CCR2006116. . . !COMMON COUNCIIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUT'IONf#1'16-2Ci06 APPROVAL OF AGRIEEMENT TO ASSUME CERTAIN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF LAKE LORE WATER TRUST AND TO INGOI~PORATE SAID WATER SYSTEM INTO A MUNICIPAL SYSTEM WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committe1e has mviewed acquisition of the Lake Lore water system has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That thE~ Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attachød AgrHemHnt to Assume Certain Assøts and Liabilities of Lake Lore Water Trust and to InGorporatÐ Said Water System into a Municipal System subject to PSC and DNR approval and acquisition of easement from Tudor Oaks satisfactory to the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to execute the Agreement in the name of the! Cijty, subject to receipt of PSC and DNR approval, and are further authorized to make any necessary changes in any of the closing documents in consultation with thEl City Attorney that are in the best interest of the City and are not a material change to the agmemont. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF ----.JVla)L___, 2006. SPONISORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Eileen Madden Ald. Neil Borgman Ald. Tmcy Snead This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #116-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5/2006jmb r, ~ ~/t,alt{~p' '~;LI(l L/ íClerk- Treasurer )ì \~. \~ . AGREEMENT TO ASSUME CEI~TAIN ,,~SSETS AND LIABILITIES OF LAKE LORE WATER TRUST AND TO INCORPOHATE SAID WATER SYSTEM INTO A MUNICIPAL SYSTEM ,t-Ì\ THIS AGREEMENT is entered into thi:3 ~~ day of Msy, 2006, by and between Lake Lore Water Trust, (hereinafter mfl~rred to as "TRUST"), and the CITY OF MUSKEGO, Waukesha County, Wisconsiln (høre.inafter referred to as "CITY"). :::fu)\1 t- RECITt~U~ WHEREAS, the TRUST has operated a private water system (the "Water System") serving the domestic water nl~eds of homeowners within the Tudor Oaks retirement community, the Lake Lore and La~:e Brittany subdivisions, additions thereto, and other residential lots, the general area of which is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein Iby this reference (collectively, the "SUBDIVISIONS"); and \. . WHEREAS, by prior agreement with Covenant Living Centers, Inc., n/k/a American Bapti~.t Homes of the Midwest, Inc. ("Tudor Oaks"), Wimmer-Clatter Realty, Inc., and Home:-,tead Properties, Inc., the CITY reselved the right to require transfer of the Water Syste:n to the CITY in the event water for the subdivision is mlde available by the CITY; and WHEREAS, the CITY has exercised its option to require transfer of the water facilities used to operate the Water System; and WHEREAS, the real estate'upon which the Water System rests is within the land described in Exhibit A and is located either within rights of way dedicated to the City or upon easements granted by Tudor Oaks (the "Real Estate"); and WHEREAS, the TRUST acknowledges that the CITY has properly exercised its option and is, therefore, desirous of conveying and d,~dicating to the CITY certain of its water service assets and facilities more particularly described in the attached Exhibit B . (the "ASSETS"); and Page 1 of 24 Revised: May 23, 200() . . . WHEREAS, the Trustee Committee of the TRUST has consented to and authorized Charles K. Lamson to enter into this Agreement providing for the transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY upon the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the TRUST represents that it has the right and authority, pursuant to Trust Agreements, Subdivider's Agreements or any other agreements or documents and all applicable rules and laws, to enter into thiis A9reement; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the TRUST have determined it to be in the best interest of each of them, and specifically to be in the best interest of the members of the TRUST and others served by the Water System, that the ownership and operation of the ASSETS be transferred to the CITY to be opemted as a part of the existing water utility presently operated by the CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties heretO' auree and covenant as follows: 1. TRANSFER OF TITLE. ThE~ TRUST will transfer the ASSETS to the CITY at a closing to take place at the CITY Hall on or before 30 days after the city certifies final completion '11' the interconnection (the "CLOSING"). At the CLOSING, the TRUST will execute an instrument of conveyance in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C tD transfer ownership of the ASSETS to the CITY. The ASSETS will be transferred "as is - where is" and without any warranty or representation a8 to condition, defect, or capacity. 2. WARRANTY OF TITLE. The TRUST warrants and represents that as of the date of execution of this Agreement and at CLOSING, the TRUST has and shall have good right and title to the ASSETS free from all liens and encumbrances. 3. INTERCONNECTION BY CITY~. The CITY acknowledges and agrees that it will construct as a CITY public works project such water main and facilities as shall be necessary to supply water to and otherwise cause the Water System to become a component of the CITY municipal water Page 2 of 24 Revised: May 23, 20013 . system. The TRUST does hereby grant permission to the CITY and the CITY further acknowledges and agrees: A. to perform as part of the public works project the work set forth on Exhibit D at the location of the water wells currently operated by the "TRUST; and, B. to solïcit bids for, pursue a special assessment to pay for, and if such bids and ~;pecial assessment are approved at the sole option of the City, to perform as part of the public works project the work set forth on Exhibit E at the location of the water wells currently operated by the TRUST. 