CCR2004036AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #036-2004 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH HARMONY HOMES, INC. AND VILLAGES AT MUSKEGO LAKES FOR STONEBRIDGE AND ST. ANDREW'S VILLAGE BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Agreement, as amended, with Harmony Homes, Inc. and Villages at Muskego lakes for Stonebridge and St. Andrew's Village for municipal water system expansion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor, in consultation with the City Attorney and City Engineers, may make necessary technical changes to the Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement, as amended, in the name of the City. DATED THIS 24th DAY OF Februarv ,2004. SPONSORED BY Mark A. Slocomb, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #036-2004 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 2/2004jmb I . .-.. >< ~ Æ I á./ f"- j/t;,/Yl/J~s - - / //Cterk- Treasurer 0.' (;'\ LJry AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is entered into this - day of t 2004t by and between the aTY OF MUSKEGO (City)t a municipal corporationt organized under the laws of the State of WJSconsint and, Harmny HWß, Irx:., a WJSconsin corporation and Villags at Musk~ Lakes, a WJSconsin general partnership (Harrrucy and Villags). WHEREASt Hammy or Villags own certain lands in the Cityt which they desire to develop under the names "Stone Bridge" and "St. Andrew's Village/' respectively; and WHEREASt Harrrucy and Villags desire for the City to expand the municipal water system to provide water access for the developments; and, WHEREASt The City has agreed such expansion is in the best interests of the Cityt assuming certain commitments regarding the expansion are obtained from HannonYt and from Villages; and, WHEREAS, Harrrucy arrl Villags have agreed to provide financial aids to cover certain of the City's costs associated with des~ construction and related costs' in effecting the municipal water system expansiont based upon the City's agreements set fonh hereafter: NOW; 1HEREFOREt for valuable considerationt the adequacy and receipt of which is acknowledged by each partyt IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. COST OF EXPANDED WATER SYSTEM (a) Harrrucy & VillalJ5 shall each pay fifty percent (50%) of certain costs to the City for the design and installation of an expansion to the City's water system generally descnòed in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (also hereinafter referred to as the ("Project"). The panies acknowledge that the estimated cost, excluding des~ for construction and administration of the Project, including the City's engineering and legal fees, , . ',_:' is Nme Hundred and Fifty Five Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars " \ Co \ /;~ I " ($99St800.00) (Estimated Cost), of which the City will reimburse Hammyand r. Villags for the water line over sizing estimated to be $ of the Estimated Cost upon the issuance of a cenificate of final completion of the Project, but not sooner than the 15th of Januaty 2005 all as descnòed on Exhibit A The City of Muskego will bid the Project as a lump sum contract, but will establish a means within the bidding process to detennine the actual 1 PAYMENT OF ATTRIBUTABLE COSTS Hammy& ViUa[fS each agree to pay fIfty percent 50% of the following amounts in accordance with the following schedule of events: (a) $40,000 upon execution of this Agreement for the design of the (project); 25% of the Total CDst upon award of the construction contract known as Southeast Water main Extension; An additional 25% for a total of 50% of the Total Cost, when construction is certified to be 50% completed by the City Engineer for the City of Muskego. An additional 35% for a total of 85% of the Total CDst, when construction is substantially complete as certified by the City Engineer. 