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. . . AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #208.2003 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT SALARY PLAN FOR NONREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES FOR 2003 WHEREAS, In March of 2003, the Finance Commïttee authorized a salary study to update the existing classification and compensation plan for the City's nonrepresented employees; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee reviewed the study and sent it to Council without a recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby adopt the attached Salary Plan for Nonrepresented Employees for 2003 dated 10/6/03. DATED THIS 14th DAY OF October ,2003. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Rick Petfalski Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eric Schroeder Deferred 9/23/2003 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #208-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ffJO..vK 'Yt1~ CI -Treasurer 9/2003jmb . mT . . City of Muskego FY 2003 Salary Plan Table 7 . Recommended Salary Range per Position Current - Recommended - Compa- Employee Name Recommended Job Class Salal}' Salal}' Minimum I Midpoint I Maximum Ratio $<Mln $<Mid $>Max Range 105% * $61,937 ix $58,432 !\ $58,432 * $58,432 "* $58,432 $57,649 $57,649 $57,649 {I, $65,350 $85,803 $77,826 $40,404 $46,001 $64,639 $48,301 $43,805 $60,495 $45,457 John La Tour Lieutenant 66 $53,322 $65,346 $77,369 94.78% $0 $3,409 $0 Moser, Crai9 Staff Sergeent 61 $47,129 $57,756 $66,383 101.17% $0 $0 $0 Constantineau, David Staff Sergeant 61 $47,129 $57,756 $68,383 101.17% $0 $0 $0 Rens, Richard Staff Sergeant 61 $47,129 $57,756 $68,383 101.17% $0 $0 $0 Simuncak, Craig Staff Sergeant 61 $47,129 $57,756 $68,383 101.17% $0 $0 $0 Fuller, Jeffrey Patrol Sergeant 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,066 104.67% $0 $0 $0 Mesich, John Patrol Sergeant 59 $44,856 $54,973 $65,088 104.87% $0 $0 $0 Kuspa, Robert Patrol Sergeant 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,088 104.87% $0 $0 $0 Steve Kuklowski Lieutenant 66 $53,322 $65,346 $77,369 100.01% $0 $0 $0 John Johnson Chief of Police 75 $66,592 $81,608 $96,624 105.14% $0 $0 $0 Paul Geiszler Captain 70 $58,858 $72,129 $85,401 107,90% $0 $0 $0 Ann Wissing Administrative Assistant. Police 50 $35,919 $44,018 $52,118 91.79% $0 $3,614 $0 George Mayer Assistant PU Superintendent 53 $38,681 $47,403 $56,125 97.04% $0 $1,402 $0 Scott Kloskowski PUblic Utilities Superintendent 64 $50,753 $62,197 $73,641 103.93% $0 $0 $0 Frank Heinrich Assistant PW Superintendent 53 $38,681 $47,403 $56,125 101.89% $0 $0 $0 Kerl}' Kurth Public Works Crew Supervisor 51 $36,817 $45,119 $53,421 97,09% $0 $1,314 $0 Weyne Delikat Public Works Superintendent 64 $50,753 $62,197 $73,641 97,26% $0 $1,702 $0 Martin Palubicki Public Works Crew Supervisor 51 $36,817 $45,119 $53,421 1 00,75% $0 $0 $0 c.vR~e;~ $At.-Afl-Y 't>O eS Nc5T" IZEF'!..cc..T C. !