CCR2003120. . . AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #120-2003 APPROVAL OF WATER EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND ST. LEONARD CONGREGATION BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Water Easement Agreement between the City of Muskego and St. Leonard Congregation, as amended, and the Waiver of Potential Condemnation Rights. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the agreement in the name of the City. DATED THIS 24th DAY OF JUNE, 2003. SPONSORED BY FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Rick Petfalski Ald. Nancy Salentine Ald. Eric Schroeder Deferred: 5/27/03,6/10/03 This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #120-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. . rj{ tn~ CI -Treasurer 5/2003jmb . . . FILE No.9ôô OÔ/O~ '0$ PH 01:53 ID;ARENZ,MOLTER,MACY FAX:2f52 f51I~' $2ll OAL~ W. MEN' DONAI D S. MOLlEIt, m. JOliN P. MA<:Y, COVI11 COMMISSIONEI' II. STANL.v IIIFfI.E. COVRT C~MMlSSJONElI '!CIt","",1N1>1. FRIC J. LAI\SON Jum A. AQVAVI. OVAN E. ""RBEAV JOSEPH D. MPI.ENOES lAW OFFICES OF ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY &. RIFFLE, S.C. 720 N. EAST AVENUE P.O. ßOX 1348 WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN 53187-1348 11'I.""ON""""U FACSIMII' "'.911) MEA (:ODE 262 June 5, 2003 Via Fax Fax #679-5614 Total Pages: 6 Mr. Sean McMullen Director of Engineering CITY OF MUSKEGO P.O. Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150-0749 Re: St. LeonardlWater Dear Sean: We are in receipt of the title commitment in the above-mentioned matter. You should have received a copy of the same. I have the following comment':): 1. 2. The title is in S1. Leonard Congregation, a Wisconsin corporation. We have inserted the legal description at Schedule A, No.3, into the Easement document as the description of the entire property. Please advise if that is correct. Schedule B-1, Requirement (d), calls for that part of the Churches by-Jaws pertaining to the sale of real estate and the procedure that must be followed. In addition, it calls for a certified copy of an authorizing resolution which may be required by the bY-laws. Please obtain the same and give me a copy. Before closing, we should obtain gap coverage. Schedule B-II contains several exceptions to title. Please review and make sure none of the exceptions interfere with the use the City wishes to make of the property. Schedule B-II, No. 17, includes a mortgage in favor of Bank One, N.A. Therefore, we have revised the Easement to include them as a necessary party. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attached please find the revised Easement. Once you have had a chance to review this matter, please give me a cali. Thanks. Sincerely, C--'" ~-onald s.llt<:r~ DSM/pw Attachment cc: Mayor Mark A. Slocomb (Via Fax #679-5630, 6 Pages) Ms. Jean Marenda, Clerk (Via Fax #679-4106, 6 Pages) ~tJêt: i FILE No.~66 06/05 '03 PM 01:54 ID:ARENZ,MOLTER,MACY . I EASEMEN'I' AND CONVEYANCE OF WA.TER MAINS AND RELATED WATER SER~I.CE ASSETS IX: FACILI'I'IB:S ""cum""' No. THIS INDENTURE, made this day of , 2003, by and between ST. LEONARD CONGREGATION, a Wisconsin corporation, and BANK ONE, NA, hereinafter referred to as party of the first part, and CITY OF MUSKEGO, located in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as party of second part. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the party of the first part, ST. LEONARD CONGREGATION, owns a parcel of real estate and interest in water mains and related water assets and facilities and the party of the first part, BANK ONE, N.A., holds a mortgage on the parcel of real estate located in the City of Muskego and described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "X" FAX:2ô2 54$ 9211 PAGE 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I 11"..".".~ l'" ".c,.rdl"" 'nfo,'mu""" t-------. -------------------------------- I : Irl",,)I..~. ""111" ,u' I I I I I I I I I I I I I . -------- ..