2 (b) cost of the water line over sizing. The City shall provide Hammy & ViUa[fS with documentation of the City's costs adequate to allow Hammy & ViUa[fS to evaluate the same. After the City's opening of bids for this (project), but prior to the City's award of the construction contract, if the total cost of the Project (hereafter the "Total CDst") is more than 10% above the Estimated Cost, Hammy & ViUa[fS shall each have fifteen (15) days after receipt of a notice from the City to notify the City, in writing that at least one of them does not wish to proceed with the project. If the City receives no such notice in writing within the time allowed, time being of the essence, it may award said construction contracts and Hammy & ViUa[fS are fully obligated to all requirements of this Agreement. If the City receives such a notice, Hammy & ViUa[fS shall each be responsible to pay the City 50% of the costs incurred by the City on the Project to that date not to exceed $40,000 ($20,000 each) but shall have no further responsibility under the contract. In such circumstance, after payment of its costs, any remainder of the $40,000 shall be equally returned to Hammy & ViUa[fS, as the case may be. (b) (c) (d) 2 3. (e) An additional 15% for a total of 100% of the Total Cost, upon the certification of the system as ready to use. If the amounts stated at items (b), (c), (d) and (e) above are not paid within fifteen (15) days of the City invoicing Hammy & VillaffS for said amounts, the City may draw on the letters of credit referred to in Paragraph 3 of this Agreement of the partywhich failed to make the payment. LETTERS OF CREDIT In order to secure payment of the City's costs as stated above in Paragraph 2, upon execution of this Agreement by the last of the parties, Hammy & Villa~ shall each execute in favor of the City an irrevocable letter of credit acceptable to the City. The irrevocable letter of credit shall allow the City, with no further agreement from anyone, to withdraw the sums stated in Paragraph 2 upon the City, in writing, stating to the financial institution involved that the condition stated above has been accomplished and the invoice is not paid If the Total CoSt, this will be defined 'basically as construction, legal and engineering, exceeds the amount of the irrevocable letter of credit referred to herein, the Gty shall bill Hammy & ViUa~ for said costs and Hammy & Villa~ shall each pay 50% of said excess costs to the Gty within 30 days of mailing of said bill, time being of the essence. Hammy ani ViUa~ shall be jointly and severally liable for 100% of said excess costs to the City. The Letter of Credits shall remain in full effect until the final acceptance of the system by the City. 4. REIMBURSMENT TO HARMONY & VILLAGES. The amount to be paid by Hammy & VillaffS described above in Paragraph 1 contemplates the laterals will be constructed by the City only within the right-of-way and as shown on Exln'bit A Hammy & Villa~ shall jointly and severally be- _-reimbursed for portions of its financial aid provided pursuant to Paragraph 1 _of this Agreement pursuant to the attached WISCOnsin Public Service Commission Rule marked Exln'bit B and made a part hereof as it may be _amended from time to time. The present rule provides for reimbursement 3 5 _without interest. Attached hereto, made a pan hereof and muked Exlubit _Cis a list of propenies affected Wlder the present PSC Rule set froth in Exlu"bit B and the amoWlt of their responsibility for reimbursement is _calculated pursuant to this Agreement and the present PSC Rule. The _reimbursement calculations set forth on Exhibit C are based on the Estimated Cost and the City shall amend Exlubit C based on the actual cost and give Hammy & Villag:s written notice of the final reimbursement calculations on the finalized Exlu"bit C. In the event of a legal challenge to any reimbursement Wlder this Agreement, the City shall tender and Harrrmy am Villag:s shall jointly and severally accept the defense of such action and shall defend and indemnify the City with regard thereto. Harnvny am Villag:s shall be jointly and severally responsible for any and all costs, disbursements, attorney fees, expert witness fees and any other costs associated with the defense. In the event that it is finally adjudicated by an administrative tn"bunal or by a court of competent jurisdiction that the City is legally prohibited from reimbursement referenced in this paragrnph, then any actions taken pursuant to this paragrnph will be null and void and Hannony and Villages or its successors and assigns, will be deemed to have lost any legal right to reimbursement. WCAASSESSMENT. 