CCR2003144AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #144-2003 . RESOLUTION OPPOSING PROPERTY TAX LEVY LIMITS OR A TAX RATE FREEZE WHEREAS, The imposition of property tax levy limits or a tax rate freeze has been discussed by the leadership of the State Assembly and State Senate; and WHEREAS, Municipal governing bodies have been elected to make decisions about local budgets and meeting community needs; and WHEREAS, The imposition of property tax levy limits or a tax rate freeze would eliminate local municipal governing bodies control and home rule authority over the provision and level of services desired by the residents of local municipalities; and WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of Muskego is firmly committed to responsible, prudent spending and taxation policies and feels it is in the best position to make the decisions for its citizens; and WHEREAS, property tax levy limits or a tax rate freeze would adversely impact municipal bond ratings and impact the ability of our municipality to meet future financial obligations that have already been committed toward local infrastructure improvements and economic development; and . WHEREAS, Such legislation would remove incentives for economic development in our community. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego is opposed to both a tax levy limit and a tax rate freeze mandated by state government as they are arbitrary, they do not take into account the levels of services desired by the residents of local. governments, they eliminate home rule authority for local governments, they adversely impact the ability of our City to meet future financial obligations, and negatively impacts the City as we try to progress toward the future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to Governor Jim Doyle, State Senator Mary Lazich, and State Representative Scott Gunderson, local media, the League of Wisconsin Municipalities and Wisconsin Alliance of Cities. Dated this 10th day of June, 2003. SPONSORED BY: Mayor Mark A. Slocomb Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden Ald. Rick Petfalski Ald. Eric G. Schroeder . This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #144-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ~!<.P1~ ~-Treasurer COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #144-2003 . RESOLUTION OPPOSING PROPERTY TAX LEVY LIMITS OR A TAX RATE FREEZE WHEREAS, The imposition of property tax levy limits or a tax rate fre~ze has been discussed by the leadership of the State Assembly and State Senate; a { e decisions about . WHEREAS, Municipal governing bodies have been elected to local budgets and meeting community needs; and WHEREAS, The imposition of property tax levy limits 0 . a~ï ax}ate freeze would eliminate local municipal governing bodies control and me~authority over the provision and level of services desired by the residents 0 Ij~ ' nicipalities; and WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City 0 ~~~e~o is firmly committed to responsible, prudent spending and taxationZOlici anf\wds it is in the best position to make the decisions for its citizens; and , ~J WHEREAS, property tax levy limits or tax('r.~te freeze would adversely impact municipal bond ratings and impact the a~hty; oV~u\ municipality to meet future financial obligations that have already beezco mittrct,o~ard local infrastructure improvements and economic development; and lJ~ WHEREAS, Such legislation wo é:I r~. ove incentives for economic development in our community. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE T QI VED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego is opposed to oth a levy limit and a tax rate freeze as they are arbitrary, they do not take into ccount the levels of services desired by the residents of local governments, they iminate h me rule authority for local governments, they adversely impact the ability f our City t meet future financial obligations, and negatively impacts the City as we t to progress toward the future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to Governor Jim Doyle, State Senator Mary Lazich, and State Representative Scott Gunderson, local media, the League of Wisconsin Municipalities and Wisconsin Alliance of Cities. Dated this - day of June, 2003. SPONSORED BY: Mayor Mark A. Slocomb Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eileen Madden . This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #144-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer