CCR2006183. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #183-2006 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT CITY OF MUSKEGO LEAVE DONATION POLICY WHEREAS, The Common Council adopted a revised Leave Donation Policy on June 27, 2006 with the adoption of Resolution #138-2006; and WHEREAS, The City Administrator has recommended that changes be made to the policy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby adopt the revised Leave Donation Policy as attached. DATED THIS 1ih ,2006. DAY OF September This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #183-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Musk go. 9/06jmb . . . p CITY OF MUSKEGO LEAVE DONATION POLICY 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for an employee to receive donated sick leave and other leave time from fellow City employees when the individual has an insufficient amount of accumulated sick days, vacation days, compensatory time, or other leave to provide for continued salary during an extended illness or other medical condition. 2. POLICY It is the policy of the City of Muskego to allow its employees who have exhausted their accumulated leave time, due to illness or medical condition, to seek donations of leave time from fellow employees. It is the intent of this policy to provide a mechanism for voluntary financial assistance to employees as well as to protect the interest of the City by placing limits on the amount of time an employee may receive through donations from other employees. 3. ELIGIBILITY A. All employees who have worked for the City of Muskego for a minimum of 12 consecutive months, and who by contract or resolution, presently qualify for sick time benefits, shall be eligible to request a donation of leave time from other City employees when the employee has an insufficient amount of accumulated sick days, or other leave to provide for continued salary during an illness or other medical condition of the employee. B. Employees who are not provided sick time benefits, either by contract or resolution, shall be ineligible to receive donated leave time from fellow City employees. 4. LIMITATIONS A. No City employee shall be permitted to use donated leave time until the employee has exhausted his/her entire sick leave, vacation time, compensatory time and holiday time. B. Employees will be permitted to request donation of leave time only one time during any 12-month period. C. There is no limit on the amount of vacation time, compensatory time, or holiday time that an employee may donate. Sick leave is Ret-eliaible to be donated. However. the maximum amount of sick leave anyone employee will be permitted to donate to another employee is 40 hours durinq any 12-month period. D. The maximum amount of leave anyone employee may receive through donations of leave from other employees is 12 calendar weeks per request. E. Vacation days, compensatory time and holidays may be donated to an employee who is seeking donated leave in order to care for the employee's child, spouse or parent, if the child, spouse or parent has a serious health condition as defined in Federal and Wisconsin statutes. City of Muskego Leave Donation Policy Page 2 5. PROCEDURES . . A. The Finanæ Department Supervisor shall provide Leave Donation Request forms for eligible employees' use. An employee will be required to have a physician sign the Leave Donation Request form ærtifying that the employee or the employee's child, spouse or parent has a serious health condition which prevents the employee from working. The forms shall not require an employee to disclose any information about the nature of the illness or medical condition. All such medical information shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed to unauthorized persons without the employee's consent. 8. Any eligible City employee, who wishes to solicit donations of sick leave or other leave time in accordance with this policy, shall submit a completed Leave Donation Request form to the employee's department head. C. Department heads who receive a completed Leave Donation Request form shall verify that the requesting employee is eligible to receive donated leave, then forward the Leave Donation Request form to the Finance Department Supervisor. D. The Finanæ Department Supervisor will verify the requesting employee is eligible to reæive donated leave from fellow employees and, upon such verification, will notify the City Bookkeeper to include a Leave Donation form in the pay envelopes of all City employees on the next payday. The Leave Donation form will notify all City employees of only the name of the employee requesting donated leave and in what Department said employee works. No information reoardino the illness or medical condition may be divuloed without the employee's consent. E. Employees wishing to donate leave time to a fellow employee shall complete the Leave Donation form and indicate from which leave account (vacation, compensatory, or holiday) they wish to have the time deducted, then retum the form to the Finanæ Department Supervisor's offiæ. Leave Donation forms must be retumed to the Finance Department Supervisor within 30 days of distribution or they will not be acæpted. F. The Finanæ Department Supervisor, upon reæipt of a Leave Donation form, shall transfer up to twelve (12) weeks of donated leave from the donating employee's account(s) to the requesting employee's sick leave account. G. The Finanæ Department Supervisor shall notify the City Administrator, Department Head and the recipient employee of the number of hours credited to the employee's sick leave account. H. If the recipient employee returns to reqular duty W9fk-prior to exhausting the donated leave, the employee shall be allowed to retain up to 8 hours of the donated leave. ðany balanæ of sick donatod leave exceedinq 8 hours shall be retumed to the employees who donated the leave on a prorated basis. I. Employees who have reæived donated leave time from other employees, shall not be entitled to any payout for any unused donated leave upon termination from City employment. Such unused leave shall be returned to the employees who donated the leave on a prorated basis. . Approved by Finance Committee - 1/21/1998 Revised 6/27/06 - Reso. #138-2006 Revised 9/12/2006 - Resa. #183-2006