--------------------------------- AUonmy Donuld S. Moller. Jr. Arenz, Molrcl', M,ICY & Rime, S.c. 1'.0. Box 1348 Wuukesha, WI 53187-1348 Tax Key No.: Part of MSKC 2196.945 . WHEREAS, party of the second part has requested from the party of the first part a permanent easement for water main purposes including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the water main and conveyance of all water mains and related water service assets and facilities contained therein. NOW, THEREFORE, party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do grant and convey unto the party of the second part, forever, a permanent easement for water main purposes and also conveys to the party of the second part all water mains and related water service assets and facilities contained therein, including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the water main and other water service assets and facilities contained therein in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on, over and in the following described real estate: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBITS "A" & "A-1" USE OF LAND Party of the first part consents to the entry of the employees, workmen, agents or independent contractors of party of the second part for and incidental to the construction, repair and maintenance f reconstruction of said water main and all related water service assets and facilities contained rein, but reserve to themselves the right to make such use of land included in said easement, ubject to the ordinances of the City of Muskego, the regulations of the party of the second part, and the statutes of the State of Wisconsin as will not disturb or interfere with such water main and all water service assets and facilities contained therein or prevent ingress or egress, thereto for the purpose of construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction thereof. FILE No.966 06;06 'O~ PM 01:64 IP:ARENZ,MOLTER,MACY FAX:262 548 9211 PAGE 3 The parties expressly acknowledge that the party of the second part may allow others not .iag to this easement to use the easement for the purposes indicated above. THIS INDENTURE, upon its acceptance by the party of the first part. shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, party of the first part has executed this indenture the day and year first above written. THIS IS NOT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY. ST. lEONARD CONGREGATION By: STATE OF WISCONSIN) )ss. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) Personally came before me this day of ---' 2003, the above named , of ST. lEONARD CONGREGATION, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. . NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF Wi . My commission expires: BANK ONE, NA By: STATE OF WISCONSIN) )ss. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) Personally came before me this day of , 2003, the above named , as the , of BANK ONE, NA., to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: 'HIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: .torney Donald S. Molter, Jr. RENZ, MOLTER. MACY & RIFFLE, S.C. P.O. Box 1348 Waukesha, WI 53187-1348 -2- . . . FILE No. 966 06/0~ . 03 PM 01: 64 !D: ARENZ. MOLTER. MACY FAX:262 548 9211 PAGE 4 EXHIBIT l"K- II , 'l'l1at part of the, Southea!lt 1(4 of S..ction 9, Town 5 North, Range 20 Elast, in the city of Muskego, county of Waukesha and state of Wisconsin bounded and described as follows, to-wit: . Commencing at the 60ut!:1east corner 01: said 1/4 Section, running thence South 8S0 34' 35" West, along the South line of said 1/4 Section, 433.00 feet to a point; thence North 01" 13' 04" West, and puallel with the East line of said 1/4 Section, 57.00 feet to the point of beginning ot the lands to be described; thence South SS' 34' 35" west, along a line 57.00 feet North of as measured normal to and parallel with the South line of said 1/4 Section, 627,62 feet to a point; thence North 010 13' 04" West, along a line 1060.62 feet West of and parallel with the East line of said 1/4 SactioI),-, 917.24 feet: to & point; thence North SS" 46' 56" liast, ,md along the south line of St. Leonard's Subdivision, a recorded Subdivision in !laid 1/4 Section, 607.62 feet to a point in the West line cf westwood Drive; thence South 01' 13' 04" East, along said West line of W!jstwood Drive, 690.02 feet to a point; thence North SSo 46' 56" East, along the south line of Tower Drive, 20.00 feet to a point; thence South 01. 