CCR2003060. . . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #060-2003 THIRD AMENDED RELOCATION ORDER OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN (Martin Drive) NOW COMES the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, by its Common Council and for its Relocation Order hereby resolves as follows: 1. That this Resolution is an amendment to a Second Amended Relocation Order which is Resolution #181-2001 which was passed and approved on September 25, 2001 and to an Amended Relocation Order which is Resolution #43-2001 which was passed and approved on February 27, 2001. 2. That this Resolution is a Third Amended Relocation Order in accordance with ~32.05( 1), Wisconsin Statutes, for the purposes of the within described public improvement project and it is also a determination of necessity for that project in accordance with ~32.07(2), Wisconsin Statutes. 3. That the City of Muskego hereby determines that it is a necessary and public purpose to construct highway right-of-way improvements and storm sewer improvements as shown on the attachments to the Amended Relocation Order known as Resolution #43-2001 and Second Amended Relocation Order known as Resolution #181-2001 except as amended by the legal and map attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "Z-5A", which replaces Exhibit "Z- 5." 4. That said highway right-of-way improvements and storm sewer improvements will be built as set forth on the documents attached to the Amended Relocation Order known as Resolution #43-2001 and Second Amended Relocation Order known as Resolution #181-2001 except as amended by the legal and map which is annexed to this Relocation Order as Exhibit "Z-5A" which replaces Exhibit "Z- 5" and is incorporated herein. 5. That the site of said highway right-of-way improvements and storm sewer improvements are contained in the documents attached to the Amended Relocation Order known as Resolution #43-2001 and Second Amended Relocation Oder known as Resolution #181-2001 except as amended by Exhibit "Z-5A" which is incorporated herein which replaces Exhibit "Z-5"; that the legal descriptions to said site are attached to the Amended Relocation Order known as Resolution #43-2001 and Second Amended Relocation Oder known as Resolution #181-2001 except as amended by Exhibit "Z-5A" which is attached hereto which replaces Exhibit "Z-5." 6. That the City of Muskego will acquire fee simple title for highway right-of-way improvements and storm sewer improvements as indicated on the documents . . . Reso. #060.2003 page 2 attached to the Amended Relocation Order known as Resolution #43-2001 and Second Amended Relocation Oder known as Resolution #181-2001 except as amended by Exhibit "2-5A" which replaces Exhibit "2-5". 7. That this Third Amended Relocation Order replaces Exhibit "2-5" set forth in Resolution #43-2001 and the remainder of Resolution #43-2001 and Resolution #181-2001 remains in full force and effect. Passed and approved this day of March ,2003. 25th I hereby certify that on the 25th day of March , 2003, the within Amended Relocation Order was adopted by a vote of 6 ayes to 0 nays by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. APPROVED: CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTEST: J( tY1~ K. MARENDA, Clerk . . . " Ruekert. Mielke t:::.7rV /'3 iÌ' Z ~ -SA --'.'--- ~ngi"<ering solulio"s for a working world September 25, 2000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Land Acquisition For: CityofMl1skego (Grantee) . All that part of the Southwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 3, Town 5 North. Range 20 East, City of Ml1skego, Waukesha Coullly, Wisconsin. More fulty described as follows (See Attached Exhibit "A"): Commencing at the Southwest comer of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 3; thence North 88024'45" East, 1003.41 feet, along the South line of said Southeast one-quarter, thence Norlh 00028'OQ" West, 158.00 feet, to the point ofbeginning ofthe lands hereinafter described; thence continuing North 00028'00" West, 242.85 feet, alol1g the East.line oflands known as Tax Key No. MSKC 2169.987.001; thence cOl1tiD~PI!h:l9007'Ol" West, 289.50 feet; thence along all arc of a curve to the right which is th,!.! #t'1:ì~ R c;> W , line of proposed Martin Drive, a distance of 157.64 ft., having a radius of 540.00 ft., chord bearing South S48033'43" East, 157.08 ft.; thence continuing South 40011 '56" East, ] 97.27 feet, along the proposed north right- of-way of Martin Drive; thence continuing 59.43 ft. along an arc of a curve to thc left and the proposed north right-of-way of Martin Drive, having a radius of 460.00 fl., chord bearing of SOlllh 43054'00.5" East, 59.39 ft. to the point of beginning of the lanÇis herein described þ contaiAiRg p9,697 5'1tt!II~ f,"~l vi 0.9113 8eresTmere (lr less efland. Martin E. Kulinski Grantor: Edward Lindemann Et AI S70W 16211 Martin Drive Muskego, WI 53150 Tax Key No. MSKC 2169.987.001 MEK:plw r ,leli '" ,,\ 1)\ I )~2l73.1 OO'<:OITC,\1 esal dcsc"p tion.2000092S-marundr-lind,n"n"re"" ind" ,doc cc: Filo W239 N1812 Rockwood Drive' Waukosha, Wisconsin 53188-1' 13 (262) 542.5733 . Fa,: (262) 542.5631 . www.ruekert.mielkecom <::<::0-<"'_"""" ,<o,A" 94% P.02 . EXHIBIT "A" ~ ~ ~\\\\ \\ Z-5 A LAND ACOUSITrDN 8e.n9 porI 01 tho Southeoel 1/4 of See lion J, Town 5 North, Range 20 Ecst, Cily 0' Mu,k090, Wouke.ha County, W'.consin. CuAVt NO, RAD'US c:. CHORD CHORD BRC ARC TAN TAN CENT BRC 'TANC,NT BRC I "0,00' IG'<J'J'" 1~1.0"' S"ft'JJ"J"E I>1.G" 19.J8' S'D""Sn NS6'SS' JO'w 2 '60.00' 7'2"09" \',J" S'J'S.'OD.S"E ~9.'J' 29.76' "o",'sn, 5<7'J6'OS"E MAIN cuRVE TABLE N -- .~ SCALE 'N rEET 2169-981 100 I wt' . ØJ AREA TO 8E ACQUIRED ;t~{;1ı' f'OR RICH T OF' WA Y 0,7266 AC Rueketie~:~" ", [W! ' .,,'ml,",1 E09'o"" . "R.,""'" Loo' S",."" "E ~ 100J ,,' N86'Z"'S W2J9 N'812 R",.". 0"" .... - - W'"'".,," \J186 (212)\'2-S7JJ ---- 'Qu'I< LI/." ',r II' ,rc J-5-2 (. \c.w':'\'j92'7J\E-L'HO(! lH'. """""c'" "^> DOA"E~ 8' a.."" c ,. ,-u$'. '. ...,..;~79'07'01"W "~W~f~:!:.", "E<lST.~c ..... '" "'.!I,k,~~g;#E'xïS71"'N"'G-"<'" c/I. ~ \!; .s,> ,.,,;."""'~'.:.::;;;,.,u._. ..:MÄRn ..~.... 28950' ,.~I""~,,,_. """",*,~f.'." N"'1)O/.".M ..,. ' . 6'... "'~~.Y-';;~=":E\~"~"'~~'-'~iJ!\i'~""~ " ~ . ""~. ~:~d~[J,1.~:.;;.....:,....?~,;;:":,~;~..!f~~~;q~~ " s .... .... . 21ê9-9ßI-001 . OWNER/GRANTOR EDWARD LINDEMANN (TAL 570 w16211 MI>.RTIN DRIVE MUSKEGO, WI 53150 TAX KEY NO, 2169-987-001 JUN-04- 2001 12:29 2525489211 96% P.14