CCR2003189COMMON COUNCil - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #189.2003 .~ AMENDMENT TO DEPOSIT AND FORFEITURE SCHEDULE BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego. in accordance with Chapter 1.06(3)(c) of the Municipal Code, and review by the Finance Committee and Municipal Judge, does hereby approve the following amendment to the Deposit and Forfeiture Schedule: CHAPTER 12. LICENSES AND PERMITS Add: The City of Muskego has adopted State Statute Chapter 125 by Ordinance. Any amendments made by the State with regard to reference numbers for that section are automatically adopted by the City and this Schedule will be amended accordingly to reflect those changes. 12.125.07(1)(a)1. PROVIDE ALCOHOL BEVERAGE TO UNDERAGE PERSON 1 st Offense 2nd Offense Within 30 Months 3rd Offense Within 30 Months 4th and Subsequent Offense Within 30 Months $224.00 $410.00 $658.00 $1,278.00 . 12.125.07(1)(a)2. LICENSEE/PERMITTEE SEll, DEAL, VEND OR TRAFFIC IN ALCOHOL BEVERAGES TO UNDERAGE PERSONS 1 st Offense 2nd Offense Within 30 Months 3rd Offense Within 30 Months 41h and Subsequent Offense Within 30 Months $224.00 $410.00 $658.00 $1,278.00 12.125.07(3)(b) liCENSEE/PERMITTEE PERMITTING UNDERAGE PERSON ON PREMISES 1 sl Offense 2nd Offense Within 30 Months 3rd and Subsequent Offense Within 30 Months $224.00 $410.00 $658.00 12.125.07(1)(a)3. PERMITIKNOWINGl Y FAIL TO PREVENT IllEGAL CONSUMPTION 1 sl Offense $224.00 2nd Offense Within 30 Months $410.00 3rd Offense Within 30 Months $658.00 4th and Subsequent Offense Within 30 Months $1,278.00 DATED THIS 261h DAY OF AUQust ,2003. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Rick Petfalski Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eric Schroeder . This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #189-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 8/2003jmb ~KÞ1~ CI -Treasurer