RESOLUTION #156-2004
JANUARY 1, 2004 - DECEMBER 31, 2005
WHEREAS, A settlement has been reached between the negotiators for the City of
Muskego and the negotiators for the employees of the Public Works and Utilities
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve
the settlement agreement, as attached, between the employees of the Public Works
and Utilities Departments and the City of Muskego for the period January 1, 2004
through December 31, 2005 subject to ratification by the employees.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to
execute the labor agreement.
Ald. Nancy Salentine
Ald. Eric Schroeder
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #156-2004 which
was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego
**** Amended 10/94/04
*** Amended 9/30/04
** Amended 9/21/04
* Amended 8/30/04
AU2ust 17. 2004
Contract term is 2 years (2004 & 2005)
3.03 - New employees shall be eligible for the City's health insurance program
the first of the month following the date of hire. New employees shall be eligible for
Wisconsin Retirement Life Insurance six (6) months after the date of hire. New
employees already in the Wisconsin Retirement program from a previous job will be
eligible the first day of the month following employment. New employees will be
eligible for paid holidays.
5.01 - Wages to be increased as shown on Exhibit "A". Retroactive pay will be
by re2ular payroll check within thirty (30) days of a mutually ratified agreement.
6.01 - Employees shall be paid biweekly ~n an hourly basis~ for each bi
weekly pay period. The City shall pay each employee on Thursday for work performed
through the previous Saturday.
6.04 - The City will make a payroll deduction to any ****employee's elh!ible
deferred compensation plan. offered by the City. (State Statute ft457) when an
employee elects to have the deduction made.
9.01 - **Sprin2 Holiday (one-half ffiday) to be celebrated on April 9. 2004
and March 25. 2005
11.01 - In the event of the death of an employee's spouse. CHILD OR
STEPCHILD. five (5) days leave of absence with pay shall be 2ranted. In the event
of the death of a member of an employee's immediate family. up to three (3) days
leave of absence with pay shall be 2ranted. In the event of funerals out of town
(more than 250 miles one way). an additional one (1) day of absence with pay shall
be 2ranted.
Public Works/Public Utilities Settlement Agreement 2004-2005 Page 2
14.02 Any employee who is absent due to injury or illness caused during the
course of hislher duties and is eligible for Worker's Compensation payments for
temporary partial or temporary total disability, shall suffer no loss of compensation
during such period of absence up to a maximum of one (1) year. The employee shall
receive his/her full regular pay from the Employer and shall endorse any Worker's
Compensation checks for temporary partial or temporary total disability. The employee
shall provide copies of the check stubs to the Finance Director. The amount of the check
viÍll be deducted from the employee's next paycheck. For purposes of this Section only,
employees shall be considered as eligible for Worker's Compensation payments for
temporary partial or temporary total disability from the first day of any disability,
notviÍthstanding the provisions of Section 102.43 Wisc. Stats. During the period of such
differential pay, there shall be no deductions from the employee's earned sick leave or
vacation credits~
14.02 -; (Reso. 10-2003) All employees of the City of Muskego are entitled to Worker's
Compensation coverage. Any employee who is absent from work because of an iniury or
illness that occurred while at work shall suffer no loss of compensation during such
period of absence up to a maximum of one (1 ) year per iniury event. An Employee on
temporary partial or temporary total disability shall receive full regular pay up to a
maximum of three (3) working days for the hours scheduled to work until eligible for
Worker's Compensation payment. If eligible, the insurance carrier will send a tax
exempt check to the City of Muskego made payable to the employee for 2/3 of their pre-
iniury weekly wage for each week on Worker's Compensation leave. The City of
Muskego will process a payroll check to the employee for the difference between the
Worker's Compensation payment and the employee's regular wages (1/3 o[1ost wages).
Both payments will be distributed with the biweekly payroll. During the period of such
differential pay, there shall be no deductions from the employee's earned sick leave,
vacation credit or retirement benefits.
15.08 - An Employee on sick leave may be required by the department head to
file a written report upon their ffis return to work on a form furnished by the Employer
stating their ffis length of absence and nature and effect of illness or injury. While an
employee is on paid sick leave, the accrual of sick leave benefits shall continue during the
period of convalescence. Sick leave shall not be accrued for laid off employees or
employees on leave of absences without pay that exceed twenty (20) working days.
Employees shall be allowed to use sick leave if they become ill while on vacation (a
doctor's certificate or other evidence to support this sickness may be required).
Whenever an employee is laid off due to lack of work or funds, any accumulated sick
leave shall continue in effect if they are fle H; rehired.
Public Works/Public Utilities Settlement Agreement 2004-2005 Page 3
15.12 - Requests for sick leave for employee, spouse, children and individuals for whom
you are primary care giver, doctor and dentist appointments shall be granted up to a
maximum of sixteen (16) hours per year. Employees shall, where possible, schedule such
appointments after consultation with their supervisors concerning mutually convenient
times for the taking of such leave, and shall attempt to schedule such appointments so as
to minimize the impact upon working time. Employees shall give four (4) workdays
advance notice prior to requesting such leave;, or as able, with supervisor approval, for
any period less than four (4) days7, unless some tyPe of circumstance prohibits that length
of notification.