4. RECOGN'ITION OF BB~EUTS~:ONSIDERATION. The CITY acknowledges and agrees tlhat the ASSETS have a value of at least equal to the charges ("WCA CHARGES') that otherwise would be imposed on property owners being served by the TRUST for becoming connected to the CITY's Water System and for water capacity through the municipal water service of the CITY. ThH CITY further acknowledges and agrees that the CITY and areas outside tre SUBDIVISIONS will benefit from the transfer to the CITY of the .ASSET S at least to the extent of such value. Therefore, in consideration of the transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY, the CITY shall credit each lot served by the Water System, against the WCA CHARGES, an amount equal to 100% of such charges attributable to each lot served by the Water System. At the CLOSING, the CITY shall deliver to TRUST a Certificate and Waiver in the form of that attached as Exhibit F for each lot served by the. Water System. At the time of connection to the CITY Water SystE~m, there shall be no connection fee or meter fee charged by the CITY Ita the TRUST or any homeowner served by the TRUST. The CITY will replace current water meters at its expense. . 5. ASSUMPTION OF RESPONSt!2J1JTY. Upon CLOSING, the CITY shall assume full title ownership of thH ASSETS and all responsibility for water service to water customers of the TRUST. . Page 3 of 24 Revised: May 23, 2006 . 6. RESPONSIBILITY FOR VI/A1fR USAGE. The TRUST agrees that special assessments may be levied elgainst all properties benefited by projects performed by the CITY (including, but not limited to, those properties now owned by membem of the TRUST) and the credit against the WCA CHARGES described above shall not constitute a waiver of the CITY'S right to levy and collect futJre special assessments. The TRUST further acknowledges that upon closing as referenced in Paragraph No. 1 of this Agreement and thereaftÐr, all water users within this system will become customers and USHrs under the CITY's municipal water system and subject to all rules, charges, Gonnection costs, costs of meters and related connection costs such as meter horn and internal plumbing, etc. and regulations thereof as uniformly applied, which charges might accrue or be assessed subsequent to initial connection to the system. The parties acknowledge that the special' assessment(s) for the cost of constructing the water main and in':erconnecting the Water System to the CITY's municipal water systHm (inCluding the work described in Exhibits 0 and E) is :the only charge to be assessed against or collected from the TRUST members for establishing and undertaking connection to the CITY's municipal water system. . 7. EMINENT DOMAIN RIGHTS ~:t:dVED. The TRUST acknowledges that it is aware of all rights it may helve under Chapter 32 of the Wisconsin Statutes, but agrees that the benefits resulting from this transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY including, but not limited to, the credit against the WCA CHARGES shall be deemed equal in value to the ASSETS being dedicated and, therefore, other than the consid~ration described in this Agreement, is requesting nOl further compensation and any further rights under Eminent Domain Law or simiku laws are hereby waived. 8. CONTINGENCIES. The CITY may prior to the commencement of construction, at its sole option" by written notice to the TRUST, declare this Agreement null and void for any of the following reasons: . Page 4 of 24 F~evised: May' 23, 2006 . . . A. The CITY, at its sole disc!retion, deems that it is not satisfied with some aspect of the amount of special assessments and/or procedure in regards to the installation of the necessary water facilities connecting the TRUST'::; system with the CITY's municipal water system; B. The CITY, at its sole discretion, is not satisfied with the bids for the construction of said VI/ate!" System connection; or, C. The CITY does not obtain from Tudor Oaks such easements as the CITY deems necessary to effectuate the interconnection of the Water System to the CITY's municipal water system. 9. SURVIVAL AND ENFORCEMENT OF TERMS. Each party agrees to execute sllch additional documentation, after Closing, as is necessary to effectuate the terms of this Agreement. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and promises herein, we have set our hands and seals on the date first above written. LAK(!;~R TRUST ~ITY OF M~~GO, ~ / By LU-OI~ BL~. L I Charles Damaske, Mayor Charles K. Lamson, its authorized signatory By: ÇlÁ ~/]rl~; ~ (? Janice Moyer. Clerk . . /- / Pa!Je 5 of 24 Revised: May 23, 2006 . THIS INSTRUMENT VVAS DRAFTED BY: Attorney Donald S. Molter, Jr. ARENZ, MOLTER, MP~CY & RIFFLE, S.C. 720 N. East AvenllE~, P.O. Box 1348 Waukesha, WI 53187-1348 on behalf of the City of Muskego and Attorney Dean B. Richards R:EINHART BOERINEH VAN DEUREN s.c. P.O. Box 2L~65 Waukesha, WII 53187-2265 on behalf of Lake Lam Water Trust . . Page 6 of 2L. Revised: May 23, 2000 . . . EXHIBIT .A Legal De::>lcriptioll All that part of the Northeast V4, Southeast Y4, and Southwest 'i4 of Section 12, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of the Southeast ~~ of Section 12, said point also being the point ofbeg:inning of lands to be des{:ribed; t1~ence Southerly along the East line of the Southeast 1;4 of said Section 12,. a distance of 1,254.14 feet to the centerline of McShane Drive; thence Southwesterly along said centt::rline 1256.47 feet to an angle point; thence Northwesterly along said centerline 93.07 feet, to the West extended