(Amended Sewer Service Area)
RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County,
Wisconsin, as follows:
The Common Council hereby declares its intent to exercise its power
under 566.0703. WI Statutes, to levy area-wide reserve capacity
assessments upon property within the following described territory located
within the following described territory located within the City for benefits
conferred upon such properties as a result of debt service and retirement
for sewer connections to provide sewer service for the entire territory
See Attached Exhibit "A
(Scale Map of Area to be Assessed is Attached)
The amount of the reserve capacity assessment being levied has been
determined by the City's financial consultant, its consulting engineer, and
the Public Utilities Committee, to be the sum of $3,525 for each residential
equivalency unit involved in future sewer connections for new buildings
and $587.50 for all existing connections and existing buildings connected
in the future.
The assessment proposed to be levied is to be levied against all lots and
parcels of real estate located within the territory above described which
are not presently, at the time of the final resolution levying the
special assessment, actually connected to the public sewers and receiving
the immediate benefit and against all lots and parcels of real estate
actually connected and receiving an immediate benefit.
The reserve capacity assessment proposed to be levied is based upon the
police power of the City of Muskego and is to be levied for the benefit
given to all unconnected real estate in the City of Muskego for the benefit
conferred upon that unconnected real estate for the availability of a
capacity in the sewers and against all connected real estate for the
immediate capacity now to be utilized.
Resolution #35-2002 Page 2
5. The reserve capacity assessment proposed to be levied herein may be
allowed to be paid in installments commencing at the time the benefit
occurs to the property by connection. The exact schedule of those
properties immediately assessed and installments thereon shall be
determined when the final resolution is adopted.
6. The consulting engineers for the City of Muskego, Ruekert 8 Mielke, are
hereby directed to prepare a report providing for all estimated costs of the
total reserve capacity purchased, a total list of all properties to be
assessed and a schedule of proposed assessments against the specific
properties to be assessed. Said report, when completed, shall be filed
with the City Clerk-Treasurer
7 The City Clerk, after receiving the report, is directed to publish a Class 1
Notice of Public Hearing on this proposed resolution levying special
assessments as specified in $66.0703, WI Statutes. The public hearing
shall be held at Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue,
Muskego, Wisconsin, in accordance with 566.0703 (7), WI Statutes, at
7:20 PM on March 26,2002.
DATED THIS 12th DAY OF Februaw ,2002
Mayor David L. De Angelis
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #35-2002
which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
Exhibit "A"
Town 5 North, Range 20 East, and all that part of Section 13, Town 5 North, Range 19
East, city of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows:
Range 5, Township 20; thence Easterly along the Northern corporate limits of the City of
Commencing at the Northwest comer of the Northeast quarter section of Section 5,
Muskego to the Northeast corner of the corporate limits; thence Southerly along the Eastern
Cape Road to Schaefer Road; thence westerly along Schaefer Road to the western end of
corporate limits of the City of Muskego to North Cape Road; thence Southwesterly along North
Schaefer Road; thence Northerly approximately 568 feet to a point; thence Easterly
approximately 145 feet to a point, thence Northerly approximately 167 feet to a point intersecting
of the Southeast and Southwest quarter sections of Section 13 to a point approximately 390 feet
the North line of the Southeast quarter section of Section 13; thence westerly along the North line
west of the intersection of Durham Drive and Holz Drive; thence Southerly approximately 1340
feet along the East property line of the properties on the east side of Holz Drive to a point South
of Holz Drive: thence West to a point of intersection with the East line of the Southwest quarter
section of Section 14; thence South along said section line to the Southeast corner of the
Southwest quarter section of Section 14; thence westerly along the South lines of Sections 14,
15, and 16 to Racine Avenue; thence Southerly along the Eastern property line of Muskego high
School; thence westerly along Muskego High Schools Southern property line; thence Northerly
along Muskego High School's western property line to Woods Road; thence westerly along
Woods Road to the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter section of Section 17; thence
Westerly approximately 1310 feet to a point; thence Northerly approximately 430 feet to Woods
right-of-way just South of Janesville Road; thence Southwesterly along the Wisconsin Electric
Road; thence continuing Northerly along Woods Road to the Wisconsin Electric Power Company
Southwesterly along Janesville Road to the intersection with the west line of the Southwest
Power Company right-of-way to the intersection with Janesville Road; thence continuing
quarter section of Section 18; thence along the Southern, Western and Northern boundaries of
the property in the southeast and northeast quarter sections of Section 13 in Town 5, Range 19,
which was annexed by the City of Muskego, to the Northwest corner of Section 18, Town 5.
