CCR2006135. . COMMON COUNCIIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #135-2:006 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 208 - COMPLIANCE MAINTENANCE RESOLUTION 200Ei WHEREAS, It is a requirement under a VVisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit issued by the VVisconsin Department of Natural Resources to file a Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR) for the City of Muskego's wastewater collection system under Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 208; and WHEREAS, It is necessary to acknowled!;)e that the noverning body has reviewed the Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR) for 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby commit the necessary funding to operate the City's sewer utility efficiently and maintain its above 3.0 grade point average. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF _.Jur~~__, 2006. ,SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Eileen Madden Ald. Tracy Snead Ald. Neil Borgman This is to certify that this is a true and acc:ur8ltl9 copy of Resolution #135-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Musk o. . 6/06jmb COMPLIANCE MAINTENANCE AI~NUAL REPORT . Facility Name: Muskego City , I Financial Management . a . Person Providing This Financial Information Name: Scott Kloskowski Telephone: 2626794128 E-Mail Address(optional):skloskowski@ci.muske!lo.wi.us Are User Charge or other Hevenues sufficient to cover O&M EXI treatment plant AND/OR collection system? . Yes (0 points) o No (40 points) If No, please explain: I 3. When was the User Chargl~ System or other revenue sourl::e(s) Year: 2005 . . 0-2 years ago (0 points) o 3 or mom years ago (20 points} o Not Applicable (Private Facility) ___ Did you have a special account (e.g., CWFP required segregate financial resources available for repairing or replacing Elquipmen plant and/or collection systl~m? . Yes o No (40 points) --- REPLACEMENT FUNDS(If)UBLIC MUNICIPAL I~:!!!,~ Equipment Replacement Funds 5.1 When was the Equipment Replacement Fundi last revil~wed Year: 2005 . 1-2 years ago (0 points) o 3 or mom years ago (20 points) o Not Applicable Explain: . 5.2 Equipment Replacement Fund Activity ___ 5.2.1 Ending Balance R'eported on Last Year's CMIAR: 5.2.2 Adjustments if necessary (e.g., earned interest, audit correction, withe excess funds, increase making up previoLis shortfall, etc 5.2.3 Adjusted January 1st Beginning Balam:e 5.2.4 Additions to Fund (e.g., portion of User Fee, earned inte P~ap. 1 nl' A Last Updated: Reporting Year: 2005 5/19/2006 POints I lenses for your wastewater 0 I last reviewed and/or revised? 0 d Replacement Fund, etc.) or 0 t for your wastewater treatment HALL COMPLETE QUESTION 5) and/or revised? 0 I $530,101.10 + $0.00 Irawalof , ) $530,101.10 rest, etc.) + $43,360.44 COMPLIANCE MAINTE:NANCE ANNUAL REPORT . Facility Name: Muskego City I Last Updated: Reporting Year: 2005 5/19/2006 Financial Management (Continued) 5.2.5 Subtractions from Fund (e.g., equipment replacement, n - use description box below*.) 5.2.6 Ending Balance a:s of December 31st fl)r CMlAR Repl (All Sources: This endinn balance should include all Equipme Funds whether held in a bank account(s), certiHcate(s) of dep * Indicate adjustments, equipment purchasl9s and/or I Equipment purchase-replaced 1 of 3 VFD's at Woods Rc . . Future Planning lajor repairs - $13,800.00 )rting Year $559,661.54 I'lt Replacement Dsit, etc.) . major repairs from 5.2.5 above I Lift Station I If you had a CWFP loan, this lment (FAA) and should have been ~ minimum required replacement I ming for upgrading, rehabilitating m? nation) Estimated Cost Approximate Construction Year 10 revenue bondsto advance ,315 was deposited in an uture debt service payment on ~d defeased and have been ue bond issue of $4,225,000 d to the prior issues, with an --,- 5.3 What is the minimum required replacement fund balance? ( balance was originally based on the Financial Assistance AgreE updated in subsequent years.) $215,000.00 ___ 5.3.1 Is the Dec. 31 Endin!