property line of a parcel ofland identified by Tax-key no. 2208-999-001; thence Southerly along said West line 343.70 feet to the SoutlJ line of said parcel; thence Easterly along said South line 17.00 feet to tbe West line of The Nursery, a Subdivision located in the city of Muskego; thence Southerly along said West line 395.52 feet, to a Northerly line of a parcel of land identified by Tax-key no. 2207-999; thence Easterly along said North line ][ ,330.80 feet to the JEast line of said parcel; thence Southerly along said East line 624.28 feet to the Southerly line: of said parcel; thence Westerly along said South line 2,662.22 feet to the West line of th'e Southe~iSt 1/4 of said Section 12; thence Southerly 13 feet more or less to the Southerly line of said parcel identified by Tax-key no. 2207-999; thence Westerly along said South line 1,330 feet more or less to the West line of said parcel; thence Northerly along said West line 1,390 feet more or less to the center line of McShanle Drive; thence Westerly along said centerline 250 feet more or less to the extended West line of Certified Survey Map No. 3959; thence Northerly along said West line 370 feet more or less, to the NOith line of said Certified Survey Map; thence EaBterly along said North line 202.38 feet to the V/ esterly right-of-w:lY line of Fairfield Drive; thence Northerly along said West line 593 feet more or less to the South line of Certified Survey Map No. 5280; thence 'Vesterly along said South line 185.31 feet, to the West line óf said Certified Survey Map; thence Northerly along said West line 260.00 feet to the center line of Courtland LaIie; thence Easterly along said center line 1,634 feet more. or less to the West line of Lake Brittany Estates Addition No. 1 a subdivision located in the City of Muskego; thence North(~rly along said West line 356.93 feet to the North line of said subdivision; thence Easterly along said North line 1,328.07 feet, to the East line of said subdivision; thence Southerly along said East line 332.27 feet to the North line of Lake Brittany Estates, a subdivision locat,ed in the City of Muskego; thence Easterly along said North line 1,327.51 feet to NOitheast comer of the Southeast 1f4 of Section 12, and the point of beginning. Two explanato.ry 1r:J;aflrams follow. Page "7 of 24 Revised: May 22, 2006 . . Gl I l--T~ _-...1) ----~ ..,=--- . , Page 8 of 24 Revised: May 23, 2006 . I,. ~ I ë ii ... . "'C C >- m æ (l) ~ L.- ._ .3 ãi (l) (l) ~~ as m ... .-1.-1 Q) ~ (/) Q) :e Q) 0- o '- Q. E Q) .oJ (/) >- CJ) '0 c: Q) Ol Q) ..J II) II .'!! j 1:: CD Q) 0 a. "- e ~ 0.. .. E î 2 ! ~ 8 (/) N ~ ~ <U ~ ?; ál '" III ø !: :.e -I to Q) fi "CI ~ a. -, al .x Æ vi ~~ .5 CI ~~ 11 ìl~l , . 11 l' . .hil 'i ~ In l lt~i ~ IJ> ~ IH 5~" I.m l~~í tis! '.u w~ h~ ,l}ii -1\' 1:~ -14" " i ~~e : ,-11 1.-1 i ~!U I ~l'l .Ïi, M &lhi& lï!\ i." iI.q Ii . i~~ Il\PI 111.t ~~I h.fll~ ,t!J1 ~h 1'1\& H.1l ~"a '\1 '. BlU 01 i 111'1 Htn ~!~ f .In l _.l! ; I !Í 1;1 r' i .\ . , '_I u;i .~ .l\wJ 'I . I - - r . .. .- . '" . i u. 8 q Gí .!! 0 0 8 . @- .!l! It) '" " c:r 0 Q) .c: to <.l 0 Page 9 of 24 Revised: May 2~., 2006 . . . Fire Hydrant Assembly Water Main Valves EXHIBIT 13 Assets tOt BE~ Cc,nveyed 48 each 11,ZeO linear feet 2:3 each Page 10 of 24 Revised: May 23, 2006 . EXHIBITG Billl of Sale Lake Lore Water Trust, an unincorporated private water trust, Seller, hereby conveys to the City of Muskego, a Wisconsin municipal corporation, Buyer, for good and valuable consideration all of Seller's interest !in the following personal: Fire Hydrant Assembly Water Main Valves 48 each 11,280 linear feet 23 each Seller hereby warrants and represents thelt Seller owns said personal property free and clear of all liens and encumbrances" that Seller has good right to sell the same and Seller will warrant and defend the same aga inst the lawful claims and demands of all persons without exception. This warranty applies only to title and all of the personal property described on Exhibit B is transferred "as is -. where is" and without any warranty or representation as to condition, defect or capacity. Dated this day of ,2006 . Lake Lore Water Trust . By: Charles K. Lamson, Authorized signatory ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Wisconsin ) ) ss. ) County of Waukesha Personally came before me this day of ___' 2006, the above named Charles K. Lamson, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing as the authorized signatory of Lake Lore Water Trust and acknowledged the same. Dean B. Richards Notary Public, Milwaukee County, WI My commission is permanent Page '11 of 24 Revised: May 2:3, 2006 . . . EXHIBIIT D Work to be performed under first Special Assessment Well No 1 (Tudor Oaks) 1. After completion of the water main installation, testing, connection and sampling, turn pump and resenlOirs off. 2. Abandon connection to existingl water main. 3. Abandon existing well and casing, i neluding the perforation and grouting of the annular space between the formation casings. 4. Cap well in place, 3--5' below grade. 5. Restore entire area disturbed by tht9 work described in this exhibit with a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil, with fertilizers, seed and mulch. 6. Establish substantial grass ~~rowth I n entire area disturbed by the work described in this exhibit. Well No 2 (Lake Lore) 1. After completion of the water main instaillation, testing, connection and sampling, turn pump off. Abandon connection to exislting water main. Lateral to be capped at main or within road right of way. Abandon existing well and casin!l Including installation of chlorinate pea gravel and bentonite chips. Cap well in place, 3..5' below grade. Restore entire area disturbed by the work described in this exhibit with a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil with fertilizer, seed and mulch. Repair asphalt driveway as needed. Establish substantial grass ~Jrowth in entire-area disturbed by the work described in this exhibit. