CCR2006106. . . COMMON COUNC~L - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #106-2:006 APPROVAL FOR ACCESS AND GROUNDWATER MONITORING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND JIILL'S DRY CLEANERS WHEREAS, The attached Agreement for Access and Groundwater Monitoring has been reviewed by the Finance Committee and has been recommended for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the Agreement for Access and Groundwater Monitoring between the City of Muskego and Jill's Dry Cleaners. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement in tlhe name of the City. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF _~~!Y...__, 2006. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Pdd. Nancy Salentine Pdd. Eileen Madden þ,ld. Eric Schroeder This is to certify that this is a true and acc:uratl9 copy of Resolution #106-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 5/06jmb ?<-) , _ //(.! '/ I ,'þ II C~erk}reaSurer 'J ..,-----' . . . AGREEMENT FOR ACCESS AND GROUNDWATER MONITORING THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of , 2006 by and between the City of Muskego, a Wisconsin MuEicipal corporation ("Owner") and Jill's Dry Cleaners (JDC). WHEREAS, JDC desires and Owner agrees to allow JDC, its consultants and WDNR to have access to the Property, desclibed in Exhibit A (monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6, on City of Muskego Freedom Square property), attached hereto and made a part hereof pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as :['o11ows: 1. AGREEMENT FOR THE ACCESS, MAINTENANCE, AND USE OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING WELLS 1. The Owner grants a license to JDe to u.se a portion of the Property for the purpose of installing, maintaining and. utilizing groundwater quality monitoring wells. The telm of this license shall be Üve (5) years unless at that time WDNR deems that the monitoring of one or Inort: of the wells is still necessary. In such case, the term will be extended fi)r additional five (5) year periods until WDNR deems that monitoring of any of the wells is no longer necessary. In addition to the right to install, maintain and utilize such wells, the Owner also further grants JDC the' right of ingress and egress to the Property to provide access to the wells. 2. The wells and any associated structure shall be installed and maintained in a good safe, workmanlike manner by JDC, exclusively at the sole cost and expense of JDC. JDC shall take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the Owner's Property fi~om the installation of the wells and shall restore the Property to as close to the original condition as is reasonably possible following installation. 3. At the end of the term ofthe license, JDC shall promptly abandon all wells installed pursuant to this Agreement. Said abandonment shall be done in full compliance wiith all applicable State Statutes and Administrative Code provisions. JDC shall restore the Property to as dose to the original condition as is reasonably possible following said abandonment. . . . 4. JDC shall indemnify, defend, and 'hold Owner harmless from and against any claim, liability, damage, loss, cost, suit, expense, demand, judgment, or cause of action (inclUlding reasonable attomey's fees) associated with the entry by or activity of JDe, or its employees, agents, contractors, or subcontractors, to the extent that such arises from installation, presence or operation of the monitoring wells on the Property, including but not limited to, any contamination of groundwater caused by the presence of the monitoring wells. 5. JDC shall have the right to enter the Property as identified above at reasonable timé:s and in a reasonable manner for the purpose of measuring water levels or taking samples from the monitoring wells and for the purpose of servicing, maintaining and removing the wells. 6. This Agreement for the installation, maintenance, and use of groundwater quality monitoring wells shall become ,effective on the day hereinabove written. II. GENERAL PROVISIONS 7. On the completion of ,my activities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, JDe shall immediately remove any and all such vehicles, equipment, and any other items brought upon the Property. 8. JDC shall, within thirty (30) days of æceipt thereof, provide Owner or Owner's designee with copies of all anaIytical data associated with the monitoring well(s) installed on the Property. IN WITNESS THEREOF, :the parties ha.ve executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. Jill's Dry Cleaners City of Muskego <, . B mlt,.,'-.' _ ~, P ,? ~.f.; /---ir r /-:' ell y: _'I-" _ \...lì...; "-.Å.// \'..../~'--i.v~Ü_ > !,~) By: Its: Ms. Jill Fitzgerald Owner -- Jill's Dry Cleaners Attest: Its: . . LOCATION OF DRY CLEANING MACHINE BENCHMARK ENVIRONMENTAL BORING WITH PCE SOIL CONCENTRATIONS IN rnglkg PROPOSED HAND AUGER BORING LEGEND FJ B-1 . HA-1 A MW- 6 -----J /"- APPROXIMATE // PROPERTY LINE - ___~. __ _t" __ _ _ \1\\':- 2 ASPHj~1$ _ __- MW - HA--1 f\i1'~ B-1 ~ . I .1.()~i JILL.'~A_.:2 'l ~~ DR'!" ð 'MV,--;, LE"NER~ ' 31'--3 \ CITY or :~E~>"- \ FREEDOM SQUAR ____.... ~::::.~ \ --- -- -1 - TENNIS/BASKETBALL COURTS \ \ \ ROADSIDE \ DRAINAGE -\ \ \ID e -& , I II t=' ~ - <: tzj WATER WELL __ ~ 19;~:ARAfE o b.1L ~ I z ~XON' ~ - {~ CARD ~ . CORNE 0 wiNS o~ ~ -- I C) .- ASPHA:T .~~ ~ ________ ASPHALT ROADSIDE DRAINAGE - JAN1ESVlLLE HOAD GP-2 -$- i.1\1-4 -$- ~ i~-V'i-5 i-AW-6 ENVIRONMENTAL CON5UL1rATION. REMEDIA-rIOIl . K - I ---- .t1? - ---- / 1 I POND HOUSE ~ o 60 I APPROX''''ATE SCALE PROPOSED GEOPROBE BORING. "w" DESIGNATES A WATER SAMPLE ALSO COLLECTED AT THE LOCATION PROPOSED MONITORING WELL LOCATION TWO PROPOSED MONITORING WELLS ON CITY OF MUSKEGO PROPERTY SITE MAP WITH PROPOSED BORING AND MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS JILL'S DRY CLEANERS MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN Scole: 1"=60' Date: March 24, 2006 KPFtG Proposal No. 13905 EXHIBIT P R G ØltG... ~låIIlI.., 1111:. ,_ _ L-. -. SuIW 2Il _ _ llJOD5 T........ 282-7111-0475 F_ 2152-7111--0<'711 ---- 414 Plaza llrl-.. _ ,. _ _ IOeS T,_ 1130-325-'300 F_ 1lJO-"~'~1 -