CCR2003231~ COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #231-2003 APPROVAL OF 2004 SEWER UTILITY BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby approve the attached Sewer Utility Budget for the year 2004. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby establish the following sewer usage rates for 2004: Residential Users: Single Family Home Duplex: 3 Bedroom Unit Duplex: 2 Bedroom Unit Duplex: 1 Bedroom Unit $104 per quarter/$416 per year $1 04 per quarter $78 per quarter $52 per quarter Industrial and Commercial Users (Including Multifamily with three or more units): Based on actual metered water use: $3.71 per 1,000 gallons plus a connection charge of $41.38 per quarter, with a minimum charge of $416.00 per year per building. ~ i DATED THIS 11th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2003 SPONSORED BY: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. Rick Petfalski Ald. Patrick Patterson This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #231-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ~K.Jr7~ CI , -Treasurer 11/03mep (' ,---- CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY BUDGET 2004 ,-- ,- ,,-- Statement of income and expense Detailed schedule of operating expenses Schedule of capital outlay Schedule of changes in utility working capital: 2003 Projected 2004 Budget Schedule of construction funds Sewer Utility Special Debt Service Fund Sewer Rate Design ~ - CONTENTS Schedule Paae 1 1-2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 ) ) Sc~ r 1. 11/04/03 CITV OF MUSKEGO SEWER U I'L..ITV STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE 2004 BUDGET 2003 2004 2004 2002 Aug. 31,2003 2003 Adopted Proposed Adopted Account Actual Actual Proiected Budaet Budaet Budaet Number Operatina revenues Sewer service charges $ 3,001,572 1,555,097 3,115,111 3,163,116 3,280,575 3,280,575 4801/4810 Miscellaneous revenues 7,393 4,610 6,100 4,100 5,100 5,100 4820/4822/4823/4824 Total operating revenues 3,008,965 1,559,707 3,121,211 3,167,216 3,285,675 3,285,675 ODeratina expenses Operation and maintenance: Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District: Contract amortization 316,477 316,477 316,477 316,477 316,477 61.01.6405/6406/6407 Capital charge 1,325,308 1,343,307 1,343,307 1,325,970 1,088,076 1,088,076 61.02.6071 User charge 546,371 275,246 600,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 61.03.6072 Town of Norway Capital charge 400,000 400,000 User charge 192,549 68,628 200,000 250,000 175,000 175,000 61.10.6068 Supervision and labor 304,963 203,373 305,059 276,862 287,511 287,511 61.11.5101/5102 Supplies and expense 9,697 10,586 15,290 16,790 18,790 18,790 Schedule 2 Maintenance: Amortization - Odor control & manhole rehabilitation 44,231 44,231 44,055 44,231 44,231 61.16.5428 Odor control 8,576 11,182 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 61.16.5426 Building and structures 12,661 6,704 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 61.15.5415 General plant equipment (safety equipment) 914 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 61.15.5425 Sewerage collection system 24,979 25,069 40,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 61.16.5411 I & I reduction 8,189 509 40,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 61.16.5427 Electricity 73,249 36,602 100,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 61.20.5910 Transportation expense 12,076 8,578 9,350 9,350 9,350 9,350 61.21.5jo6 2,879,326 1,990,698 3,054,714 3,235,504 3,335,435 3,335,435 Customers' account expenses: Accounting and collection 23,003 14,997 23,878 23,878 57,965 57,965 63.40.5101 Meter expense 21,381 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 63.40.5101 44,384 14,997 51,878 51,878 85,965 85,965 63.40.5101 General expenses: Office salaries 23,003 14,997 23,878 23,878 57,965 57,965 63.40.5101 Employees' pensions and benefits 113,310 89,150 133,851 110,813 148,482 148,482 63.41.5201/5202/520315204/5229/ Unemployment