CCR2003192. . . COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #192-2003 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Haag, Town of Waterford WHEREAS, A Certified Survey Map was submitted on July 31, 2003 to finalize a two- parcel division of the Haag property located on Tichigan Road in the NE % of Section 14 in the Town ofWaterford; and WHEREAS, This property is located within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Muskego; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission has recommended approval with the adoption of Resolution #P.C. 098-2003. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Certified Survey Map to finalize a two-parcel division of the Haag property located on Tichigan Road in the NE % of Section 14 in the Town ofWaterford subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C. 098-2003. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of all fees required by Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance and approval of the City Engineer. DATED THIS 26th ,2003. DAY OF Auqust SPONSORED BY: Ald. Eileen Madden This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #192-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ~f( rrJ~ C -Treasurer 8/03jmb ~ . RACINE COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 AND PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWN 4 NORTH, RANGE 19 EAST, TOWN OF WATERFORD, RACINE COUNTY, WISCONSIN. NORTII 1/4 CORNER SECTION 14-H9 N. 301,667.14 ~ 2.478,171." lu OWNER/SUBDIVIDER: MARGARET M. HAAG 16701 58TH ROAD UNION GROVE, WI 53182 I~~I Q Etq'" ~~I ~ t.i I I I ~ CHORD = S 34028'39" W 85.78 ARC = 95.57 RADIUS = 60,00 ) ) -------N II / . <00> -". <:;10 ~~ -8 '" S BIr55'3" E 1.76 UNPLATTEO LANO OWNËÕ äÿ OTHERS . :3~ "'...: "'to '" "'II !2~ þ~ ~ <:115 II ~-r-h ~II I at) is!!:: '( ~ ~ Q;;~ ~ ~ ~ <0 CHORD ~ N 01'12'04" E 4.26 ~ " OJ ARC ~ 4.26 RADIUS - 25f.92 ~'!.~ ~ '" ~I ~ !;:> ~ ~ a <: J S 88055'31" E 172.50 I LOT 1 Area 22, f 02 Square Feet 0.5074 Acres ~ tó ",to '0 - <rl -'" ~ "- - g '" CHORD - N ID"23'16" E 76.23 ARC - 76.52 RADIUS ~ 25f.92 S 81rSS'3t" E: 200.53 ::< Iii LOT 2 Area 20,009 Square F~et 0.4593 Acres CJORD = N 00055'26" E 1.14 'ARC = 1,14 RADIUS = 118,17 S 88028'48" W 153.35 . / I . . PUBUC ROAIJ / r ~ - BlJ'lJ'CHIf'OOIJ LANlJ' :<<01 r '0 ..., """""""'" ~. <ì ~", CONS "11 '" - ~~ .,,'<> ..",...." IA. if:, ",.- $'["" ""," " I GARY B. ) 'S WItNESS CORNER ~ := FOAT = SECTION 14-<-19 ::p.. $.1598 J:} if N. 299,231.84 . '\.' . E. 2.478.191.17 .. ... Watorlord. n: ~ . . CENTER OF , . - 0 N 87"24'43" E: 95.15 SECTION 14-H9 \. l' Wrs. ../0 i '" 1- ".... ~"'i- ~ -- DEGEN - FOAT SURVEYING LLC 'r/,/~, sïj~,\~."" roo SOUTH SECOND STREET "'t~..." WATERFORD, WISCONSIN 53f85 /-:' .? JJ- (262)534-5404 . (FAX)534-2022.!~ .i:5 ~ 026391\026397Cl.0.0 v"'~, 24/4 2002 "US INStRUME", O"""EO BY, GARY B. FOAT SHEEr 2 OF 4 SHEErS SCALE: 1" = 50' BE:AI1INGS BASED ON WISC<JNSlN STATE PLANE C<JOROINATE SYSTEM, SOUtH ZON' ..... -- a 50 100 LEGEND 0 - FOUND ITAClN' COUNTY CONCREtE MONUMENT 0 - SEt l' IRON PIPE, ,.. IN LENGtH, 1." LBS./UN. Ft. . - FOUND IRON PIPE @ - FOUND ITAJLROAO SPIKE ( ) - RECORDEO AS