CCR2002136e a 0 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #136-2002 DETERMINATION OF NONSUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO THE MUSKEG0 CENTRE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, A request for an exterior menu preview board and intercom ordering system for McDonalds’s was submitted by Thomas Martinez d/b/a Martinez Enterprises; and WHEREAS, Said system is to be located along the west side of the McDonald’s restaurant located at W189 S7851 Racine Avenue; and WHEREAS, Said request constitutes a change to the approved planned unit development of the Muskego Centre Planned Development District; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission reviewed the request and determined that it does not constitute a substantial change to the OPD of Muskego Centre Planned Development District through the adoption of #P.C. 072A-2002, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby determine that the exterior menu preview board and intercom ordering system for McDonald’s does not constitute a substantial change to the Muskego Centre Planned Development District. DATED THIS 25th DAY OF June ,2002 SPONSORED BY: Ald. William Le Doux This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #136-2002 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 6/2002jmb City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 072-2002 For fhe meeting of: June 18,2002 REQUEST: Approval of a Building Site and Operation Plan amendment and determination of non- substantial change to the Muskego Centre Planned Development District W189 S7851 Racine Avenue /Tax Key No. 2192.974 SE % of Section 8 PETITIONER: Thomas Martinez. d/b/a McDonald's INTRODUCED May 21,2002 LAST AGENDA: May 21,2002 PREPARED BY: Brian Turk BACKGROUND PC 072-2002 On or about March 26, 2002 the petitioner installed an exterior audio-video intercom ordering system and located a preview menu board for the restaurant drive-thru without Plan Commission approval. The 0 Planning Department issued a compliance IeHer on March 27, 2002 seeking remedy. The property owner failed to respond to the compliance letter and citations in the amount of $100.00 per day were issued on April 11, 2002. On May 8, 2002 the petitioner filed the attached BSO amendment seeking approval for the system as installed. Item was deferred on May 21, 2002 in order to gather neighborhood feedback, and allow the Plan Commission members individual opportunities to conduct on-site reviews. PLAN CONSISTENCY PC 072-2002 Comprehensive Plan: The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts the area for commercial use. The proposal is consistent with the Plan ,- . The parcel is zoned B-Z/OPD. Local Service Center with Planned district. Development Overlay District. The use is permitted by right with the All changes to exterior changes to a commercial property requires Plan Commission approval of the BSO amendment. A determination of non- substantial changed to the Muskego Centre OPD is required to avoid the need for a public hearing and Common Council approval. Park and Open Space The 2001-2005 Plan does not depict acquisitions in the area. The Plan: proposal is consistent with the Plan. Zoning: .. 0 Conservation Plan: The Plan does not identify the parcel lor conservation management or acquisition. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Street System Plan: Racine Avenue has been previously dedicated to its ultimate width as depicted on the 2010 Street System Plan. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Utility Service Areas: with the Plan, Municipal sewer and water serve the property. The proposal is STAFF DISCUSSION PC 072-2002 Alderman Petfalksi conducted a door-to-door survey of resident opinions. In all, no one felt the system was a detriment, and some commented that other background noise washed out any sounds they would otherwise hear. An amended Resolution #PC 072A-2002 addresses the matter. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 072-2002 Approval of Resolution #PC 072A-2002. RESOLUTION #P.C.072A-2002 APPROVAL OF BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN AMENDMENT AND DETERMINATION OF NON-SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO THE MUSKEG0 CENTRE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT I FOR THE McDONALD'S PROPERTY LOCATED AT W189 S7851 RACINE AVENUE / TAX KEY NO. 2192.974 WHEREAS, On May 3, 2002, plans were submitted by Thomas Martinez d/b/a Martinez Enterprises for a Building, Site and Operation Plan amendment and determination of non-substantial change to the Muskego Centre Planned Development District for McDonald's at the property located at W189 S7851 Racine Avenue /Tax Key No. 2192.974. and WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned B-2lOPD-Local Service Center with Planned Development Overlay District, and said use is a permitted use by right subject to Plan Commission approval of a Building, Site and Operation Plan, and WHEREAS, The site landscape plan submitted illustrates a menu preview board and intercom ordering towards residential developments, and system located along the west side of the restaurant, and said board and ordering system face west WHEREAS, The Plan Commission has approved similar ordering systems for other petitioners provided that the systems faced abutting commercial land uses to minimize its effect on residential properties, and WHEREAS, Alderman Petfalski has addressed the matter with adioininq neiahbors and none have expressed concerns reqardinq the placement of the orderinq system. and WHEREAS, No landscape plantings are proposed to be installed to minimize the ordering system's effect on surrounding properties. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the Building, Site and Operation Plan amendment as submitted by Thomas Martinez d/b/a Martinez Enterprises at the property located at W189 S7851 Racine Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission does not find the proposed Building Site and Operation Plan amendment to be a substantial change to the Muskego Centre Planned Development District, and a public hearing is not recommended. B.uu%m" QrtFe$wFes4W€lsatlWWWMW& .. "Wfl9--*-4e& -1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas and drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: Deferred: May 21, 2002, June 4, 2002 Introduced: May 21. 2002 ATTEST Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary