CCR2006124. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY" OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #124-2006 AUTHORIZATIION TO PURCHASE ACCESSIBLE VOTING EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, All communities in the State of Wisconsin are required by the Help American Vote Act of 2002, to have accessible voting equipment in E!Very polling place by September 12, 2006, the date of the Fall PrimalY Election; and WHEREAS, The Municipal Clerks in Waukesha County have organized and reviewed equipment available to comply with the requirements set forth in the Help American Vote Act of 2002; and WHEREAS, The equipme!nt recommended for approval by the majority of Waukesha County Clerks is manufactured by Sequoia Voting Systems end distributed and serviced by Command Central, at a cost of $6,000 per voting machine, and at a total cost of $42,000. The model recommended is the Edge II V5.0.24; and WHEREAS, In order to comply with the requirements of the Help American Vote Act of 2002, grant funding will be received in the amount of $(),DOO per polling place to be used for purchase of the voting equipment, system maintenance, progra!mming, ballot costs, or other charges related to the purchase and use of the accessiblH voting system. NOW, THEREFORE BE HESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hei"eby approve the purchase of seven accessible voting machinE~s at a cost not to excel~d $42,000, and authorize the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to sign the purchase agreement and any other related documents. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is contingent upon receipt of a satisfactory purchase agreement and any other related documenl:s approved by the City Attorney. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF June_____, 2006 ~;PC~JSORE[) BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald.. Nancy Salentine Ald.. Eilel3n Madden Ald.. Eric Schroeder This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #124-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of MU~. ";0, ( ( Î Le. / ailL/fA) -{Y (OJ UL ß::;ler.k.rrr;~asul'er \ ./ \ 6/06 jkm \. ..../ Vd /1?pJ.'o tt !J'-/-.2oot, CITY OF: MUSKEGO OFFICE OF THE CLERt(-TRIEASURER W182 SlJ200 RACINE AVIENUE, MUSKEGO, WI 53150 PHONE: (262), 6'l'9-5U24 MEMORANDUM . TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Mayor Damaske and Aldermen Janiæ Moyer, Clerk-TreasUirer 6/8/20Cl6 Accessible Voting Equipment -- The Clerks in Waukesha County have met several times over the past year to review voting equipment and the related details in order to purchase the accessible voting equipment required by the Federal Help American Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA\ I have attached a letter from the State Elections Board that has additional information regarding the requirements. Please note that each polling place is required to have this equipme~nt. The majority of Waukesha County Clerks are r'ecommending the purchase of the AVC Edge that is manufactured by Sequoia Voting Systems and distributed and serviced by Command Central. The state and federal government has approvE!d the AVC Edge touch screen voting machine as accessible voting equipment. . The Waukesha County Clerk has worked with Ithe cl13rk's group to help facilitate this purchase. Because of her involveml~nt, we have also had the ability to use the Waukesha County Purchasing and Risk Management Departmenlts for reviewin!~ the financial condition of the company and drafting of the contract. Attorney John Macy has reviewed the contract on bElhalf of several Waukesha County communities, including the City of Muskego, and is worl<ing to finalize it soon. At this time I am requesting permission to purclhasE~ seven AVC Edge touch screen voting machines, with the contingency that Attorney John Macy approve the final purchase agreement and any other documents related to the purchase. The cost of each machine is $6,000. As mentioned in the attacheclletter, federal funding will be received to cover the $6,000 cost. Breakdown of $6.000 per machinE~ . Edge II V5.0.24 HAAT V1.0.79L (wI modern) WinEDS 3.1.012 programming Software Freight 2-results cartridges 1 a-activation cards $3 each 1 a-rolls of paper $2.75 each 1-bag of seals (1 OOct) I nstallation/trai n i ng/educatilon package 2-year extended hardware maintenance agreement Total 3,3~12.50 1,Oi'5.00 355.00 75.00 30D.00 30.00 27.50 n/c 2Ei5.00 5i:0.00 6,000.00 . . . Included in the approved 2006 Budget was $38,500, for the purchase of this equipment. $35,000 was to be received from federal grant funds, and thH balancH of $3,500 was to come from landfill funds. We now know thE! cost to be $42,000; and we are expecting $42,000 in federal grant funds. Grant funds will probably be received in early 2007. In the mean time, the Capital Projects Fund fund balance will be used to fund the purchase.