6. All propenies to be served by the water main extension are subject to Water Capacity Assessments CWCA) which have been assessed and shall be paid pursuant to said assessment. RESPONSIBILITY 7. The parties hereto agree that Harnvny & ViJldg:s shall not be held responsible for the design, construction or installation of the Project, nor shall Hammy & ViJldg:s be held responsible for any operational problems arising thereafter. BENEFIT OR PARTIES. All the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the patties hereto, their heirs, representatives, successors and assigns. 4 8. CONTINGENOES. The Oty's obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon their obtaining the approval of all necessary governmental agencies for this project, obtaining a contract or contracts for construction of the Project which are acceptable to the City and the Gty, at its sole discretion, deciding to proceed with the project. If any contingency stated in this paragraph is, in the sole opinion of the Gty, not met, the Gty, at its option, may declare this Agreement null and void, except that the Gty shall be entitled to all expenses to date as to the project and Hammy & Villag;s shall pay all of said expenses. TIME LINE. The Gty estimates that the Project shall be installed and operational within one hundred and eighty days from the date of this Agreement. This . -. --C// estimate shall is in no way legally binding upon the Gty. The Gty shall . 1r 7 f . l L / pemút Hammy & VilIag;s, at their own risk, to commence construction of their respective developments prior to the completion of the Project, provided all other governmental approvals have been obtained and with the further understanding that building pemúts will not be issued until the respective developments have an adequate and reliable source of domestic 9. water. 10. DEFAULT. A default by either Hammy or Villag;s under this Agreement shall not be deemed a default by the non-defaulting party. Funher a default by Hcmrmy or V ilIag3 shall not be cause for the Oty to terminate, delay or otherwise change any material provision of this Agreement so as to adversely affect the non-defaulting party. 5 Dated this - day of QIT OF MUSKEGO By: Mark A Slocomb, Mayor By: Jean K. Marenda, Gty Qerk./Treasurer Dated this day of ,2004 ,2004. HARMONY HOMES, INC By: TIde: VILLAGES AT MUSKEGO LAKES, INe. By: TIde: 6 EXHIBIT A PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE ENGINEER ON WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS SOUTHEAST WATER MAIN EXTENSION NORTH CAPE ROAD CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN In accordance with the Common Council Resolution, this office herewith submits our report on the assessments for the water main improvements in the City of Muskego for purposes of calculating the recapture roll. All of the data shown is based on estimated bid project costs. The footages are estimated at the time the drawing are completed, and as such the final project and assessment costs may vary. This report consists ofthe following schedules: Schedule "I" - Summary of assessments and estimate oftotal project costs. Schedule "2" - Estimate of assessment for each parcel of property affected Engineering/Building Inspection City of Muskego WI82 S8200 Racine Avenue P.O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 February 20,2004 I \ \Building\Shared\CITYHALL \Engineering\ Water Projects\Champion's Village Off-S ite\Assessment\Final