13' 04" East, along the West line of Certified Survey Map NO. 1421 recorded in Volume 9 of certified survey Maps, pages 267 and 26S, 224.96 feet to the point of beginning, ADDRESS: W173 S7743 WESTWOOD DR Part of Tax Key No. MSKC 2196.945 ,J riLl:. No.\:jljlj \)Ij/\)~ '\)~ 1"1-\ \)l;~~ W:HKt:NL,nULlt:K,llHl-Y . . . t-H/\ :,,0" 04<:5 :';"11 Exhibit" A" Water Main Easement Being part of the Southeast ~ of Section 9, Town 5 North, RIUlge 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County Wisconsin, bounded and described as foHows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southeast ~; thence S 89045'00" W along the South line of said Southeast ~, 453.51 feet; thence N 00002'05" W, 313.14 to the point of beginning oflands to be described; thence S 89014'17" W, 96.65 feet; thence S 52028'07" W, 284.91 feet; thence N 37031 '53" W, 67.65 feet; thence N 10055'07" E, 3.12 feet; thence N 80014'21" W, 26.07 feet; thence N 09045'39" E, 20.00 feet; thence S 80014'21" E, 26.48 feet; thence N 10055'07" E, 25.93 feet; thence N 35057'19" W, 11.42 feet to the Southeasterly wall ofthe gym addition; thence N 54002'41" E, along said wall, 20.00 feet; thence S 35057'19" E, 20.09 feet; thence S 10055'07" W, 48.72 feet; thence S 37031'53" E, 38.65 feet; thence N 52028'07" E, 158.46 feet; thence N 37031 '53" W, 20.49 feet; thence N 52028'07" E, 18.31 feet; thence N 380 23' 19" W, 11.28 tèet; thence N 51036'41" E, 20.00 feet; thence S 38023'19" E, 32.07feet; thence N 52028'07" E, 74.48 feet; thence N89014'! T' E, 103.55 feet; thence S 00002'05" E, 20.00 feet to the point ofbegiruúng. Bearings are referenced to the South line of the Southeast ~ of Section 9 assumed to bear S 89045'00" W per plat of survey no. 010219 by Landcraft Survey and Engineering, Inc. dated 1/13/2001. r'Hbt: '" 3 F! LE No, 966 06,'06 '03 PM 01 :66 ID: ARENZ , MOLTER, MACY FAX:262 548 9211 6 . Exhibit "A-1" EXHIBIT: PUBLIC WATER MAIN EASEMENT ST. LEONARD CONGREGATION. CITY OF MUSKEGO 8 BeIng a part of the Southeasl ~ of Section 9, Township 5 Nonh, Ranga 20 Easl. In tha City of Muskego, Waukasha County, WJBt<Jnsln, mora parllcUlarlY desClibed as follows: Commencing at Ina Soulheest cornar of said Soutneasl Yc; Thenco 389'45'00" W, alon9 tha sou\l1l1"" of said 30utheesl Yc, 453.51 feet; Thence N 00'02'05" W, 313.14 feet 10 Ihe place 01 beginnIng of tha lands 10 be described: Thence 3 89'14'17' W, 96.65 feal; ThOn"" S 52'28'07' W, 284.91 feel; Thence N 37'31'53" W, 87.85 feel: Thon"" N 10'55'07' E, 3,12 le.l; Thance N 80'14'21" W. 26.07 leat. TMnce N 09'45'3!J' E, 20,00 feel: Thence S 80'14'21" E, 28.48 feel; Thence N 10'55'07" E, 25.03 feel; Thence N 35'57'16 W, 11,42 faallo Ihe Southerly wall of the gym addlUon; Thence N 54'02'41 E, 310ng said wall, 20.00 f.el: Thence S 35'57'19' E, 20.09 feel; Thence S 10'55'07" W, 48.72 feet; Thence S 37'31'53" E, 38,65 feet; Thence N 52'28'07' e, 158.48 f.at: Thence N 37'31'53" W. 20.46 f.et. Thenoa N 52'28'07" E, 16,31 feer: Thence N 38023'19" W, 11.28 f.at; Thence N 51'38'41" E, 20,00 f.el; Thence S 38'23'19' E, 32.07 reel; Thence N 52"28'07" E, 74.48 feet; Thance N 86'14'17" E, 103.55 f.el: Thence S 00'02'05" E. 20.00 fee' to the plaoe of baginnlng. 1"=100' 8 - S,"'h H;'-S',M;", 114, See',.. T6N. R2oF. - - --.'--..---..---...'---- "--.." '-."-- PAGE '\ TOWER DR, r . . . COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO ,J.0)f) RESOLUTION #120-2003 7 {)r PPROVAL OF WATER EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN T CITY OF MUSKEGO AND ST. LEONARD CONGREGATION BE IT RESOLVED That tIì Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Fina ce Committee, does hereby approve the attached Water Easement Agreement betwee the City of Muskego and St. Leonard Congregation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Tha the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to sign the agreement in the name of ttì City. DATED THIS - DAY OF ,2003. FINANCE C MITTEE Ald. Rick Petta ki . Ald. Nancy Sale ine Ald. Eric Schroede Deferred: 5/27/03, 6/1 % This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #120-2003 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. Clerk-Treasurer 5/2003jmb