CCR2006114. COMMOIN COUNCIL ... CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #114-2006 PROPERTY SALE TO THE COMIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (Part of Current Tax K'ey Number MSKC .2198.991) WHEREAS, As per Common Council IResolulion #021-2005, the Common Council approved giving the development rights of tile c:Ievelopa bl,2: portion of a parcel along Janesville Road (Known as part of Tax I<.ey Number MSKC 2198.991) to the Community Development Authority to assure the appropriate development of the parcel consistent with the adopted ReclE!Velopmmlt District #2 Plan; and WHEREAS, The sale of the property was t) be under the final authorization of the Common Council and the Common Councill \lvas to have final approval authority of any resale of said property; and WHEREAS, A condition of the Council approval vilas that thE3 Community Development Authority will retain the proceeds resulting horn sale of the property in a separate CDA account for future deveopment, orant matchinq, or bondin!;1 authority purposes; and . WHEREAS, The Community DeveloprnE!nt Authority has solicited for Request For Proposals within the last year and has approved of a mi)(E~d use development meeting the guidelines of the Redevelopment District #2 F)lan alonçl with TID incentives for the project; and WHEREAS, The proposed development StlOwS hat the developer will pay $150,000 for the parcel to the City; and WHEREAS, The parcel in question was origim:t1I:y tought by the City with TID dollars and the City would have to put any rnOnE)Y recelvI9d for the parcel back into the TID if it continues under City ownership; and WHEREAS, In order for the Community DeVElopment Authority to realize the $150,000, the City must first sell the property to the Corrmunity Development Authority; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HESOLVED Tha: the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Ccmmunity DI~Nelopment Authority, does hereby approve of selling the developable portion of the City owned Janesville Road property (Known as southern part of Tax Key !\lumber MSKC 2198.991) to the Community Development Authority for $1. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Co TlI1lunity Development Authority shall deposit all monies from the sale of the propE rl:y into a separate account for future development, grant matching, bonding authority, or other economic development . purposes. - . . . Reso. #114-2006 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Community Development Authority shall sell the parcel to the developer of Parkland View Development and the sale of that property shall occur after the Developer's Agreement for TID incentives has been approved by the Common Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the sale of the property to the CDA shall be under the signature of the Mayor subject to City AttornElY review of all sale documents. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF Ma~_____, 2006. ~)PQNSORED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. !\Iancy Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of RE~solution #114-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of MuskElgo. (ì '~ t~--,! , I -.Ll-7/J.!J1JJ.li OLlí2) ~~lerl<;iTmasurer - ..)1 \' \ .. / '---- -,'