CCR2004089COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #089-2004 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2003 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, pursuant to Wis. Stats. 65.90(5)(a), the Common Council of the City of Muskego is permitted to approve budget amendments to its 2003 budget, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the budget amendments on the following page. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Treasurer is directed to publish a Class 1 Notice in accordance with Section 65.90(5)(a) within 10 days of adoption of this Resolution. . DATED THIS 27TH DAY OF APRil ,2004 SPONSORED BY: - FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. Nancy C. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #89-2004 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 4/2004dg (7~/~~?V7~ . ~~rk-Treasurer C// .- Attachmcnt to Rcso. #OR9-2004 - CITY OF MUSKEGO 2003 BUDGET AMENDMENT April, 2004 Amended Amended GENERAL AND DEBT BUDGET BUDGET SERVICE FUNDS 2003 2003 TAXES $ 9,966,050 $ 9,966.,050 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,539,900 1,539,900 REGULATION/COMPLIANCE 623,559 623,559 PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES 546,570 546,570 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 COMMERCIAL REVENUE 274,581 274,581 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERV 95,403 95,403 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERV 17,400 17,400 TOTAL REVENUES $ 13,063,463 $ 13,063,463 GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 2,946,680 $ 2,534,480 PUBLIC SAFETY 4,829,580 5,000,080 HEALTH AND SANITATION 0 0 TRANSPORTATION 2,333,005 2,333,005 EDUCATION & RECREATION 1 ,867,993 1,868,693 UNCLASSIFIED 59,067 67 INDEBTEDNESS 2,021,217 2,397,317 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 14,057,542 $ 14,433,642 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS/ADVANCES 1,375,358 1,751,458 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS (381,279) (381,279) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES $ 994,079 $ 1,370,179 Capital Budget Budget 2003 $157,017 Amended 2003 $437,(JI 7 - -.. Amended Budget Budget 2003 2003 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues General property taxes $ 450,000 $ 450,000 Intergovernmental revenues- Operating grants 191,488 225,988 Public charges for services 471,260 531.260 Public improvement revenues: Sewer connection fees 50.000 50.000 Special assessments 430,000 430.000 Subdividers fees 110,400 110.400 Commercial revenues: Interest earned 220,031 220,031 Other 1,485.000 1,485,000 Donations 69.300 69,300 Total revenues $ 3,477,479 $ 3,571,979 Expenditures $ 1,111,036 $ 1,259.736 Excess of revenues over - (under) expenditures $ 2.366,444 $ 2,312.243 Other financina sources (uses) Interfund transfer Transfer to Debt Service Fund (308.108) Transfer from General Fund 96.665 96.665 Transfer to Capital Projects/Equip Fund (374,017) (694,017) Transfer from Capital Projects Fund Transfer to Capital Budget exp fund Transfer to General Fund (54,361) (54,361) Transfer to Utility - City subsidy (662.715) (662,715) Capital contribution to sewer Distribution of positive tax increment: (1,946,354) Total other financing sources (uses) ( 994,428) ( 3.568.890) Excess of revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditures and other uses 1,372,016 (1,256,647) Fund balances, beginning of period 9,852,898 9,852.898 Fund balance. end of period $ 11,224,913 $ 8.596,251