CCR2007148AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #148-2007 . GENERAL FUND RESERVE AND ANNUAL GENERAL FUND BUDGETED CONTINGENCY POLICY WHEREAS, the Common Council has the authority for the management and control of the City's finances, and WHEREAS, the Common Council desires to establish guidelines and procedures for City General Fund reserve levels through a policy that works toward meeting cash flow needs for the general operation of the City and defines appropriate reserve levels in the best interests of the taxpayers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Common Council, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, hereby establishes the following general fund reserve and annual general fund budgeted contingency policy. . Policv Obiectives The objectives of this policy are to preserve the credit worthiness of the City for borrowing monies at favorable interest rates; provide working capital for the City to meet cash flow needs during the year and stabilize fluctuations from year to year in property taxes paid by the City's taxpayers. Policv Procedures In order to achieve the objectives of this policy, the Common Council shall adhere to the following guidelines: 1. The General Fund unreserved fund balance shall be maintained as of December 31 of each year in an amount greater than or equal to a minimum of two months (17%) of the ensuing year's budgeted General Fund expenditures, with a targeted maximum of four months of the ensuing year's budgeted expenditures. 2. The City shall include in the General Fund operating budget annually, a contingency account greater than or equal to 0.50% of the General Fund total expenditures. This contingency will expire at the end of each fiscal year and balances will not be brought forward. . 3. As part of the annual budget process, the Finance Department Supervisor will estimate the surplus or deficit for the current year and prepare a projection of the year-end undesignated general fund balance. Such projection will include an analysis of trends in fund balance levels on a historical and future projection basis and recommended levels for the current year. . . . Resolution #148-2007 Page 2 4. Any surpluses (actual revenues less expenditures for the fiscal year end) realized in the General Fund at year-end should be used first to meet the minimum undesignated fund balance as set forth under (1) above. Upon a majority vote of the Common Council, excess surplus may then be used for the following purposes, listed in order of priority: a. Cash Payments for specified Capital Improvement Program Projects. b. Retirement or Refinancing of Existing Debt. c. Reducing ensuing year's property tax levy. 5. The Common Council, by a majority vote, can declare a fiscal emergency and withdraw any amount of general fund balances for purposes of addressing the fiscal emergency. Any such action must also provide for necessary appropriations to restore the undesignated general fund balance to the minimum balance within a three-year period. 6. This policy will be reviewed by the Finance Committee every three years following adoption or sooner at the direction of the Common Council. This policy shall take effect as of January 1, 2007. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the adoption of this policy will replace Resolution #178-1995 adopted on September 12,1995. DATED THIS 24TH DAY OF JULY ,2007. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #148-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ~l.2~/h~~ . erk Trea er Financial Reserve Policy Developed: 7/2007 Reviewed: 7/10/2007 by Committee of the Whole Adopted by the Common Council: 7/24/2007 . . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #148-2007 GENERAL FUND RESERVE AND ANNUAL GENERAL FUND BUDGETED CONTINGENCY POll WHEREAS, the Common Council has the authority for the managemen and control of the City's finances, and WHEREAS, the Common Council desires to establish guidelines a procedures for City General Fund reserve levels through a policy that works tow d meeting cash flow needs for the general operation of the City and defines appropri e reserve levels in the best interests of the taxpayers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Common Co cil, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, hereby esta Ishes the following general fund reserve and annual general fund budgeted contin ncy policy. Policy Obiectives The objectives of this policy are to p serve the credit worthiness of the City for borrowing monies at favor Ie interest rates; provide working capital for the City to meet cash f w needs during the year and stabilize fluctuations from year to year i roperty taxes paid by the City's taxpayers. Policv Procedures In order to achieve the jectives of this policy, the Common Council shall adhere to the followin guidelines: 1. The General F d unreserved fund balance shall be maintained as of December 31 f each year in an amount greater than or equal to a minimum of 0 months (17%) of the ensuing year's budgeted General Fund exp ditures, with a targeted maximum of four months of the ensuing ear's budgeted expenditures. 2. The ty shall include in the General Fund operating budget annually, a c tingency account greater than or equal to 0.50% of the General F d total expenditures. This contingency will expire at the end of ach fiscal year and balances will not be brought forward. . As part of the annual budget process, the Finance Department Supervisor will estimate the surplus or deficit for the current year and prepare a projection of the year-end undesignated general fund balance. Such projection will include an analysis of trends in fund balance levels on a historical and future projection basis and recommended levels for the current year. 4. Any surpluses (actual revenues less expenditures for the fiscal year end) realized in the General Fund at year-end should be used first to . . . Resolution #148-2007 Page 2 meet the minimum undesignated fund balance as set forth under (1) above. Upon 2/3 majority vote of the Common Council, excess surplus may then be used for the following purposes, listed in order of priority: a. Cash Payments for specified Capital Improvement Program Projects. b. Retirement or Refinancing of Existing Debt. c. Reducing ensuing year's property tax levy. 5. The Common Council, by a two-thirds vote, can declare a fiscal emergency and withdraw any amount of general fund balances for purposes of addressing the fiscal emergency. Any such action must also provide for necessary appropriations to restore the undesignated general fund balance to the minimum balance within a three-year period. 6. This policy will be reviewed by the Finance Committee every three years following adoption or sooner at the direction of the Common Council. This policy shall take effect as of January 1, 2007. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the adoption of this policy will replace Resolution #178-1995 adopted on September 12,1995. DATED THIS DAY OF ,2007. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #148-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk Treasurer Financial Reserve Policy Developed: 7/2007 Reviewed: 7/10/2007 by Committee of the Whole Adopted by the Common Council: xJxxJ2007 2