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Page 12 of 24 Revised: May 23, 200,3 . . . EXHIBIIT IE Work to be performed under second SJPeci.:11 Assessment if approved Well No 1 (Tudor Oaks) 7. Remove all mechanical systems from the structure. 8. Demolish the existing building, includinu flooring, electrical and mechanical items. 9. Abandon, in place, reservoir to a depth of not less than two feet. Perforate reservoir floor to allow drainage of water and prevent accumulation of water. Fill area with f10wable fill to prevent settlement. 10. Restore entire area disturbed by th,~ work described in this exhibit with a minimum of 4 inches of tops.oil, with fertilizers, seed and mulch. 11. Establish substantial grass Urowth In entire area disturbed by the work described in this exhibit. Well No 2 (Lake Lore) 7. Remove all mechanical systems from the structure. Trust to have first right of refusal to remove and salvage any fixtures or equipment. Remove all electrical equipment and wiring after breaker panel. 8. Page 12> of 24 Revised: May 23, 200'5 . . . EXHIBITF CertificatE! and Vllaiv1er of Water Capacity Asses~)ment ("VCA) Charges CERTIFICATE)\ND WAIVER FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Musl<:ego, Wisconsin, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of VVisconsin, hereinafter referred to as "CITY, " does hereby acknowledge, confirm and certify that the persons and real property described on the attached Exhibit X sha II be and hereby are forever discharged from any obligation to pay the CITY those particular special assessments known as Water Capacity Assessments ("WCA") now existing against said properties in the amount of One Thousand and Ninety eight No/100 ($1098.00) Dollars each, and the CITY does hereby forever waive any and all such impositions relating to said real property. PROVIDED, HOVVEVER, that the foregoing Cl3rtificate and Waiver (I) shall not apply with respect to any buildable lot described on said Exhibit X which is connected to said municipal water system after the closing; and (ii) shall not prevent the CITY from imposing upon said persons and real property certain assessments relating to the future improvement and operation of said municipal water system, fairly and uniformly applied according to the laws of the State of Wisconsin including, but not limited to, water user charges, special assessments and water capacity assessments. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undE~rsïøned, pursuant to the authority vested in me by duly adopted Resolution of the Common Council, has executed this CertifiGate and Waiver as the official act of the CITY this ___ day of ,2006. CITY OF MUSKEGO By: Charl13s H. Damaske, Mayor ATTEST: Janice Moyer, Clerk Page 14 of 24 Revised: May 23. 200ß . EXHIBIT )( Attachment to Certi'ficate étnd Waiver (continues on fc)lIowing pages) . PAaClù. SCHL TAX X!~ JIl'>>Ø/ADDdSS LJtGAI. I)K9CRIPTION HS1CC2207 004 .3857 Malta .~!f7 ~..l JOlIN. I' ~. Clm~X . IHJI P WlUDN'lR O~1Ar..IJ'. 0 . :ItLO't"1'E.Rt' CREDIT S7SlfU2U.. . UIi. LN g" swH 3 'tJJt'I'UNO LN HUsnoo WI 50 - ... ...-..:.. ~ ."-,'" .. .. ~ .. ."" ""-. -.... _.- ....... - ... .. .. . ~_.'...... ,. ......... ....... ... .. .. .., .. ~.- - .... -... - '- - .... --- - ...;.. - - '-.... ... - HS~.. 2201 005 .. 3857 HÆncc ~i207 005 . PA . " PATRICSOSBN . Qt1ALI~'IE:O FOR LO"I'T1SRY CRtllD'IT ~s~M8~ICOOJnW LN S75WJ~~1287 COcrRTLANt> LN ...-.,.-._- ._';' 001:- -:- .....~-_...... --_..~ ..--..~--_ _,......... ~.__..' __,....... 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[)mScRt~TtON 3857 MSS~ a~.!t08 0.8.3 ... . imI~åfi ~äa=R~CUOIT .,bouss ~~~C2a.Qßoäì .VlNNX.SfN ~lR~8atCOumw Øé2i~~:8i.--'--- ---- -- - iiis7 -~ .iiıii-~ - - -- - - -. -- -. -. -- ~.!8~COul~SUl .. B~4wl~ã;fWr. ~~RlNCRgoIT ..;....... ".'w __:_. .......... ....._ .:.... _.._ ..._..... _:.'... ~ ....''!I-_.... _.. _ ......."".. _.... lilt.... _"'......... _.;. _._ __ lkiI:tM&mFl. 38S7 .UH~cnDI1: MD- -- ë ~ii2ã~- --i ---.. ~~;~i57 - ïff;jjü - üi' ~; -~;;.- . 12992.. . IaN S 4W1,29';2 'OOURTLJUm LN WkBOOwt. .... o. . .. .. . . . - ........:.'.. - .., ,-= ~.. --~ - .....,.. . -........ ... ....- '..~ -..,-,.. ~-,...... - .,.. - -... - ...,...-~.."" ... - -.. ..... .. ~ .. ""--,W'" ... W _ ..._ ~Jt~. ~, 2:Z28J)~~f8,7. .' . ÌU.S 3857~'9~j~:gß :~i r..O'l":tDy CUDIT 81 If .. . 68 êı. LN s:nlh~ 9'68 IOOURTLAm> LN HU.. 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";'.';'" ~_~,";':_-,~ .-........~.... __~ _ ....,...... _ ,... .;., ~...,. ~'. .:L~OrJf 38$1 mItlfi i!.L~CIlllDtT .. ....~....-.. __..-,. _..)lit _ _... _..."..... _._-~ ...'...._.... ,'~'" _ _.. _.._'*:....... _~," _.. ...-. _ ~..,., _ __ ...._.........._ _ .., .L~&BClC:3851 liSle 2208 U6 Page 23 of 24 Revised: May 23, 200ß ~CØL. . . SCKL 'tAX.gy tlAKlI AD1)USS . LIOJ~ . D.,SCRIPTION I..... C220B 091 . ...... 38S1 MSIU;a20Q 091 . if OO'2! ~a..f:!ZBíIC1(I Blffl... '. 4.,IlJU.'~.... ~..fii.... .a.LtCUDlt .~iiâówI 1inı amlfIlli m~lKCRBJ)IT ... .......... lit ill,..'......... _. ........ _..;........... ...... -. _... <OIi' n...... ..... ........ 1& III"' lit..... .......... ...... lit... Mala 2208098' .' 3851 M4!(: :aaos 21! t~. . .Sll~~ idJlfI3f~ ~al.cutlIf .. ..... ,_. _ ""... ._ ... ,. "'. _ . ... oW 'II ..-.. IWiIl." .. ~ .. . '" . ... . friI.- ": ., .,..- _I. ... .. ... .. .. ... ... .,-.........." "'.. ....... w _ ... ~ .... .. Jæd.S.C. 2~08. o~t.. _...... 3SS'1MS. 'l.(:..~2~a.. 09..9 mftutix~ Ul . iYtiIHi,~ .lr~lNCRBDIT ~ ~_....~.. _ .',.-_ __... ~J__._. _....~... ~r~ '. _.. *... _~. ... ~__._~. _.. __..~~ . . '2i08 lObSAI.J . 3851 1181:(:a,O.B ~3 ..' . ... ."!r&W tjMSOH. Wfifblf~ êO~al.CRBJ)IT i~if üi;' .......... ïiifiiifiiii 1ôf................ ~Bã&3AxcouJ'Mf Ul imd1b~ ~LrCUIltt . ~ ~ ~. .-~.~ ~.. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . - * . . . ~ _ . . ~ ~ ~ ~_.~ ~ ~ .t . ~ ~ . ~,~- ~. ~ . ~_ . . w . . ~ _ .. ~ '". fi.lll:UtL...... PI. ....w3$5'1I~fU~ ~l~Rt.CRJì)ít . 1011.00 'Wt '531$0' . .. OR . Page 24 of ~4 Revised: May 23, 2003 . T TO ASSUME CERTAIN ASS ETS AND LIABILITIES OF LAKE LORIE Wl~. TER TRUST AND TO INCORP TE SAID WATER ~)YSTEI\IIINTO A MUNICIPAL SYSTEM THIS AGREEMEN is entered into this __ day of May, 2006, by and between Lake Lore Water Tr st, (hereinafter referred to as "TRUST"), and the CITY OF MUSKEGO, Waukesha Coun , 'vVisconsin (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the! TRUST has perated a private water system (the "Water System") serving the domestic water r~ed:s of homeowners within the Tudor Oaks retirement community, the Lake Lore and \ake Brittany subdivisions, additions thereto, and other residential lots, the general areé~~f which is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein \ by this reference (collectively, the . "SUBDIVISIONS"); and \ WHEREAS, by prior agreement with Cov nant Living Centers, Inc., n/k/a American Baptist Homes of the Midwest, II1G. Ç'Tudo Oaks"), Wimmer-Blatter Realty, Inc., and Homestead Properties, Inc., the CITY reSE!rve the right to require transfer of the Water System to the CITY in the eVlent water for the ubdivision is made available by the CITY; and WHEREAS, the CITY has exercised its option to requi transfer of the water facilities used to operate the Water System; and WHEREAS, the real estate upon which the ,^rater System rest is within the land described in Exhibit A land is located either within rinhts of way dedicat d to the City or upon easements grantE~d by Tudor Oaks (the! "Fteal Estate"); and WHEREAS, the TRUST acknowlE~dgles that the CITY has properly ex rcised its option and is, therefore!, desirous of conveyiirlg and dedicating to the CITY cert in of its Page '\ of 12 Revised: May 7,2006 . . . . water service assets al1d facilities more particularly described in the attached Exhibit B (the "ASSETS"); and WHEREAS, the! Trustee CommitteE! of the TRUST has consented to and authorized Charles K. Lamson to enter into tlhis Agn3ement providing for the transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY upon the terms and cOl1ditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the TRUST represents that i't has the right and authority, pursuant to Trust Agreements, Subdivider's Agreements or any other agreements or documents and all applicable rules and laws" to enter into this Aureement; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the TRUST hav,e determined it to be in the best interest of each of them, and specifically to be in the best interest of the members of the TRUST and others selved by the Watelr System, that the ownership and operation of the ASSETS be transferred to the CITY to be operated as a part of the existing water utility presently operated by the CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties here!to agree and covenant as follows: 1. TRANSFER OF TITLE. The TRUST will transfer the ASSETS to the CITY at a closing to take place at thE! CITY Hall on or before 30 days after the city certifies final completion of the interconnection (the "CLOSING"). At the CLOSING, the TRUST will execute an instrument of conveyance in the form attached hereto as Exhibiit C to transfer ownership of the ASSETS to the CITY. The ASSETS will be transfmred "as is - where is" and without any warratnty or representation as to condition, defect, or capacity. 2. WARRANTY OF TITLE. The TRUST warrants and represents that as of the date of execution of thi~) A~~,.eement and at CLOSING, the TRUST has and shall have good right and title to the ASSETS free from all liens and encumbrances. 3. INTERCONNECTION BY CIT~C The CITY acknowledges and agrees that it will construct as a CITY publiG works project such water main and Page ~~ of 12 Revised: lVIalY 7,20013 . facilities ,as shall be necesl;ary to supply water to and otherwise cause the Water System to become a component of the CITY municipal water system. The TRUST does hereby grant permission to the CITY and the CITY further acknowledges and! anrees: A. to perform as part of the public works project the work set forth on Exhibit D at the location of the water wells currently operated by the TRUST; and, B. to solicit bids for, pursue a special assessment to pay for, and if such bids and special assessment are approved at the sole option of the City, to perform as part of the public works project the work set forth on Exhibit E at the location of the water wells curre'ntly opel"ated by the TRUST. 4. RECOGNITION OF BENE;EIT:~:;ONSIDERATION. The CITY acknowledges and agrees that the ASSETS have a value of at least equal to the charges ("WCA CHARGES") that otherwise would be imposed on property owners being served by the TRUST for becoming connected to the CITY's Water System and for wêlter capacity through the municipal water selvice of the CITY" The cln' further acknowledges and agrees that the CITY and areas outside the SUBDIVISIONS will benefit from the transfer to the CITY of the! ASSETS at least to the extent of such value. Therefore, in consideration of the transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY, the CITY shall credit each lot served by the Water System, against the WCA CHARGES, an amount equal to 100% of such charges attributable to each lot served by the Water System. At the CLOSING, the CITY shall deliver to TRUST a Certificate! and Waiver in the form of that attached as Exhibit F for each lot served by thl~ Water System. At the time of connection to the CITY Water System, there shall be no connection fee or meter fee charged by the CITY to the TRUST or any homeowner served by the TFtUST. The CITY will replace current water meters at its expense. . . Page :3 of '12 Revised: May 7,2006 . 