DEFEATED: 03/13/2007
AMENDED AND DEFERRED 2/13/2007 & 2/27/2007
RESOLUTION #034-2007
WHEREAS, The City's 5-Year Capital Plan includes funding for the 2008 purchase of
new software for the Muskego Police Department; and
WHEREAS, The vendor has offered a substantial discount if the software is purchased
by February 15, 2007; and
WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the attached proposal submitted by
Key Power International, Inc. (KPI) and has recommended approval; and
WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the following Purchase Orders for
the purchase of the Phoenix software, installation and necessary components and has
recommended approval:
Purchase Vendor Item Cost
17807 Key Power International, Inc. Phoenix Software, Licensing $162,950
and Implementation
17807 Key Power International, Inc. Estimated Travel Expenses 2,000
for Training
17807 Key Power International, Inc. Booking Camera 1,299
17808 ProvantaQe Corporation GPS Devices 528
17803 Hewlett Packard Servers 15,602
17806 U.S. Cellular Laptop Data Cards 5,760
17805 A. T. & T. 911 Address Database 770
17804 Software One Microsoft SOL Server 5,220
WHEREAS, The $194,129 represents the majority of the cost for the initial purchase
and installation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego approves the concept outlined in Proposal #06-000010 subject to a software
acquisition and license agreement and software support agreement being drafted in a
form approved by the City Attorney and the Common Council, upon the
recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the purchase of the
Phoenix software and related components for tho Muskego Police Department at a cost
of $194,129.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That Mayor Johnson is authorized to sign the proposal
Reso. #034-2007 Page 2
submitted by Key Power International, Inc. in the name of the City.
Ald. Nancy Salentine
Ald. Eileen Madden
Ald. Neil Borgman
Deferred: 02/13/07,02/27/07
DEFEATED: 03/13/07
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #034-2007 which
was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
Key Power International, Inc
220 Route 70, Suite C
Medford, NJ 08055
Phone: 609-953-6850
Fax: 609-953-5311
Public Safety and Security Software Solutions Provider
Proposal For: Phoenix CAD, WDA & Police RMS
Prepared for:
City of Muskego
Attention: IS Director Joe Sommers
W182S8200 Racine Ave
Muskego, WI 53150
Phone# 262-679-4150
.SUbmitted By:
Sam Ramasamy
Key Power International, Inc
Phone# 609-953-6850 x225
By: Key Power International, Inc City of Muskego
Signature Date Signature Date
Print Name Title Print Name Title
Key Power International, Inc ("Key Power') proposal contains information and data, which are privileged, confidential and/or proprietary to Key Power. This
information and data is commercially sensitive and/or financial in nature and is not made available for public review, This information is submitted on a
confidential basis only in response to a specific customer request. The information contained herein is protected, among other things by the Trade Secrets Act,
as codified, and any improper use, distribution, or reproduction is specifically prohibited. No license or right of any kind whatsoever is granted to any third party
to use the information contained herein unless a written agreement exists between Key Power and the third party which desires access to the information. The
.. formation contained herein is submitted for purposes of review and evaluation in connection with Key Power's response to the specific request denoted herein.
other use of the information and data contained herein is permitted without the express written permission of Key Power. Under no condition should the
, formation contained herein be provided in any manner whatsoever to any third party without first receiving the express written permission of Key Power.
Key Power International, Inc
Dear IS Director Joe Sommers,
Key Power International, Inc. is committed to providing our customers innovative solutions
using today's most current technology. All our products are written using Microsoft's .NET
framework giving your agency ultimate flexibility in deployment and system management. Our
dedicated staff at KPI is committed to your success.
I am pleased to submit this proposal for Phoenix Public Safety Software Solution and its related
products and services. This proposal contains both summary and detailed pricing, terms,
conditions and acceptance criteria.
Total Solution Cost:
Final Proposal Amount
Annual Support and Maintenance
First year support and maintenance is Included with the "Final Proposal Amount"
Thank you for your consideration.
Key Power International, Inc
.ost Summary:
Key Power International, Inc
Application Software $84,600.00 25,200.00 $59,400.00 $12,690.00
Conversion $23,500.00 $23,500.00 $0.00
Hardware $1,299.00 $1,299.00 $0.00
Installation $21,800.00 $21,800.00 $0.00
Interface $48,945.00 $35,450.00 $7,966.75
Project Management $15,100.00 $15,100.00 $0.00
System Software $2,700.00 $2,700.00 $2,105.00
Training $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00
Total $202,944.00 $25,200.00 $164,249.00 $22,761.75
Note: Discounts are applicable only if the entire proposal is accepted and subject to change if the proposal is modified.
