CCR2007158. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #158-2007 APPROVAL OF REVOCABLE OCCUPANCY PERMIT Cary and Sandra Donovan BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby approve the attached Revocable Occupancy Permit for Cary and Sandra Donovan for encroachment within drainage and watermain easements for a berm and plantings. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the document in the name of the City. DATED THIS 14TH DAY OF AUGUST ,2007. SPONSORED BY PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Tracy Snead Ald. Noah Fiedler This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #158-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of th . Y of Muskego. 8/2007jmb 0 Document Number REVOCABLE OCCUPANCY PERMIT LPA6035 (DT1551) 98 Owner Name and Address: Cary W. and Sandra A. Donovan Wl55 S7664 Raintree Court Muske 0 WI 53150 Agency Name and Address: City of Muskego P.O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 Easement Drainage/W atermain Easement This space is reserved for recording data Return to County Waukesha Municipali ty City of Muskego Daniel Flamini P . O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 City of Muskego Parcel Identification Number/Tax Key Numbe r MSKC 2203-131 Encroachment Location: W155S7664 RAINTREE CT, LOT 20, QUIETWOOD EAST PT SE1/4 SEC 10 & SW1/4 & NW1/4 SEC 11 T5N R20E 411ÞEncroachment Description: Berm and Plantings in Drainage and Watermain easement, as depicted on attached drawing labeled Exhibit "A" The use and occupancy of Drainage and Watermain easement under this permit is conditioned upon the Occupant 's compliance with these provisions: 1. This permit only authorizes the described encroachment to remain temporarily within the 40' Drainage easement along the South line and within the 10' water main easement along the West line. Furthermore, if the described encroachment is damaged from any cause whatsoever, to the extent that repair costs would be equal to or greater than 50% of the assessed or estimated value of the described encroachment at the time of said occurrence, then it cannot be repaired, re-erected and/or replaced anywhere within the existing Drainage and Watermain easement. 2. In the event that the City of Muskego deems it necessary to revoke this permit on the basis of a need to ~ expand capacity, perform maintenance work or improve safety, the City of Muskego reserves the right to give ~ notice regarding the removal of the described encroachment. The City of Muskego may terminate this permit upon (30) days written notice to the Occupant. The Occupant shall remove the described encroachment maintained under this permit within the time specified in the notice. If not removed within thirty days, the . City has the right to remove at owner's cost. City will restore to previous condition, which consisted of grass only. 3. If the City of Muskego determines that the installation or use of the described encroachment authorized under this permit creates conditions adverse to the best interest of the users, the general public, or presents a threat to safety, then the Occupant, upon notification by the City of Muskego, shall promptly remove the encroachment from the Drainage and Watermain Easement. 4. Failure by the Occupant to comply with the provisions of this permit is cause for the City of Muskego to terminate this permit and to require the Occupant to take immediate action to clear the Drainage and Watermain easement, and return it to previous condition. 5. Issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a waiver of the occupant's obligation to comply with any more restrictive requirements imposed by local ordinance. 