RESOLUTION #084-2006
WHEREAS, The Finance Committee reviewed the attached job description for an
Assistant Library Director position and recommended approval; and
WHEREAS, The Finance Committee recommended that the position be filled and
established the following salary range (58):
Minimum $47,608 Midpoint $58,344 Maximum $69,078
WHEREAS, The Common Council must approve the creation of this position.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve
the creation of the position of Assistant Library Director in accordance with the attached
job description and does authorize filling the position and establishing the salary range
(58) as stated above.
DATED THIS 25th ,200G. DAY OF April
Ald. Bob Melcher
Ald. Nancy Salentine
Ald. Eileen Madden
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #084-2006 which
was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
City of Muskego
Position Description
\ a me: Department: Library
Position Title: ASSIstant Library Director FLSA: E Salar'y Range:
Date: \brch 2006 Library Director Reports To:
l\linimum $ Midpoint $ '\laximum $
Purpose of Position
11h.. purpose or this position IS to assist the Library Director as the management stall pcrson that is second in chargc
uf Llbr:uy pcrsonnel and Library opcrations. This position is responsible for assi~;ting the Director in managing and
safegu:lldll1g thc assèls or thc Library and, in the Director's absence, is the individual responsible for managing and
safegu:mling thc assets or thc Library.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Thc rulhl\\ll1g duties ar: norm:lI fur this pClsitiun. These are not to be constrUl.'d as c,=c1usi\'e or all-inclusi\c. Other
duties may he required Jnd assigned.
Scr\l'S :IS 1.lbr:lII:lI1 in Ch:llgl' on :1 rcgularly schcduled b:Isis givcn that eight rnonths or thc year the Libr:Iry is upen
sevcn days :I \Veek.
SUpCr\!Sl'S Llbury starr aml senices as authorized by the Library Director.
Recei\'es :l11d resohes ratron complaints.
Sen'cs as I lead uf Adult and Young Adult services. Reviews and selects materials for purchasing. Oversccs
collection dcvclopment. Catalogs and classifies materials. Directs non-fiction and reference materials weeding and
il1\entnry. L)eterminessuitability of donated materials for adult and young adult collections.
.\SSISlS 1I1 hudgct de\e lopmcnt. :Imlmonitors status of budget line item expenditllles and balances remaining.
Pl'U\!des rcfercnce desk scn'iccs. Interviews patrons to determine reference needs. Recommends materials.
Instructs p:Itl'Uns 1I1 use or reference sources and audio-visual or electronic equipment. Reserves materials, or
rcqucsts Intcrlibr:Iry 10:In \\hen appropriate.
Supenises :ll1dmonitur.s physical plant opcrations in conjunction with City maintenance personnel.
Pans amllmpkmcnts the tr:Insitiun orthe library acquisitions department from its present paper based format to a
computcr<\ssistcd oper:lt1\1n, uSing the cllnent Unicorn/\Vorkflows sofìware packagc, and/or such other tools, as are,
or bl'cuml' :I \:I i Ltble. A ftcr Impkmcntation, supervises acquisition of materials and payment of bills.
l':lI'tIClp:ltcS In thl' scrl'cnlng :lI1d sL'icetion prucess and makes recommendati01 to the Library Director conccrning
Sl'leCtlllll llr prufesslOn:lI :1I1d ckrical st:Itl rur the Library.
As a SUpl'r\ISllr. l11:l1ntains standards of cunduct fur employees of the Departmcnt in keeping with City policy un
Codc 0lTul1l1uct and Discipline.
:\SSISt~H;t Libr~lIY [)ir~ctor 1401
Assists II ith sch~dulll1g as n~~ded.
Pr~par~s ~mplny~~ paymll and ti111~ r~cnrds as authorized by the Library Dir~ctor.
:\sslgns Llsks and alloc..ltcs pcrsonnel as second in charge of a Library fàcility which is open for business se\en (7)
days per Ileek, eight (S) months of the Yt~ar, with seasonal f1uctuatlOn in hours p~r day
.\SSISts thl' Library Director as stall to the Library Board as n~eded. Involves preparation of meeting notices, agenda
Items. presentatlun or agenda items and inrormational materials.
