CCR2006208. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #208-2006 APPROVAL OF 2007 WATER UTILITY BUDGET AND RATES BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby approve the attached Water Utility Budget for the year 2007. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby establish the following rates for water service: Quarterly Service Charge: 5/8-inch meter 3/4-inch meter 1-inch meter 1 1/4-inch meter 1 1/2-inch meter 2-inch meter 3-inch meter $23.18 $23.18 $35.54 $49.44 $61.80 $92.70 $154.50 Plus Volume Charge: First 30,000 gallons used each quarter - $3.06 per 1,000 gallons Next 90,000 gallons used each quarter - $2.60 per 1,000 gallons Over 120,000 gallons used each quarter - $2.18 per 1,000 gallons DATED THIS 20th DAY OF November , 2006 SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Eileen Madden Ald. Tracy Snead Ald. Tina Schaefer This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #208-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City a uskeg. "'" 11/06jmb . CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER UTILITY BUDGET 2007 . . . CONTENTS Schedule Paqe Statement of income and expense 1 1 Detailed schedule of operation and maintenance expenses 2 2 Schedule of construction funds 3 4 Schedule of changes in utility working capital: 2006 Projected 4 5 2007 Budget 5 6 Schedule of construction funds 6 7 . . . . Schedule 1. 1. CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE 2007 BUDGET 2006 2007 2007 2005 Sept. 30, 2006 2006 Adopted Proposed Adopted Account Actual Actual Proiected Budaet Budaet Budaet Number Operatina revenue Sales of water: Sales to general customers $ 1,028,079 502,573 1,066,387 1,056,511 1,167,056 1,167,056 4803/4804/4805/4806/4920 Private fire protection 25,989 13,981 27,960 25,900 27,960 27,960 4815 Public fire protection 328,036 335,362 335,362 338,000 338,000 4816 Other operating revenue 48,866 26,558 46,615 60,103 48,100 48,100 480 7/4821/4820 Rental of Water property - tower lease 76,240 58,782 78,692 78,692 82,625 82,625 4825 Total operating revenue 1,507,210 601,894 1,555,016 1,556,568 1,663,741 1,663,741 Operatina expenses Operation and maintenance: Source of supply expense 18,115 24,734 35,245 40,457 18,015 18,015 schedule 2 2. Pumping expense 113,388 86,297 127,135 130,732 132,467 132,467 schedule 2 2. Water treatment expense 39,301 19,420 37,547 55,126 54,584 54,584 schedule 2 2. Transmission and distribution expense 157,565 61,915 129,381 170,176 144,604 144,604 schedule 2 3. Customer accounts expense 32,207 23,974 33,691 37,356 36,013 36,013 schedule 2 3. Administrative expense 319,421 183,843 313,393 315,416 337,872 337,872 schedule 2 3. Total operation and maintenance 679,996 400,183 676,392 749,263 723,555 723,555 Depreciation 413,316 458,044 514,406 493,042 493,042 04.03.6705 Taxes 358,043 14,251 396,958 472,304 424,330 424,330 04.08.6805 Total operating expenses 1,451,355 414,434 1,531,394 1,735,973 1,640,927 1,640,927 Net operating income (loss) 55,855 187,460 23,622 (179,405) 22,814 22,814 Add non-operatina income - interest 94,690 17,635 46,000 50,000 52,000 52,000 4910/4531 Income before non-operating expenses 150,545 205,095 69,622 (129,405) 74,814 74,814 Deduct non-operatina expenses Interest on advances from municipality and revenue bonds 314,182 151,645 303,473 301,429 280,381 280,381 04.27.7010 Amortization of debt discount and expense 17,049 15,845 14,251 14,572 14,572 04.28.7015 Total non-operating expenses 331,232 151,645 319,318 315,680 294,953 294,953 Net income (loss) before capital contributions $ (180,687) 53,450 (249,696) (445,085) (220,139) (220,139) . . . Schedule 2 2. 11/13/06 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 2007 BUDGET 2006 2007 2005 Sept. 30, 2006 2006 Adopted Other Account Actual Actual Projected Budget Labor Expenses Total Number Source of supply: Operation labor $ 774 517 745 1,457 1,515 1,515 06.00.5101 Operating supplies and expenses 2,794 494 1,500 6,000 1,500 1,500 06.02.5702 Maintenance of water source plant 14,546 23,723 33,000 33,000 15,000 15,000 06.05.5702 (See Sch. 3, #2) Total source of supply 18,115 24,734 35,245 40,457 1,515 16,500 18,015 Pumping expenses: Operation labor 45,924 32,651 43,648 44,218 46,397 46,397 06.20.5101 Fuel or power purchased 54,225 41,660 66,633 66,500 68,000 68,000 06.22.5910/5735 Operation supplies and expense 1,356 130 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 06.23.570215749 Maintenance of pumping plant 11,882 11,856 15,354 18,514 9,570 7,000 16,570 06.25.5410/5101/5702 Total pumping expenses 113,388 86,297 127,135 130,732 55,967 76,500 132,467 Water treatment expenses: Operation labor 10,507 5,440 7,984 17,976 17,707 17,707 06.30.5101 Chemicals 23,289 12,133 24,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 06.31.5750 Operating supplies and expenses 681 456 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 06.32.5702 Maintenance of water treatment plant 4,824 1,391 4,763 6,150 877 5,000 5,877 06.35.5410/5101/5702 Total water treatment expenses 39,301 19,420 37,547 55,126 18,584 36,000 54,584 . . . Schedule 2 3. 