Documents\Preliminary Report- WATER MAIN.doc 1. Estimated Project Costs ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT $ TOTAL 1 6-INCH BUTTERFLY VALVE EACH 20 $750.00 $15,000.00 2 8-INCH BUTTERFLY VALVE EACH 6 $900.00 $5,400.00 3 16-INCH BUTTERFLY VALVE EACH 13 $1,100.00 $14,300.00 4 HYDRANT EACH 20 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 5 6-INCH HYDRANT LEAD, SPOIL L.F. 300 $32.00 $9,600.00 BACKFILL 6 8-INCH PVC WATER MAIN, L.F. 400 $37.00 $14,800.00 GRAVEL BACKFILL 7 16-INCH PVC WATER MAIN, L.F. 7680 $45.00 $345,600.00 SPOIL BACKFILL 8 16-INCH PVC WATER MAIN, L.F. 1100 $55.00 $60,500.00 GRAVEL BACKFILL 9 161NCH PVC WATER MAIN, JACK L.F. 250 $ 125.00 $31,250.00 ~ND BORE 10 8 INCH WATER MAIN, JACK AND L.F. 225 $ 100.00 $22,500.00 BORE 11 PAVEMENT RESTORATION S.Y. 10,00 $ 4.00 $40,000.00 0 12 1 ÿ.í INCH WATER SERVICE L.F 1,800 $ 31.50 $56,700.00 13 1 ÿ.í INCH CORPORATION STOP EACH 42 $ 175.00 $7,350.00 fAND BOX 14 1 X INCH TAP AND EACH 42 $ 175.00 $7,350.00 CORPORATION SURFACE RESTORATION S.Y. 40,00 $ 3.50 $140,000.00 15 0 I Total Estimated Construction Costs $820,350.00 20% Administration, Engineering, Contingency $164,070.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $984,420.00 2 \ \B uilding\Shared\CITYHALL \Engineering\ Water Projects\Champion's Village Off-Site\Assessment\F inal Documents\Preliminary Report- WATER MAIN. doc 2. Estimated Assessable Main Costs ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY UNIT$ TOTAL 1 6-INCH BUTTERFLY VALVE EACH 20 $750.00 $15,000.00 2 8-INCH BUTTERFLY VALVE EACH 6 $900.00 $5,400.00 3 16-INCH BUTTERFLY VALVE EACH 13 $1,100.00 $14,300.00 4 HYDRANT EACH 20 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 5 6-INCH HYDRANT LEAD, SPOIL L.F. 300 $32.00 $9,600.00 BACKFILL 6 8-INCH PVC WATER MAIN, L.F. 400 $37.00 $14,800.00 GRAVEL BACKFILL 7 16-INCH PVC WATER MAIN, L.F. 7680 $45.00 $345,600.00 SPOIL BACKFILL 8 16-INCH PVC WATER MAIN, L.F. 1100 $55.00 $60,500.00 GRAVEL BACKFILL 9 16 INCH PVC WATER MAIN, JACK L.F. 250 $ 125.00 $31,250.00 AND BORE 10 8 INCH WATER MAIN, JACK AND L.F. 225 $ 100.00 $22,500.00 BORE 11 PAVEMENT RESTORATION S.Y. 10,000 $ 4.00 $40,000.00 12 1 1,4 INCH WATER SERVICE L.F 1,800 $ 31.50 $56,700.00 13 1 1,4 INCH CORPORATION STOP EACH 42 $ 175.00 $7,350.00 AND BOX 14 1 1,4 INCH TAP AND EACH 42 $ 175.00 $7,350.00 CORPORATION 15 SURFACE RESTORATION S.Y. 40,000 $ 3.50 $140,000.00 Total Estimated Construction Costs $820,350.00 20% Administration, Engineering, Contingency $164,070.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $984,420.00 3 \ \B uilding\Shared\CITYHALL \Engineering\ Water Proj ects\Champion's Village Off-Site\Assessment\F inal Documents\Pre1iminary Report- WATER MAIN. doc C. Estimated Lateral Costs ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT $ TOTAL 1 1 ~ INCH CORPORATION STOP EACH 42 $175.00 $7,350.00 AND BOX 2 1 ~ INCH WATER SERVICE L.F. 1,800 $3,150.00 $56,700.00 3 1 ~ INCH TAP AND EACH 42 $175.00 $7,350.00 CORPORATION Total Estimated Construction Costs $71,400.00 20% Administration, Engineering, Contingency $14,280.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $85,680.00 D. Estimated Calculations A. Frontage Assessments 1. Commercial Frontage 2. Residential Frontage $42.73 $37.82 B. Water Services ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT $ [TOTAL 1 1 ~ INCH CORPORATION STOP EACH 42 $175.00 $7,350.00 AND BOX 2 1 ~ INCH WATER SERVICE L.F. 1,800 $3,150.00 $56,700.00 3 1 ~ INCH TAP AND EACH 42 $175.00 $7,350.00 CORPORATION Total Estimated Construction Costs $69,300.00 20% Administration, Engineering, Contingency $17,325.00 ~ otal Estimated Project Cost $86,625.00 Estimated Number of Services 42 Use $2,625.00 per Water Service E. Estimated Assessable Costs A. From the Roll dated February 19,2004 4 \ \B uilding\Shared\CITYHALL \Engineering\ Water Projects\Champion's Village Off-S ite\Assessment\F inal Documents\Preliminary Report-WATER MAIN.doc 1. Commercial Frontage 1,313.44x $42.73 $56,123.29 2. Residential Frontage 14,040.11 x $37.82 $530,996.96 3. 