16.01 - Vacations shall be accrued by full-time employees as follows:
During first year of employment - two (2) weeks of paid vacation. No employee
shall accrue any vacation until after six months of employment; provided, however, that
once an employee shall attain accrue six months of seniority, they he shall earn vacation
from the first date of hire.
17.02 -For the term of this aqreement (Effective October 1,20041,
employees will contribute five percent (5%1 of their elected monthly health
insurance premium coverage up to a maximum contribution of $64.00 per
month for family coverage, $-18.00 per month for limited family coverage,
Q.Q.QJ;32.00 per month for sinqle coveraqe. Effective January 1, 2005
employees will contribute five percent (5%1 of the elected monthly health
insurance premium for health insurance up to a maximum contribution of
$70.00 per month for family coveraqe, $52.00 per month for limited family
coveraqe, and $35.00 per month for sinqle coveraqe. These deductions
will be made on a pre-tax basis pursuant to the City's premium only
cafeteria plan. Employees who elect to waive health coveraqe shall be
compensated monthly as outlined below:Effective 1/1/97 employees 'Nill begin
contributing $10.00 per month for family coverage and $5.00 per month for single
coverage. These deductions 'Nill be made on a pre tax basis pursuant to the City's
premium only cafeteria plan.
(Family and take nothing
Limited Family and take nothing
Single and take nothing
Family and take single
Limited Family and take single
Family and take limited family
$350.00 per month
$255.00 per month
$120.00 per month
$230.00 per month
$137.00 per month
$ 95.00 per month)
The City has is also in the process of established shffig a Section 125 flexible
spending plan to allow employee to set aside funds on a ~re-tax basis to cover
Public Works/Public Utilities Settlement Agreement 2004-2005 Page 4
anticipated deductible expenses. Information resarding this plan 'Nill be pro'.'ided to you
as soon as available.
17.04 - Employees covered by this Agreement shall be allowed to carry the
family plan to cover their }lli; spouse and/or dependents.
17.07 - Life Insurance benefits for employees covered under this Agreement shall
be provided for under the provisions of the Wisconsin Retirement Service. The existing
life insurance benefits effective on December 3, 1996 will be maintained for the first six
(6) months of 1997.
17.08 - A retired employee (or widow or widower) may elect to leave their
accumulated sick pay with the City to apply toward payment of monthly health insurance
premiums. The amount of money in the fund shall have interest calculated on December
31 S\ with the rate of interest being equal to the interest rate detennined by the City
Auditor, who shall detennine the interest earned on City investments for that calendar
year. The city shall provide the employee with a printout January February -1:- of each
year identifying the exact amount of money available in the fund. The retired employee
may elect to remove his/her money from this account at any time upon giving the City 30
days 'Nrittcn notice, unless a waiver '.vas signed by the employee for tax purposes that
required payout to be held for payment of premiums only. All terms are outlined in the
Policy Book as adopted by Resolution #199-2003, *and as may be amended by law.
17.09 Effective upon signing of agreement, Disability Insurance is made
available to all employees at the employee's expense.
23.01 - Tennination reports shall be in triplicate and signed by the Employer and
employee (if they are fl.e-i.5 available), when an employee is separated from employment
for any reason, or is granted a leave of absence.
29.01 - Either party may request amendment to this Agreement by notifying the
other party in writing by October 1, 2003J uly 1, 2005. The written notification will
contain the negotiation requests of the reopening party. If one party so notifies, the other
party may submit its negotiating requests prior to the first meeting.
29.02 - Within ten (10) days, or as soon as practical thereafter, after receipt of
such notice, the two parties shall commence collective bargaining in respect to a new
Agreement or amendment to the existing Agreement.
29.04 - This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 2001~ and shall remain
in full force and effect up to and including December 31, 200~J.
Public Works/Public Utilities Settlement Agreement 2004-2005
The Common Council, at their meeting of 9/14/04 (during Closed Session) agreed that
the effectivity for co-payment of insurance premium will be either what is agreed to
between the City and any bargaining unit, or what ultimately might be decided in any
arbitration. ,.ff
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Page 5
. $.55 Per Hour Market Adjustment and
3% Increase 01/01/2004 - 12/31/04
Position Pts. PAY RANGE START 6MO. 12 MO. 24 MO. 36 MO.
Utilities Maintenance 226 PS 2 $ 17.51 $ 18.51 $ 19.50 $ 20.50 $ 21.50
Shop Mechanic 295 PS 4 $ 18.36 $ 19.41 $ 20.46 $ 21.51 $ 22.55
Highway Patrolman 200 PS 2 $ 17.51 $ 18.51 $ 19.50 $ 20.50 $ 21.50
Utility Locator 144 PS $ 13.76 $ 14.53 $ 15.31 $ 16.08 $ 16.86
3% Increase 01/01/2005 - 12/31/05
Position Pts. PAY RANGE START 6MO. 12 MO. 24 MO. 36 MO.
Utilities Maintenance 226 PS 2 $ 18.04 $ 19.06 $ 20.08 $ 21.11 $ 22.15
Shop Mechanic 295 PS 4 $ 18.92 $ 19.99 $ 21.07 $ 22.15 $ 23.23
Highway Patrolman 200 PS 2 $ 18.04 $ 19.06 $ 20.08 $ 21.11 $ 22.15
Utility Locator 144 PS $ 14.17 $ 14.97 $ 15.76 $ 16.56 $ 17.37
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