CCR2004098 (2). . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #098-2004 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR ACCESS AND GROUNDWATER MONITORING BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND MUSKEGO SITE GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION GROUP BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Agreement and Exhibits between the City of Muskego and Muskego Site Groundwater Remediation Group subject to review by the City Attorney and approval by Sean McMullen. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor, in consultation with Sean McMullen, may make technical changes to the Agreement and/or Exhibits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement in the name of the City if the Agreement and all Exhibits are approved by the Mayor in consultation with Sean McMullen. DATED THIS 25th DAY OF ,2004. Mav SPONSORED BY: Mark A. Slocomb, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #098-2004 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. /J . --;-; -7 ;J' W "- /, & ~ ' -e./ ",/./ "7-2,7,- /Óérk- Treasurer C/' 5/2004jmb . . . . FILE No.308 OS/20 '04 PM 12:19 ID:ARENZ,I1l.TER,~Y FAX:262 548 9211 ~.~ 20 04 10:10. David E. St8wart 414-795-8103 AGREEMKN1' I1'OR ACCESS AND GROUNDWATER MONITORING TIllS AGREBMENf is entered into as of - , 2004, by and between the City ofMuskcgot a Wisconsin Municipal corporation ('"Owner") and Muskego Sil.e Groundwater Remediation Group, con.sishna of the A. W. Ho&dìn, Com., Blackhawk Leather1 lie, ISPAT Inland Mortgage Acct:!)tancc C01Tij)any. Trauçortation Technologies Industries. Inc.. Çudahv Tanning Company. Ine.. General Electric Comuany. Litton Svstems.lnc.~ PPQ 1ndustries.1nc.. and Wasle ManaSlcment of Wisconsin. Ine.. ("MSGRG"). WHEREAS. MSGRG desires and Owner agrees to allow MSGRO~ eM-its consultants. USEP ð. ~ WDN.B. to have aooess to the Property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof pUl'luant to the terms and conditions set forth below. NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutuaJ promises and covenants contained herein. the partics hereto agree 85 follows: I. AGREEMENT FOR THE ACCESS. MAINTENANCE. AND USE OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING WELLS. 1. The Owner grantS a perpet\tttlljc~ to MSGRG ~ !lIIC iI. portion of the Property for the putp08C ofinstaUiDg, maintaining, and utilizing groundwater quality monitoring wells. The tom of this license shaH be tcn{lQ) yeaq..~~.lless at that time USEP A. in consultation with WDNß,. deems thal. th~ monitorinv of Ol'l,e or more of the ~ells js still necessarv. In such case. the tenn shall be extsmded for additional five (5) mI periods until US~f ^" in oonsul.alian with WDNR. de~1 that monitoring of any of 1b~ ~l1s i&.no lon8er neccum.a In addition to the right to installJn.aintain and utilize S1Ich wells, the OWner IIlso further grants MSGRCi the right of ingress and egress to the Property for Pitt1'8ses 6f inøtailiftg IH'Id uûlir4ng sltoh.lQ..Drovide access to the wells. 2. The weHø and any it88Ociated structure shall be installed and maintained in a good nfe, and workmanlike manner by MSGRG, exclusively at the sole cost and expense ofMSORG. MSGRG shall take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the Owner's Property from the instaJlation of the wells lAnd ahall restore the Property to as c1ose to the originsd condition la ia reasonably puøaible roHowing installation. 3, At the end ofthe torm Qftbe license, MSGRG shalt promptly abanQ9J'1..ä!! wells installed pursuant to this Agreement. Said abandonment shan be done in ful1 compliance with all !!ppliçflhJe State .S.ta.þ1tOil and Adm.ìl1istrative Code pro~iOD8. MSGRG shaH restOß~.hP.D~rty to as close to the origin~1 conditiog. as is reasonably possible. followiftg 4êid a~d.9mnent. PAGE 2 p.2 . . . F I L.E No. 308 OS/20 '04 PM 12: 19 ID: ARENZ ,MOL.. TER ,MACY FAX:262 548 9211 Ma~ 20 04 10:10a David E. Stew.,.t. 414-18:5-8103 ~_MSGRG shall indemnify, defend, and hold Owner harmleas from and against any claim, liability, damage. toss. cost, suit. expense. demand, judgment, or cause of action (including reasonable attorney's fccs) psociatcd with the entry by or acûvity of MSGRG, or its employees. agents. contractors or sub-contractors. to the extent that such I arises from the instal1arion, presence or operation of the monitoring wells on the Property-=-. includinlJ. but notlirmted to. any contamination of 3fOundwoter caused by the I p!:~nç~ I,)f tJ1C mQT!iw.ri!1g'!Y~lt~, 4-:5. _MSGRG shall have the right to enter the ProPertY as identified above at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner for the purpose ofmeasurin& water levels or taking samples iÌom the monitoring wells and for tile purpo8C of sCf\licing, maintainin& and removing the wells. WheflH6 ~ftger fteeëe6; the R'lo~.weHltwiH he aealeà aftè øèttndene<i in a tiMely ft\8ftfteJ' aM i1'l aeeðMaftee .;..ith aU at'l'lieahte r81UIatif'HS. AU ahtwe gede 1'I\Mer-ial, ,hall theft he reiMveè and the well shall be rx:~eDüy eapfled. 576. This Agt'OOlttont for the installaûon, maintcmu.ncc, and uac of groundwater quality monitoring wens shall hecome effective on the day hereinabove written... -eM øhitIl ee!uiBtte m full Í6reß and effeet ~BlellJ et:helwise tOft!!tnetæ ~y ~t in writing between the pftl1ies heret6. 11. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 6.7. On the completion of any activities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, MSGRG shall immediately remove any and all vehicles. equipment, and any other item8 brought upon the Property. :1:l...._MSGRG shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt thereof, provide Owner or I Owner's designee with copies ofall analytical da~ ISslIOciatc;d with the monitoring of wel1(s) Înstalled On the Property. IN WITNJ:ïSS WHEREOF. the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. Muskcgo Site Groundwater Remediation Group City of Muskego By: lEi! --... Li~_S. Zebovitz.. C~!1 ofMSGRG Steering COlnmittcc By: Its: .---- -. Attest: Its: - ~ -. - . ....-...-- PAGE 3 p.3 . . FILE No.308 OS/20 '04 PM 12:20 ID:ARENZ.tU.TER.mcY FAX:262 548 9211 M.~ 20 04 10:118 David E. St@..rt 414-785-8103 GUARANTY Waate Management QÍWiscon~ {[1ç.. a Wisconsin comoration. hereby ~ to guaranty th:;;r~nn;ce of the dutieS and obligations imposed upon the MSGRG. in the e\lenllhat the MSGRG fails to oerform the same. -_. WASTE MANAGBMBNT OF WISCONSIN. INC. By: Title: ......~ Ibr A~.~td1iM . PAGE 4 p.4 . . . [\/ i / ! N Proposed MW01/MW01A Site Location Muskego Sanitary Landfi II Muskego, Wisconsin eMWH . . . ~. " , I N Proposed MW02/MW02A Site Locati on Muskego Sanitary Landfill Muskego, Wisconsin eMWH . . . ') :\ N Proposed MW04 Site Location Muskego Sanitary Landfi II Muskego, Wisconsin <Ø))MWH . . . ~ N Proposed MW05 Site Location Muskego Sanitary Landfill Muskego, Wisconsin <l))MWH Proposed MW06 Site Location Muskego Sanitary Landfill Muskego, Wisconsin 8MWH ,1\ .,~ N