1 1/4 INCH Water Service 42 each x $2,625.00 $110,250.00 F. Estimated Non-Assessable Costs: Total Estimated Project Costs: Total Estimated Assessable Costs: Total Non-Assessable Costs: $984,420.00 $697.370.25 $287,049.75 5 \ \B uilding\Shared\CITYHALL \Engineering\ Water Projects\Champion's Village Off-Site\Assessment\F inal Documents\Preliminary Report-WATER MAIN.doc F f h; b,' {- ß RA TE FILE Sheet No. Schedule No. 1 of 1 X-2 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Amendment No. 08 City of Muskego Water Public Utility I Water Main Extension Rule Water mains wíll be extended for new customers on the following basis: A. Where the cost of the extension is to immediately be collected through assessment by the municipality against the abutting property, the procedure set forth under Wis. Stat. ~ 66.0703 will apply, and no additional customer contribution to the utility will be required. B. Where the municipality is unwilling or unable to make a special assessment, the extension will be made on a customer-financed basis as follows: 1. The applicant(s) will advance as a contribution in aid of construction the total amount equivalent to that which would have been assessed for all property under A. 2. Part of the contribution required in B .1. will be refundable. When additional customers are connected to the extended main within 10 years* of the date of completion, contributions in aid of construction will be collected equal to the amount which would have been assessed under A. for the abutting property being served. This amount will be refunded to the original contributor(s). In no case will the contributions received from additional customers exceed the proportionate amount which would have been required under A., nor will it exceed the total assessable cost of the original extension. c. When a customer connects to a transmission main or connecting loop installed at utility expense within 10 years* of the date of completion, there will be a contribution required of an amount equivalent to that which would have been assessed under A. *The period is 20 years for main extensions that were in the ground or that had a signed contract with the utility as of the effective date of the new rates and rules in Docket 4005-WR-102. EFFECTIVE: March 25, 2003 PSCW AUTHORIZATION: 4005-WR-102 2/19/200. Champion's Village Off Water Main Extension ,1 of 8 DRAFT Elhtbt'+ C COMMUNITY NAME: CITY OF MUSKEGO Commercial Water Main Unit Cost (L.F.)= $ 42.73 PROJECT LOCATION: Durham Dr. & North Cape Residential Water Main Unit Cost (L.F.)= $ 37.82 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Water Main Extension 1 1/4" Water Service (Each)= $ 2,625.00 The Following Properties Are Benefited By The Improvements: NO. OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PROPERTY ADDRESS TAX KEY # CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTALS TOTAL COST JAMES & KAREN MAY Total Frontage (L.F.) 1086.62 2211998 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ S86W13988 PRIEGEL DR Residential Deferred (L.F.) 936.62 $ MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 Water Service $ $ 5673.00 JAMES R & PAMELA K LUNDGREN Total Frontage (L.F.) 2 W129S8642 DURHAM DR 2211998003 Residential Assessable ( 5,673.00 W129S8642 DURHAM DR Residential Deferred (L. .) 28,107.82 MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 Water Service 2.625.00 8 298.00 ROBERT J & LISA A MARTINI 3 2253995 37.82 $ 5,673.00 W127S8825 NORTH CAPE 37.82 $ 2.659.50 MUSKEGO WI 53150 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 8 298.00 DENNIS & NANETTE LORENZ 24 .28 4 50 $ 37.82 $ .0 9 .28 $ 37.82 $ 3,452.21 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 8298.00 $ 42.73 $ 7,856.34 $ 42.73 $ 5315 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 10481.34 Total Frontage (L.F.) 894.24 6 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 Residential Deferred (L.F.) 744.24 $ 37.82 $ 28,147.16 1 1/4 Water Service $ 2,625.00 $ $ 5673.00 Total Frontage (L.F.) 150.13 7 W127S8901 NORTH CAPE 2253998001 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 Non-Assessable (L.F.) 0.13 $ 37.82 $ 4.92 53150 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 8.298.00 2119/200., Champion's Village Off. Water Main Extension DRAFT ,2 of 8 NO. OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PROPERTY ADDRESS TAX KEY # CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTALS TOTAL COST JEK NO I LLC Total Frontage (L.F.) 286.76 8 W127S8929.31 NORTH CAPE 2253998003 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 286.76 $ 10,845.26 N35W21140 CAPITOL DR #8 Residential Deferred (L.F.) $ PEWAUKEE WI 53072 1 1/4 Water Service 2 $ 16095.26 LEONARD BLATTNER Total Frontage (L.F.) 9 2253999 (East) Residential Assessable (L.F.) 5,673.00 S73W16144l1NDA CT Residential Deferred (L.F.) 40,535.85 MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 Water Service $ 5 673.00 LEONARD BLATTNER 10 37.82 $ S73W16144l1NDA CT 37.82 $ 15,777.37 MUSKEGO WI 53150 2,625.00 $ $ ROBERT & NANCY BLATTNER 11 37.82 $ 5,673.00 W126S8886 NORTH CAPE 37.82 $ 2,836.50 MUSKEGO WI 53150 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 8 298.00 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 8 298.00 150.00 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 $ 37.82 $ 2 $ 2,625.00 $ 5,250.00 10923.00 Total Frontage (L.F.) 277 .57 2253999005 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 Residential Deferred (L.F.) 127.57 $ 37.82 $ 4,824.70 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 8 298.00 Total Frontage (L.F.) 638.82 2253999006 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 638.82 $ 37.82 $ 24,160.17 Residential Deferred (L.F.) $ 37.82 $ 53132 1 1/4 Water Service $ 2,625.00 $ $ 24.160.17 2/19/200. Champion's Village Off Water Main Extension DRAFT 13 of 8 NO. OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PROPERTY ADDRESS TAX KEY # CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTALS TOTAL COST PRAIRIE MEADOWS ESTATES LLC Total Frontage (L.F.) 100.00 16 C/O LUANN LANG 2256001 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 100 $ 37.82 $ 7726 W WINSTON WAY Residential Deferred (L.F.) $ 37.82 $ FRANKLIN WI 53132-9016 1 1/4 Water Service $ 2,625.00 $ KEVIN & KARRIE BURRIS Total Frontage (L.F.) 100.00 17 2256002 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 10 5841 N MEADOWS DRIVE Residential Deferred (L.F.) RACINE WI 53402 1 1/4 Water Service 6407.00 MARK & JENNIFER ELGIN 100.00 18 2256003 100 3,782. 0 2940 SHERMAN ST MILWAUKEE WI 53207 2,625. 0 6 407.00 THOMAS A DAHLMAN 769.60 19 150 37.82 $ 5,673. 0 W127S8901 NORTH CAPE 619.60 37.82 $ 23,433. 7 MUSKEGO WI 53150 2,625.00 $ 5 673.00 20 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 308 JOELLEN DR $ 37.82 $ 945.50 WAUKESHA $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 8 298.00 KENNETH BROWN 196.50 21 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 46.50 $ 37.82 $ 1,758.63 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 8 298.00 Total Frontage (L.F.) 199.58 22 W126S9 25 NORTH CAPE 2256987001 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 Non-Assessable (L.F.) 49.58 $ 37.82 $ 1,875.12 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 8 298.00 Total Frontage (L.F.) 187.17 23 W126S9453 NORTH CAPE 2256987002 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 Non-Assessable (L.F.) 37.17 $ 37.82 $ 1,405.77 53150 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 8,298.00 NO. OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PROPERTY ADDRESS TAX KEY # CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTALS TOTAL COST GERALD F GLANCEY Total Frontage (L.F.) 202.00 24 S94W12772 RYAN RD 2256988 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ 37.82 $ S94W12772 RYAN RD Residential Deferred (L.F.) 52.00 $ 37.82 $ MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ 2,625.00 $ $ ROMAN A & SUSAN M