CCR2006034. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSK,EGO RESOLUTION #034-2006 AWARD OF BID SCADA System Upgrade WHEREAS, The City advertisE~d for bids for the SCADA Syst1em Upgrade project and the following bids were receivE~d: Westphal (~Company Rewald Electric Terminal-Andrae, Inc. Hogan Electric $497,900.00 $615,500.00 $289,100.00 $410,000.00 WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee and Engineering/Building Inspection Director have reviewed the bids and recommend that the low bid submitted by Terminal-Andrae, Inc. in the amount of $289,100.00 for the SCADA System Upgrade project be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RI:::SOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby accept the low bid of Terminal..Andrae, Inc. in the amount of $289,100.00 for the SCADA System Upgrade project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor or his desiglnel3 are authorized to sign any changes at his discretion upon recommendation of the Engineering/Building Inspection Director. DATED THIS 28th DAY OF Februar{ , :2006. SPONSORED BY: , -- PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. Eileen Madden Ald. Patrick Patterson This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of RE~sollution #034-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 'I '".' i - '\o.__j" j/ Ii /);1 ,; IV JI ~, iC,Ufl~ / Clerk-Treasurer 2/06jmb ~_/ . e . BID SUMMARY SCADA System Upgrade City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Bids Opened: February 7,2006 at 11 :00 AM - Contractor Bid Amount -- Westphal & Company - Janesville Rewald Electric - Burlington Terminal - Andrae, Inc. -- Milwaukee Hogan Electric - Hartford $ 49"17,900.00 E515,500.00 28S1,100.00 410,000.00 f $ 289, 10o.0L] Apparent Low Bid: Apparent Low Bidder: Public Utilities CommittHe Meeting Date: F1ebruary 20, 2006 Common Council Meeting Date: February 28, 200B C:City Hali/Clerk-Treasurer/Bid Summar1.doc