~ Balance equal to or ~Jreater than thl fund balance (#5.3)? . Yes o No Explain: 6.1 During the next ten years, will you be involved in formal pial or new construction of your treatment facility or colleGtion syste o Yes (If yes, please provide major project inforr . No Project Description Financial Management General Comments: As part of the Sewe~r Utilities 2005 issuance of S4,225,0( refund $8,655,000of outstanding revenue bonds, $4,836 irrevocable trust with an escrow agent to provide fer all f the outstanding revenue bonds, which are~ now considen removed from the financial statements. The 2005 reven has an average intElrest rate of 3.67 percent as compare average interest rate of 4.82 percent. C",,,,,, ') "f a . . . COMPLIANCE MAINTE:NANCE ANNUAL REPORT Facility Name: Muskego City . Financial Management (Continued!) Last Updated: Reporting Year: 2005 5/19/2006 PaCle 3 of9 COMPLIAINCE MAINTENANCE AI~NUAL REPORT . Facility Name: Muskego City Last Updated: Reporting Year: 2005 6/8/2006 Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems Questions . 1. Do you have a Capacity, Management, Operation WPDES permit? . Yes 0 No 2, Did you have a documented (written records/files, collection system operation & maintenance or CM . Yes (go to question 3) 0 No (30 points) (go to question 4} 3. Check the elements listed below that are included i CMOM program.: ~ Goals: specific identification of rn III reduction, basement backup a sewers, system cleaning and mo [8] Organiza1tion: identification of th for implementing your O&M/CMO overflows [8] Legal Authority: sufficient autho agreements or other legally bindi sources, proper design, construct rehabilitated sewers and laterals systems, iF present. [8] Maintenance Activities: routine maintenance of facilities and equi inspections; a system to identify i property); a system for replacem employee training program; and of information to establish O&M p [8] Design and Peñormance Stan. design, installation and inspectio and sewer rehabilitation projects, 181 Oveñlow Emergency Respons to SSOs, power outages, lift stati events of an emergency nature. D Capacity Assurance: a program system to identify problems or bo and Capac:ity Assurance Plan (SI D Annual S~llf-Auditing of your 01 components are being implemen 181 Special Studies (if applicable): Analysis, Sewer System Evaluati Please list the study reports of th II Facilities plan began for sewer collection system, . - & Maintonanc --,- compute',r files OM program I, --,- n your Opera ajor goal Is of nd SSO reduc nitoring, etc. ose managers M program a rity, through s ng documents ion, inspectio and addl'"ess fi prevøntative pment. By th nfiltration/inflo ent part inven a manag"3men riorities janfs: establi n of new sewe e Plalll: C10cum on F;ailureis se to assess the ttlenEick~, ; an ECAP). &MlC:MOM P ted, evaluated any special s on Surveys (S e last year be CMOM prog P::Jn~' A. nf Q Points e(CMOM) requirement in your , video tapes, etc.) sanitary sewer 0 '1st calendar year? tion and Maintenance (O&M) or )lour O&M/CMOM program such a~ tions, repair and rehabilitation of and persons who are responsible nd reporting sanitary sewer ewer use ordinances, service to control infiltration/inflow n and testing of new and ows from satellite collection O&M activities, including adequate E' use of: sewer system monitoring; w sources (including private tories; control of fat, oil & grease; t system for the collection and use sh requirements and standards for i'S, service laterals, pump stations ented procedures for responding wer blockages or any other similar current capacity of the collection cI if required, a System Evaluation rogram to ensure above , and re-prioritized as needed. tudies undertaken such as III SES), lor sewer pipe studies. low: ram under construction. I . . . COMPLIANCE MAINTE:NAiNCE ANNUAL REPORT Facility Name: Muskego City Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems (Continued) Did your sanitary sewer collection system mainter maintenance activities? Complete all that apply al Cleaning 130 r/o of s Root Removal 11 ~/o of s Flow Monitoring 1100 ~/o of s Smoke Testing 10 ~/o of s Sewer Line Televising 125 ~/o of s Manhole Inspections 130 ria of s Lift Station O&M 152 rper Manhole Rehabilitation 10 ~/o of r Mainline Rehabilitation 10 ~/o of s Private Sewer Inspections 10 ~/o of s Private Sewer III Removal 10 ~/o of ~ Please include additional comments about your s Smoke testing of the entire system was complel and 2001, Private sewer defects found during Sl vented manhole covers were replaced with solid been a serious recurring problem. Some lift statii checked on our SCADA daily. 