RESOLUTION #152-2004
JANUARY 1, 2004 - DECEMBER 31,2005
WHEREAS, A settlement has been reached between the negotiators for the City of
Muskego and the negotiators for the Muskego Police Association.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, does hereby
authorize the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to execute the attached Mediator's Proposal
between the Muskego Police Association and the City of Muskego for the period
January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2005 subject to ratification by the bargaining
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That WPS will no longer allow the City of Muskego open
enrollment at the beginning of each year except for a qualifying event(s), for example,
birth of a child, retirement, reduced hours, divorce, legal separation, death of employee
or spouse, entitlement to Medicare, loss of dependent child status, marriage, loss of
coverage through spouse, adoption, bankruptcy, loss of job.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby
authorized to execute the 2004 - 2005 labor agreement, subject to acceptance by the
Muskego Police Association of the above open enrollment change mandated by WPS.
DATED THIS 28th DAY OF September, 2004.
Mark A. Slocomb, Mayor
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #152-2004 which
was adopted by the Common Council of the. ity of Muskego.
, !
Daniel Nielsen, Post Office Box 1375, Racine, WI 53401-1375
Telephone: (262) 637-2043 I Fax: (262) 637-3448 I e-mail:
September 20, 2004 - via fax and mail
Mr. John Dillon
Bargaining Consultant
WPP A - LEER Division
9730 West Bluemound Road, Suite 21
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
Mr. Jonathon Swain
Attorney at Law
Lindner & Marsack, S.c.
411 East Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Re: City of Muskego / WPP A - Police
Case #75, No. 63638, MIA-2601 .
This will confirm the terms of the September 1 ih mediator's proposal in the Muskego Police
The prior Collective Bargaining Agreement will be carried forward into the January 1,
2004 - December 31,2005 Collective Bargaining Agreement unchanged, except as
A. Article 1 - Intent and Purpose
New Section 3. The Union aarees for its members who are emplovees of the Citv
of Muskeao that thev will individuallv and collectivelv perform loval and efficient
work and service. that thev will use their influence and best efforts to protect the
propertv of the Citv of Muskeao and its interest. and that thev will cooperate in
promotina and advancina the welfare of the Citv of Muskeao and service at all
times. For the mutual benefit of both the emplovees and the Citv of Muskeao. the
Union further aarees to cooperate with the Citv of Muskeao and active Iv
participate in the promotion and operation of an effective safetv and iob trainina
Mr. Jonathon Swain
Mr. John Dillon
Re: Mediator's Proposal - Muskego Police
September 20,2004 - page 2
New Section 4. The City of Muskeao aarees that it will cooperate with the Union
in its efforts to promote harmony and efficiency amona all of the City of
MuskeQo's emplovees. and to this end aQrees to active Iv promote and maintain
an effective and continuinQ proaram of safety and iob traininQ.
B. Article 5 - Wages
Add language to the end of the section as follows: The additional .5% increase of
1-1-05 is in settlement of the holidav pay issue for all reaular 5/2 scheduled
police department sworn personnel.
Section 8 - Protective Bodv Armor. The City shall pay up to the sum of Three Hundred
Fifty Dollars ($350.00) provide to all uniformed officers to be used towards the
purchase at emplovees who make a request. protective body armor, with the
minimum standards of protection being a Class IIA vest. In addition, the City shall
replace these items within a five (5) year time frame. All officers who have already
purchased protective body armor will be reimbursed for the cost of the vests on a pro-
rated basis. If a protective vest is issued bv the City of Muskeao. the vest shall
be worn at all times unless otherwise authorized bv the Chief of Police or his
desiQnee. due to the emplovees assianment. weather conditions. or other
Section 10. Qualified Field Training Officers, or officers who are utilized as field
trainina officers. shall be compensated at one-half (1/2) hour of payor compensatory
time off at the straight time rate for each day worked training a new officer.
C. Article 7 - Health and Welfare
Amend to read as follows: Effective October 1. 2004 employees will contribute
$10.00 per month for family coverage and $5.00 per month for single coverage five
percent (5%) of the applicable monthlv premium for health insurance UP to a
maximum contribution of $64.00 per month for familv coveraae. $48.00 per
month for limited familv coveraae. and $32.00 per month for sinale coveraQe.
