WHEREAS, the Common Council has the authority for the management and control of the
City's finances and lthus all expenditures of City funds in accordance with Wisconsin State
Statute 62.11(5), and
WHEREAS, the Common Council desires to expend City resources as efficiently and
responsibly as possible with a purchasing policy that works toward obtaining goods and services
that are of high quality at the lowest cost, and
WHEREAS, the Common Council desires to establish guidelines and procedures for City
Departments for purchasing items and services,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Common Council hereby establishes the
following purchasing policy.
1. This purchasing policy applies to all City expenditures and includes contracts for service,
labor, materials, supplies and equipment when said policy dm:s not conflict with another
applicable law, rule, ordinance, contract, policy or similar requirement. Items within an
approved budget are not considered exempt from this policy.
2. Each Department Head shall be responsible for authorizing day-to-day purchases for their
respective dt:partments. This authority may be delegated to other employees within the
department however ultimate responsibility for purchasing rests with the Department
3. It is the responsibility of the Finance Department to monitor compliance with the City's
purchasing policies and procedures.
4. Purchases shall be requested only when adequate funds remain in the approved
department budget to cover the cost of such purchases except in unusual or unforeseen
5. For purchases exceeding $1500, whenever possible three price quotes shall be obtained
(and attached to the written order, if applicable) and the Department Head requesting the
expenditure shall state his/her recommendation for which quote to accept, why and
identify the line item of their department budget from which the funds will be drawn
when the City is invoiced for the purchase.
6. For material:s/supplies that are purchased on an on-going basis (such as vehicle fuel,
certain office supplies), proposals (based on estimated quantities needed for the year)
should be obtained and forwarded for approval by the appropriate authority depending on
the amount. Once approved, this then shall serve as authorization for purchases of that
material/supply through the course of the year.
Resolution #042-2006 Page 2
7. Purchasing shall be done when possible with written orders. Written orders shall be
signed or initialed by the Department Head prior to the order being placed/expenditure
being made. Use of purchase order forms is recommended.
8. In cases where it is not practical to use a written (purchase) order (i.e. small materials or
supplies needs on a day to day basis), items may be charged by authorized personnel
within the Department. Use of City issued business credit cards shall be in accordance
with the City's policy on the use of City issued business credit cards.
9. Bills/invoices/statements shall be initialed by the Department Head of the department
responsible for the purchase prior to the bill/invoice being processed for payment by the
Finance Department and Clerk's Office to ensure satisfaction and that items were
received as ordered and invoiced.
10. All contracts for professional services and public works contracts as defined by
Wisconsin State Statute 62.15 (12) shall be specifically reviewed by the City Attorney as
a condition of approval and prior to execution. Maintenance agreements shall be
reviewed by staff prior to renewal and in consultation with the City Administrator to
ensure costs are being revil~wed and controlled in the best interests of the City.
11. It is hereby noted, in regard to public construction projects, public bidding law shall be
followed as required in Wisconsin State Statute 62.15.
12. It is hereby noted, certain Public Service Commission rules and Administrative Codes
shall be followed that require Public Utility Committee approval of expenditures from
segregated utility accounts.
13. Approval authority for purchasing shall be as follows:
a. For items/services that were included in the Common Council approved budget for the
fiscal year -
1. Purchases up to $15,000 shall be approved by the Department
2. Purchases exceeding $15,000 but that are less than $25,000 shall be
approved by the City Administrator prior to the order being placed or
expenditure being made. The Departm,~nt Head desiring to make the
purchase shall make a recommendation concerning such purchase to the
City Administrator.
3. Purchases that exceed $25,000 shall be approved by the Finance
Committee and City Council prior to the order being placed or
expenditure being made. Such purchasing requests shall include a
recommendation from the Department Head desiring to make the
purchase as well as the City Administraltor.
b. For items/services that were not included in the Common Council approved budget for
the fiscal year -
1. Purchases up to $500 shall be approved by the Department
Resolution #042-2006 Page 3
2. Proposed purchases exceeding $500 and up to $1,500 shall be approved
by the City Administrator based on a recommendation from the
Department desiring to make the purchase prior to the order being
placed or I~xpenditure being made.
3. Proposed purchases exceeding $1,500 and up to $5,000 shall be
approved by the Finance Committee based on a recommendation from
the Department Head and the City Administrator prior to the order being
placed or expenditure being made.
4. Proposed purchases exceeding $5,000 shall be approved by the
Finance Committee and the Common Council prior to the order being
placed or expenditure being made. Such proposed purchase must be
based on a recommendation by the Department Head desiring to make
the purchase and the City Administrator.
Ordinary budget amendment procedures must be followed tor non-budgeted purchases.
14. In the case of an emergency or where a mechanical failure or vehicle repair occurs,
Department Heads may proceed with the expenditure without prior approval of the
Finance Committee but with the approval of the City Administrator unless this policy is
in conflict with another applicable law, rule, ordinance, contract, policy or similar
requirement. The City Administrator shall inform the Mayor. Should the City
Administrator be unavailable, verbal notification shall be made to the Mayor as soon as is
This purchasing poliicy shall take effect upon adoption of this resolution by the Common
DATED THIS 14th March ,2006. DAY OF
Ald. Bob Melch(:r
Ald. Nancy Salentine
Ald. Eileen tl.-1adden
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #042-2006 which was
adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
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Clerk -Treasurer I
\j Adopted by the Common Council
March 14, 2006