~tem Details:
Key Power International, Inc
Application Software
CAD-SER-SGL CAD Server 10,000_00 10,000_00 30.0% 7,000.00 1,500.00
CAD-CU-SGL-PF CAD Client - Police & Fire 2 4,975.00 9,950.00 30.0% 6,965.00 1,492.50
CRT-CUS Court Module 1 12,900.00 12,900.00 30.0% 9,030.00 1,935.00
CAD-CU-STA CAD Status Client 7 350.00 2,450.00 30.0% 1,715.00 367.50
RMS-SER-SGL RMS Server 9,000.00 9,000.00 28.0% 6,480.00 1,350.00
WDA-CLI-GPS Wireless Digital Assistant w/GPS 9 1,200.00 10,800.00 30.0% 7,560.00 1,620.00
WDA-SER Wireless Digital Assistant Server 9,500.00 9,500.00 30.0% 6,650.00 1,425.00
RMS-CLI-SGL-P RMS Client - Police 10 2,000.00 20,000.00 30.0% 14,000.00 3,000.00
CON-ENF-ANA Data conversion - need analysis 1 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00
CON-REC Conversion - Records 19,000.00 19,000.00 0.00
HW-AXIS-214 Axis 214 PTZ 1,299.00 1,299.00 0.00
KPI-IMP Phoenix Implementation services 6,900.00 6,900.00 0.00
INS-PNX-CAD CAD - Installation 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00
INS-NETM Netmotion Server, Client installation 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00
INS-PNX-RMS RMS Web - Installation 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00
INS-WDA Wireless Digital Assistant Setup 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00
INS-GIS-GC Populate Geo-code (latitude/longitude) 4,900.00 4,900.00 0.00
KPI-PCCP Phoenix Citizen Connection Package 1 3,495.00 3,495.00 100.0% 524.25
INT-WI-CRS Cross Match interface 1 8,500.00 8,500.00 1,275.00
INT-KGIS.NET Key Power Global Information Sharing Network 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 100.0% 1,500.00
INT-NETM-XEP Netmotion Mobility XE w/Premium Support 1 6,250.00 6,250.00 1,562.50
NCI-CLI NClC Client 21 100.00 2,100.00 315.00
NCI-SER-WI NClC Server - TCP/IP interface 9,000.00 9,000.00 1,350.00
. E911-SER E911 Server 4,500.00 4,500.00 675.00
E911-CLI E911 Client (Each CAD Position) 2 300.00 600.00 90.00
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~%'.........4""'" ..
KP=ÞI, Key Power International, Inc
tlllltINT- TVVAIN Capture/Scan interface 4,500.00 4,500.00 675.00
Project Management
PM-GEN Project Management 15,100.00 15,100.00 0.00
System Software
INT-TVVAIN-ATL Server Twain interface license 1 700.00 700.00 105.00
TLS-MS-MPWS Microsoft MapPoint Webservice 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
TRN-ONS Onsite support and training 5 1,000.00 5,000.00 0.00
Total $202,944.00 $164,249.00 $22,761.75
1. Key Power will customize the Court Notices in Crystal Reports during the system installation
time. Customer will list the reports that are required and submit to Key Power. This is a one time
setup as part of system implementation process.
2. Key Power will work with the Customer to get NIBRS Electronic submission certified by the state.
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'K~~ Key Power International, Inc
erms & Conditions
Kev Power Global Information Sharina Network
KGIS.Net interface provides the access to share certain information securly amoung other Phoenix users without
duplicating the data (including index replication). Customer will have to open read-only access to Key Power KGIS
Server. Customer has the option to limit the amount of detail information that can be shared. Data communication
is based on GJXML schema.
Data conversion - need analvsis
Key Power Project Manager will co-ordinate with the assigned customer's Project Manager to execute the needs
analysis. Project life cycle includes:
- Needs analysis meeting
- Initial plan for conversion
- Risk Management and mitigation recommendations
Needs assesment analysis do not include onsite travel and travel expenses. All travel expenses are the responsibility
of the cutomer and will be billed upon completion of the on site trip.
Phoenix ImDlementation services
Once CAD, RMS software installation completed KPI will:
1. Setup a Live and Training database
2. Build the database with the codes such as NCIC, Charge codes that are specific to the State
3. Populate the database with codes that are widely used by others (Best practice codes)
4. Assist in the customization of the code table.
CAD Server
CAD Server installation can be performed onsite or remotley. Onsite will require travel costs that are the
responsibility of the customer and will be billed upon completion.