compensation 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 63.42.6020 Office supplies and expenses 59,397 40,015 74,196 87,508 77,424 77,424 Schedule 2 Outside services 69,861 40,231 114,469 139,469 129,760 129,760 Schedule 2 265,571 184,394 348,394 363,668 415,630 415,630 Total operation and maintenance 3,189,281 2,190,089 3,454,986 3,651,051 3,837,029 3,837,030 Depreciation 807,167 844,000 817,000 886,350 886,350 64.50.6705 Total operating expenses 3,996,448 2,190,089 4,298,986 4,468,051 4,723,379 4,723,380 Net operating income (loss) (forward) (987,483) (630,382) (1,177,775) (1,300,835) (1,437,704) (1,437,704) ) ) ') Schedule 1 2. CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE ( concluded) 2004 BUDGET 2003 2004 2004 2002 Aug. 31,2003 2003 Adopted Proposed Adopted Account Actual Actual Proiected Budaet Budaet Budaet Number Net operating income (loss) (forwarded) $ (987,483) (630,382) (1,177,775) (1,300,835) (1,437,704) (1,437,704) Add non- eperatina income City subsidies 665,917 663,910 663,910 662,985 544,038 544,038 4950 Interest from investments 339,052 64,572 233,500 236,165 217,164 217,164 4531/4910 Total non-operating income 1,004,969 728,482 897,410 899,150 761,202 761,202 Income before non-operating expenses 17,486 98,100 (280,365) (401,684) (676,502) (676,502) Deduct non-operatina eXDenses Interest charges on long-term debt 427,995 240,200 480,400 480,400 455,646 455,646 65.60.7010 Amortization of debt discount 26,311 25,932 27,500 25,471 25,471 65.61.7015 Amortization of extraordinary property losses 65.62.6401 T ota! non-operating expenses 454,306 240,200 506,332 507,900 481,117 481,117 Net income (loss) before capital contributions $ (436,820) (142,099) (786,697) (909,584) (1,157,619) (1,157,619) ) ) ) Schedule 2 3. 11/04/03 CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES 2004 BUDGET 2003 2004 2004 2002 Aug. 31, 2003 2003 Adopted Proposed Adopted Account Actual Actual Projected Budget Budget Budget Number Operation and maintenance: Supplies and expense: Operating supplies $ 2,294 1,092 2,290 2,290 2,290 2,290 61.12.5702 Chemicals 7,033 9,494 10,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 61.12.5750 Water expense 370 3,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 61.22.5915 $ 9,697 10,586 15,290 16,790 18,790 18,790 General expense Office supplies and expenses: Supplies $ 7,600 3,875 6,000 7,794 5,729 5,729 63.42.5701 Other general expense 2,543 302 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 63.42.6056 Telephone and communications 11,439 6,867 21,760 21,760 22,445 22,445 63.42.5430/5606 Insurance 28,264 24,046 34,945 45,463 36,692 36,692 63.42.610216101/6104 Contingency 67.00.6601 Computer expense 9,550 4,925 9,491 9,491 9,558 9,558 63.42.5509 $ 59,396 40,015 74,196 87,508 77,424 77,424 Outside services: City administrative charge $ 20,991 16,303 33,969 33,969 23,389 23,389 63.43.6057 Accounting 12,685 8,500 20,500 20,500 20,500 20,500 63.43.5810 Legal 12,970 5,214 20,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 63.43.5805 Engineering 14,404 2,813 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 63.43.5815 Other outside services 8,811 7,401 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 63.43.5801 Amortization - mapping 63.43.5824 Computer software modification 5,000 5,871 5,871 63.43.5509 $ 69,861 40,231 114,469 139,469 129,760 129,760 ') 11/04/03 CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL OUTLAY AIC# 2003 Estimated Total ~ost 2004 Proposed Budget Description 1. 2000 Prolects: Sewer Camera Equipment GIS Mapping Generator North Shore Lift Station North Cape / Ryan Manhole Rehab (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) ì Schedule 3 4. 2004 Adopted Budget $ 2. 2002 Prolects Janesville Box Culvert (A) $ 6,762 135,215 135,215 McShance Underground Storage Unit (B &C) 983,289 100,000 100,000 $ 990,051 235,215 235,215 3. 2003 Proiects Martin Drive extension (A) $ 40,202 29,798 29,798 Truck (A) 31,191 23,500 23,500 Oversizing on land purchase (A) 10,000 10,000 $ 63,298 63,298 71,393 4. 