Additional Tasks and Responsihilities
\\hile the following tasks are necessary for the work of the unit, they arc not an essential part of the purpose
of this position and 111:1Y also he performed by other unit memhers.
l'erlèJrl11S reICrl'nce, cIrculation and all other staff duties as needed, including clerical. data entry. etc.
Sch<:'dules workL'rs.
Cunducts lIbrary LIciliL<:'s tours.
\Iinimum Training and Experience Required to Perform Essential Job Functions
\;lastcr's degrl'e in library science, live years professional librarian experience, or any combination of education and
experience that provicks equivalent knowkclge. skills, and abilities. Wisconsin Public Librarian Grade r certification
Physical and :\Iental Abilities Required to Perform Essential Joh Functions
Language ..\hility and Interpersonal Communication
AbIlity tu declck the time, phlCe, allLI seL[ut:nce of operations within an organizational framework, and to oversee
theIr t::\l'CutIUll. :\bIllty to analY/l' and c~ltcgorize data and information using established criteria. to lktermine
CtJnsCLjuenCl'S a III I Identify and sekct altcIllati\'cs.
.\bIllty to nWl~lge ~lnd direct a group or I\ll\'kers, including the ability to provide counseling and mediation. Ability
tll persuade. supL'r\ise, COl1\lIlCl' and traill others. Ability to advise and interpret I\~garding the application ofpo]lcies,
plUcedures ~lIld standards to specific situatIons.
:\bIlity to utili/e a variety of advisory data and information such as meeting minUles. long-range plans. press
releases, patron comments, job applications, personnel records, a variety of statistical and narrative reports, grants,
budgets, InnJlCeS, billil'g statements, cataloging guidelines. computer software/hardware operating manuals, state
statutes, relCrenn: materials, union contracts. financial statements, policies, procedures. \Veb content, and non-
ruutine correspondence.
:\bílity to cOl11l11unil'atc orally and in writing with library patrons, library stafl Library Board members, Friends of
the Library, otl1cr library directors, educators. news media representatives, Mayor and City Council members.
\Iathelllatical Ability
:\bIlity to calcubte percentages, fraction,;. decimals and ratios. Ability to interpret basic descriptive statistical
\S'lsta.ll I.lbr~lry DIn:c.:tor 1401
.Judglllent and Situational Reasoning Ability
Ability to u,e functional reasoning in pel forming synthesis and int1uence functions such as leading, controlling,
m~ll1agnlg, supervising and tl'ac.:hing.
Ability to exercise the judgment, decisiveness and creativity required in situatiom. involving the direction, control
and planning of an entire program or multiple programs.
Ph~sil'al Requirelllents
:\billty to operate, lllan':U\èr ancl/or steer equipment and machinery requiring simple but continuous adjustments,
suc.:h as c.:omputer terInilwL typewriter, telephone, tàx machine, calculator/adding machine, and photocopier.
.\bility to c.:oordinatc eyes, h~ll1ds, feet and limbs in performing slightly skilled movements such as typing.
,\bilit\ to c'xert light physic.:al crfort in sedentary to light work, typically invol\ing lifting, carrying, pushing and
pulling. Ability to sustain prolonged visual conc.:entration and to stand for long pel'iods of time.
c\bility to rec.:ognize and identify individual c.:haracteristics of colors, forms and sounds associated with job-related
,Jblc'c'h. 1l1~ltèrials and LISks.
LJl\ironlllental Adaptability
Ability to work under sarc and eomfortabk conditions where exposure to environmental factors such as repetitive
c.:omputcr keyboard use m~lY c.:ause disc.:omlort and poses little risk of injury.
The City of \luskego is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,
the City will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities and encourages both
pruspec.:ti \'l: and currcnt cmployees to discuss potential accommodations with the employer.
Employee's Signaturc Supervisor's Signature
Date Date
4 1.'2()()()
EFFECTIVE 01/01/06
. R
POLICE CHIEF 75 $72,442 $88,777 $105,111
FINANCE DIF~ECTOR 73 $68,951 $84,499 $100,047
DIR OF PLAi'JG & DEVLPMNT 71 $65,629 $80,427 $95,226
CAPTAIN 70 $64,028 $78,466 $92,903
DIRECTOR/lf'-lFO SYSTEMS 69 $62,466 $76,552 $90,631'
PARK & REC DIRECTOR 68 $60,943 $74,685 $88,42;'
DIRECTOR OF ENG./BLDG 67 $59,456 $72,863 $8Ei,270
LIBRARIAN 67 $59,456 $72,863 $86,270
LIEUTENANTS - OPERATIONS 66 $58,006 $71,086 $84,166
FINANCE DEPT SUPERVISOF~ 65 $56,591 $69,353 $82,113
PUBLIC WOF~KS SUPR. 64 $55,211 $67',661 $80,110
UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT 64 $55,211 $67',661 $80,110
63 $53,864 $66,010 $78,156
ASSESSOR 62 $52,551 $64,400 $76,250
CLERK-TREf'ISURER 62 $52,551 $64,400 $76,250
STAFF SERCEANT 61 $51,269 $62,830 $74,390
STAFF SERCÆANT 61 $51,269 $62,830 $74,390
STAFF SERCEANT 61 $51,269 $62,830 $74,390
STAFF SER(;EANT 61 $51,269 $62,830 $74,390
STAFF SER(;EANT 61 $51,269 $62,829 $74,390
60 $50,018 $61,297 $72,576
. PATROL SEF~GEANT 59 $48,799 $5~1,802 $70,80Eì
PATROL SEF~GEANT 59 $48,799 $59,802 $70,806
PATROL SEF~GEANT 59 $48,799 $59,802 $70,806
DEPUTY BUI_DING INSPEC. 59 $48,799 $59,802 $70,806
ENGINEER I 59 $48,799 $59,802 $70,806
58 $47,608 $5B,344 $69,078
COrv1MERCIA.L BLDG.lPLUMB NG 57 $46,447 $56,921 $67,394
ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 57 $46,447 $56,921 $67,394
COMPUTER SPECIALIST 57 $46,447 $56,921 $67',394
RECREATION PROGRAM MGR 56 $45,314 $55,532 $65,750
LAKE PROJECTS COORDINATOR 56 $45,314 $55,532 $65,750
GIS COORDINATOR 56 $45,314 $55,532 $65,750
55 $44,209 $54,177 $64,146
CIVIL TECH. II 54 $43,131 $52,856 $62,582
PARKS MAINT SUPERVISOR 54 $43,131 $52,856 $62,582
ACCOUNTAI\IT 54 $43,131 $52,856 $62,582
INSPECTOR 53 $42,079 $51,567 $61,056
FOREMAN-ASST. PW SUPR. 53 $42,079 $51,567 $61,05Ei
UTILITIES FOREMAN 53 $42,079 $51,567 $61,056
52 $41,052 $50,309 $59,56Eì
EXECUTIVE ,'\SST/HR COORD 51 $40,051 $49,082 $58,114
DEPUTY CLERK 51 $40,051 $49,082 $58,114
ASS'T FOREMAN 5/4/03 51 $40,051 $49,082 $58,114
ASS'T FOREMAN 51 $40,051 $49,082 $58,114
ASSOCIATE I::>LANNER 50 $39,074 $47,885 $5Ö,696
ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. 50 $39,074 $47,885 $56,,696
MAINTENANCE PERSON 49 $38,121 $4Ö,717 $55,313
48 $37,191 $45,577 $53,964
. PARK MAINT. - WORKER I 47 $36,284 $44,466 $52,64B
PARK MAINT. - WORKER II 47 $36,284 $44,466 $52,64B
PARK MAINT. - WORKER III 42 $32,070 $39,302 $4Ö,533
PART TIME MAINT. PERSON 42 $32,070 $39,302 $4Ö,533