5. Provide the following collection system and flow il lance program ld indical'e the ystem/ye!ar ystem/year ystem/year ystem/ye!ar ystem/year ysteim/ye!ar L,S/YE~ar nanholes reha eweir lines reh ysteim/ye!ar lrivatei service~ anitary S!3wer ed in 19~19. Me TIOkl3 tesl!:ing w gasketed cov ons receive a lforrnation for 1 P::lC'lA f; n'F q Last Updated: Reporting Year: 2005 6/8/2006 include the following amount maintained: bed abed , collection system below: Inholes were rehabed in 2000 ere repaired in 1999. All known '3rs by 2003. Roots have not yet visit daily, some weekly. All are he past year: COMPLIANCE MAINTE:NAINCE )~NNUAL REPORT . Facility Name: Muskego City Last Updated: Reporting Year: 2005 6/8/2006 Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems (Continued) 127.25 135 1144 125 10 10 10 . 10 10 12.4 15.3 16.3 Total Actual Amount of Precipitation Last Year Annual Average Precipitation (for your location) Miles of Sanitary Sewer Number of Lift Stations Number of Lift Station Failure Number of Sewer Pipe Failures Number of Sanitary Sewer OverFlow (SSO) Occurrences:(10 points per occurrence) Number of Basement Backup Occurrences Number of Complaints Average Daily Flow in MGD Peak Monthly Flow in MGD(if available) Peak Hourly Flow in MGD(if avaílabl13) PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.2 . 2.6 Lift Station Failures(failures/pslyealr) Sewer Pipe Failures(pipe failures/sewer mile/vr) Sanitary Sewer Overflows (number/sewer mile/yr) Basement Backups(number/sewer mile:, Complaints (number/sewer mi113} Peaking Factor Ratio (Peak Monthly:Anlual Daily Average) Peaking Factor Ratio(Peak HOlUrly:.AnnLal daily Average) Was infiltration/inflow(I/I) si!~nificant in your community last year? P::IClP. n n'F ~ COMPLIANCE MAINTE:NANCE ANNUAL REPORT . Facility Name: Muskego City . Last Updated: Reporting Year: 2005 6/8/2006 Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems (Continued) . . Yes 0 No If Yes, please describe: I Any rainfall over 1 inch increases our flows. 17; Has infiltrationlinflow and msultant high flows affe collection system, lift stations, or treatment plant é 0 Yes . No If Yes, please describe: I $. Explain any infiltration/inflow(I/I) changes this yeal I We saw less 1&1 in 2005 because of the drought Q.. What is being done to address infiltration/inflow in lour aim is to have internall manhole seals in aliI found during televising is repaired immediately, ii cted performar It any time in tt your collectio I Ice or created problems in your Ie past year? I years? during summer. I n system? e end of 2006. Any serious III I . from preivious like conditions nanlholeE, by tl1 f possiblø. . P:mF! 7 nf Q COMPLIANCE MAINTENANCE Ar~NUAL REPORT . Facility Name: Muskego City - Last Updated: Reporting Year: 2005 WPDES NO.0047341 GRADE POINT AVERAGE(GPA~= Notes: A = Voluntary Han~le B = Voluntary Han~le C = Recommendatlion Range (Response Required) D = Action Range (Response Required) F = Action Range (Response Required) . . COMPLIANCE MAINTENANCE Ar~NUAL REPORT . Facility Name: Muskego City - Last Updated: Reporting Year: 2005 Resolution or Owner's Statement NAME OF GOVERNING BODY OR OWNER c: RESOLUTI.Of! OR!\GTION TAKEN City of Muskego RESOLUTION NUMBER --- -- ACTIONS SET FORTH BYTHE(~O\lERNING BOCYOR OWNER RELATING TO SPECIFIC CMAR SECTIONS(Op~onal forgradeAorB.req!Jired forgradeC,p.orF): Financial Management: Grade;;:A --- --- Collection Systems: Grade;;:A ----------- -- ACTIONS SET FORTH BY THEGOVERN1N~BODYORO\IVNERRELATING TOTHE OVERALL GRADE POINT AVERAGE(Optional forG.PA greater than orequaLto 3.00, required for G.PA less than 3.00) G.PA ;;: ........--- . .