6. In the event the City of Muskego needs to do work inside said Easements. Owner will be given thirty days to remove All plantings at owner s expense. 1.-.ð~'"'\ ~/j~d~ () {)~;(,L/ . !~ {Titlt, At< L{ w ~t)NOt/ PfJV (Signaturel/lo. 'íYJ ê t:", () I) è/' (Titler c:::>tZrr:!/ 1ft fh DtV)øtl /VVt fl. 7 '~J.d-I;r7 (Print Name I ~/ (Date) IJ .:)çcr) (Print Name I (Date) State of Wisconsin lJJ Ltu it' t' S t1L~ ) -' ss County' æ~ ~/1é:)(J7 Date On the above date, this instrument was acknowledged b'fO~ b; :h' n'm~'on(" .LW -L[/12- (Signature, Notary Public, State of Wisconsin) Ké:V11~ ~ellt . ( (Print or Type Name, Notary Public, State of Wisconsin) proj ect: Raintree Drainage/Watermain Easement this instrument ~O. ..",." i~~~ \ :::O"i'ftJ.o' ~ I ~. vi ii ,,= ~ PiJß\..' ~E ~ '. ~.~ ~ ~6 , ~TE.nf't\~~~ drafte~hUH~~\'Flamini Parcel No.2203-131 . , AprÎ112; 2004 wlrS' LOCATION: S?(" If Rain Tree Court, Muskego, Wisconsin '. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E>c"*,,,T Lot 20 in QUIETWOOD EAST, Outlot 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 8941. being a part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 or Section 10, In Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, WIsconsin. Together wilh Parce! 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 7939. being a part 01 the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of SecUon 11, Towp.ship 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, WIsconsin. Together with part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11 and the South 13 Acres of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11, in Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsin. PLAT OF SURVEY Survey No. 040224 Ideal Homes 'ASf;c, House ~ . s 3 M Prop. Finish I þ I( Yard Grade .::;; cr;: ~ ,. ~ ;( l E' ?r~r~Þ~ ~ 1) "pl.'^' ~TI r-' b LJ: _rl",,~ SCALE: 1"=30' "'eE"\>'-s (per Builder/Owner) ~~r- :j ( , G.;2,- 7 Found'.. N 87.58'06- E 153.93' ~ Iron Pip" EL. 787.37 N . Vacant S 87857'41" W 48.25' I I Cone. Curb r.:.~oJQ @ 18$.411 r J i I Lal&rals I I 715.85 Tas.~5." @ San. M.H. I I - - Run=785.27 RAIN TREE COURT~ (60' R.OW.) ...... ~. . LANDCRAFT .sURVEY AND ENGINEERING. INC. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS ANe CIVIL ENGINEERS 20T7 South 116\h 9Veel. Wost1lJliI. WI 53227 FH. (414) 80+067~ FAX (414) 604-0617 INFO@~NeCRAFTSE.COI.4 NOTE: PropCWld ftniehed V'trá a. shown on Ihis drQW!ng i1 a 'u~osled grade and sMuld be VClfifie<lby tlte ClWtI&r andl".. the bvllOo' - approY8d by !~8 buid/ng ins_lor. Eras,on control mealu..,! ale $Uggcste<l and m~t De verified/adju.,ed by the buikfur and/or buildiJ1g Ir>spector Oeeød on site condilicl1a. "'E/lalr CfJITII'Y ""'T II1I\VE SURVEYED THI. MOllE DtSCllIlEO "II I 1111' '11// ~/I""~/ITY "'P",""T TN".w1ov,; "'~IU T~1Ié !ltPRðENTATIOH "" S CO ,., n 1/1/ Tlif/OeOP NiD - THe SIZE ANO ux:AnoN 01' Ttill P..o~Tf. ..' \ v U I -'I ITS &rnPllOlt eOUNDM'f~. THE ~0CA'I1OM OF '" ~ W.I.E $' ~ """"'" -'Ì' "'-; 1TRI.ICT\Jna"'DOIME~O~ALL.r'IItlCI1'Al.IU!lOI/fCS ~ ,.' ", ~ TI1EAEON.IOUNI>A~'~.&f't'AllllftfAGÛV.NTSIoNCI ~ f:i"" WlWA.:.1 n. ", ~ ~o.-cwAYS&NO_Ln"CIIO&C"'-T."ANY. :: : H~'\:\::::-:; ~ :;'ISSUllViYISMADEI'OfITMUXCLUSIVEUSfOFTHfPRF.&fNT = i .,. "t1J : 1IWNE'\S000THEP~EI'!TV.MO"'l$OTWOS.Ii\lVl1O0UACt<A4E. ;. Õ """':;~L"; ~GAGC.O".OU_T~~1IIEYITLfYI1E"(TOWIT~"'O"'Wl - , """-..... ,~-_~n- ~ ~... t";l ....::;- ,'. ,"'" .;:. ~, . '.. ... ~ <1A.'.D"""""';;~-""$' S'QX.o~/.- .-11 . ""'I ~U;i>J'" \" -- ~.........e 111" 1\\\\. WoIIiiml R. HonrtcM. Rool$lered LtndSuI\I8yÐi S.2~tg ') \2