location for such meetings.
4. Establish a single point of contact for POI with regard to payment of invoices.
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Article 3 Project Personnel
PDI will provide a project team as follows under the direction of Larry Witzling, PDI President:
Brian Peterson
Jeffrey Rainwater
Ethan Skeels
Project Manager
Project Planner, Landscape Designer
Project Assistant
Bradford Drefcinski Sub-consultant: Landscape Architect
All written reports of PDI shall be authorized by its President. Landscape consultants work set
forth on Addendum C is part ofthe $71,425 basic compensation referred to in Article 5.
Article 4 Estimated Schedule and Budget
PDI shall render its services as expeditiously as is consistent with professional skill and care.
During the course of the Project, anticipated and unanticipated events may impact any
project schedule. Schedules and deadlines shall be established by the Client. PDI reserves
the right to postpone work when, in the opinion of PDI, meeting such deadliness and
schedules is not feasible. If this occurs, PDI shall inform the Client in a timely fashion.
Client agrees to promptly notify PDI if Clíent's schedule or budget changes. Client
acknowledges that significant changes to the Project schedule, budget or the Project's
scope may require Additional services of PDI.
Article 5 Compensation and Payments
5a. Basic compensation
PDI agrees to provide the services as described in Article 1 for a not-to-exceed cost of
$71,425 subject to the terms and limitations of this contract.
5b. Payment Schedule and Rates
Client agrees to pay PDI for percentage of work complete as indicated in Addendum C.
Additional tasks will be reimbursed at the following personnel hourly rates for PDI personnel:
Principal $150
Project Manager $105
Designer/Planner $95
Project Assistant $65
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Client agrees to pay PDI for percentage of work complete as indicated in Addendum C.
Additional tasks will be reimbursed at the following personnel hourly rates for PDI
Landscape Architectural Consultant: $105
5c. Reimbursables:
Reimbursable Expenses:
Express mail
Graphic reproduction of drawings for the Client as described in Article 1
Computer printing
5d. Additional services and compensation
Services not specifically included in Basic Services shall be provided by PDI to the Client at
the same hourly rates for time and materials, and reimbursable expenses. Such additional
services include, but are not limited to time and materials for:
Preparation of base map information not provided to PDI by the Client
Preparation of plan options in addition to those noted in Article 1
Additional meetings for presentation of the work informally or formally
Obtaining additional information at the Client's instructions but not provided by the
Addendum B contains optional scope items that the client may wish to add to the project.
5e. Invoices and timing
PDI shall bill Client for Basic and Additional Services and Reimbursable Expenses once a
month based upon the work completed. In the case of Basic Services. charges in any billing
period shall not exceed the percentage of work completed. PDI will list the work completed,
and the payment due. All payments are due within 30 days of the receipt of invoice.
Payments will be sent to:
Lawrence P. Witzling, President
Planning and Design Institute, Inc.
241 N. Broadway, Suite 300
Milwaukee, WI 53202.
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5f. Payments and timing
If payments are not made by the due date, POI has the right to withhold all work products
and stop work on the project until payment is received. If payments are not made by the
due date, POI reserves the right to modify any agreed upon schedules by increasing such
deadlines by an amount of time equal to the number of days payment has been delayed
past the due date. Payments that are delayed more than 30 days past the due date will be
charged an additional amount (based on the POI's hourly rates) required to prepare
additional notices, letters and related accounting documents. This amount is above and
beyond any agreed upon not-to-exceed limits or other contract amounts. Invoices not paid
within 60 days will be subject to an additional late fee of 1% per month of the unpaid
balance. POI reserves the right to place liens on property for any upped balances.
Article 6 Termination
This agreement shall be terminable by either party on 30 days prior written notice.
In the event of termination hereunder, POI shall be entitled to payment for the percentage of
the Basic Services completed and any Additional Services rendered and Reimbursable
Expenses incurred prior to termination.
Article 7 Ownership of Documents
Upon completion of the work or upon termination of the Agreement, it is understood that all
completed or partially completed data, drawings. records, computations. survey information,
and all other material that POI has collected or prepared in carrying out this Agreement shall
be the property of the POI. The Client will be given copies of the original documents and
digital files.
Article 8 Miscellaneous Provisions
This Agreement is governed by Wisconsin Law.
This Agreement is the entire and integrated agreement between Client and POI and
supercedes all prior negotiations, statements or agreements, either written or oral. This
Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Client and POI.
Neither party can assign this Agreement without the other party's written permission.