2004 Proiects Chamberlain Hill Oversizing NW Sewer Study 20/20 Facility plan Future projects $ 16,826 (C) (C) (C) (C) 16,826 85,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 235,500 Note A: Anticipated to be financed with available construction funds Note B: Anticipated to be financed with 2002 borrowing Note C: Finance with working capital______------- 85,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 235,500 ) -1edUle 4 11/04/03 cITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN UTILITY WORKING CAPITAL 2003 PROJECTED 2003 Proj ected Operation and Special Equipment Maintenance Redemption Replacement Construction 2003 Fund Fund Fund Fund Total Budaet Funds provided From operations: Net income (loss) for the year $ (786,697) (786,697) (909,584) Add charges to income not requiring funds: Depreciation 844,000 844,000 817,000 Amortization: MMSD contract 316,477 316,477 316,477 Debt discount 25,932 25,932 27,500 Manhole Rehabilitation 44,231 44,231 44,055 Less: Interest on advance to City (A) (80,208) (80,208) (75,100) Contrbuted capital Funds provided from operations 363,735 363,735 220,349 Increases in: Collection of special assessments 90,719 90,719 93,757 Collection of advance to the City (A) 163,269 163,269 163,271 Other contributed capital collections Total funds provided 617,723 617,723 477,377 Funds applied Principal payments on debt 605,000 605,000 605,000 Capital outlay (Schedule 6) 1,078,269 1,078,269 2,123,533 Total funds applied 605,000 1,078,269 1,683,269 2,728,533 Interfund transfers - net Interest earnings (22,000) 8,000 14,000 Other (26,350) 26,350 Total transfers (48,350) 34,350 14,000 Increase (decrease) in working capital (35,627) 34,350 (1,064,269) (1,065,547) (2,251,156) Workina capital, beainnina of vear 5,502,552 1,620,849 474,247 1,856,211 9,453,859 8,779,527 Workina capital, end of vear i 5,466,925 1,620,849 508,597 791,942 8,388,312 6,528,371 2003 Budgeted Working Capital, end of year $ 4,831,190 869,639 508,757 318,784 6,528,370 Sche , 6. 11/04/03 CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN UTILITY WORKING CAPITAL 2004 BUDGET Operation and Special Equipment Maintenance Redemption Replacement Construction Fund Fund Fund Fund Total Funds provided From operations: Net income (loss) for the year $ (1,157,619) (1,157,619) Add charges to income not requiring funds: Depreciation 886,350 886,350 Amortization: MMSD contract 316,477 316,477 Debt discount 25,471 25,471 Manhole Rehabilitation and Mapping Projects 44,231 44,231 Less: Interest on advance to City (32,630) (32,630) Contrbuted capital Funds provided from operations 82,280 82,280 Proceeds from debt Increases in: Collection of special assessments 66,474 66,474 Collection of advance to the City Other contributed capital collections Total funds provided 148,754 148,754 Funds applied Principal payments on debt 570,000 570,000 Capital outlay (Schedule 6 for Construction Fund) 534,013 534,013 Total funds applied 570,000 534,013 1,104,013 Interfund transfers - net Interest earnings (8,000) 8,000 Other (26,350) 26,350 Total transfers (34,350) 34,350 Increase (decrease) in working capital (455,596) 34,350 (534,013) (955,258) WorkinQ capital. beQinninQ of year 5,466,925 1,620,849 508,597 791,942 8,388,312 WorkinQ capital. end of year i 5,011,329 1,620,849 542,947 257,929 7,433,054 ) ') Schedule 6 ) \ 7. 