Effective Januarv 1. 2005 emplovees will contribute five percent (5%) of the
applicable monthlv premium for health insurance UP to a maximum contribution
of $70.00 per month for familv coveraae. $52.00 per month for limited familv
coveraae. and $35.00 per month for sinQle coveraae. These deductions will be
made on a pre-tax basis pursuant to the City's premium only cafeteria plan. Eff-ecti'le
June 1, 2002, The insurance plan will be changed to the Wisconsin Physicians Service,
Preferred Advantage Plus Plan, for groups of 51 or more as negotiated.
Mr. Jonathon Swain
Mr. John Dillon
Re: Mediator's Proposal- Muskego Police
September 20, 2004 - page 3
The City shall have the right to change the healthcare provider during the term of this
Agreement; the replacing coverage shall be equal to or greater than the benefits in
effect as of June 1, 2002. In the event a successor agreement is not reached as of the
effective date of the expiration of this Agreement, these benefits, as well as the City's
premium contribution, shall be subject to the dynamic status quo document.
The current vision care rider shall terminate at midnight on December 31,2002.
Thereafter, there will be no vision care rider.
New Section: Effective Januarv 1. 2004. emplovees who elect to waive health
coveraQe shall be compensated as follows:
If eliQible for:
Familv and take nothinQ -
Limited Familv and take nothinQ -
SinQle and take nothinQ -
Familv and take sinQle -
Limited Familv and take sinQle -
$350.00 per month
$255.00 per month
$120.00 per month
$230.00 per month.
$137.00 per month.
D. Article 9 - Sick Leave
Section 10. Status quo per the current contract.
Section 15. Request for sick leave for doctor and dentist appointments for
employee, spouse, children and individuals for whom you are primary caregiver,
shall be granted, up to a maximum of sixteen (16) hours per year.
E. Article 10 - Time off for Funerals
Section 1. In the Event of the death of an emplovee's spouse five (5) days leave
of absence with pay shall be aranted. In the event of the death of a member of an
employee's immediate family, three (3) days leave of absence with pay shall be
granted. In the event of funerals out of town (more than 250 miles) an additional one
(1) day of absence shall be granted.
Section 2. Immediate family is described as husband, wife, children, parents,
gr::mdparents, grandchildren, brothers, and sisters, of the employee or his/her spouse,
as lI:ell as individuals for whom you are the primary caregiver. Immediate familv is
described as child. stepchild. adopted child. parents. stepparent. Qrandparent.
arandchild. brother and stepbrother. sister and stepsister. brother-in-law. sister-
in-law. of the emplovee or his spouse. and the spouse of any of the above
children. or any person for whom the emplovee is primary careaiver.
Section 3. [New] In the event of the death of an aunt. uncle or first cousin of
emplovee or emplovee's spouse. one (1) day of absence with pay shall be
aranted. Verification must be aiven of death of familv member.
Mr. Jonathon Swain
Mr. John Dillon
Re: Mediator's Proposal- Muskego Police
September 20,2004 - page 4
F. Article 11 - Probationary Period
Section 1. All newly hired employees shall be considered probationary for the first 365
days of their employmentJ, excluding any time spent in recruit school training. An
additional 180 days extension of the probationary period shall be allowed at the
discretion of the Chief, with notification given to the Association at the time of the
extension. Employees promoted shall serve a one (1) year probationary period.
Employees not successfully completinQ their probationary period. or reQuestinQ
a voluntary demotion durinQ their probationary period shall return to their
previous position/rank with no loss of seniority.
Section 4. New employees shall be eligible for paid holidays and the hospital and
surgical life insurance programs after one (1) month of employment. New employees
shall be eligible for health insurance benefits on the first day of the month
followina the start of employment: and for life insurance beainnina six (6)
months from the date of hire unless the new hire had prior WRS participation, in
which case it would beain on the first (1st) day of the month followina the start of
G. Article 17 - Termination
Contract to expire on December 31, 200ð 5.
H. WaQes
Effective January 1, 2004:
Effective July 1, 2004:
Effective January 1, 2005:
Effective July 1, 2005:
2.0% across the board
1.0% across the board
2.5% across the board
1.0% across the board
Please review this proposal carefully and advise me and the other party if you note any material
error or omission. Both committees have agreed to recommend approval of the mediator's
proposal, and my understanding is that they will present it to their respective membership this
Thank you for your patient efforts to resolve this matter, and for allowing the Commission to be
of service.
Very truly yours, Reply to:
Dan Nielsen, Mediator
Wisconsin Employment
Relations Commission
Post Office Box 1375
Racine WI 53401-1375
(262) 637-2043/ Fax (262) 637-3448
Daniel Nielsen