CCR2007144. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #144-2007 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY BONESTROO, INC. TO COMPLETE A GRADING PLAN FOR MOORLAND PARK WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Board has recommended acceptance of the proposal submitted by Bonestroo, Inc. to complete a grading plan for Moorland Park; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the proposal and recommends acceptance to the Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the proposal submitted by Bonestroo, Inc. in the amount of $13,000 to complete a grading plan for Moorland Park with the money to be taken from the Park Dedication Account. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Parks & Recreation Director is authorized to accept the proposal on behalf of the City. DATED THIS 24TH DAY OF JULY ,2007. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Keith Werner This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #144-2007 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muske o. 7/07jmb . . . SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT between CITY OF MUSKEGO and BONESTROO, INC. for Moorland Park (8 Project-) This Supplemental Letter Agreement to the AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (AGREEMEND, dated April 13, 2005 between the City of Muskego (OWNER) and Bonestroo, Inc. (ENGINEER) is made effective as of July 11, 2007, 2007. 1. Engineer shall perform the following Services: ENGINEER will provide Basic Services in accordance with the Project Approach and Project Deliverables sections of Appendix A. 2. Compensation: For Basic Services outlined in Appendix A, the OWNER will pay the ENGINEER a lump sum amount of $13,000 which includes Reimbursable Expenses. A breakdown by task is as follows: Task 1 Site Grading, Erosion Control and Vegetative Establishment Plan 2 Bidding 3 Construction Services TOTAL Lump Sum Fee $8,550 $950 $3.500 $13,000 Payment for Supplemental Services: For Supplemental Services authorized by the OWNER and performed by the ENGINEER, the OWNER will pay the ENGINEER on an hourly basis or on an amount which will be negotiated between the two parties. 3. Supplemental Services: The Engineer may provide Supplemental Services (services authorized by the OWNER which are not included in Basic Services) as described in Appendix B. ENGINEER will not proceed with OWNER-requested Supplemental Services without the OWNER's written approval prior to commencement of the work. 4. Time: Both the Engineer and the OWNER will put forth reasonable efforts to complete their respective duties in a timely manner according to the target completion date. Because the ENGINEER's performance must be rendered with due diligence, and be governed by sound professional practices, the ENGINEER is not responsible for delays occasioned by factors beyond its control. ENGINEER will complete Task 1, 30 days following receipt of the site topographic survey from the OWNER. ENGINEER anticipates bidding to be completed 2 months after receipt of topographic survey. . . . 5. OWNER responsibilities: OWNER to supply topographic survey of project site. OWNER and ENGINEER to coordinate on any special requirements for the data collection of the survey. OWNER will utilize OWNER general conditions and with the ENGINEER's technical specifications create the project bidding documents. ENGINEER will supply final plan sheets for printing by the OWNER. * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * ** *** * * Except to the extent modified herein, all terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT shall continue in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Supplemental Agreement. SUBMITTED BY: BONESTROO, INC. ÁP~ Allan R. Schmidt, P. Vice President, Wisconsin Operations AGREED TO BY: CITY OF MUSKEGO ~f\-~ iJ rJln R. Johnson Mayor Date~ --Z-3_D7 I/L~fo7 / ' Date 2 . . . Attachment A Scope of Basic Services PROJEG DESCRIPTION Moorland Park is an existing approximately 37 acre park located in the near the southwest intersection of Moorland Road and Sandalwood Drive. Newer residential development exists adjacent to this site. Existing improvements include a park entrance drive and parking lot for approximately 70 vehicles, a skate park, and water line and hydrant. Restroom facilities consist of one portable unit, located in the parking lot. There are wetlands and a wooded treeline observed on this site, a waterway, and multiple storm water ponds. There are three topsoil stockpiles on the site, representing approximately 13,000 cubic yards of soil material. There is also evidence of some debris dumping activities, and a lack of erosion and sediment control on the exposed ground areas. SCOPE OF BASIC SERVICES 1. Site Grading, Erosion Control and Vegetative Establishment Plan a. ESC plan - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan sheet to comply with OWNER Requirements for erosion and sediment control during construction. b. Grading plan - Plan sheet with grading plan showing proposed contours and critical spot elevations. c. Vegetative/landscape Plan - Plan sheet showing limits of grading and seeding, seed mix zones for mowed grass area, naturalized vegetative areas, and wetland buffer. d. Project Specifications - Technical sections for plan sheets listed above. e. Construction Cost Estimate. f. NOI submittal to WDNR. Delíverables: ESe, Grading, Landscape plans and project technical specifications, cost estimate. Two. meetings are planned for this task to review preliminary and final plans. 2. Bidding a. Engineer will answer Contractor questions during bidding b. Attend Bid Opening c. Prepare letter for recommendation for Contract Award Deliverables: Assist OWNER during bidding, attend one bid opening meeting, prepare recommendation letter. 3. Construction Services a. Engineer will assist the OWNER by providing construction observation and report services during construction. One site visit per week is planned, during the six week construction period for six site visits. We anticipate one visit every two weeks for eight weeks ESC during 2007 for four site visits. Construction services includes a total of ten site visits. Engineer will coordinate the site visits with the City's schedule. Additional visits will be on a time and materials basis. . Deliverables. Provide periodic construction observation and reports. 4. Project Close-out and Evaluation Deliverable. One meeting with staff to discuss project process and next steps for implementation. A-1 APPENDIX B Supplemental Services . 1. Coordination meeting with OWNER to address immediate erosion and sediment control measures and site stabilization plan 0 Estimated fee: $1,500 2. Wetland delineation and mapping by Certified Wetland Delineation Scientist 0 Estimated fee: $5,000 3. Endangered Resources Review (WDNR BER) 0 Estimated fee: $1,500 4. Property line boundary survey 0 Value to be determined 5. Topographical survey 1 foot contour interval and mapping of existing elevations, stockpiles and recent grading activities. 0 Estimated fee: $5,000 to $8,000 . . B-1