11/13/06 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (CONCLUDED) 2007 BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget 2005 Sept. 30, 2006 2006 Adopted Other Account Actual Actual Projected Budget Labor Expenses Total Number Transmission and distribution expenses: Operation labor $ 62,825 36,401 49,184 63,968 76,723 76,723 06.40.5101 Operation supplies and expenses 5,993 5,992 9,600 10,300 10,300 10,300 06.41.5415/5702/5870 Maintenance of distribution reservoirs 30,038 739 28,505 38,347 2,783 5,000 7,783 06.50.5702/5101 Maintenance of mains 22,040 1,678 12,770 21,963 6,418 15,000 21,418 06.51.5410/5101 Maintenance of services 6,853 728 4,800 8,922 4,044 7,000 11,044 06.52.5410/5101/5702 Maintenance of meters 6,439 9,064 10,929 8,646 3,618 2,000 5,618 06.53.5410/5101 Maintenance of hydrants 22,669 6,634 12,893 22,194 6,197 5,000 11,197 06.54.5410/5101/5702 Maintenance of other plant 708 679 700 186 521 521 06.55.5410/5101 Total transmission and distribution expenses 157,565 61,915 129,381 174,526 100,304 44,300 144,604 Customer account expenses: Meter reading labor 2,244 1,417 3,144 4,440 4,599 4,599 09.01.5101 Accounting and collecting labor 21,882 17,530 23,166 24,835 22,676 22,676 09.02.5410/5101 Supplies and expense 8,081 5,027 7,381 8,081 8,738 8,738 09.03.5101/5410/5702 Total customer account expenses 32,207 23,974 33,691 37,356 27,275 8,738 36,013 Administrative and general expenses: Administrative and general salaries 84,062 63,909 93,347 97,920 106,095 106,095 09.20.5101/5102 Office supplies and expenses 17,575 9,922 21,328 22,202 24,558 24,558 09.21.5712-6056 Payroll c1earing/sicklvacationlholiday 4,946 09.22.5101 Outside services 113,962 35,226 82,010 83,883 87,305 87,305 09.23.5510-5865 Property insurance 09.24.6103 Injuries & Damages 13,071 10,765 21,529 19,316 13,070 13,070 09.25.6101 Employee pensions and benefits 73,521 48,852 71,721 65,698 79,647 79,647 09.26.5201 Regulatory commission expense 114 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 09.28.6066 Miscellaneous general expenses 7,266 4,816 8,608 9,108 8,950 8,950 09.30.5228-6070 Transportation expense 9,850 5,407 12,350 12,289 47 13,200 13,247 09.33.5101/5405/5735 Maintenance of general plant & Contingency 2,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 09.35.6067 Total administrative and general expenses 319,421 183,843 313,393 315,416 106,142 231,730 337,872 Total operation and maintenance expenses $ 679,996 400,183 676,392 753,613 309,786 413,768 723,555 . . Schedule 3 . 4. 11/13/06 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL OUTLAY COSTS PROJECTED 2006 and 2007 Estimated 2006 2006 2007 2007 Total Adopted Proposed Adopted Cost Budget Budget Budget 1. 2006 Capital Additions Janesville Road box culvert relocation (A) 111,717 87,000 Wells #4, 5 & 6 Radium Compliance & Well Abandonment (A) Lakewood Meadows Community Well Acqu & Conversion (C) 5,532 50,000 Water facilities study & NW Water Study Incude in Opertaions in 2006 Well #9 Construction (A) 15,000 16,751 Lake LorelTudor Oaks WM extension(assessable) (C) 440,560 400,000 Kenwood Place oversizing (C) 132,948 260,000 Well #13-test Well & Eng (C) 93,836 90,000 170,000 Lakewood Meadows -Testing before well becomes operational (C) 30,000 150,000 Municipal Well Interference with Private Wells amortize over # of years (A) 30,000 Future Projects as determined by Facility Plan (e) 20,000 20,000 Well #91#13 Pump house (C) 100,841 400,000 500,000 Hillendale Booster (assessable) (C) 400,000 400,000 Lakewood Meadows WM-Community Well Conv (B) 30,000 Well #14 (B) 2,306 LakeLore Well House (B) 30,851 Meters (A) 100,000 100,000 Truck-Pick Up replacement (A) 7,339 15,000 SCADA Radio Study/Upgrade (C) 95,840 135,000 Oversizing Related to Land Purchase (A) SE Watermain (A) 28,641 Oversizing-CCV (Champion Village) (A) $ 1,195.411 2,033,751 1,240,000 2. 