CCR2006028COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #028-2006 APPROVAIL OF STARTING SALARY IRATE FOR Slr AFF SERGEANT POSITION WHEREAS, On Jlanuary 19, 2006, the Police and Fire Commission approved a promotion of a patrol officer to staff sergeant; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee reviewed thf~ proposed starting salary for the individual promot'ed to staff sergeant; and WHEREAS, The 2006 salary range for the staff sergeant position is as follows: Minimum Midpoint Maximum $51,269 $62,830 $74,390 WHEREAS, The Finance Committee determined that effective January 19, 2006, the annual salary would be 100% of midpoint or $62,B30. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RI::SOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby set the annual starting salary at $62,830 effective Januar:ý 19, 2006 for the patrol officer promoted to staff sergeant. DATED THIS 14th DAY OF Februarv_, 2006. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Bob Melcher Ald. t\Jancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #028-2006 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of MuskElgo. ./'1 - ~f/~ I > J(}./1j, I! ()c (~~jk- Treasurer 2/06jmb . . . Memo To: Mayor and Common Council From: City Administrator Date: February 6,2006 Subject: Agenda Item ~ Resolution Establishing Starting Salary for Staff Sergeant Position We have an individual who has been promoted in PO from an Oftìcer to a Staff Sergeant. The individual would be earning more as an officer in 2006 than the minimum of the range for Staff Sergeant. Because of this, we feel the City needs to establish the appropriate starting salary for the promoted individual. Below please find some pertinent information. Estimated salary as an Officer.. $57,275 (assumes 2..5% increase over 200S salary) The salary range for patrol sergeant for 2006 is - Minimum - $48,799 Midpoint - $59,802 Maximum - $70,806 The salary range for staff sergeant for 2006 is - Minimum - $51269 Midpoint - $62,830 Maximum - $74,390 Looking at this information, the Finance Committee recommended at its meeting January 24, a starting salary for the Staff Sergeant position of $62,830 which would be midpoint of the range and an approx. 9.7% increase over what the individual was earning as a patrol officer. The Chief brought forward the information that in 2003, when the staff sergeant position was moved trom a represented to a non-represented employee, the employees were placed at 104.8% of the salary range recommended by Public Sector Personnel Consultants. We have provided for your information, some outside compambles. Please see the attached table on Sergeant com parables. I recommend that the City recognize the promotion iin the starting salary and I recommend the City not establish a starting salary at more than the midpoint of the range. J~nnftet,,\ " I j . z o E en o a. .... z < w C) 0::: w en o u. C) u. w< ~.... .~ u. u. ow >- .... !:::~ o C) z ï= a: < .... en c w CJ) o a. o a: a. . Q) co () (j) ~ o Q) ...- a: a , ...- c o Z ~~ 00 N~ , ë '0 -0 ~ ~m Ol - o ~ ~ . 0 <!) Ol ~ o l.!) a ~ o '<;;t a ~ o C") a ...- ~ o N a ~ o co Ol ~ o I'- Ol ~ o l.!) Ol c::- co co (j) OlOO <!) C") Ol N co C") ...--N'<;;t l.!) <!) I'- tI7 tI7 tI7 .;...; c co Q)E~E 2l ::J C ::J Q)EoE ~'c :2 ~ 2~ ~ ~ (j) N I'- Ol l.!) <!) fA C') '<;;t C") l.!) <!) tI7 l.!) I'- '<;;t <!) fA I'- co a '<;;t <!) fA co l.!) '<;;t C") <!) tI7 o M co N <D V} N a N N <.D fA C") I'- l.!) <!) tI7 l.!) 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N co - o c o a E ::J (/) (/) co c co c o -0 Q) (/) co en .. 2 c Jg ::J (/) (/) Ul C Q) 0 >-0 ..Q (j) a. c E c Q) ~ Q) ..... {/) Q) on... ..c ..... f- 0 .1:5 C Q) o (j) ~.~ o ::0 a. ::J -0 n... Q) >- ë .n Q) -0 (/) Ul Q) -0 ..... C 0.. Q) ~ E C E o 0 c () co Q) (/) L- co ë -0 0 Q) a. (/) -0 ~ 'E U Q) Q) rn L- c (/) co co ..... 3: c o :E è ~ ro (/) (/) Q) o ..c a. ~ ~- lij 0 Q) ~ rn 0 .....0 Q) co (j) "'<i _0 ro ...-- èi5 êiî Q) -0 ..c Q) ~ () - co C")- a a. a Q) N L- Q) C ~ (/) ::J ro ~ ~ o <: . . . Coml11unitv Village of Elm Grove City of Mequon Village of Greendale City of Brookfìeld City of Franklin Proposed: City of Muskego January 31,2006 SJ:KCiE;\NI_C~n~Ì'{U) ARABLE:) Starting Pav $28.26 $27.67 $2Ú.ÓO 522.96 $25.18 $30.2 :i Contract Year 2006 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006