CCR2003137 (2)AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #137-2003 r'" AMENDED RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN (Conservation Purposes/Bennett) NOW COMES the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, by its Common Council and for its Amended Resolution of Necessity hereby resolves as follows: 1 . That this Resolution is an amendment to a Resolution of Necessity, which is Resolution #24-2003 which was passed and approved on January 28, 2003. 2. That this Resolution of Necessity is deleted in its entirety as the City at this time is not proceeding with this acquisition. Passed and approved this 10TH day of JUNE, 2003. r" I hereby certify that on the 1 OTH day of JUNE, 2003, the within Amended Resolution of Necessity was adopted by a vote of ~ ayes to -L nays by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. APPROVED: CITY OF MUSKEGO !If~f~ MARK A. SLOCOMB, Mayor ATTEST: . ~ N K. MARENDA, Clerk r" ) Big Muskego Lake 2254-998-001 () Prepared by City of Muskego Planning Department 01/23/2003 . - . 1 ...... Y52-999 0 Scale: I -- -- ] -..., J w > æ 0 ) 2254-998-002 22:t\;~98 -- 1 BOXHORN 2255-994-004 ~~~994-005 115 230 I ~ 2255-994 ..J' 460 Feet I ) Exhibit A LEGEND 0 Taxkey #: 2254.998.001 0 Property N + , Structure N Right-of-way ~ Hydrography ,-...... EXHIBIT "A-I" -" Being part of the Southeast J/4 of the Northeast 14 of Section 23 and part of the Southwest 14 of the Northwest 14 of Section 24, all in Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Parcell, of Certified Survey Map No. 8153, as recorded in the Register of Deeds office, as document no. 2170841, in Volume 71, pages 63-67, of Certified Survey Maps, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. (See Exhibit "A") Tax-key No. 2254-998-001 Dan Flamini; RLS #2486 1/23/03 r" r"' ~ ~ r' COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #137-2003 AMENDED RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN (Conservation Purposes/Bennett) , NOW COMES the City of Muskego, Waukesha CO~y, Wisconsin, by its Common Council and for its Amended Resolution of N cessity hereby resolves as follows: 1 . That this Resolution is an amendment to Resolution of Necessity which is Resolution #24-2003 which was passe and approved on January 28, 2003. That this Resolution is an Amende eso~i~ of Necessity in accordance with ~32.C6(1) and ~32.07(2), W: consifrratutes, relating to the within- described public improvement P. je~:1 j' . That the City of Muskego h eby d, lefr'%ines that it is necessary for the City of Muskego to acquire fe simple t~"as to the vacant land only for the purchase of land for co ervatign."Qurposes. \~ That it is also neces ry, i~t ~urtherance of the above-stated public purpose, for the C' y of Mu e 0 to acquire fee simple title as to the vacant land only to the lIowinff, s ribed real estate: See attached legal description an map ma~ Exhibit" A" and" A-1 ". That the Ie al des ipti n as to the restaurant attached to Resolution #24- 2003 an mark\ . it "B" and "B-1" is hereby deleted. '* That e City ð't uskego will acquire, by condemnation in accordance with Cha ter 32, !.!Jconsin Statutes, if necessary, the above-described interest in tho above-des ribed real estate from the record owners thereof, and from any and all other persons or entities who may have a record interest in said real estate. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Passed and approved this day of ,2003. I hereby certify that on the - day of , 2003, the within Amended Resolution of Necessity was adopted by a vote of ayes to nays by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. APPROVED: CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTEST: MARK A. SLOCOMB, Mayor JEAN K. MARENDA, Clerk