-\-A-Nç,e5 mA-b IZ ß~ Pc. Cf-17-03 'k PSPC . Table 7 Point Factor 20f2 10/6/2003 . . . City of Muskego FY 2003 Salary Plan Table 7 . Recommended Salary Range per Position Current - Reeommondod - Compa- Employee Name Recommended Job Class Salary Salary Minimum I Midpoint I Maximum Ratio $<Min $<Mid $>Max Range 105% Laura Mecha City Assessor $59,930 62 $48,307 $59,200 $70,093 101,23% $0 $0 $0 Jean Marenda City ClerklTreasurer $60,979 62 $48,307 $59,200 $70,093 103,01% $0 $0 $0 Jill Blenski Deputy City Clerk $45,846 51 $36,817 $45,119 $53,421 101,61% $0 $0 $0 Emily Champagne GIS Coordinator $43,900 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 90,35% $0 $4,688 $0 Sean McMullen Engineering/Building Inspections Director $64,867 67 $54,655 $66,979 $79,303 96,65% $0 $2,112 $0 James POlinsKi Electric Inspector Supervi,or $49,737 57 $42,696 $52,324 $61,952 95,06% $0 $2,587 $0 Dan Flamini Engineering Technician $42,301 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 87,06% $0 $6,287 $0 David Simpson Engineer $44,746 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,088 81.40% $112 $10,227 $0 Michael Moore Deputy Director of Building Inspections $58,069 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,088 105.63% $0 $0 $0 AI Biwer BUildinglPlumbing Inspector $55,207 57 $42,696 $52,324 $61,952 105,51% $0 $0 $0 Dawn Gunderson Kelly Director of Finance $76,375 73 $63,383 $77,675 $91,968 98,33% $0 $1,300 $0 Sharon Mueller Accountant $46,082 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 94,84% $0 $2,506 $0 Joseph Summers Director of Information Systems $62,222 69 $57.422 $70,370 $83,318 88.42% $0 $8,148 $0 Alex Quijano Computer Specialist $45,244 57 $42,696 $52,324 $61,952 86.47% $0 $7,060 $0 Holly Senhuber Director of Library Services $56,929 67 $54,655 $86,979 $79,303 87,98% $0 $8,050 $0 Tom Treba Maintenance Worker $30,135 42 $29,480 $36,128 $42,776 83.41% $0 $5,993 $0 George Wolwark Maintenance Crew Leader $38,863 49 $35,043 $42,945 $50,847 90,50% $0 $4,082 $0 Cathie Anderson ExecutivelHR Assistant $44,630 51 $36,817 $45,119 $53,421 98,92% $0 $489 $0 Jeff Albrecht Parks Maintenance Worker I $29.483 42 $29,480 $36,128 $42,776 81,61% $0 $6,645 $0 Tammy Dunn Recreation Supervisor $40,040 53 $38,681 $47,403 $56,125 84.47% $0 $7,363 $0 Irene 5chuder Recreation Supervisor $42,314 53 $38,681 $47,403 $56,125 89,26% $0 $5,089 $0 EricZillgi!! Parks Malntenence Worker II $38,963 47 $33,354 $40,876 $48,397 95,32% $0 $1,913 $0 Matt Bennett Parks Maintenance Worker II $42,340 47 $33,354 $40,876 $46,397 103,56% $0 $0 $0 Peter Theis Parks Maintenance Supervisor $52,677 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 108.42% $0 $0 $0 Craig Anderson Director of Parks & Recreation $68,628 66 $56,021 $68,654 $61,266 99,96% $0 $26 $0 Jeff Muenkel Associate Planner $37,500 50 $35,919 $44,018 $52,118 85,18% $0 $6,518 $0 Dustin Wolff Assistant Planning Director $49,544 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,068 90,12% $0 $5,429 $0 Tom Zagar Conservation Coordinator $45,412 56 $41,655 $51,046 $60,441 88,96% $0 $5,636 $0 Brian Turk Planning Director/Zoning Administrator $62,905 71 $60,329 $73,933 $87,536 85,08% $0 $11,028 $0 . REViSE!> ß'I jVÞE / P.e-rn.ov I tJG. WEST A/.../...IS ð,J I.<JAVW'4."SA PlZoM L, P'T oP c; 0""'" P s. 10)")0;. PSPC - Table 7 Point Faclor f of2 10/6/2003 .--. . . . City of Muskego FY 2003 Salary Plan Table 7 . Recommended Salary Range per Position Current Per - Recommended - Campa- Employee Name Recommended Job Class 9/1712003 Salary Minimum I Midpoint I $<Min $<Mid $>Max Salary Maximum Ratio FC Range 105%. Laura Mecha City Assessor $59,930 62 $48,307 $59,200 $70,093 101.23% $0 $0 $0 Jean Marenda City' Clerkfrreasurer $60,979 81 $47,129 $57,756 $68,383 105.58% $0 $0 $0 Jill Blenskl Deputy City Clerk $45,846 51 $36,817 $45,119 $53,421 101,61% $0 $0 $0 Emily Champa9ne GIS Coordinator $43,900 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 9Q.35% $0 $4,688 $0 Sean McMullen Engineering/Building