11/04/03 CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS PROJECTED 2003 AND 2004 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Projected 2004 Projected Balance Actual Balance Projected Balance Projected Balance Project 12/31/2001 Revenues Costs Transfers 12/31/2002 Revenues Costs Transfers 12/31/2003 Revenues Costs Transfers 12/31/2004 Debt issue and working capital funds: GIS Mapping 560 865 305 (305) Generator North Shore Lift Station 6,255 8,122 1,867 Manhole Rehab 3,574 3,934 1,581 1,221 (1,221) North Cape / Ryan 113,575 116,152 2,577 McShane Underground Storage Unit 630,137 2,085,468 2,429,904 964,299 1,250,000 983,289 (166,711) 100,000 100,000 0 Janesville Road Box Culvert 56,000 2,644 88,644 142,000 6,762 (24) 135,214 135,215 (0) Oversizing on land purchase 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Sewer Camera Equipment 162,825 162,825 Martin Drive Extension 70,000 70,000 40,202 29,798 29,798 Land Purchase - Lift Station 1,739 1,739 Truck 26,000 26,000 31,191 5,191 0 23,500 23,500 0 Chamberlain Hill Oversizing 85,SOO 85,500 NW Sewer Study 16,826 16,826 0 50,000 50,000 0 2020 Facility plan 50,000 50,000 Future projects 50,000 SO,OOO Transfer from working capital 1,500,000 (1,167,572) 332,428 184,501 516,929 (259,000) 257,929 Unallocated debt proceeds and interest earnings 24,257 24,257 14,000 (38,257) TOTAL $ 972,366 3,609,725 2,725,880 1,856,211 14,000 1 ,078,269 791 ,942 534,013 257,929 . ) ) ) Schedule 7 8. 11/04/03 CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY 2004 BUDGET SEWER UTILITY SPECIAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 2003 2004 2004 2002 Adopted Aug.31 , 2002 2003 Proposed Adopted Actual Budget Actual Projected Budget Budget Revenues Regulation and compliance revenues - initial construction fee $ 80,000 50,000 45,000 57,500 55,000 55,000 Public improvement revenues - special assessments and RCA fees 852,921 430,000 383,935 465,902 439,000 439,000 Commercial revenues - interest earned 63,607 100,000 42,000 29,053 29,053 Total revenues 996,528 580,000 428,935 565,402 523,053 523,053 ExPenditures 11,000 11,000 Excess of revenues over expenditures 996,528 580,000 428,935 565,402 512,053 512,053 Other financina sources (uses) Transfer to Utility - City service revenues (304,000) (293,698) (293,698) (293,698) (241,227) (241,227) Excess of revenue and other financing sources over expenditures and other uses 692,528 286,302 135,237 271,704 270,826 270,826 Fund balances. beainnina of year 3,362,233 3,765,196 4,054,761 4,054,761 4,326,465 4,326,465 Fund balances. end of vear i 4,054,761 4,051,498 4,189,998 4,326,465 4,597,291 4,597,291 City of Muskego Sewer Rate Design 2004 Budget /""""' 1. Estimated Revenue Reaulrement IBased on the vear 2004 Budaetl Aaaltlons: Operation and maintenance expenses Depreciation Replacement Fund - DNR requirement Mortgage Revenue Bond compliance requirements Rate of return of average investment rate base - ( Exhibit C 1.) Reductions - City subsidies Gross revenue requirement Rate Stabilization component - use of interest income. other income and operating reserves Net Revenue Requirement per Budget 2. Estimated number of aallons 10001 billed 3. Number of laterals -Iconnectlonsl 4. Estimated annual number of aallons used bv a averaae residential customer 5 Inflow I Infiltration based on an elaht vear averaae provided bv Ruekert & Mielke. Inc. 6. Rate components TVDe of Charae Connection Charge Model Fonmula Net Revenue Reauirement X Inflow and infiltration % Number of laterals Consumption Charge Net Revenue Reauirement X Billable % Number of gallons (000) billed Computation .- Connection Charge $ 3,298.600.50 X 34.46% 6.870 Consumption Charge $ 3,298.600.50 X 65.54% 582.585 7. Averaae annual residential charae Estimated number of gallons used by a average residential customer per year Consumption charge per 1.000 gallons Average residential annual consumption charge Average residential annual connection charge Total average residential annual sewer usage charge (A) Use of Fund balance per MRB test Interest income Penalties and other income Additional use of fund balance 944.038 217.164 5.100 359.400 1.525,702 (A) ,-- Schedule 8 9. Data $ 3.837,029 886,350 26,350 618,611 5.368,340 (544,038) 4.824,302 (1.525,702) (A) $ 3.298,600 582,585 6,870 67,510 ~ = Connection Charge = Consumption Charge = ~ Connection Charge = $ 3.71 Consumption Charge 67.510 $ 3.71 $ 250.52 $165.49 $416.00 Use of Fund balance per MRB les Interest income Penalties and other Income Additional use of fund balance (A) 944.038 217.164 5.100 359.400 1,525.702