Notwithstanding any other term in this Agreement, POI shall not be responsible for another
party's means, methods, techniques, schedules, sequences, procedures or any other related
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Client acknowledges and agrees that proper Project maintenance is required after the
project is complete. Client further acknowledges that, as between the parties to this
Agreement, Client is solely responsible for the results of any lack of or improper
PDI reserves the right to include representations of the Project in its promotional and
professional materials.
Approved as to form:
Name~~-41 ~- Â~
Title: D(c:....-.._) ò:... c..J.. r
Date: , i .;-1 "'-'
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Addendum A
1.1 Operational Planning Meeting
POI will attend this meeting to gather any input offered by attendees regarding streetscape issues
1.2 CSS Meeting 1
POI will attend the CSS meeting as technical advisors. in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
1.3 CSS Meeting 2
POI will attend the CSS meeting as technical advisors. in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
1.4 CSS Meeting 3
POI will attend the CSS meeting as technical advisors. in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
1.5 CSS Meeting 4
POI will attend the ess meeting as technical advisors. in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
1.6 CSS Meeting 5
POI will attend the ess meeting as technical advisors. in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
1.7 Streetscape Subcommittee Meeting 1
The Streetscape Subcommittee is envisioned to be composed of a subset of members of the main
Project Advisory Group (AG) with the possible inclusion of other community members. This group will
be responsible for crafting draft streetscape concepts for reporting to the main AG. PDI will set
agendas. prepare material and run the meeting.
1.8 Streetscape Subcommittee Meeting 2
The Streetscape Subcommittee is envisioned to be composed of a subset of members of the main
Project Advisory Group (AG) with the possible inclusion of other community members. This group will
be responsible for crafting draft streetscape concepts for reporting to the main AG. POI will set
agendas. prepare material and run the meeting.
1.9 Streetscape Subcommittee Meeting 3
The Streetscape Subcommittee is envisioned to be composed of a subset of members of the main
Project Advisory Group (AG) with the possible inclusion of other community members. This group will
be responsible for crafting draft streetscape concepts for reporting to the main AG. POI will set
agendas. prepare material and run the meeting.
1.10 Streetscape Subcommittee Meeting 4
The Streetscape Subcommittee is envisioned to be composed of a subset of members of the main
Project Advisory Group (AG) with the possible inclusion of other community members. This group will
Page 6 of 13
be responsible for crafting draft streetscape concepts for reporting to the main AG. POI will set
agendas, prepare material and run the meeting.
1.11 Public Information Meeting 1 (PIM)
POI will prepare material and attend the PIM meeting, in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
1.12 Publlc Information Meeting 2 (PIM)
POI will prepare material and attend the PIM meeting, in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
1.13 Project Team Coordination Meetings (5 total)
POI will meet periodically with the Project Team, including City and County Staff, Ayers Associates,
and CH2M Hill to coordinate project components and track progress.
1.14 PDI Coordination Meetings with the City of Muskego staff and/or officials (4 total)
POI will meet periodically with City staff and officials to discuss project issues
2.1 Background and Base Mapping
Based on research and data provided by the City, County. and Ayres, POI will develop base mapping
which will be used throughout the design process. Additional background research will include
review of previous project area studies and similar projects as precedent examples.
Deliverables: 1 page summary of studies
Autocad base map of project area
2.2 Environmental Resource and Infrastructure Mapping
In keeping with the main goals of Context Sensitive Solutions (CSD) process, POI will assist Ayers
Associates with identification of existing environmental features and environmentally sensitive areas
throughout the study area with available mapping. Identified features should include:
. Wetlands
. Natural Resource Areas
. Stream and Lake Edge Buffer
. Parks and Open Space
. Designated Bike Lanes and Routes
. Parks and Open Space
Deliverab/es: 1- Full size (22x34), 1- Half size (11x17)
digital pdt file
1 page summary of study
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2.3. Site Investigation
PDI will conduct an on-site inventory and evaluation of the project area. The City staff and
Streetscape Subcommittee members will be encouraged to take part in the interactive tour.
Deliverables: 1 site visit (tour)
1 page summary of meeting notes
Photos documenting existing corridor conditions regarding streetscape issues
3.1 Prep for CSS Workshops 1 & 2
PDI will prepare material for the CSS meeting. in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
3.2 Prep for Streetscape Subcommittee Meetings 1 & 2
PDI will prepare material for the subcommittee meetings. in addition to other materials outlined
elsewhere in this scope.