Inspections Director $64,867 67 $54,655 $66,979 $79,303 96,85% $0 $2,112 $0 James Polinski Electric Inspector Supervisor $49,737 57 $42,596 $52,324 $51,952 95.05% $0 $2,587 $0 Dan Flamini Engineering Technician $42,301 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 87.06% $0 $6,287 $0 David Simpson Engineer $44,746 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,088 81.40% $112 $10,227 $0 Michael Moore Deputy Director of Building Inspections $58,069 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,088 105,63% $0 $0 $0 AI Biwer Building/Plumbing Inspector $55,207 57 $42,696 $52,324 $51,952 105,51% $0 $0 $0 Dawn Gunderson Kelly Director of Finance $75,375 72 $51,837 $75,781 $89,725 100,78% $0 $0 $0 Sharon Mueller Accountant $45,082 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 94,84% $0 $2,506 $0 Joseph Summers Director of Information Systems $62,222 68 $56,021 $68,654 $81,286 90,63% $0 $6,432 $0 Alex Quijano Computer Specialist $45,244 57 $42,696 $52,324 $61,952 86,47% $0 $7,080 $0 Holly Sanhuber Direclor of Ubral)! Services $58,929 66 $53,322 $65,346 $77,369 90,18% $0 $6,417 $0 Tom Treba Maintenance Worker $30,135 42 $29,480 $36,128 $42,776 83,41% $0 $5,993 $0 George Wolwark Maintenance Crew Leader $38,863 49 $35,043 $42,945 $50,847 90,50% $0 $4,082 $0 Cathie Anderson Executive/HR Assistant $44,630 51 $36,817 $45,119 $53,421 98.92% $0 $489 $0 Jeff Albrecht Parks Maintanance Worker I $29,483 43 $30,217 $37,031 $43,845 79,62% $734 $7,548 $0 Tammy Dunn Recreation Supervisor $40,040 53 $38,681 $47,403 $56,125 84.47% $0 $7,363 $0 Irene Schuder Recreation Supervisor $42,314 53 $38,681 $47,403 $56,125 89.26% $0 $5,089 $0 EricZlllgitt Parks Maintenance Workar II $36,963 47 $33,354 $40,876 $48,397 95.32% $0 $1,913 $0 Matt Bennett Parks Maintenance Worker II $42,340 47 $33,354 $40,876 $48,397 103,58% $0 $0 $0 Peter Theis Parks Maintenance Supervisor $52,677 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 108.42% $0 $0 $0 Craig Anderson Director of Parks & Recreation $68,628 68 $56,021 $68,654 $81,286 99,96% $0 $26 $0 Jeff Muenkel Associate Planner $37,500 50 $35,919 $44,018 $52,118 85,19% $0 $6,518 $0 Dustin Wolff Assistant Plannin9 Director $49,544 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,088 90,12% $0 $5,429 $0 Tom Za9ar Conservation Coordinator $45,412 56 $41,655 $51,048 $60,441 88.96% $0 $5,636 $0 Brian Turk Planning DirectorlZoning Administrator $62,905 70 $58,858 $72,129 $85,401 87,21% $0 $9,224 $0 PSPC - Table 7 Point Factor 1 of 2 9/23/2003 . . City of Muskego FY 2003 Salary Plan Table 7 . Recommended Salary Range per Position Current Per - Recommended - Compa- Employee Name Recommended Job Class 9/17/2003 Salary Minimum I Midpoint I $<Min $<Mld $>Max Salary Maximum Ratio FC Range 105% John La Tour Moser, Craig Constantineau, David Rens, Richard Slmuncak, Craig Fuller, Jelfrey Mesich, John Kuspa, Robert Steve Kuklowski John Johnson Paul Geiszler Ann Wissing George Mayer Scott Kloskowski Frank Heinrich Kerry Kurth Wayne Delikat Martin Palubicki lieutenant Stalf Sergeant Stalf Sergeant Stalf Sergeant Staff Sergeant Patrol Sargeant Patrol Sergaant Patrol Sergeant Lieutenant Chief of Police Captain Administrative Assistant - Police Assistant PU Superintendent Public Utilities Superintendent Assistant PW Superintendent Public Works Crew SupelVisor Public Works Superintendent Public Works Crew SupelVisor $61,937 $68,432 $58,432 $58,432 $58,432 $57,649 $57,649 $57,649 $65,350 $85,803 $77,826 $40,404 $46,001 $64,639 $48,301 $43,805 $60,495 $45,457 PSPC - Table 7 Point Factor $64,163 $60,531 $60,531 $80,531 $60,531 $67,576 2012 66 61 61 61 61 59 59 59 66 74 70 50 53 64 53 51 64 51 $53,322 $47,129 $47,129 $47,129 $47,129 $44,656 $44,858 $44,858 $53,322 $64,968 $58,858 $35,919 $38,681 $50,753 $38,681 $36,817 $50,753 $36,817 $65,346 $57,758 $57,758 $57,756 $57,756 $54,973 $54,973 $54,973 $65,346 $79,617 $72,129 $44,018 $47,403 $82,197 $47,403 $45,119 $62,197 $45,119 $77,369 $68,383 $68,383 $68,383 $68,383 $65,088 $65,088 $65,088 $77,369 $94,267 $85,401 $52,118 $56,125 $73,641 $56,125 $53,421 $73,641 $53,421 94.78% 101,17% 101,17% 101.17% 101.17% 104.87% 104.87% 104.87% 100.01% 107.77% 107.90% 91.79% 97.04% 103.93% 101.89% 97.09% 97.26% 100.75% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,409 $0 $0 . $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,614 $1,402 $0 $0 $1,314 $1,702 $0 . $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9/23/2003 . . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #208-2003 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT SALARY PLAN FOR NONREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES FOR 2003 < / WHEREAS, In March of 2003, the Finance Committee &úthorized a salary study to update the existing classification and compensation PJin for the City's non represented employees; and /' WHEREAS, ~he Finance Committee reviewed J':tu. d1anJ~ent it to Council without a recommendation. I r\ IF' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED T~;the ~l'mon Council of the City of Muskego does hereby adopt the attache9rSalar.K!7lan for Nonrepresented Employees for 2003. l r,I' ~ ,ó' . \} I ÁV DAY OF I ~'\. DATED THIS ,2003. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Rick Petfalski Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eric Schroeder This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #208-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 9/2003jmb . . . City of Muskego FY 2003 Salary Plan Table 7 - Recommended Salary Range per Position Current Per - Recommended - Compa- Employee Name Recommended Job Class Salary 9/17/03 Salary Minimum I Midpoint I Maximum Ratio $<Min $<Mld $>Max FC Range 105% Laura Mecha Cily Assessor $59,930 62 $48,307 $59,200 $70,093 101.23% $0 $0 $0 Jean Marenda Cily ClerklTreasurer $60,979 61 $47,129 $57,756 $68,383 105.58% $0 $0 $0 Jill Blenski Deputy Cily Clerk $45,846 51 $36,817 $45,119 $53,421 101.61% $0 $0 $0 Emily Champagne GIS Coordinator $43,900 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 90.35% $0 $4,688 $0 Sean McMullen Engineering/Building Inspections Director $64,867 67 $54,655 $66,979 $79.303 96.85% $0 $2,112 $0 James Polinski Electric Inspector Supervisor $49,737 57 $42,696 $52,324 $61,952 95.06% $0 $2,587 $0 Dan Flamini Engineering Technician $42,301 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 87.06% $0 $6,287 $0 David Simpson Engineer $44,746 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,088 81.40% $112 $10,227 $0 Michael Moore Depuly Director oi Building Inspections $58,069 59 $44,858 $54,973 $65,088 105.63% $0 $0 $0 AI Biwer Building/Plumbing Inspector $55,207 57 $42,696 $52,324 $61,952 105.51% $0 $0 $0 Dawn Gunderson Kelly Director of Finance $76,375 72 $61.837 . $75,781 $89,725 100.78% $0 $0 $0 Sharon Mueller Accountant $46,082 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 94.84% $0 $2,506 $0 Joseph Summers Director of Information Systems $62,222 