RESOLUTION #027-2006
JANUARY 1, 2006 - DECEMBER 3,1, 2008
WHEREAS, A settlement has been reached between the ne~lotiators for the City of
Muskego and the negotiators for the Muskego Police Association.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RI::SOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor and Cllerk- Treasurer to execute the attached
settlement agreement between the Muskego Police Assocïation and the City of
Muskego for the period January 1, 2006 through Decembl~r 31, 2008 subject to
ratification by the bargaining unit.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby
authorized to execute the 2006 - 2008 labor agreement.
DATED THIS 14th DAY OF Februarv_____, 2006.
Charles H. Damaske, Mayor
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #027-2006 which
was adopted by the Common Council of the Çity of Muskego.
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Muskego Professional Police Association
Tentative Agreement with the City of IVluskego
FINAL REVISION: January 30, 2006
Article 6 - Wages
Section 1 - Wage Proposal
January 1, 200(í,
July 1,2006
January 1,2007
July 1,2007
January 1,2008
July 1,2008
Section 1 - (E) The Muskego Police Association agrees to-feview merit pay proposals and the
partie:; can reopen the contfilct if agreement on the merit f*lj' plan is reached,
Article 7 - Hours and Workweek
New Sectiolll K - For as long as the City maintains one dc~tective position, that position shall
be a promotion. If the City maintains more than one detective position, the additional
positions shall be appoin1tments as described below:
1. The assigned position of Detective shall have an initial term of two years. The term shall
commence at the beeinnine of a calendar year. If the ;appointment is made after April
30th of anv vear, the term will commence at the stllirt of the next calendar year.
2. Appointed Detectives may be retained for additional two-year terms. No later than
August 1 of the year the term is set to expire, the Detc:dive and the Department will
meet to review the ass:ignments for the following term. No later than October IS, the
parties will indicate, in writing, their intentions to renew their assignment.
3. Appointed Detectives who are returned to patrol duties at the request of the
Department before the end of their term shall ret3lin the appropriate detective waee for
the duration of the current calendar year. Officer's will revert to the normal work
schedulc~ of the patrol division.
4. A Detective exitine the position other than the end of a term shall assume the schedule
of the patrol officer chosen as a replacement. If nl[) n:placement is named, assignment of
exiting officer shall be based on seniority. Should the replacement come from a specialty
position, the exitine officer will be assigned to patrol.
. 5. If an officer requests to leave the detective positiOl!.J!rior to the end of their term, he/she
may be required to continue until the expiration of the term.
John Dillon, Bargaining Consultant
Wisconsin Professional Police Association
January 24, 2006
Tentative Agreement with the City of Muskego
6. Officers acceptißl:! the position shall not be requirt~,d to hold a bachelor's de2;ree at the
time of 3lPpointment; however, the officer shall enroll in a pr02;ram, pro2;ressin2; toward
a four-Ylear de2;ree. The City shall not require a number of courses to exceed the
educational reimbursement offered by the, City. A.!!Lbreak in schoolin2; must be
approved by the administration.
Article 8 - Overtime
Section 2 - Provided, however, that employees must submit compensatory overtime by the first
workday of the month follmving the month in 'y',hich the evertime '.vas earned on their bi-weekly
pay sheets, provided further that no employee may accumulate, for the purpose of compensatory
time off, more than sixty-~our (61,) hours of compensatory time off. Any overtime accumulated
in excess of sixty-four (61,) hours will be compensated pursuant to this Article.
Article 11 - Uniform Maintenance and Weapon Allowance
Section 1 - A uniform maintenance allowance of~H:æ1ireè Twenty five Three Hundred
Twenty-fiv(~ Dollars ($325.00) per year shall be paid to each employee at the payday nearest
December 1 of each year. =the City shall reimbarse emplleyt::es for foot'.vear to a maximam -Bf
One hundred fifty ($150) dollars, every other year. This llinment shall include the footwear
allowance. Partial payments shall be prorated on months of service. .
The City will fund four (4) shirts in 2006, intended to be 'Worn under ballistic vests. Such
shirts will be funded only for officers who re2;ularly wear' ballistic vests. Followin2; the 1 st
year, the shirts will be funded out of the Departmental uniform allowance.
Section 3 - The City shall provide up to an additional Gt1te+Jundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00)
Two Hundr'ed (200.00) Dollars per year for maintenance for clothing for Team Five members
who are nOJrmally aSSi2;n(~d to a plain-clothes assi2;nm1ent members. Such additional
maintenance payment shall be prorated based on length of service within Team Five in a plain-
clothes assi:!!nment.
Article12 - Health and Welfare
Section 4 -Jlremium Co-payment. Effective Januarv 1,2006, employees will contribute six
percent (~%) of the applicable monthly premium for health insurance up to a maximum
contribution of $70.00 per month for family coverage, $52.0!! per month for limited family
coverage, and $35.00 per month for single coverage. Effective January 1, 2007 employees will
contribute ~~ven percent (2) of the applicable monthly premium for health insurance up to a
maximum contribution of ~S80.00 per month for family coverage, $60.00 per month for limited
family coverage, and $40.00 per month for singIe coverage. Effective January 1, 2008
employees will contributeei2;ht percent (~) of the applicable monthly premium for health
insurance up to a maximum contribution of $90.00 per month for fàmily coverage, $68.00 per
month for limited family coverage, and $45.00 per month for single coverage. These deductions
will be made on a pre-tax basis pursuant to the City's premium only cafeteria plan. The
John Dillon, Bargaining Consultant
Wisconsin Professional Police Association
January 24, 2006
Tentative Agreement with the City of Muskego
Pagc 3 . insurance plan will be the Wisconsin Physicians Service, Preferred Advantage Plus Plan, for
groups of 51 or more as negotiated.
Article 14 - Sick Leave
New Section - Sick Leave incentive -Employees who have reached the maximum sick leave
accruallevd of 720 hours may place fifty (50.%) perc(~nt IOf the value of any accumulated
but unused sick leave for the calendar year into the Lon2:evity/Sick Pay/Health Premium
Fund to a maximum of 24 hours. This will commence in .January 2006 with the first deposit
into the Fund based on 2006 unused accumulated sick leave to occur in January 2007.
Article 16 - Probationary Period
Section 1 - All newly hired employees shall be considered probationary for the first 365 days of
their employment, excluding any time spent in recruit school training. An additional 180 days
extension of the probationary period shall be allowed at the discretion of the ChieJ~ with
notification given to the Association at the time of the extension. Employees promoted shalt
serve a one (1) year probationary period. Employees not -slli;cessfully completing their
probationary period, or requesting a voluntary demotion Ei-Hf.lng their probationary period shall
return to their previous position/rank with no lo:;s of :;enieflty:-
. Section 5 - !Employees who have been promoted shall serve a one (1) year evaluation period.
Employees not successfullv completing their evaluati(!.!!...Illeriod. or requesting a voluntary
return to the position they previously held during their evaluation period. shall return to
that position/rank with no loss of seniority.
Article 24 - TerminatiÍon
Contract to expire on Del~ember 31.2008.
John Dillon, Bargaining Consultant
Wisconsin Professional Police Association