CCR2006054e . . COMMON COUNCil - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #054-2006 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ILLUMINATION OF THE OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AT THE MUSKEGO HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELDS (American Cancer Society Relay for Life) WHEREAS, A request has been submitted to have one athletic field west side tower light set on continuously for thE:! American Cancer Society Relay for Life event to be held from 6:00 PM Friday, June 16 to the morning of Saturday, June 17; and WHEREAS, The purpose of the illumination is to provide a safe environment for all those in attendance; and WHEREAS, Plan Commission Resolution #P.C. 75-2000 amended and adopted on April 4, 2000 approved a conditional use for the purpose of operating illuminated outdoor recreation facilities to be used for varsity football home games until 1 0:30 p.m. with the condition that the Common Council may grant approval of extending the hours of operation for special events subject to notification of nearby property owners; and WHEREAS, Notification of property owners within 300 feet of the high school property as required has been given. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE::SOlVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hE~reby authorize illumination of one athletic field west side tower light sets for the American Cancer Society Relay to be held from 6:00 PM Friday, June 16 to the morning of Saturday, June 17. DATED THIS 11th DAY OF April ,2006. SPONSORED BY: Mayor Charles Damaske This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #054-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of M\Jskego. " L' / fÚ }/~ I plerK-Treasurer , J) ) .1''''-/1./ 4/2006jmb \, . . . CITY OF MUSKEGO NOTICE This is a notice to let you know Ithat the Common Council of the City of Muskego will be meeting at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, April 11 ,2006, at the City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, to consider the following resolution: The American Cancer Society has requested to be allowed the illumination of the outdoor recreation facilities at the Muskego High School Athletic Fields for their Relay for Life event. They are requestin9 to be allowed the illumination of the west side tower light set on continuously from 6:00 PM Friday, June 16,2006 to the morning of Saturday, June 17, 2006. The use of the lights are being requested so that a safe environment can be provided for all participants of this event. It is Common Council's policy to notify area residents when the athletic field lights are to be on after 10:30 PM. If you have questions/comments regarding this please contact the Planning Department or the Alderman of the District in which the High School is located. The A.lderman for that district is Eric Schroeder and he can be contacted at 262-679-4312. If you are receiving this notice, then your property is within 300 feet of the Muskego High School Athletic Fields. Dated this 29th day of March, 2006