RUTKOWSKI Total Frontage (L.F.) 25 S94W12702 RYAN RD 2256988001 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 37.82 $ S94W12702 RYAN RD Residential Deferred (L.F.) 37.82 $ MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 Water Service $ $ 8 298.00 EDWARD R KRAWCZYK 344.52 26 W126S9397 NORTH CAPE 2256989 150 W126S9397 NORTH CAPE 194.52 MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 8 298.00 DONALD & GAIL MILLER 117 .52 27 2256990 117.52 $ 37.82 $ W126S9349 NORTH CAPE $ 37.82 $ MUSKEGO WI 53150 $ 2,625.00 $ 7069.61 119.68 2 119.68 $ 37.82 $ 4,526.30 $ 37.82 $ $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 7151.30 163.74 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 13.74 $ 37.82 $ 519.65 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 8298.00 Total Frontage (L.F.) 676.72 2256993 Residential Assessable (L.F,) 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 Residential Deferred (L.F.) 526.72 $ 37.82 $ 19,920.55 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625,00 $ 8 298.00 Total Frontage (L.F.) 674.45 31 W126S9218 NORTH CAPE 2256994 Commercial Assessable (L.F.) 674.45 $ 42.73 $ 28,819.25 Commercial Deferred (L.F.) $ 42.73 $ 53150 1 1/4 Water Service 2 $ 2,625.00 $ 5,250.00 ~l 2119/20(, Champion's Village Of. ,Water Main Extension DRAFT e 4 of 8 NO. OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PROPERTY ADDRESS TAX KEY # CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTALS TOTAL COST WAYNE E & CHRYSA DELIKAT Total Frontage (L.F.) 388.48 32 W127S9189 NORTH CAPE 2256995 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ .0 W127S9189 NORTH CAPE Residential Deferred (L.F.) 238.48 $ 9,019.31 MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ 2,625.00 8 298.00 ANNE E MOSER Total Frontage (L.F.) 129.60 33 W127S9133 NORTH CAPE 2256997 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 129.6 4,901.4 W127S9133 NORTH CAPE Resid . I Deferred (L.F.) MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 ter Service 2,625.0 $ 7 526.47 RICKY D & SANDY L WINKLER 137.79 34 DR 137.79 5,211.2 20055 W BARTON RD NEW BERLIN WI 53146-391 2,625.0 7 836.22 W1"S91~ 689.09 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 539.09 $ 37.82 $ 20,388.38 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 8 298.00 ADRIAN V OPEZ 36 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 $ 37.82 $ 4,389.01 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 8 298.00 Total Frontage (L.F.) 300.00 37 2257993002 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 Residential Deferred (L.F.) 150.00 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 8 298.00 MICHAEL Total Frontage (L.F.) 195.23 38 W126S9587 NORTH CAPE 2257994 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 W126S9587 NORTH CAPE Non-Assessable (L.F.) 45.23 $ 37.82 $ 1,710.60 MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 8,298.00 2119/20(, Champion's Village Oft Water Main Extension DRAFT 150f8 2I19/20l Champion's Village Of. Water Main Extension DRAFT a 6 of 8 NO. OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PROPERTY ADDRESS TAX KEY # CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTALS TOTAL COST HENRY P BLATTNER Total Frontage (L.F.) 173.65 39 S95W12779 RYAN RD 2257995001 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ S95W12779 RYAN RD Non-Assessable (L.F.) 23.65 $ MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 Water Service 1 $ JOSEPH S & SUSAN L HENGER Total Frontage (L.F.) 40 S95W12747 RYAN RD 2257995002 Residential Assessable (L.F.) S95W12747 RYAN RD Residential Deferred (L.F.) MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 1/4 Water Service 2,625.0 $ 6 407.00 TIMOTHY W & HEATHER L KAMENTZ 346.00 41 W126S9555 NORTH CAPE 2257996001 150 5,673.0 W126S9555 NORTH CAPE 196.00 7,412.7 MUSKEGO WI 53150 1 2,625.0 $ 8 298.00 JOSEPH S & SUSAN L HENGER 143.17 42 143.17 $ 37.82 $ 5,414.6 S95W12747 RYAN DR $ 37.82 $ MUSKEGO WI 53150 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.0 