Range 20; thence along the Northern line of Section 18 to the intersection with the Hillendale
Drive; thence Northerly and Northeasterly along Hillendale Drive to a point approximately 250 feet
northeast of the intersection of Hillendale Drive and Field Drive: thence Northerly approximately
approximately 1330 feet to the intersection with the South line of Section 5: thence westerly
1165 feet to a point; thence westerly approximately 110 feet to a point; thence Northerly
approximately 890 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly approximately 700 feet to a point; thence
northeasterly approximately 700 feet to a point; thence Easterly approximately 400 feet to a point;
thence Northerly approximately 1330 feet to a point intersecting the Northern corporate limits Of
the City of Muskego; along the North line of the Southwest quarter section of Section 5; thence
Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter section of Section 5. The exact location of the
Easterly and Northerly along the corporate limits to the point of beginning, said point being the
assessment boundary line for areas not along the corporate limits is shown on cadastral maps on
file at the City of Muskego City Hall.
Also including lands described on following pages
A11 that part of Section 13,23,24,25,26, and 35, Town 5 North, Range 19 East, City of
Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows;
Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of North Cape Road and the East
Corporate Boundary of the City of Muskego; thence Southerly along said centerline to
the intersection of centerlines of North Cape Road and Schaefer Road; thence West to a
point 400’ West of and perpendicular to the centerline C.T.H. 00 (North Cape Road);
thence South along a line 400’ West of and perpendicular to the centerline of C.T.H. 00
to a point 400 feet North of and perpendicular to the North line of Section 24;
thence West along said line to a point 400’ West of and perpendicular to Durham Drive;
thence Southeasterly along a line 400’ West of and perpendicular to Durham Drive to a
point 400’ West of an perpendicular to C.T.H. 00;
thence Southerly along a line 400’ West of and perpendicular to a point 300’ North of the
South line of Section 24;
thence West along a line 300’ North of the South line of Section 24 to a point 300’ East
of the West line of Section 24;
thence North along a line 300’ East of the West line of Section 24 to a point 300’ North
of the South line of the North half of Section 24;
thence West to the East shore of Big Muskego Lake;
thence Southwesterly along the shore of Big Muskego Lake to a point 700’ East of the
West line and 900’ North of the South line ofNorthwest Quarter (NW %) of Section 26;
thence Southeasterly to a point on the North line of the South half of Section 26 and
1000’ East of West line of said section:
thence South along a line 1000’ East of the West line of Section 26 to a point 400’ North
of the South line of Section 26;
thence West along a line 400’ North of the South line of Section 26 to the West line of
Section 26:
thence South along the West line of Section 26 and 35 to a point 400’ South of the North
line of Section 35;
* thence East along a line 400’ South of the North line of Section 35 to a ;point 1000’ East
of the West line of Section 35;
thence South along a line 1000’ East of the West line Section 35 to a point 400’ South of
l and perpendicular to Loomis Drive;
thence Northeasterly along a line 400’ South of and perpendicular to Loomis Drive to a
point 400 South of and perpendicular to S.T.H. 36 (Loomis Road),
thence Northeasterly along a line 400’ South of and perpendicular to Loomis Road to the
East Corporate Boundary line of the City of Muskego;
thence Northerly along the Corporate Boundary of the City of Muskego to the point of
2002 Additions
Commencing at a point on the North line of the Southwest % of Section 13 said point
being 390 feet more or less West of the intersection of Durham Drive and Holz Drive,
said point also being the point of beginning of lands described herein; thence southerly
along the East property lines of the properties East of Holz Drive 1340 feet more or less;
thence Easterly 123 1 feet more or less to the East line of said % Section; thence Southerly
along said East line 426 feet more or less to the North line of the property identified as
Tax-key No. 221 1.998; thence Northeasterly along said North line 444 feet more or less
to the Centerline ofDurham Road; thence Southeasterly along said center line 246 feet
more or less to South extended property line of parcel identified by Tax-key No.
