CCR2003178. . . COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #178.2003 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2003 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DOES RESOLVE AS FOllOWS: WHEREAS, pursuant to Wis. Stats. 65.90(5)(a), the Common Council of the City of Muskego is permitted to approve budget amendments to its 2003 budget, and WHEREAS, management recommends that the Contingency appropriation and the use of fund equity be reduced by $32. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the budget amendments on the following page. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Treasurer is directed to publish a Class 1 Notice in accordance with Section 65.90(5)(a) within 10 days of adoption of this Resolution. DATED THIS DAY OF Julv ,2003 22nd SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Rick Petfalski Ald. Eric Schroeder Ald. Nancy C. Salentine This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #178-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 7/2003dg ~/(', fr1~ C -Treasurer Attachment to Resa. #178-2003 . CITY OF MUSKEGO 2003 BUDGET AMENDMENT July, 2003 Amended GENERAL AND DEBT BUDGET BUDGET SERVICE FUNDS 2003 2003 TAXES $ 9,966,050 $ 9,966,050 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,539,900 1,539,900 REGULATION/COMPLIANCE 623,559 623,559 PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES 546,570 546,570 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 COMMERCIAL REVENUE 274,581 274,581 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERV 95,403 95,403 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERV 17,400 17,400 TOTAL REVENUES $ 13,063,463 $ 13,063,463 GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 2,946,680 $ 2,946,680 PUBLIC SAFETY 4,829,580 4,829,580 HEALTH AND SANITATION 0 0 TRANSPORTATION 2,333,005 2,333,005 EDUCATION & RECREATION 1,867,993 1,867,993 UNCLASSIFIED 59,099 59,067 . INDEBTEDNESS 2,021,217 2,021,217 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 14,057,574 $ 14,057,542 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS/ADVANCES 1,375,390 1,375,358 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS (381,279) (381,279) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES $ 994,111 $ 994,079 .