3.3 Opportunities and Constraints Plan
With the information gathered through base mapping, research and on-site investigation, the PDI will
create an Opportunities and Constraints Plan. A short summary of initial findings will also be
provided. These materials will act as a guide for future mapping and workshop activities in the design
process. Key criteria will include, but not be limited to:
. Transportation and Circulation
. Parks and Open Space
. Pedestrian Circulation and Connections
. Historically Significant Sites
. Gateway locations
. Utility Locations
. Stormwater and Drainage
. Existing Streetscape Amenities
. Environmental Features
Deliverables: 1- Full size (22x34), 1- Half size (11x17)
digital pdf file
3.4 Prepare Design Preference Survey
PDI will prepare a Corridor Image Survey and presentation to be given to the Streetscape
Subcommittee. The Corridor Image Survey will feature a series of character images to elicit reaction
and ranking from the Subcommittee. The results from this survey will help form a basis for design
Deliverables: Image survey
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4.1 Concept Alternatives
Based on public input and data gathering. PDI will coordinate with Ayers Associates, the Streetscape
Subcommittee. and the main project Advisory Group, to create two to three (2-3) concept
alternatives for the streetscape. Proposed design elements will include, but not be limited to:
. Design Approach and Theme
. Social and economic activity - including specific pedestrian nodes, neighborhood gateways
. Landscape and environmental issues - including public places, green space, and
streetscape issues
. Sustainability, operation, and maintenance
. Pedestrian Amenities, including but not limited to:
0 Street Lighting
0 Benches
0 Planters
0 Plant Species
0 Trash Receptacles
0 Bicycle Racks
0 Paving Materials
0 Crosswalk Treatments
0 Plantings
c Any Gateway landscape and Gateway Signage concepts that may be identified during
the preliminary design process.
A brief text summary will accompany each concept alternative, describing the individual design
themes for the streetscape. This text will highlight key design elements as listed above. In addition
to the proposed concept alternative plans and summaries, Concept alternatives will include an
overall plan view, images and sketches and a preliminary cost estimate. These photos and
illustrations may also be used in subsequent meetings to help define preferences for design
conditions and development options.
Deliverables: 1. Full size (22x34). 1- Half size (11x17) of each concept alternative
digital pdf file
4.2 Prep for Streetscape Subcommittee meetings 3 & 4
PDI will prepare material for the subcommittee meetings, in addition to other materials outlined
elsewhere in this scope.
4.3 Prep for CSS Workshops 3 & 4
PDI will prepare material for the CSS meeting, in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
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5.1 Preliminary Design Concept
The components of the preferred concept alternative will be collectively added into an overall
conceptual master plan for the corridor. This plan will indicate proposed locations for streetscape
and pedestrian amenities, traffic features and plazas/ open spaces. In addition to an illustrative
plan view, a design portfolio will provide more detailed images and descriptions of desired amenities
along with preliminary costs.
Deliverables: 1- Full size (22x34), 1- Haft size (11x17)
digital pdf fife of preliminary concept and amenities portfolio
5.2 Preliminary Phasing! nmeline and Costs
Based on the Preliminary Design Concept, POI will work with the project team to provide an outline of
ideas for implementation strategy and phasing. In addition to the outline, the design team will
provide a preliminary cost estimate that will be broken down by phase.
De/iverables: 5 Copies of outflne and preliminary cost estimate, digital pdf fife
. 5.3 Final Concept
Based on comments from the Advisory Group, POI will provide one (1) set of revisions to the concept
and amenities portfolio.
Deliverables: 1- Full size overall concept (22x34), 1- Half size overall concept (11x17)
digital pdf fife of concepts
5.4 Prep for CSS Workshop 5
POI will prepare material for the CSS meeting, in coordination with Ayres and CH2M Hill.
5.5 Revisions to Final COncept
Based on input, POI will provide one (1) set of revisions to the Final Concept Plan and amenities
portfolio. This set of documents will provide a comprehensive plan that can be taken to various
committees for adoption and cost feasibility analyses. In addition, the plans will act as a map for a
smooth transition between conceptual design, design development and construction drawings.
De/iverables: 1- Full size overall concept (22x34), 1- Half size final concept (11x17),
15 copies of amenities portfolio
digital pdf file of final concept and amenities portfolio
Page 10 of 13
6.1 Project Team Meeting: Construction Documents
POI will meet with the Project Team to discuss timeline, cost and phasing of the streetscape
implementation. In addition, utility locations throughout the corridor shall be coordinated and
finalized with the project engineer and utility companies. Outcome of this meeting will define project
limits of phasing and tímeline for construction documents and bidding.