5. ASSUMPTION OF RESPON~ilBILlTY, Upon CLOSING, the CITY shall assume full title ownership of the ASSETS and all responsibility for water service to water customers of the TRUST. 6. RESPONSIBILITY FOR VVATER USAGE. The TRUST agrees that special assessments may be levied against all properties benefited by projects performed by thl3 CITY' (induding, but not limited to, those propertieB now owned by memlbers of the TRUST) and the credit against the WCA CHARGES described above shall not constitute a waiver of the CITY'S right to levy and collect future special assessments. The TRUST further acknowledges that upon c1osin!~ as referenced in Paragraph No. 1 of this A!~reement and thereafter, all water users within this system will become customers and users, under the CITY's municipal water system and subj13ct to all rules, char~IHs, con nection costs, costs of meters and related connection costs such as met'sr horn and internal plumbing, etc. and regu!lations thereof as uniformly applied, which charges might accrue or be assessed subsequent to initial connection to the system. The parties acknowledge that thiS special assessment(s) for the cost of constructing the water main and interconnecting the Water System to the CITY's municipal water system (including the work described in Exhibits D and E) is the only charge to be assessed against or collected from the TRUST members for establishing and undertaking connection to the CITY's municipal water system. . 7. EMINENT DOMAIN RIGHTS ~~'AIVED. The TRUST acknowledges that it is aware of all rights it lTIay have under Chapter 32 of the Wisconsin Statutes, but agrees that Ithe benefits resulting from this transfer of the ASSETS to the CITY including, but not limited to, the credit against the WCA CHARGES shall be deE~rned eq ual in value to the ASSETS being dedicated and, therefore, other than the consideration described in this Agreement, is requesting no further compensation and any further rights under Eminent Domain Law or Birr ilar laws are hereby waived. . Page 4 of 12 Revised: May 7, 2006 . . . 8. CONTINGENCIES. The CIlY may prior to the commencement of construction, at its sole option, by written notice to the TRUST, declare this Agrelement null and void for any of the following reasons: A. The CITY, at its sole' discretion, deems that it is not satisfied with some aspect of the amount of special assessments and/or procedure in regards to the installation of the necessary water facilities connecting the TRUST's system with the CITY's municipal water system; B. The CITY, at its solE~ discretion, is not satisfied with the bids for the construction of said lNater System connection; or, C. The CITY dOl3S not obtain from Tudor Oaks such easements as the CITY deems necessary to effectuate the interconnection of the Water System to the CITY's municipal water system. 9. SURVIVAL AND ENFORCEMENT OF TERMS. Each party agrees to execute such additional dOGumentation, after Closing, as is necessary to effectuatE~ the terms of this Agreement. IN CONSIDERA.TION of the mutual covenant::; and promises herein, we have set our hands and seals on the date first above written. LAKE LORE WATER TRUST crnr OF MUSKEGO By: l3y: Charles K. Lamson, its authorized si!~natory Charles Damaske, Mayor 13y: Janice Moyer, Clerk PageS of '12 Revised: May j', 2006 . THIS INSTRUMENT 'vVAS DHAFTED BY: Attorney Donald S, Molter, Jr. ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY & HIFFLE, S.C. 720 N. East Avenu43, P.O. Box 1348 Waukeshal, VVI 52,187..1348 on behalf of the City of Muskego and . Attorney Dean B. Richards I~EINHART BOEHNEH VAN DEUREN s.c. P .0. Box 2:265 Waukeshal, VVI 52,187..2265 on behalf of Lake Lore LMlter Trust . Page ß of 12 Revised: May 7,2006 . EXHIBIT" " All that part of the Northeast Y4, Southeast 1;4, and Southwest Y4 of Section 12, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, V./aukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: . Commencing at the Northeast comer of the Southeast Y4 of Section 12, said point also being the point of beginning oflands to be described; thence Southerly along the East line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 12, a diistance of 1,254.14 feet to the centerline of McShane Drive; thence Southwesterly along said centerline 1256.47 feet to an angle point; thence Northwesterly along said ct~nterline 93.07 feet, to the West extended property line of a parcel of land identified by Tax-key no. 2208-999-001; thence Southerly along said West line 343.70 feet to the South line of said parcel; thence Easterly along said South line 17.00 feet to tlu~ \Vest Ene of The Nursery, a Subdivision located in the city of Muskego; thence Southerly along said West line 395.52 feet, to a Northerly line of a parcel of land identified by Tax-key no. 2207-999; thence Easterly along said North line 1,330.80 fi:et to the East line of said parcel; thence Southerly along said East line 624.28 feet to the Southerly line of said parcel; thence Westerly along said South line 2,662.22 feet to the West line oftlu~ Southeast 1/4 of said Section 12; thence Southerly 13 feet more or less to the Southerly line of said parcel identified by Tax-key no. 2207-999; thence Westerly along said South line 1,330 feet more or less to the