CCR2007160. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #160-2007 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY BONESTROO, INC. FOR THE TESS CORNERS CREEK STREAM BANK STABILIZATION PROJECT WHEREAS, The Public Works Committee has recommended acceptance of the proposal submitted by Bonestroo, Inc. for the Tess Corners Creek Stream Bank Stabilization Project; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposal and recommends acceptance to the Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the proposal submitted by Bonestroo, Inc. in the amount of $39,500 for engineering services and $2,000 for reimbursable expenses for the Tess Corners Creek Stream Bank Stabilization Project BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor is authorized to accept the proposal on behalf of the City. DATED THIS 14TH ,2007. DAY OF AUGUST SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #160-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muske o. 8/07jmb . . . SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT between CITY OF MUSKEGO and BONESTROO, INC. for Tess Corners Creek Streambank Stabilization (" Project ") This Supplemental Agreement to the AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (AGREEMENT), dated April 13, 2005 between the City of Muskego (Owner) and Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc. (Engineer) is made effective as of the July 18, 2007. 1. Engineer shall perform the following Services: This is a streambank stabilization design that consists of a topographic site survey, a study to determine the specific length of stabilization, permit submittals, preparation of plans, specifications, cost estimates, and bidding documents. See Appendix A - "Engineer's Services" for a detailed description of the tasks to be provided by the Engineer. This project is located in the City of Muskego, along the navigable waterway of Tess Corners Creek. Based on site visits, discussions, and preliminary data analysis, this Supplemental Agreement assumes the project limits to be approximately 2,000 linear feet of waterway betvveen Woods Road and the Muskego city limits. The project limits are located on private property in areas without City owned right of way or dedicated easements. Preparation of easement documents is not included in the scope of services and it is understood that the City will acquire all required easements needed for construction. 2. Compensation: For Basic Services outlined in Appendix A, the Owner will pay the Engineer a lump sum amount of $39,500, which does not include Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable Expenses are estimated at $2,000 which includes survey materials, mileage, printing, plotting and telephone expenses. Payment for Supplemental Services: For Supplemental Services authorized by the Owner and performed by the Engineer, the owner will pay the Engineer on an hourly basis or on an amount which will be negotiated between the two parties. 3. Supplemental Services: The Engineer may provide Supplemental Services (services authorized by the Owner which are not included in Basic Services) as described in Appendix A. Engineer will not proceed with Owner-requested Supplemental Services without the Owner's written approval prior to commencement of the work. 4. Time: A preliminary schedule based on an authorization to proceed of July 31, 2007, will follow within one week of authorization. The geomorphic assessment and survey will be completed in August 2007, preliminary plans and permit submittal in September 2007, final plans in November 2007, permits by December 31,2007 and completion of bid documents in January 2008. . . . 5. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The "Standard Terms and Conditions" contained in the AGREEMENT remain in effect. ** *** * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * **** **** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** *** * * * * * * * * * * * Except to the extent modified herein, all terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT shall continue in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Supplemental Agreement. ENGINEER: BONESTROO, INC. Owner: CITY OF MUSKEGO By: oo~~ BY' C ' . r. Jo n R. Johns Mayor ~ Allan Rick Schmidt, P . Vice President, Wisconsin Operations Date: ~- \4:--07 &);:/6~ , Date . . . Appendix A SCOPE OF BASIC SERVICES Section 1. Basic Services Task NO.1 - Geomorphic Assessment The subject area will be studied to understand the current channel conditions and processes affecting the reach. The geomorphic assessment will evaluate the subject reach in detail. Data will be collected on the ordinary high water mark, bankfull height and width, streambed composition, meander length, cross-sectional area, and pool/riffle composition using the Rosgen Method. This will determine the stability of the stream type and the areas that need to be dredged or banks stabilized. Deliverable: Geomorphic assessment report. Task NO.2 - Topographic Survey Engineer will complete a topographic field survey of the stream bank stabilization area, assumed to be 2,000 linear feet and 50 feet wide, between the Woods Road and the Muskego city limits. Data will be collected to produce a one-foot interval contour map, which the design will be based. We will collect cross-section data every 100 feet and at critical angle points in the channel alignment. Our cross-sections will show all grade breaks from the centerline of the channel to a point 25 feet outside the top of each side of the bank. All culvert pipes and any trees 12" in diameter or larger within the project limits will be field located. Public utilities will be located and staked in the field by the Owner and Diggers Hotline. These utilities will be incorporation into the base map. Deliverable: Base map. Task NO.3 - WDNR Chapter 30 I Notice of Intent Permit Application Engineer will meet with the Owner and the Waukesha County WDNR water management specialist on-site to determine the necessary WDNR permitting for the channel restoration including dredging and possible bank stabilization. A WDNR Chapter 30 Permit and Notice of Intent Permit Application will be submitted. This task does not include an Environmental Assessment or any subsequent requests by the WDNR for additional information. If the DNR requires any additional information, we will perform this as an additional service upon authorization by the Owner. It is also understood that there will be no wetland fill permitting or hydraulic/hydrologic modeling required. Permit fees are not included in this task and will be paid directly by the Owner. Deliverable: Chapter 30 and NOI Permit Application submittals. One meeting is planned with the WDNR for this task and meeting minutes. Task No.4 - Design Plans and Specifications Engineer will complete preliminary and final plans, specifications and cost estimate for the restoration of the channel and banks in the subject area to provide an improved safety factor and better low flow conditions. Plans will include construction notes and details. Preliminary (60%) plans will be reviewed with the Owner. The final plans and specifications will be suitable for bidding purposes and will include an engineer's opinion of probable construction costs. Plans will include title sheet, existing conditions, erosion control, grading plans, stream treatments, landscape plan and planting details. Deliverable: Construction plans (22" x 34") will be produced in AutoCAD format, and specifications produced in Word format. Estimate of probable construction costs will be produced in an Excel format. Printing of construction documents and addenda will be a Reimbursable Expense to the Owner. One meeting is planned for this task. N:\5erviceß,eas\AcCDunting\cont,act5\2007\muskego tess corners c,eek.doc A-I . . . Task NO.5 - Bidding and Award and Project Management We will provide bid documents to the City for distribution this project, including attending the bid opening at the Owner's office to open bids, tabulate and verify the bids, and prepare a letter of contractor recommendation. Project management will also be performed under this task and will include on-going team and client updates of project progress and project docu mentation. Deliverable: 15 copies of bid documents, bid opening meeting, bid tab and letter of recommendation. Printing of bid documents and advertisement will be Reimbursable Expenses. Section 2. Supplemental Services If authorized in writing by the Owner, the Engineer will provide the following services. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. Easement Documents Construction Services Public Meetings As-built Survey Wetland Fill Permit Channel hydraulidhydrologic modeling WDNR request for additional information N:lService_AreaslAccountínglcontractsI2007Imuskego tess corners "eekdoc A-2