68 $56,021 $68,654 $81,285 90.63% $0 $6,432 $0 Alex Quijano Computer Specialist $45,244 57 $42,696 $52,324 $61,952 86.47% $0 $7,080 $0 Holly Sanhuber Director of Library Services $58,929 66 $53,322 $65,346 $77,369 90.18% $0 $6,417 $0 Tom Treba Maintenance Worker $30,135 49 $35,043 $42,945 $50,847 70.17% $4,908 $12,810 $0 George Wolwalk Maintenance Worker $38,863 49 $35,043 $42,945 $50,847 90.50% $0 $4,082 $0 Cathie Anderson Executive/HR Assistant $44,630 51 $36,817 $45,119 $53,421 98.92% $0 $489 $0 Jeff Albrecht Parks Maintenance Worker I $29,483 43 $30,217 $37,031 $43,845 79.62% $734 $7,548 $0 Tammy Dunn Recreation Supervisor $40,040 53 $38,681 $47,403 $56,125 84.47% $0 $7,363 $0 Irene Schuder Recreation Supervisor $42,314 53 $38,681 $47,403 $56,125 89.26% $0 $5,089 $0 EricZHigiff Parks Maintenance Worker II $38,963 47 $33,354 $40,876 $48,397 95.32% $0 $1,913 $0 Matt Bennett Palks Maintenance Worker II $42,340 47 $33,354 $40,876 $48,397 103:58% $0 $0 $0 Peter Theis Parks Maintenance Supervisor $52,677 54 $39,648 $48,588 $57,528 108.42% $0 $0 $0 Craig Anderson Director of Parks & Recreation $68,628 68 $56,021 $68,654 $81,286 99.96% $0 $26 $0 Jeff Muenkel Associate Planner $37,500 50 $35,919 $44,018 $52,118 85.19% $0 $6,518 $0 Dustin Wolff Assistant Planning Director $49.544 59 $44,858 $54.973 $65.088 90.12% $0 $5,429 $0 Tom Zagar Conservafion Coordinator $45,412 56 $41,655 $51,048 $60,441 88.96% $0 $5,636 $0 Brian Turk Pianning DirectorlZoning Administrator $62,905 70 $58,858 $72,129 $85,401 87.21% $0 $9.224 $0 PSPC - Table 7 1 ot 2 9/19/2003 . . City of Muskego FY 2003 Salary Plan Table 7 - Recommended Salary Range per Position Current Per - Recommended - Compa- Employee Name Recommended Job Class Salary 9/17/03 Salary Minimum I Midpoint I Maximum Ratio $<Mln $<Mid $>Max FC Ran9a 105% John La Tour Mosar, Craig Constantineau, David Rens, Richard Simuncak, Craig Fuller, Jellrey Mesich, John Kuspa, Robert Steve Kuklowski John Johnson Paul Geiszler Ann Wissing George Mayer Scott Kloskowski Frank Heinrich Keny Kurth Wayne Dellkat Martin Palubicki Lreutenant Stall Sergeant Stall Sergeant Staff Sergeant Stall Sergeant Patrol Sergeant Patrol Sergeant Patrol Sergaant Lieutenant Chiel 01 Police Captain Administrative Assistant. Pollee Assistant PU Superintendent Public Utilities Superintendent Assistant PW Superintendent Public Works Crew Supervisor Public Works Superintendent Public Works Crew Supervisor PSPC - Table 7 $61,937 $56,432 $58,432 $58,432 $58,432 $57,649 $57,649 $57,649 $65,350 $85,803 $77,826 $40,404 $46,001 $64,639 $48,301 $43,805 $60,495 $45,457 $64,163 $60,531 $60,531 $60,531 $80,531 $67,576 2012 66 61 61 61 61 59 59 59 66 74 70 50 53 64 53 51 64 51 $53,322 $47,129 $47,129 $47,129 $47,129 $44,858 $44,858 $44,858 $53,322 $64,968 $58,858 $35,919 $38,681 $50,753 $38,681 $36,817 $50,753 $36,817 $65,346 $57,756 $57,758 $57,756 $57,756 $54,973 $54,973 $54,973 $65,345 $78,617 $72,129 $44,018 $47,403 $62,197 $47,403 , $45,119 $62,197 $45,119 $77,369 $68,383 $68,383 $68,383 $68,383 $65,088 $85,088 $65,088 $77,369 $84,267 $85,401 $52,118 $58,125 $73,641 $56,125 $53,421 $73,641 $53,421 94,78% 101,17% 101.17% 101.17% 101.17% 104,87% 104,87% 104,87% 100,01% 107.77% 107.90% 91,79% 97,04% 1 Ò3,93% 101.89% 97,09% 97.26% 100,75% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,409 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,614 $1,402 $0 $0 $1,314 $1,702 $0 . $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9/19/2003