.AD Server installation can proceed only if the Operating System is installed and configured.
Cross Match interface
All the necessary interface requirements from Cross Match vendor should be in place and the data format
specifications should be provided. This is a uni-directional interface, i.e. data entered In Phoenix will be transferred
to Cross Match.
Proiect Manaaement
Key Power Project Manager will co-ordinate with the assigned customer's Project Manager to execute the project.
Project life cycle includes:
- Pre-implementation meeting
- Initial project plan development; maintain up-to-date plan
- Project reporting and communication
- Scheduling and resource allocation
- Risk Management and mitigation recommendations
- Co-ordination and controlling of the tasks
Project Management costs do not include onsite management which would require travel and incur travel expenses.
All travel expenses are the responsibility of the customer and will be billed upon completion of the onslte trip.
Phoenix Citizen Connection Packaae
Phoenix Citizen Connection PaCkage ("PCCP") includes:
1. Safety Eye - Enable businesses to install cameras in their premise and allows dispatcher to monitor the Video
during a 911 call.
2. Citizen Flag: Provides a facility for the citizen to enter their information such as emergency contact etc which can
be viewed by the dispatcher and WDA user.
.PCCP works with KGIS interface.
Axis 214 PTZ
For details visit:
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..,,--"""........~ .. K~IJ Key Power International, Inc
eonversion - Records
Data and the Layout must be provided by the customer. Key Power will work with the Customer and try to convert
as much meaningful data that can be brought over to the existing Pheonix modules as possible. Customer must
validate the data for accuracy.
This is only an estimate for proposal purposes. The final pricing will be determined after the data is examined and
the customer needs are finalized.
Netmotion Mobility XE w/Premium SUDDort
Server includes licenses for 25 registered device and 1 server license.
Visit for product details.
Maintenance Offering Description for Premium Support:
- Technical Support - 24x7
- Access to Tech Notes and Web Based Support
- Cumulative Quantity Discounts applied on Additional Device Licenses
- Discounts on Major upgrades
- Upgrades to new Minor and Maintenance Releases
- Upgrades to Major Releases Included
- 20% Discount on Consulting Services
- Guaranteed Response Times based on Severity Level
CAD Client - Police 8t Fire
Must meet the hardware requirements and be connected to Phoenix CAD server on a high speed IP LAN. Installation
of Microsoft .Net 1.1 as part of the Windows 0/5 is recommended.
Minimum system requirements: PC with 1.8 Ghz or higher processor, 512 MB RAM 1024x768 video resolution,
Windows XP or higher and IE 6.0 or higher. If additional applications required to run, processor speed and memory
must be increased appropriately. To use Map functions Microsoft MapPolnt software is required.
.ingle Monitor may provide all the dispatch features, but Multi-Monitor setup Is strongly recommended. For each
dispatch position, at least one Monitor for Dispatch and one Monitor for Text Status is recommended. Third Monitor
for Map is optional.
CAD - Installation
Server Hardware and the system software must be installed, configured and available.
Customer must provide access with full Administrator privilage to the server. Each CAD client PC's should be
available with its minimum recommended configuration on the network.
Installation can be performed onsite or remotley using Remote Desktop access.
Onsite installation requests will require travel costs that are the responsibility of the customer and will be billed upon
Contact Key Power to discuss the minimum hardware requirement and variuos configuration options.
Court Module
Court Module will be ready on or after Jan 1, 2006. Major functionality includes:
- Automatic court records creation from Booking and Citation module
- Court schedule/reschedule
- Disposition update (auto update to Police records)
- Payment schedule
- Cash Register
Netmotion Server. Client installation
Separate server is recommended. Wireless connectivity must be obtained by the user.
.CAD Status Client
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,-"''''~''"'..ë~ ....
KP)I, Key Power International, Inc
indows XP or higher with .Net 1.1 is required. PC must meet the minimum hardware requirements listed below and
e connected to Phoenix CAD server on a high speed IP LAN.
Minimum 1024x768 video resolution Is required.
Minimum system requirements: PC with 1 Ghz or higher processor, 256 MB RAM, 1024x768 video resolution,
Windows 2000/XP and IE 6.0 or higher. If additional applications required to run, processor speed and memory must
be increased appropriately.
RMS Server
Minimum system requirements: Server with 2.8 Ghz or higher processor, 2 GB RAM, Windows 2003 0/5 or higher.