West line of said parcel; thtmce Northerly along said Vlest line 1,390 feet more or less to the center line of McShane Drive; thence We:stedy along :;aid centerline 250 feet more or less to the extended West line of Certified Survey Map No. 3959; thence Northerly along said West line 370 feet more or less, to the North line of said Certified Survey Map; thence Easterly along said North line 202.38 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Fairfield Drive; thence Northerly along said West line 593 feet more or less to the South line of Certified Survey Map No. 5280; thence \Vestedy along said South line 185-.31 feet, to the West line of said Certified Survey Map; thencl~ 1\ortht~rly along said West line 260.00 feet to the center line of Courtland Lane; thence EasteTly along said center line 1,634 feet more or less to the W'~st line of Lake Brittany Estates Addition No. 1 a subdivision located in the City of Muskego; thence Northerly along said West line 356.93 feet to the North line of said subdivision; thence Easterly along said North line 1,328.07 feet, to the East line of said subd:lvision; thence Southerly along said East line 332.27 feet to the North line of Lake Brittany Estates, a subdivision located in the City of Muskego; thence Easterly along said North line 1,327.51 feet to Northeast comer of the Southeast Y4 of Section 12, and the point of beginning. (See Attached Map) . Daniel Flamini, RLS #2486 Page 1 of 1 . . . iHH H l i í ~ è ~ f :T g ~ ~ . I ~ i ,,; ! - ~ j ~ i!i : ! _..~ ~ ~ [ '-= I . EXHIBIT A Legal Descriptiol1 . . Page l of ',2 Revised: May 7,2006 . Fire Hydrant Assembly Water Main Valves . . EXHIBITB ASSET LIST 4B each 11,280 L.F 23 each . EXHIBIT B Assets to Be Conve'yed . . Page El of 12 Revised: May 7,20013 . . . EXHIB:ITC Bill of Sale Lake Lore Water Trust, an unincorporated private water trust, Seller, hereby conveys to the City of Muskego, a Wisconsin municipal corporation, Buyer, for good and valuable consideration all of Seller's interest in elll personal property listed on the attached document malrked Exhibit B. Seller hereby warrants and represents that SHller owns said personal property free and clear of all liens and encumbrance8, that SE~lIer has good right to sell the same and Seller will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons without exception. This warranty applies only to title and all of the personal property described on Exhibit B is transfEHred "as is -- where is" and without any warranty or representation as to condition, de,fect or capacity. Dated this day of , :W06 Lake Lore \Nater Trust - By: Charle~i K. Lamson, Authori.zed ::;ignatory ACKNOVVLEDGEMENT State of VVisconsin ) ) ss. ) County of VVaukesha Personally carne before me this day of __,2006, the above named Charles K. Lamson, t.o mH known to be the person who executed the fOrE~going as the authorized signatory of Lake Lore Water Trust and acknowledged the same. - Dean B. RiGhatrds Notary Publlic, Milwaukee County, WI My commission is permanent Page B of 12 Revised: May 7,2005 . . . EXHIBIT D Work tel be performed ulndE~r first Special Assessment Well No 1 (Tudor Oaks) 1. After completion of the watE~r main installation, testing, connection and sampling, turn pump and reservoir:; off. 2. Abandon connection to existin~} walter main. 3. Abandon existing well and casiing, including the perforation and grouting of the annular space between the formation casings. 4. Cap well iin place, 3,-5' below gradE~. 5. Restore Eintire area disturbHd by the work described in this exhibit with a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil" with fertilizers, seed and mulch. 6. Establish substantial grass gro'^rth in entire area disturbed by the work described in this exhibit. Well No 2 (Lake Lore) 1. After completion of the watE~r main installation, testing, connection and sampling, turn pump off. Abandon connection to existin~l welter main. Lateral to be capped at main or within road right of way. Abandon existing well and Gasing. Including installation of chlorinate pea gravel and bentonite chips. Cap well in place, 3-5' below gradE!. Restore E!ntire area disturbE~d by the work described in this exhibit with a minimum of 4 inches of top:soil with fertilizer, seed and mulch. Repair asphalt dlriveway as needed. Establish substantial grass grO\Mth in entire area disturbed by the work described in this exhibit. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Page10 of 12 Revised: May 7,2006 . . . EXHIBIT E Work to be performed under sec::oncll Special Assessment if approved Well No 1 (Tudor Oaks) 7. Remove all mechanical systems from the structure. 8. Demolish the existing building, including flooring, electrical and mechanical items. 9. Abandon, in place, reservoir to a depth of not less than two feet. Perforate reservoir 'floor to allow drainagl3 of watelr and prevent accumulation of water. Fill area with flowable fill to prevent settlement. 10. Restore entire area disturbE~d by the work described in this exhibit with a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil" with fertilizers, seed and mulch. 11. Establish substantial grass gro'^rth in entire area disturbed by the work described in this exhibit. Well No 2 (Lake Lore) 7. Remove all mechanical systems fmm the structure. Trust to have first right of refusal to remove and ~mlvage any fixtures or equipment. Remove all electrical equipment and wiring after breaker panel. 8. Page 11 of 12 Revised: May j', 2006 . EXHIBIT F Certificate and \Naiver of Wilter Capacity As!:sessmont (liNCA) Charges . . Pa!~e '12 of 12 Revised: May 7, 2006 . EXHIBIT..