RESOLUTION #227-2002
WHEREAS, The Finance committee has reviewed and recommended approval of an
Amendment to the Personnel Code for Management and Other Nonrepresented
Employees of the City of Muskego effective January 1,2002,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby adopt the
attached Amendment to the Personnel Code for Management and Other
Nonrepresented Employees of the City of Muskego effective January 1, 2002.
DATED THIS 12th DAY OF November ,2002.
Ald. Rick Petfalski
Ald. Nancy Salentine
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #227-2002 which
was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
0 POBox749
W182 S8200 kine Avenue
Muskeco. WI 53150-0749
i iWM0RANDM I .. . ! ~
"" ~ L. "" ". ~~~ ~- DATE: November 7,2002
TO: Mayor Mark Slocomb, Ald. Sanders, Ald. Salentine, Ald. Petfalski
FROM: Cathie Anderson, Executive AssistanVHR Coordinator
RE: Amendments to Nonrepresented Personnel Code
On behalf of the Department Heads and other non-represented personnel, I am listing the
adjustments made to the other bargaining units (in bold), along with one addition (underlined)
with the request that these adjustments be incorporated into the Personnel Code as done in
previous years by resolution.
ARTICLE V - Wages & Benefits 0 5.01 -Revise to read: The Council will set, on an annual basis, the salary schedule increase afier
having reviewed the internal increases of other bargaining units, the Midwest and Milwaukee
area CPI, and the employee cost trend for all salaries in the State of Wisconsin. In addition, there
is a system in place that provides for additional salary adjustments based on individual
performance evaluations.
6.01 - Change biweekly pay period to state the City shall pay each employee on Thursday for
work performed through the previous Saturday (instead of Friday as it says now).
ARTICLE 1X - Holidays
Specify the Spring Holiday as March 29,2002 and April 18,2003.
Add to 9.05 - If the above holiday falls on a Sunday and the following Monday is a holiday, then
the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday.
Amendments to 2002 Nonrepresented Personnel Code Page 2
ARTICLE XI -Time Off For Funerals
Add to 11.01 - In the event of the death of an employee’s spouse son. or dauphter, five (5) days
leave of absence, with pay, shall be granted.
Add to 11.02 (highlighted)- Immediate family is described as husband, wife, children, step-
children, adopted children, parents, step-parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, step-
brothers, sisters, step-sister of the employee or hisher spouse, and spouses of all of above of
both employee or hislher spouse, or any person for whom you are primary care-giver.
Add New 11.03 -In the event of the death of an aunt, uncle or first cousin of employee or
employee’s spouse, one (1) day of absence with pay shall be granted. Verification must be
given of death of family member.
Article XV - Sick Leave
A. Section 15.02. Change second paragraph under B to read “Up to five (5) days
per year may be taken by an employee in the event of an injury or illness to a family
member, not withstanding provisions of Family Medical Leave. Family member shall be as
0 defined in Section 11.02.
16.01 - Revise to read:
Beginning with the fifth (5Ih) year of employment, accrual of three (3) weeks of paid vacation.
Beginning with the sixth (6Ih) anniversary date of employment, accrual of one (1) additional day
of vacation shall be earned per year up to a maximum of four (4) weeks.
Beginning with the sixteenth (16Ih) anniversary date of employment, accrual of one (1) additional
day of vacation shall be earned per year to a maximum of five (5) weeks.
ARTICLE XVll -Insurance
17.01 - Change reference to “premium only cafeteria plan” to “flexible spending cafeteria plan”
Add: 17.02 and renumber:
17.02 - For this 2002-2003 contract period, the coverage will be as follows:
Ofice Visits $10.00 co-pay in-network; $25.00 co-pay out-of-network. Plan to consist of $250.00 0 deductible (with at least two members reaching $250.00 to a maximum of $500.00 per family).
Amendments to 2002 Nonrepresenled Personnel Code Page 3
Medical services requiring a deductible, which is received from an “In-plan provider”, will be
out-of-pocket cost of $2,500. All Tier I -generic drugs will have a $5.00 co-pay, Tier 11 will have
a $10.00 co-pay, and Tier m category (named on specific list) will result in a minimum of $25.00
drug co-pay depending on cost of drug. A drug will not be in the Tier III category unless there is
an alternative in either Tier I or Tier 11 or both. If not medically necessary, the cost to the user who
chooses to take a drug in Tier 111 will be the net of the actual drug cost minus the $25.00 co-pay.
There is a $50.00 co-pay for each emergency room visit. Vision rider ends at the end of year 2002.
This policy would go into effect on June 1,2002.
0 covered loo%, after the deductible of $250.00. “Out ofplan” will be covered 70%, to a maximum
8.02 - Strike: “If the beeper carrier is called in, he will only receive the
overtime and no compensation for carrying the beeper.”
24.01 - Change amount of reimbursement from $250.00 per calendar year
to $1,000.00 per calendar year.