If additional applications required to run, processor speed and memory must be increased appropriately. Requires
Microsoft MapPolnt server for Map access. Secured access via Remote Desktop is required for effective support.
SQL2000 database server Is required.
Contact Key Power to discuss various configurations to handle redundacy, load sharing, cluster configuration etc.
NCIC Client
Phoenix RMS clients and CAD clients have built-In support for NCIC access. Customer is required to configure the
terminal to control access.
RMS Web - Installation
Hardware and the system software must be installed, configured and available.
Customer must provide access with full Administrator privilage to the server. Client workstation(s) (including mobile)
access verification is customer's responsibility. Maintaining the in-house network is the customer's responsibility.
RMS installation can be performed onslte or remotley using Remote Desktop access.
.AII onslte installations will require travel costs that are the responsibility of the customer and will be billed upon
Contact Key Power to discuss the minimum server requirements and various configuration options.
Wireless Diaital Assistant w/GPS
WDA works with IP based communication link. Customer is required to procure the necessary hardware, software
and service to establish the secure TCP/IP communication channel between wireless client and the Phoenix WDA
server. Key Power recommends NetMotlon Mobility Software.
Any GPS device that can be connected via serial port which output's data In NMEA format can be used with WDA.
WDA will automatically detect the GPS existance with no configuration.
Microsoft MapPolnt must be loaded in the client to view the location details (not included as part of this proposal).
Minimum system requirements: PC with 1.8 Ghz or higher processor, 512 MB RAM 1024x768 video resolution,
Windows XP or higher and IE 6.0 or higher. If additional applications required to run, processor speed and memory
must be increased appropriately. To use Map functions Microsoft MapPoint software is required. Microsoft .Net 1.1 is
Wireless Diaital Assistant Server
WDA works only with IP based communication link. Customer is required to procure the necessary hardware,
software and service to establish the secure TCP/IP communication channel between wireless client and the Phoenix
WDA server.
Any GPS device that can be connected via serial port which output's data in NMEA format can be used with WDA.
WDA will automatically detect the GPS existance with no configuration.
Microsoft MapPoint must be loaded in the client to view the location details.
. Wireless Diaital Assistant SetuD
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~1ê'~1\ Key Power International, Inc
.stomer is required to procure the necessary hardware, software and service to establish the secure TCP/IP
mmunication channel between wireless client and the Phoenix WDA server.
Microsoft Map Point must be loaded in the client to view the location details
NCIC Server - TCP/IP interface
Customer must get permission from WI state and obtain all the necessary terminal parameters along with an
operational TCP/IP link to the state.
E911 Server
Customer is responsible to provide the interface specification and establish the serial RS232 connection between
Phoenix CAD server and the E911 system. Each E911 position can be associated with a CAD Terminal.
Onsite SUDDOrt and trainina
Travel costs are the responsibility of the customer. Meals, hotel accommodations and transportation expenses will be
billed upon completion of the onsite job.
Specific tasks and agenda expectations must be informed by the customer prior to the on-site visit. Scheduling will
be subject to resource availability.
CaDture/Scan interface
Twain supported Camera and/or scanner can be connected to the client running Windows XP or higher. .Net 1.1 must
be Installed and IE should be configured appropriately. This is a one time setup.
PODulate Geo-code C1atitudellonaitudel
KPI will assist in importing Geo data from customer supplied data. Customer is reponslble to provide the Geo data
based on the KPI's data layout.
KPI will populate the Latitude and Longitude for addresses based on the match found in the Microsoft MapPoint
application and will generate a report of all the missing addresses.
&customer will be required to fix the address or manually update the latitude/logitude for the missing entries from
"Map Point.
Microsoft MaDPoint Webservice
Billing will occur on a quarterly basis, based on an actual usage at the rate of $0.011 per hit. Every time map is
accessed such as Pin map, zoom, directions, etc. will be counted as a hit. High speed intenet access to Microsoft
MapPoint server from Phoenix Server is required. Clients do not need an internet connection. Map performance is
bound by the internet speed and covered by MapPoint Webservice SLA.
RMS Client - Police
Hardware and all the necessary system software along with it's installation & configuaration Is the responsibility of
the customer unless otherwise stated. System specifications must meet the minimum requirements.
Minimum system requirements: PC with 1.8 Ghz or higher processor, 256 MB RAM (512M is recommended),
1024x768 video resolution, Windows XP and IE 6.0 or higher. If additional applications required to run, processor
speed and memory must be increased appropriately.
Installation of Microsoft .Net 1.1 as part of the Windows 0/5 is recommended.
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