2007 Capital Additions: Well Exploration (C) 40,000 Well #14 Land Acquisition (C) 150,000 Meters (C) 100,000 Truck-Pick Up replacement (B) 37,000 327,000 Grand Total $ 1,195.411 2,033,751 1,567,000 x Notes: (A) - Financed by borrowings. (B) - Financed by working capital. (C) - Anticipated to be financed by a borrowing . . SChedu. 5. . 11/13/06 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN UTILITY WORKING CAPITAL 2006 PROJECTED Operation and Debt Maintenance Construction Depreciation Service 2006 Fund Fund Fund Fund Total BudQet Funds provided From operations: Net income (loss) for year $ 53,777 (303,473) (249,696) (445,085) Add charges to income not requiring funds: Depreciation 20,000 438,044 458,044 514,406 Amortization 15,845 15,845 14,251 Amortization On water tower 24,505 24,505 24,505 Transfer working capital to other funds (250,000) 250,000 Proceeds from borrowing 1,200,000 Increases in collection of special assessments and WCA's 320,000 320,000 243,564 Total funds provided (applied) (171,718) 250,000 20,000 470,416 568,698 1,551,641 Funds applied Principal payments on debt 451,314 451,314 403,131 Capital outlay 1,195,411 1,195,411 2,033,751 Total funds applied 1,195,411 451,314 1,646,725 2,436,882 Interfund transfers - interest earninQs (56,000) 15,000 5,000 36,000 Increase (decrease) in working capital (227,718) (930,411) 25,000 55,102 (1,078,027) (885,241) WorkinQ capital. beQinninQ of year 810,796 976,033 126,765 911,703 2,825,297 2,703,370 WorkinQ capital. end of year $ 583,078 45,622 151,765 966,805 1,747,270 1,818,129 2006 Budgeted Working Capital, end of year $ 600,719 60,097 149,765 1,007,548 1,818,129 . . ~ 6. 11/13/06 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY - SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN UTILITY WORKING CAPITAL 2007 BUDGET Operation and Debt Maintenance Construction Depreciation Service Fund Fund Fund Fund Total Funds provided From operations: Net income (loss) for year $ 60,242 (280,381 ) (220,139) Add charges to income not requiring funds: Depreciation 20,000 473,042 493,042 Amortization 14,572 14,572 Amortization on water tower Transfer working capital to other funds Proceeds from borrowing 1,525,000 1,525,000 Increases in collection of special assessments 235,000 235,000 Total funds provided (applied) 60,242 1,525,000 20,000 442,233 2,047,475 Funds applied Principal payments on debt 476,151 476,151 Capital outlay 1,567,000 1,567,000 Total funds applied 1,567,000 476,151 2,043,151 Interfund transfers - interest earninqs (46,684) 684 6,000 40,000 Increase (decrease) in working capital 13,558 (41,316) 26,000 6,082 4,324 Workinq capital. beqinning of year 583,078 45,622 151,765 966,805 1,747,270 Workinq capital. end of year ~ 596,637 4,306 177,765 972,887 1,751,595 . . . Schedule 6 7. 11/13106 CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS PROJECTED 2006 AND 2007 Actual Projected Projected Balance 2006 Balance 2007 Balance Project 12/31/05 Revenues Costs Transfers 12/31/06 Revenues Costs Transfers 12/31/07 Meters 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 SCADA Radio Study/Upgrade 9.428 95,840 86.412 Janesville Road box culvert relocation 87,000 111,717 24,717 Ken'M>od Place oversizing 132,948 132,948 LakeLorelTudor Oaks community well study/acquisition 545 (545) LakeLorelTudor Oaks WM-extension-assmt roll 440,560 440,560 Drill Well #13- Test Well & Eng 6.255 93,836 87,581 170,000 170.000 Future Projects as determined by Facalities Plan 60.000 60.000 Lakewood Meadows WM-Community Well Conv 30.000 30,000 Well #14 2.306 2,306 LakeLore Well House 30.851 30.851 Racine Ave Oversizing Lakewood Condos Oversizing Truck 15,000 7,339 29.339 37,000 37,000 Hillendale Booster Station 400.000 400,000 Lakewood Meadows Community Well Acqu & Conversion 70,333 5,532 (64,801) Lakewood Meadows-Testing 150,000 150.000 Well #14 Land Acquisition 150,000 150.000 Well #9113 Pumphouse 200.000 100.841 (99,159) 500,000 500.000 Well #9113 Construction 52.235 15.000 (37,235) SE Watermain 28.641 28,641 Transfer from general working capital 250.000 (250.000) Proceeds from borrowing 1.525.000 (1,525,000) Unallocated debt proceeds and interest earnings 435,237 15.000 (441,615) 8,622 684 (5.000) 4,306 (2) Total $ 976.033 265.000 1.195,411 45,622 1,525,684 1.567,000 4.306 (1) (1 ) Notes: (1) Balance represents the issuance of 684 new debt and the interest earnings on Construction Funds for the year. (2) Represents excess borrowed funds and related interest earnings available for debt services reductions or financing future water projects.