__. CERTIFICATE AND WAIVER FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of rllusk.ego, Wisconsin, a municipal corporation organizl3d under the laws of the StatE! of Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as "CITY', "does hereby acknowledge, confirm and certify that the persons and real property described on the attached Exhibit shall be and hereby are forever discharged from any obli~latiol1 to pay the CITY those particular special assessments known as'Nater Capacity Assessments ('WCA") now existing against said properties in the amount of One Thousand and Ninety eight No/100 ($1098.00) Dollars each, and the CITY does hereby forever waive any and all such impositions relating to said real property. . PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the f()re~going Certificate and Waiver (i) shall not apply with respE~ct to any buildable lot described on said Exhibit which is connected to said municipal water system after the closing; and (ii) shall not prevent the CITY from imposing upon said pl3rS0l1S and real property certain assessments relating to the future impro"E~ment cll1d operation of said municipal water system, fairly and uniformly applied according to the laws of the State of Wisconsin including, but not l!imited to, water usel" charges, special assessments and water capacity assessments. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the UndlE!rsignecl, pursuant to the authority vested in me by duly adopted Resolution of the Common Council, has executed this Certificate and 1Naiver as the official, ad of the CITY this day of ,2006. CITY OF MUSKEGO By: Charles H. Damaske, Mayor ATTEST: Janice Moyer, Clerk . . Document Number L~SEMENT AND CONVEYANCE OF PIPES" WATER MAINS AND OTHEH WATEH SERVICE ASSES AND F~~CILlTIES Document T-nJe THIS INDENTURE, made this __ day elf , 200_ by and between the . by its authorized representative. hereinafter referred to as party of the first part, clOd CITY OF MlJSI<:EGO, located in Waukesha County, WisoDnsin, hereinafter referred Ita as party of the second part WITNESSED: WHEREAS, the party of the first part, , owns an interest in real estate and all real estate and all piping, water mains and other water service assets and facilities contained therein 10catEKi in the City of Muskego and described as follows: ame and Return Address: tty Donald S. Molter, Jr renz, Molter, Macy & Riffle PO Box 1348 aukesha, WI 53187-1348 Part of MSKC 2207.999 SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "1" Tax Key Number WHEREAS. party of thE! second part has reqUi3sted from the party of the first part a permanent easement for water main and/or transmission line including constn.ction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the water main and/or transmis$ion line and conveyance of all piping, valves, hydrants, water mains and other water service iassen; and facilities contained therein. . NOW THEREFORE, party of the first part, in considera'tion 01' the sum of ONE DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hE~reb~f acknowlE!dged and confessed, do grant and convey unto the party of the second part forevel', a permanent Ela!M!ment for water main and/or transmission line and also conveys to the party of thEl second part all pipin~I, valves and appurtenances water mains and other water service assets and facilities containec therElin including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the water m.ain and/or transmission line t piping, water mains and other water service assets and facilitil3S containE~ therein in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisoonsin, on, over and in the following described real estate: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "1" .!.!SE.QEJ..1~Nn Party of the first part consents to the entry of the elm plofees, workmen, agents or independent contractors of party of the second part for and incidental to thE! c::onstruction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of said water main and/or transmission Hnle, piping, water mains and other water service assets and facilities con1tained therein, but reserve to themselves the right to make such use of land included in said easement, su~iect tel thE! ordinances of the City of Muskego, the regulations of the paliy of the second part, and the statutes of the State of Wisconsin as will not disturb or interfere with s,~water main and/or transmission line and piping, water mains and other water service assets and facilities con1tained therein or prevent ingress or egress, thereto for the purpose of construction, repair, maiintel1an03 and reconstruction thereof. . The parties expressly acknowledge that the party of the second part may allow others not parties to this easement to use the easement for the purposes indicated above. That attached hereto, made a pert hereof and markl~d Exhibit "3" is an Affidavit of the authorized representative of the who is au~'orized to enter into the transaction evidenced by this conveyance document. . THIS INDENTURE, upon its acceptance by thl~ part( of the first part, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, ~.uccessors ancl assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, party of the first part has exe:cuted this indenture the day and year first above written. ~f STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )SS. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) Personally came before! me this __ day of _____-' 2006, the above named as the _____ who is the authorized representative of the -' to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. . NOTAI~Y PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My cornmission expires: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Sean E. McMullen City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Ave Muskego, WI 53150 .