CCR2006029. . . AMENDED COMMOr~ COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO I~ESOLUTION #029-2006 I~ESOLUTIOI~ TO HIRE SPECIAL CONSULTANTS (Onyx Emerald Park Landfill Expansion) WHEREAS, Onyx Waste Services Midwest has files and Initial Site Report with the City of Muskego for a proposed Western Horizontal Expansion; and WHEREAS, The City has six (6) months to respond to any future Landfill expansions; and WHEREAS, The City Engineering/Building Inspection Director has recommended to the Finance Committe!e the hiring of Special Consultants to assist the City with the negotiations relatE!d to the Future Expansion; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the City Engineering/Building Inspection Director is authorized to retain special consultants to represent the City concerning this matter at this time. DATED THIS 141~ DAY OF FEBRUARY ,2006. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden ReGonsidered, Amended and Adopted 2/14/2006 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #029-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muske!go. /l 'l J)/,ì , , -r ... I ,)f(j/)UCL / (Jii:'i) , Cle,rk- Treasurer '\ :' l . / . . . COMMOI~ COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKIEGO RESOLUTION #029-2006 RESOLUTION TO HIRE SPECIAL CONSULTANT (Onyx Emerald Park Landfill Expatnsion) WHEREAS, Onyx Waste Services Midwest has files and Initia of Muskego for a proposed Western Horizontal Expansion; afld / WHEREAS, The City has six (ß) months to respond to any future Landfill expansions; and / / WHEREAS, The City Engineering/Building Inspectio(~irector has recommended to the Finance Committee the hiring of Special Consultan~ to assist the City with the negotiations related to the Future Expansion; and/ WHEREAS, The City's Finance Committee ha?/ reviewed this matter and has recommended that special consultants be ret.ained to represent the City of Muskego. / i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the City En!gineering/Building Inspection Director is authorized to retain special cQnsultants to represent the City concerning this matter at this time. i DATED THIS DAY OF / I ,2006. / / / / I I / / / / / SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #029-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer