WHEREAS, the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is a municipal corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, and is authorized
under Sections 66.1335 of the Wisconsin Statutes to create a Community Development
Authority ("CDA) by proper resolution of the Common Council of the City; and
WHEREAS, as set forth in Section 66.1331(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes, it is the
policy of the State of Wisconsin to protect and promote the health, safety, morals and
general welfare of its people by the prevention and elimination of substandard and
deteriorated areas and properties through the utilization of all means appropriate,
thereby encouraging well-planned, integrated, stable, safe and healthful neighborhoods,
the provision of healthful homes, a decent living environment and adequate places of
employment for the people of the State of Wisconsin; and
WHEREAS, there is at this time no redevelopment authority created under
Section 66.1331 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and no housing authority created under
Section 66.1201 of the Wisconsin Statutes, operating in the City;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, Wisconsin, as follows:
1 The Common Council hereby finds, determines and declares that the
undertaking of programs and projects for blight elimination and prevention, slum
clearance and prevention, urban renewal and redevelopment, and community
development and redevelopment (collectively, "qualified redevelopment projects") will
encourage well-planned, integrated, stable, safe and healthful neighborhoods, the
provisions of healthful homes, a decent living environment, adequate places of
employment for the people of the City and an increase in the general property tax base
of the City.
2. The Common Council hereby finds, determines and declares that there
exists within the City a need for qualified redevelopment projects, and that creation of a
CDA in the City will serve the public interest.
3. Pursuant to Sections 66.1335 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the Common
Council hereby creates a CDA in the City, which authority shall be known as the
"Community Development Authority of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin" Said authority
(the "Authority") shall be a separate body politic for the purpose of carrying out qualified
Reso. #63-2002 Page 2
redevelopment projects, and shall have all powers, duties and functions of community
development authorities contained in Section 66.1335 of the Wisconsin Statutes, as 0 amended from time to time with the exception of the power of Eminent Domain. The
Authority shall also act as the agent of the City in planning and carrying out community
development programs and activities approved by the Common Council and the Mayor
under the federal housing and community development act of 1974.
4. As a means of more clearly setting forth its Powers and Rules of
Procedure, the Community Development Authority shall adopt a set of By-Laws which
shall, among other things, establish the general policy duties and provide for the
appointment of the chairperson, treasurer, secretary, executive director The initial By-
Laws and subsequent amendments must also be approved by a majority vote of the
Common Council.
5. The Common Council hereby authorizes and directs the City Clerk,
immediately upon adoption of this Resolution, to certify a copy of this Resolution and
transmit such certified copy to the Mayor The Common Council hereby authorizes and
directs the Mayor, upon receipt of said certified copy, to appoint seven (7) qualified,
resident persons as commissioners of the Authority, which appointments shall be
subject to confirmation by the Common Council. Two (2) of said commissioners shall
be members of the Common Council and shall serve on the Authority during their
respective terms of office as Common Council members. The initial appointments of
the five (5) non-Common Council commissioners shall be for the following terms: two
(2) commissioners for one (1) year, and one (1) commissioner each for terms of two (2),
three (3) and four (4) years. Thereafter, the terms of the non-Common Council
commissioners shall be four (4) years and until their successors are appointed and
6. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
Dated: March 26, 2002 .
David L. De Angelis, Mayor
Jed K. Marenda, CMC