CCR2007162. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #162-2007 APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE FOR E-MAIL ARCHIVING SYSTEM INTRADYN COMPLIANCE VAULT WHEREAS, The Information Systems Director was requested to research an e-mail archiving system and has proposed purchasing the Intradyn ComplianceVault from Meridian IT; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposal to purchase the archiving software/hardware from Meridian IT at a total cost of $18,429 and has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the expenditure of $18,429 for the purchase of the Intradyn ComplianceVault from Meridian IT for e-mail archiving. DATED THIS 14TH DAY OF AUGUST ,2007. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #162-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ~( :J/;~~' erk- Treasurer 8/07jmb . . . E-mail archiving solutions Intradyne ComplianceVault 500 GB Appliance Includes 3 year hardware and software warranty Mimosa NearPoint for Exchange Includes 1 year software maintenance Symantec Enterprise Vault Includes 1 year software maintenance, 3 years hardware maintenance Vendor Price Meridian IT 18,429 Meridian IT 27,784 CDW-G 23,973 . Prepared For: CIty of Muskego AUn: Joe Sommers Date: July 20, 2007 Quote Number: 072007BB2-COM-lntradyn Account Manager: Eleanor Zywicki Inside Rep: Ben 8aenen 8meridian IT Meridian IT, Inc. 316 N. Milwaukee 51. - Sle 406 Milwaukee, WI 53202 PH: 414-765-9933 FX: 414-765-9938 Product Code Customer PrIce Lead TIme Product Description Qty Ust CVtU 500 fmducIs Infradyn CompiianceVauft Rackrnounf EamU Archiving Appliance - 500GB - Includes 3YR parts and labor depot HW warranty. CompiianceVauh Toof-less Rack Kit ForCVIU 500: AtT-3library 81 : IU B-cartridge carousel, wUh barcode reader and one 1 DOGB AIT-3 data cartridge. Sony 1 PI< AIT3 100/26OGB Tape Cartridge Sony 1 PI< AIT3 Cleaning Cartridge Sony library 1 U Rack Kit Belkin 2FT External SCSI Cable - H068M to H068M 8 1 1 1 AXXHERAIL UB-81/A3-BR-BB 9,995.00 7,975.00 75.00 57.00 3,808.00 3,141.00 70.83 54.00 65.59 47.00 400.00 344.00 97.99 35.00 SDX3100C1IAWW SDX3XClWW ACY-RK81 F2N991-Ð2-T equipment Subtotal: SWIYCVIUSOO Maintenance Inlradyn 1 Year Software Maintenance/Support - Phone & Email Support + Software Updates 1,555.00 1,999.00 Malnt_nce Subtotal: LABOR P"",""..lonal Services MericflaJ1 IT, loe. InstaHation, Confrguration, and Testing of Compl'ranceVau/t 16 (estimated at 16 hours- additional time wiU be biUed at $150.OOIhr) Professional Services Subtotal: 150.00 . GRAND TOTAL: .QfIIQH SW3YCV1 U5OO Intraclyn 3 Year SotIware Maintenance/Support - Phone & Email Support + Software Updates 3,998.00 5,997.00 CUstomer Exlended 7,975.00 57.00 3,141.00 432.00 47.00 344.00 35.00 12,031.00 1,555.~. 1,555.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 15,986.00 I 3,998.00 , . Meridian IT, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAl Page 1 of 1 t. . 0- 1% l.d .. .., ....., ~'N j':';'; .)>.. IS' &'.;.,.,0',: iJ :' ' ~.:: . " > ;J-~ g~~ iïg ~3. . ...n :r .. .. " ","I ~~ .. . ,,~ c.8 ,. ø> =<:,. ı~ ~~ = if ~ 2: ~~ ~= .. .. .. - -" ~~ <1 n" ~ 5' l' ;; ~ . rn 0 Z !< :r .. I ı ~ .. ii n 0 { ~ ~ " " " '" 1 !!. ~ ~ ~ >'" ~s .. ~ C" a. ~& :> :z: ~I , III ~ i :::~ CI) III 3 i1 !!' ~ ~i -0 CIt g 0 :> ~ ('") 0 :> VI ~ '< 0 5i ñ! VI ~ ~ ~ -0 "":Z: .. 0 III ~ ;:;'a. 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Compliëlnce VII Email A and Email Archiving Requirements in the Government Market . Email sent by or between government workers is considered a matter of public record in many states; as just one example. California has its Public Records Act. This means anyone. induding the media, citizen groups. and government watchdogs, has the right to access copies of emailed documents. The California Public Records Act is designed to give the public access to information in possession of public agencies: Mpublic records are open to inspection at all times during the office hours of the. . . agency and every person has a right to inspect any public record, exæpt as.. . provided. [and to reæive] an exact copy" of an identifiable record unless impracticable. The agency always bears the burden of justifying nondisclosure, and "any reasonably segre- gable portion. .. shall be available for inspection.. . after deletion of the portions which are exempt." Who's Covered: All state and local agencies. including: (1) any offi- cer. bureau, or department; (2) any "board. commission or agency" created by the agency (induding advisory boards); and (3) nonprof- it entities that are legislative bodies of a local agency. Many state and regional agencies are required to have written public record policies. What's Covered: "Records" include all communications related to public business "regardless of physical form or characteristics, including any writing. picture, sound, or symbol. whether paper. magnetic or other media.. Electronic records, including email, are of course covered. Many