CCR2006181. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #181-2006 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY HALULIBRARY UNIT OF LOCAL 2414 AFSCME AND THE CITY OF MUSKEGO JANUARY 1, 2006 - DECEMBER 31, 2008 WHEREAS, A settlement has been reached between the negotiators for the City of Muskego and the negotiators for the City Hall/Library Unit of Local 2414 AFSCME. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Negotiating Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to execute the attached settlement agreement between the City Hall/Library Unit of Local 2414 AFSCME and the City of Muskego for the period January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2008 subject to ratification by the bargaining unit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute the 2006 - 2008 labor agreement. DATED THIS 12th DAY OF September ,2006. SPONSORED BY: Charles H. Damaske, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #181-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City/~ ~USkego. i " {~./ / Llj Cler; -Treasurer 9/2006jmb . . . . CITY OF MUSKEGO AND AFSCME LOCAL 2414 - CITY HALL I LIBRARY SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT August 30,2006 1. Duration Three (3) year contract January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2008 2. WaQes Effective: January 1, 2006 - 2% ATB July 1, 2006 -1% ATB January 1,2007 - 2.75% ATB January 1, 2008 - 2.5% ATB Floating and clerk secretary position .25 ATB 1/1/07 (before % ATB) .25 ATB 1/1/08 (before % ATB) New Bookkeeper position to be paid Labor Grade (L.G.) 13. Position will be filled according to Section 20.08 of the CBA. Upon the next vacancy in the Sewer Clerk classification, the position will be reclassified to L.G. 13. Red circled employee(s) will get the full raises during the term of the CBA on a one-time non-precedent setting basis. The Senior Fiscal Assistant position will be eligible for a $.50 premium above the starting rate after 3 months if all expectations of the job are being met and then progress accordingly. . . . The person classified as Assistant Bookkeeper II assisting during vacancy of Finance Director will receive a one time payment of $1,000.00. (The terms to be set forth in a letter of understanding that is to provide that said payment is not for any period of time subsequent to December 31,2006.) 3. Health Insurance As proposed by the City (see attached) and retroactive to 1/1/06. Application of retiree health insurance ordinance to bargaining unit. 4. Article VIII- Call-in Time Add: "The parties are to agree upon a letter of understanding dealing with closing the City Hall/Library (blizzards, power outages, etc.), especially evenings and Saturdays. Designate a procedure, including names and phone numbers, to initiate closing." 5. Article IX - Holidavs Section 9.01 - Revise "Spring Holiday" date. Section 9.04 - Amend to read: "If any of the above-named holidays fall on Friday or Saturday, and Friday is observed as the holiday, the Library shall be closed on Saturday and there shall be no Sunday work hours, and Library employees shall not, as a part of their normal workweek, be required to work on Saturday to allow for a longer weekend for Library employees. Further, if any of the holidays fall on a Saturday and the preceding Friday is already a holiday, the following Monday shall be observed as a holiday and there shall be no Saturday or Sunday work hours. If an above-named holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as a holiday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday and the following Monday is a holiday, then the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday and there shall be no Saturday or Sunday work hours." 2 . . . . . 6. Section 9.05 - Amend to read: "For AFSCME employees in the Clerk-Treasurer's Department, delete New Year's Eve Day holiday and add one optional floating holiday for the purpose of tax collection. If any employee volunteers to work in the Clerk- Treasurer's Department on New Year's Eve Day, and actually works, he/she will have the holiday deleted and therefore will be entitled to the same one (1) additional floating holiday to be taken during the following year." Sunday Library Hours Beginning in 2007, the City may establish Sunday Library work hours consistent with the following: A. Limited to the first weekend in October to last weekend in April Sunday 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. First weekend in M3V to bst weekend in September Sunday N!A Saturday 8:30 a.m. 1 :00 p.m. The decision to schedule Saturday or Sunday hours will continue to rest with the City. However, to the extent Saturday and Sunday hours are scheduled they will be consistent with the above (Sundays) and Section 7.2 (Saturdays). B. Sunday work will be paid at one and six-tenths (1.6x) times the regular rate. C. When Saturday is reduced to four (4) hours, people so scheduled will have the opportunity to work forty (40) hours in five (5) days unless agreed otherwise. D. Sunday scheduling will be by classification as determined by the Library Director. Sunday work hours shall be rotated among the employees, as practical, within each classification. 7. Article X - Overtime Section 10.01 - Add: Compensatory time may not accumulate beyond sixty-four (64) hours. 3 .. , ... . . . 8. Article XXIII - Layoff and Recall Section 22.01 - Layoffs. When the Employer reduces personnel, employees shall be laid off in reverse order of their employment providing the employees remaining in the employ of the Employer are qualified to provide the usual services of the Employer. Deviation from the reverse order of employment shall only be to the extent necessary to maintain the usual services. In any specific layoff situation, the employee with the least seniority in the classification affected by the layoff will initially be selected for layoff. Such employee may, if he or she possesses sufficient qualifications to perform the work, bump a less senior employee in another classification. The bumped employee, as well as any other employee bumped by this procedure, will be afforded the same bumping rights as outlined above. Part-time employees will be permitted to bump only other part-time employees. It is understood that City Hall employees will not be eligible to bump into the library classifications and vice versa. Section 22.02 - Recall. The last person laid off shall be the first person considered for reemployment, provided said employee is capable of performing the work that is available. Recall rights shall be limited to the laid off employee's length of service with the City as measured from the employee's most recent date of hire. Section 22.03 All temporary or seasonal employees shall be laid off prior to a regular employee being laid off. 9. Upon ratification and Common Council approval, the pending grievance regarding ambulance/rescue billing will be withdrawn with prejudice, but on a non-precedent setting basis. If not ratified by September 15, 2006 the City reserves the right to modify or delete from this proposal. 4