Deliverables: 1 Meeting
6.2 Construction Documents
POI will provide construction documents and specifications for the streetscape. Review opportunities
will occur at 50%, 75% and 90% completion. Scope of plan sets and specifications will include the
Demolition & Erosion Control
layout! Site Plan
Phasing Plan
Planting Plan
Planting and Construction Details
Irrigation Design and Details
Written Specifications
. The City will be responsible for any required engineering for the plan as well as providing
administrative detail (front end specifications) for the project manual.
Deliverables: Construction Documents
Full Size Copy (22x34)
Half Size Copy (11x17)
1. Copy of Specifications
6.3 Construction Administration
POI will attend pre-bid meeting and assist with any contractor Questions or comments. Once the bid
for construction is awarded, POI will meet with the contractor on-site to review the schedule of work
and assist with any questions. 'n addition to this on-site meeting, POI will provide up to five (5) site
visits for review of the following;
. Plant and amenity inspection at delivery
. Staking of plant locations
. Substantial completion reviews
Deliverables: One Page summary of each construction review
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Addendum B
The following potential scope items are not included in the contract. The City may wish to add these
items at additional cost.
Based on public input and desired design theme. POI will develop concepts and construction
documents for desired signage within the Janesville Road corridor.
DeJiverables: Two project team meetings. One public visioning session, Full Size Copy (22x34) &
Half Size Copy (11x17) of location map, 2 copies of specifications
Fee: $6.295
Several properties along Janesville Road between Parkland Drive and Lannon Drive are potential
redevelopment sites. POI will prepare a master site plan concept for the sites, with the goal of
crafting a plan which is integral with the proposed streetscape design while creating a "town center"
for Muskego.
. Deliverables: Colored site plan drawing showing buitding footprints, street patterns. parking areas,
landscape development, sidewalks and other pedestrian features.
Fee: estimated at $600Q..$10.000 per redevelopment area
Page 12 of 13
Addendum C
proj..t "'etines
44,915 ,
1.1 O,eratlonel Ple""lne "'eetlne . J1~
1.2 CSS meetlne 1 , 600
1.3 CS'S mutlne 2 . 600
..-- i 1,3~0 1.4 CSS mutlne 3
1.6 CSS meotine" , 1,3~0
1.6 CSS meotine S . 600
1.7 'Strutsoe,e suboommittee meotine 1 . USO
1.8 Streetsoe,e subcommittee mutlne 2 . 900
1.9 Street..e,e subcommítte. mutine 3 . 900
1.1 Struts"pe suboommittee mootinc.. ' 900
1.11 Pu~loc informetJ~n ...eotlne IP"") 1 . 1,0~0
1.12 Publoc Inform.tí~n ... ootinf (P"") 2 . 1.050
1.13 P'~Ject Tum Coo'd,netíon meebnes (5 totel) . 2.310
Ln POi coo'dlnet.on ",eetinfs with City ateII' (t totel) . 1.110
..,-., .
Project Start Up
180<kC,o...nd end 8... M',p",~_.__._......._.._... IEnVI'onmentel Resou'c. end In/'ut.u,t...,. "'ep,on,
I Site Invortlfebon
1.040 I
545 I
1,480 I
3 Opportunltl81 and Constrlants
3.1 Prep for CSS WorkshOpS 1 "2 . 210
3.2 Prtp for Streets<<,e Subcommittee "'eet,nC 1&2 $ 1,100
3.3 Opport...nltlu end Con.troon" Pion . 1.425
3.4 Prep.., Detien Pre/tren.e SUNey $ 815
..,Jpt~ .
.. Plan Development
4.1 ICenc"tM,mttlvu (2-3) $ ?31~
4.2 IPrep f~r Strub..,e Subcommittee "'.ebnf 3&4 . 1.120
4.3 Ipr.p for CSS Workshop. 3 ".. $ 990
auJnotItl .
6 Plan Implementation
5.1 Prellmlnery Onicn Concept . 5.000
5.2 Prelom Strete('f of Imphm.n!8tlon. P"""(I T'mel,n. & Co.t . 2.185
6.3 fin.' Con",t $ J,~Z5
5.4 Pre. for CS'S Work,ho. 5 . /90
5.5 R.....ions to Fln'l Conu.t $ 2,030
suJpt~ .
Construction Documents
26,510 ,
8.1 Ip,aJ.ct T.... .....tlne . Can.trudle" Oecu..."h . 1.200
6.2 1 Construction Oocumentl . 21.480
6.3 I Construction '-dtninistretrion $ 3,630
suJptotltl. .'L'
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