other states and local governments have similar laws requir- ing them to archive and retrieve emai!. . SONY Â~ Tape COpyright' 2005. Intrallyn Inc. All rights 'eserved. Intradyn. Intradyn Software. the Intradyn logo. and CamphaneeVault are trademarks of Inuadyn. Inc. The SONY and AlT logos are nademarks of SONY Corp. CompiianceVaultO6TM Features & Benefits . Disk and tape system to archive email to meet regulatory requirements . Builds the foundation of a compliance program at an easily affordable price . Sony's AIT tape roadmap gives investment protection . Easy to install and manage - certified compatiblility . Cost -effectively scalable from 250 GB to 6 TB . Email search and discovery is effortless - the deviæ does fast searching, with a wide variety of search criteria . Supports virtually' all IMAP & POP3 email servers . All emaits are continuously stored to the ComplianceVault's disk for quick retrieval . Atl emails also automatically archived to AIT WORM tape for long-term, unalterable archival . Auditing features include a database of all accesses to the system . Sets up quickly and easily . 250 GB, 500 GB. 800 GB, or 1 TB of disk space. and easily scala- ble using Sony's AlT tape libraries - up to 6 TB For more information, see www.intradyn.comlcornpliancevaultl a email sales@intradyn.com or call 800-284-4156 . ~~!~~geX~- ..-. Intradyn. Inc. 2930 Waters Rd. Eagan. MN 55121 651- 203-4600 . . . c.!'mPliiloceVilulfO6. . . .~. Email Archiving & Retrieval Appliance An Affordable, 'Drop-In' Solution to Meet Compliance, Best Practices, and E-Discovery Needs . THE EMAIL RETENTION CHALLENGE The archiving of email is an increasing focus for organizations of aU sizes today. The number of regulations requiring em ail retention and quick availability is increasing, placing a heavy burden of compliance on literally hundreds of thousands of firms-many of whom remain unprepared. Beyond regulatory compliance, the need for corporations to be responsive to litigation discovery requests for specific emails is an additional concern, which can only be met by a true archiving system. The cost burdens of .. e-discovery," as well as fines and penalties for non-compliance to email regulations, are well documented. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The ComplianceVaultOó- Email Archiving & Retrieval Appliance is a completely integrated hardware/software solution that captures all of a user company's email on a continuous basis, from a virtually unlimited number of mailboxes. It can be put into use immediately, requires no integration time or expense, and has extensive search and auditing capabilities. The device is available in standalone (desktop) models with either a 120GB or 250GB internal disk capacity, or, in 1 U rackmount models, an internal disk capacity of 320GB, 500GB, 800GB, or HB. Each model also archives all email onto non-alterable "WORM" (write-once, read-many) tape, via . an internal tape drive in the desktop models, or an external tape library bundled with the rackmount models. The ComplianceVaultO6~ appl"lðfICe features an all-new. easy-to-use interface. Raclcmount I1U) model shown in foreground. bundled with So~ Air' tape library. The most strict email retention rules are those of the SEC for the financial industry, and these are rapidly becoming regarded as "best practices" in other industries as well-in particular, "relating to the archiving of all email . onto unalterable media. SEC-regulated firms must maintain a secure, non-alterable, and searchable archive of all their email for as long as seven years in some instances. Many small to midsized firms have not yet been able to comply with their industry regulations for email retent!on. The reason is twofold: complexity and high cost. Previous solutions for email archiving, designed for large enterprises, are difficult for small firms to implement because they require specialized IT expertise, and go well beyond their modest IT budgets. That's why Intradyn designed the ComplianceVaultO6- to be both affordable and extremely simple to use, requiring no integration of hardware and software, and no disruption to a company's existing IT infrastructure. . It's a complete solution: a plug-and-play, purpose-built network appliance with a Web interface, ready to run right out of the box. ,.. j I V --Wi ".~~"'W~""!?- The ComplianceVault06- works with Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, or virtually any IMAP or POP3 ernail system. When attached to your network, all em ails are immediately and continuously saved and indexed to disk, plus archived and indexed to tape at intervals you specify-making them available for retrieval in a manner compliant with corporate policies and industry regulations. The device allows companies to meet a variety of email retention needs, whether related to regulatory compliance. (SEC 17a-3 and 17a-4, NASD 3110, FDA 21 CFR Part 11, HIPAA, etc), or simply for good business practice in electronic records management-as relates the requirements of the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX), for example. The ComplianceVault06- also allows for rapid searching of email to improve responsiveness to litigation discovery r~uests. ComplianceVault06W appliances incorporate Sonye AW tape technology for archiving data to WORM or non-WORM cartridges, which have a projected lifespan of up to 30 years. .1I~~è . . . ~~~pliiJnce ViJUlfOG~I[ . . '....