8039.69 263.75 43 W125S97 - 263.75 $ 42.73 $ 11,270.04 $ 42.73 $ $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 13895.04 Total Fr n .F.) 120.00 44 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 120.00 $ 37.82 $ 4,538.40 Residential Deferred (L.F.) $ 37.82 $ 1 1/4 Water Service $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 7 163.40 Total Frontage (L.F.) 191.38 45 W125S96 0 NORTH CAPE 2257999002 Commercial Assessable (L.F.) 191.38 $ 42.73 $ 8,177.67 Commercial Deferred (L.F.) $ 42.73 $ 1 1/4 Water Service $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 $ 10 802.67 Total Frontage (L.F.) 923.70 46 2257999003 Residential Assessable (L.F.) 150 $ 37.82 $ 5,673.00 Residential Deferred (L.F.) 773.70 $ 37.82 $ 29,261.33 53150 1 1/4 Water Service $ 2,625.00 $ $ 5,673.00 NO. OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PROPERTY ADDRESS TAX KEY# CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTALS TOTAL COST ERIC A & KIMBERLY S UDV ARE 47 W130S8574 DURHAM DR W130S8574 DURHAM DR 2212993 Non-Assessable (L.F.) 242.40 $ 37.82 $ MUSKEGO WI 53150 9,167 57 JASON & STEPHANIE CLINE 48 2256012 Non-Assessable (L.F.) 51.70 10320 PLUM TREE CIRCLE AP' $ 1,955.29 HALES CORNERS WI 53130 PATRICK & MICHELLE KENDALL 49 2256013 Non-Assessable (L.F.) 7960 S 116TH ST $ 7,961.49 FRANKLIN WI 53132 KURT & KELLY SEEBACHER 50 2256014 .82 $ 4,808 43 3456 S 11TH ST $ 4,808.43 MILWAUKEE WI 53215 ERIC P & SALLY MARCOU ILLER 51 S70W13310 FENNIMORE LN .82 $ 5,623 46 MUSKEGO WI 53150 $ 5,623.46 JEFF & LISA WIECZOREK 52 2304 PATRICK LANE 182.41 $ 37.82 $ WAUKESHA 6,898.75 9.24 $ 37.82 $ 349.46 $ 349.46 $ 37.82 $ 4,531.59 $ 4,531.59 Non-Assessable (L.F.) 50.98 $ 37.82 $ 1,928.06 $ 1,928.06 2256986001 Non-Assessable (L.F.) 108.00 $ 37.82 $ 4,084.56 4 084.56 Priegel Drive Crossing Non-Assessable (L.F.) 60.00 $ 37.82 $ 2,269.20 Boxhom Drive Crossing Non-Assessable (L.F.) 60.00 $ 37.82 $ 2,269.20 Ryan Road Crossing Non-Assessable (L.F.) 80.00 $ 37.82 $ 3,025.60 Luther Parker Cemetery Non-Assessable (L.F.) 284.43 $ 37.82 $ 10,757.14 Unimproved ROW- On North Cape Non-Assessable (L.F.) 60.00 $ 37.82 $ 2,269.20 $ 20,590.34 TOTAL NON ASSESSABLE $ 67,899.00 2i19/20, Champion's Village Of Water Main Extension DRAFT a 7 of 8 . 2/19 Champion's Village \ ,te Water Main Extension Dt<AFT NO. OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS TAX KEY # CODE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST PROPERTY ADDRESS QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTALS 'age 8 of 8 TOTAL ASSESSABLE BASE REPORT TOTALS Commercial Assessable (L.F.) Residential Assessable (L.F.) Commercial Deferred (L.F.) Residential Deferred (L.F.) 1 1/4" Water Services Non-Assessable (L.F.) Total Frontage (L.F.) 1,313.44 $ 6,443.34 $ $ $ $ $ 7,596.77 42.00 2,272.92 17,626.47 42.73 $ 37.82 $ 42.73 $ 37.82 $ 2,625.00 $ 37.82 $ 56,123.29 243,687.12 287,309.84 110,250.00 85,961.83 $ 697 370.25 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #036-2004 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH HARMONY HOMES, INC. AND VILLAGES AT MUSKEGO LAKES, FOR STONEBRIDGE AND ST. ANDREW'S VILLAGE í BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of thé City of Muskego does hereby approve the attached Agreement, as amended, wíth Harmony Homes, Inc. and Villages at Muskego Lakes for Stonebridge and St. Andrew's Village for municipal water system expansion. .i \, ; , .~ ß BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the M"'~r, in bonsultation with the City Attorney and City Engineers, may make necessa~~rnical changes to the Agreement. , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That tlTe Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the Agreement, as amended, in'the name of the City. DATED THIS - DAY OF ---L-., 200~':' '\j / / / , ";'tj \~\" l -'. i .1 . , \~ \ SPONSORED BY Mark A. Slocomb, Mayor This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #036-2004 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 2/2004jmb