RESOLUTION #060-2007
WHEREAS, Ruekert-Mielke has submitted a cost estimate in the amount of $7,300 for
the design of the support system and construction site assistance for the pedestrian
bridge across the Muskego Canal; and
WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Board has approved the expenditure of $7,300
for the engineering services for the bridge; and
WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the estimate and recommends
approval of the engineering services to the Common Council.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve
the expenditure of $7300 for engineering services to be performed by Ruekert & Mielke
for the design of the support system and construction site assistance for the pedestrian
bridge across the Muskego Canal with the money to be taken from the Park Dedication
DATED THIS 27th DAY OF March ,2007.
Ald. Nancy Salentine
Ald. Eileen Madden
Ald. Neil Borgman
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #060-2007 which
was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
. Ruekert.Mielke
engineering solutions for a working world
February 23,2007
Mr. Craig R. Anderson
Parks and Recreation Director
City of Muskego
P.O. Box 749
Muskego, VVI 53150-0749
Re: Muskego Canal Pedestrian Bridge
Dear Craig:
Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to provide the City of Muskego with
an estimate for the design of the support system for the pedestrian bridge across the Muskego
Canal. Initially, the City of Muskego had purchased a portion of the bridge to be used for the
canal crossing. The City has also constructed an additional portion of the bridge, which is then
in need of a support system for installation on top of the existing former railroad abutments.
Previously, an estimate was made as to the size of the I-beam support system that may be
needed for the bridge. RuekertlMielke has investigated the proposed sizing and has consulted
with a structural engineer regarding the proposed support system. It is felt at this time that the
proposed support system will not be adequate to support the structure in a safe manner.
RuekertlMielke, in conjunction with McClure Engineering Associates (as a subconsultant), will
investigate the actual weight of the bridge, the connection systems for the bridge to the
abutments and the connections systems from the support I-beams to the bridge.
The cost of the design of the support system from our subconsultant is $4,650.
RuekertlMielke will not be marking up the cost from the subconsultant to the City of Muskego.
Additionally some minor field work and construction site assistance will be needed.
RuekertlMielke will be able to provide these services at a cost not-to-exceed $2,650. Therefore
the total estimated cost for the design and construction review of the support system is $7,300.
Items specifically included in the above scope of services is to reuse the existing railroad
bridge abutments, provide preliminary design and bridge plans, provide construction design
calculations, provide final bridge plans and to have up to three (3) meetings with City staff in
order to convey the proper design intent.
It is assumed that certain items will be completed by the City or that the following
conditions exist: The existing railroad bridge abutments are sound and suitable for reuse under
the proposed new super structure, the City will provide all agency coordination, including
VVDNR permitting and FEMA approvals and the City, with some assistance from
RuekertlMielke, will develop the approach pedestrian plans. Additionally, any and all permit
fees will be paid directly by the City of Muskego.
The following items are specifically excluded from the above scope-of-services as we
understand the City has done the majority of the work on this project to date and will be
installing a bridge by force account: environmental site assessments, wetland investigations,
geotechnical services, hydrology and hydraulic analysis and reports, approach plans for either
11300000 Miscellaneous Project Files> 207 Misc Engineering> ProposaIIAnderson-20070223-Muskego Canal.doc
6905 Green Bay Road, Suite 204 · Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142
(262) 953-2650 · Fax: (262) 953-2655 ·
. Ruekert. Mielke
engineering solutions for a working world
Mr. Craig Anderson
Re: Muskego Canal Pedestrian Bridge
February 23, 2007
Page 2
end of the eXIstmg bike path, construction staking or field surveys as needed pnor to
RuekertlMielke has enjoyed a longstanding relationship with the City of Muskego and
looks forward to being able to assist you on this project. One of the difficulties in moving
forward on a project such as this is retrofitting the existing span bridge to meet the needs of the
City. It would appear however that under the assumption that the bridge could be designed to
fit the existing openings on the abutments that the City will experience significant cost
reductions from the construction of a prefabricated bridge span across the canal.
If you have any questions on the above please contact this office.
Very truly yours,
Kenneth R. Ward, P .E.
cc: Mayor John Johnson (email)
Jennifer Sheiffer, City Administrator (email)
Michael F. Campbell, P.E., RuekertlMielke
Kevin M. Hickman, Marketing Director, RuekertlMielke
6905 Green Bay Road, Suite 204 · Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142
(262) 953-2650 · Fax: (262) 953-2655 ·