- p---.;. : :,(~k.ff:~~' -- HOW IT WORKS WIth the ComplianceVault06'" appliance attached to a company's network, all emails are continuously archived and made available for fast retrieval. Emails are stored and indexed to disk and, in addition, archiy~.ø.~~dJnd~xed permanently to tape. The appliance incorporates software that is proprietary to Intradyn, but data can be read with generally available software tools. " The ComplianceVault fills our needs perfectly. Other systems covered far more than we needed, and cost much more than we wanted to spend." Usa Schmidt, VIce President/Chief Compliance Officer Perkins Capital Management (an investment advisory firm based in Wayzata. Minnesota) In non-SEC settings, the device can be configured for any of a variety of common corporate email applications, and can be used for headquarters locations or branch offices. Industries other than financial services also have records retention requirements that include email, governed by a growing list of more than 5,000 federal and state laws and regulations that specifically concern e-records. The ComplianceVault06'" Email Archiving & Retrieval Appliance.meets your needs for a ready-to-use, fully featured, .. drop-inn compliance solution, which does not disrupt your current IT infrastructure: . The device automatically processes, indexes, and archives all email . Email search and discovery is effortless-the device does fast searching, with a wide variety of search criteria . Sets up in minutes and starts working immediately; can be placed anywhere on the Internet . The administrator can access the device from anywhere on the Internet . Email attachment management ensures no duplicates- the system retains only one original . A dany email status report clearly verifies which emails are being archived . Complete tape information is available at your fingertips . Convenient online documentation is provided . No ongoing monthly charges, unlike high-priced outsourced email archiving services-resulting in unmatched low total cost of ownership (TCO), and fast return on investment (ROI) .II~' . . . . . SEARCH, AUDITING, AND ENCRYPTION In addition'to the all-new user interface, the main new features incorporated into the ComplianceVaultO6- email archiving appliance are as follows: . Fast, extensive search capabilities-greatly expanded and advanced search features, including wildcard searches, fuzzy searches, proximity searches, range searches, boosting relevance levels, grouping for subqueries, field grouping, and-most importantly-the ability to save searches. Any combination of these search criteria can be selected. . Exporting of search results-the ability to easily export any email search results, directly from the search results screen, to a file, to a CD, to an email, or to a printed hardcopy, for example. This feature greatly facilitates use of the system for response to SEC auditors, for legal discovery, or for review by a company's legal counsel. . More audit features-expanding on features already available, to make for even better audit reporting and control. Every single access to the system is tracked, by date, time, and user, providing a full audit log. . Encryption-the appliance provides the option of tape encryption, to safeguard stored tapes. Intradyn's Encryptape'" technology is based on the same type of encryption used by the U.S. federal government, the highest level available, which is AES 256-bit-called "strong encryption." INVESTMENT RETURN The ComplianceVaultO6'" appliance has both 'hard and soft ROI assoåated with it. Soft cost savings come in several ways, relating to the ease and speed at which a company can supply accurate information to auåltors. Speed Is very fast due to the disk-to-disk-to-tape (D2D2T) design. An auålt can cost a , company many thousands of dollars in salary and resources. With the ComplianceVauItO6'. appliance, that task is reduced to a matter of minutes, proviãtng auårtors simple access to very specific information. " The ComplianceVault meets key email regulatory requirements in a single platform, with a very easy 10-minute setup, and minimal ongoing maintenance. " Christopher Ferslå, IT Director, Goldsmith Agio Helms (an investment bank with offices in Minneapolis, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and London) 'Y""-"~ .~~ '~.~~:T !