2212.993; thence Easterly along said South line 146 feet more or less, to the West line of
said parcel, said West line also being the East line of parcel identified by Tax-key No.
221 1.998; thence Northerly along said East line1 975 feet more or less to the North line of
the South East % of said Section 13; thence Westerly along said North line 838 feet more
or less to the Northwest corner of said % Section; thence Westerly along the North line of
the said Southwest % 1356 feet more or less to the point of beginning.
Commencing at the intersection of the North line of the Northwest % of Section 36 and a
point 400 feet Southeasterly of Loomis Drive, said point also being the point of
beginning of lands described herein; thence Easterly along said North line 2264 feet more
or less to the Northeast comer of said % Section; thence Southerly along the West line of
the Northeast % of said Section 2685 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of said %
Section; thence Easterly along the South line of said % Section 2770 feet more or less to
the Southeast comer of said % Section; thence Northerly along the East line of said %
Section, said line also being the East boundary of the City of Muskego 2709 feet to the
Northeast corner of said % Section; thence continuing Northerly along East City
boundary line and the East line of the Southeast % of Section 25,2693 feet more or less
to the North line of said % Section; thence Continuing Northerly along said East City
boundary line, said line also being the East line of the Northeast % of said Section, 716
feet more or less to a point of intersection with a line 400 feet South of and perpendicular
to S.T.H. 36 Loomis Road; thence Southwesterly along said line to a point 400 feet
South of and perpendicular to Loomis Drive; thence Southwesterly along said line to the
point of beginning
Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest % of Section 21, said point also
being the point of beginning of lands described herein; thence Southerly along the East
line of said % Section 1325 feet more or less; thence Westerly 11 92 feet more or less to
the centerline of C.T.H. Y (Racine Avenue); thence Northerly along said centerline to the
North line of said % Section; thence Easterly along said North line 933 feet more or less
to the said Northeast corner and the point of beginning.
Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of C.T.H. Y (Racine Avenue) and the
South line of the Northwest % of Section 2 I, said point also being the point of beginning
of lands described herein; thence Westerly along South line the to Southwest Comer of
said % Section; thence continuing Westerly along the South line of the Northeast % of
Section 20,2,672 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of said % Section; thence
Continuing Westerly along the South line of the Southwest % of said Section 1,630 feet
more or less to the West line of the property identified by Tax-key No. 2238.992; thence
Northerly along said West line 1336 feet more or less to the South line of the property
identified by Tax-key No. 2238.995; thence Easterly along said South line 237 feet more
or less to the West line of the property identified by Tax-key No. 2238.999; thence
Northerly along said West line 1337 feet more or less to the north line of said Northwest
% Section; thence Easterly along said North line 1342 feet more or less to the Northwest
Comer of said Northeast % Section; Thence continuing Easterly along the north line of
the Northeast % of said Section 20, 2,703 feet more or less to the Northwest comer of the
Northwest % of said Section 21, thence Southerly along the West line of said % Section,
1332 feet more or less the o the South line of lands Owned By Muskego High School;
thence Easterly along said South line 1471 feet to the centerline of C.T.H. Y (Racine
Avenue); thence Southerly along said centerline to the point of beginning.
Commencing at the Intersection of the North line of Southwest % of Section 5 and the
extended West line of Lakeview Highlands North, said point also being the point of
beginning of lands described herein; thence Southerly along said West line 1354 feet
more or less, to the South right-of-way line of Adrian Drive, said line also being the
South Line of said Subdivision; thence Easterly along said South line 457 feet more or
less; thence Northerly 1353 feet more or less to the North line of Said % Section; thence
Westerly along said North line 461 feet more or less to point of beginning