CCR2006130AMENDE[) GOMMON COUNCIIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #1 :m-2006 . RESOLUTION REGARDING THE MUSKEGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY (SETTLEMENT GENTER GROUNDS) WHEREAS, on May 9,2006, the Common Council, as Le~;sor, of the Settlement Center, discussed the creation of an AD-HOC Committee to resolve concerns related to the Settlement Center grounds; and WHEREAS, the City was unable to find enou~~h volunteers to serve on such an AD-HOC Committee; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has., in n~cent history, been serving as the repository for records regarding City actions taken in re~lard to tile SHttlement Center Grounds; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee met on .June 9, 2006 to discuss the options for continued (present and future) management of the SHttlernent Center; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has. recommended the Common Council, as Lessor, adopt this resolution to work toward establishing the mechanisms for continued (present and future) management of thH Settlement Center. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOl.l.OWS: . 1. That a seven-member Ad-Hoc Committee be Great'ed to consist of two aldermen, two citizens, one Musk1ego Historical Socie!ty member, one Muskego Chamber of Commerce member and one member of an outside Historical Society. 2. That the Public Works Committee will be the point of authority for the immediate needs of the Settlement Center. 3. A document of a working relationship betwøer the City of Muskego and the Muskego Historical Society will be created by the Ad-Hoc Committee. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF JUNE , 200ß. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ad. Chris Buckmaster Ad. Nancy Salentine Ad. Bob Melcher This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #130-2006, which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. /'\ . ~~., / ~Ierk--~ easurer \ . --/ . . . '. ) '\ .r ...;~. ~': \!\ ' !,I COMMON COUNCIIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION l~1 :SO-2006 / / 0 RESOLUTION f~EGARDING THE: MUSt(:EGO HISTORICAL ~6CIETY i\/ ,~r\ (SETTLEMENT C:ENTEI~ GF~OUNDS) /~1).'7r\. ...-J. ,,1"..-. " " ."i :/V Þ WHEREAS, on May 9,2:006, the Common Coundl, aB Lessor, of the Settlement Center, discussed the creation of an AD-HOC Committee to re~6lve concerns related to the Settlement Center grounds; and /' j ,/ WHEREAS, the City waB unable to find enou~~h vDlunjleer~;'to serve on such an AD- HOC Committee; and" WHEREAS, the Public VVorks Committee has, in rec~rít history, been serving as the repository for records rel~arding City actions taken iry'regard to the Settlement Center Grounds; and' WHEREAS, the Public VVorks Committee met Iqri JunH 9,2006 to discuss the options for continued (present and future) managem~,r:1t of the Settlement Center; and WHEREAS, the Public VVorks Committee rnlS recommended the Common Council, as Lessor, adopt this resolution to work towqr'd establishi ng the mechanisms for continued (present and future) management of t~.7/Settleme!!nt Center. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED AS FOLLOVVS: 1. 2. 3. 4. ./ / DATED THIS ,<'DAY OF ,2:006. SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AIu::L Chris Buckmaster Ak:L Nancy Salentine Ak:L Bob Melcher This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #130-2006, which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. CI"erk- Treasurer