~-ì Both courts and government agencies are increasingly expecting faster response times in their requests for companies to produce emails. To date, several corporations have been asked to search tens of millions of em~ils and produce very specific, individual messages tied to certain occurrences or events-within very tight timeframes. Failure to meet these deadlines has resulted, for some, in obstruction of justice charges or large fines. In adãttion to the .soft ROln related to human resources savings, there are the hard cost savings in not having to pay fines and legal . discovery costs. n Avoidance of these costs represents the most significant bene~it a firm gains from the ComplianceVaultO6- appliance. ..~~, . . . I[~ SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY Standalone (Desktop) Models . Model CV120-AIT2: 120 GB internal disk drive . Model CV250-AIT2: 250 GB internal disk drive Dimensions: S"Wx 7.S"H x 11.S"D, Weight: 10.5 pounds The ComplianceVaultO6- Email Archiving & Retrieval Appliance Models 120 and 250 each have two data storage subsystems. The "compliance volume" (tape subsystem) is a Sony AIT-2 magnetic tape dñve that uses removable WORM (write-once, read-many) tape cartridges, which are suitable for addressing the strict SEC requirements. The "random-access reference volume" (disk subsystem) is rewriteable magnetic disk storage used for quick search and ÕIsplay of messages, as well as access to email attachments. (Only one copy of each attachment is stored.) Models 120 and 250 include server, graphical user interface (GUI), hard disk drive, Sony AIT-2 WORM tape drive, Ethernet 10/100 nen:vorking, and 110/220 volt AC power. . Rackmount Models Each model must be bundled with a Sony AIT tape library: . Model CV1 U-320: 320 GB internal disk drive capacity . Model CV1 U-500: 500 GB internal disk drive capacity . Model CV1 U-800: 800 GB internal disk drive capacity . Model CV1 U-1 000: 1 TB internal disk drive capacity Dimensions: 16.9" W x 1.7" H x 23" D (fits in standard 19" rack), Weight: 24 pounds The 1 U ComplianceVault06'" models have the same functionality as the standalone models above, except they are rackmountable and offer larger disk dñve capacities. They do not have an AIT tape drive internally, but instead . I NTRADYNTM Data Protection Made Simple "' llllil INTRADYN Inc. 2930 Waters Road Eagan, MN 55121 Phone: 651.203.4600 Fax: 651.203.4607 info@Jntradyn.com www.intradyn.com SONY. Â'tFf Entire contents Copyright 02005, Intradyn In<. All rights nsened. This document is for infonnotionol purposes only and is subject to change withooI notice. AItho\igh reæanabIe efIoIt . has been mode in the pnopara6on of tin documentlD ensure b accurac:y. IntIadyn 1nc. os..-s no fiability resulting from orrors 01' omiuôons in t"" document. _from the use of the inlonnalion contained in 1I.lntradyn IfIC. reserves the right to make chong... in p<oduct specificadons without leWlV8lion and witbout -_. Note: IntIadyn 1nc. advises you that. when designing or implementing cbtta retention or data st""'ge solutions for <empliance pUlposes, aIwoys seek tile advke of an ottomey with specialized expertiH in electtonöc 1tCOI'd. ,etention ond .m.ivv.g. and tho ..soåoted I.... end "'9u1ot1ons that apply fo, yow industry or googrophlcol jI...isdiction(s). This document is pIO'Iided only for info",..tlonal purpos... z~,... Jr ~.~ ,,'f~~I~..i.I. J 1: ..." are designed to be bundled with a Sony AIT tape library of the customer's choice (either AIT-2 or AIT-3), providing a more scalable solution for those customers requiring larger disk capacity and tape storage. (Sony AIT tape cat1ridges are available from a variety of suppliers, including Intradyn.) ABOUT INTRADYN INC. Intradyn develops data protection and preservation appliances and software offering enterprise-class functionality at affordable prices for small and midsized businesses (SMBs). The company designs its products specifically to address the complexity and affordability issues fadng smaller businesses today, and the inadequate and unreliable entry-level backup or archiving solutions they may now have in place. The company's RocketVault- appliance is an award-winning, disk-based, automated backup and recovery device that includes all software and hardware in a single, plug-and-play device. It was the first general-purpose appliance for 5MBs to offer sophisticated archiving capabilities and the storage of encrypted files for both local and remote storage. Intradyn's BackAgain'. software provides robust data protection and disaster recovery. It protects remote servers and workstations, as well as the leading email and database servers, Microsoft Exchange and SOL Server. For more information, please visit www.intradyn.com. Get Compliant Now-It's Ea~! To find out how your firm can quickly become compliant to your industry's email retention regulations-with a remarkably simple, low-cost, all-in-one, drop-in solutio~-contact us today. " One of the most innovative products recently offered to 5MBs is Intradyn's ComplianceVault. " InfoWorld Magazine Review INTRADYN IS PROUD TO BE REPRESENTED BY: BI1!!._o"Mi! Published 10105