CCR2001243COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #243-2001 APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT Riverview Court WHEREAS, A preliminary plat for the Rivetview Court Subdivision in the SE '/4 of Section 10 was submitted on October 12, 2001 with revisions submitted on November 12,2001, and WHEREAS, Said plat proposes the development of 20 residential lots and 3 outlots; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to the conditions of Resolution #P.C. 171-2001 as amended and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the preliminary plat of the Riverview Court Subdivision in the SE '/4 of Section 10 subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution #P.C.171-2001 being met at the time of the final plat. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this approval is subject to receipt of the submittal fees and favorable reports from all approving and objecting agencies. 0 DATED THIS 27th DAY OF November ,2001 SPONSORED BY: Ald. William Le Doux This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #243-2001 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 11/2001jrnb 0-K. rk-Treasurer RESOLUTION #P.C. 1713-2001 I RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE RIVERVIEW COURT SUBDIVISION FOR THE SWIATAIA PROPERTY, LOCATED IN THE SEI14 OF SECTION 10 (TAXKEY NO. 2200.985 / WOODS ROAD) WHEREAS, On October 12, 2001 a preliminary plat was submitted by John Elliot and Thomas Beaudry for Riverview Court for the Switala property located in the SE 1/4 of Section 10, and WHEREAS, Revisions were submitted on November 12, 2001, and WHEREAS, Said plat proposes ==lots, ranging from 15,000 square feet to 4.W4acres in size, and I WHEREAS, Said property is zoned RS-3 Suburban Residence District, requiring a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 100 feet, and said lots appear to meet said minimum zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, Said Preliminary Plat substantially conforms to that of the Plan Commission's previously approved sketch, under Resolution #P.C. 090-2001, on July 17, 2001, and WHEREAS, The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts this area for medium density residential development, and the proposal is in conformance with the Plan, and WHEREAS, Said parcels will be serviced by City sewer and water, and WHEREAS, The preliminary plat depicts access restrictions to Woods Road, and provides street connectivity as required by the sketch approval, and WHEREAS, Wetlands and floodplains exist on the property and w%eqwe#& behave been field delineated and illustrated on the plat, and insufficient detail is provided, and WHEREAS, Street names must be approved by the Common Council following Plan Commission recommendation, and City Staff have concerns with the use of the name "Rivewiew", and WHEREAS, The 4.3 acre remnant parcel includes several outbuildings, and area calculations have Ret-been provided to determine compliance with Chapter 17 of I the Municipal Code, and WHEREAS, The plat depicts a 15 foot wide outlot for the purpose of connecting a recreation trail from Quietwood Drive to the WEPCO easement, as recommended by the Park and Recreation Board, and WHEREAS, Five (5) soil borings and data are required, and ftofte-mhave I been provided to the Building and Engineering Department, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends approval to the Common Council of a 222Oparcel and three )utlot preliminary I plat for Riverview Court Subdivision for the Switala property located in the SE 114 of Section 10 and will be receptive to the submittal of a final plat, subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Planning Department and City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees in Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance and outstanding assessments if applicable. 0 Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: //- 20 - ao/ Defeated: Deferred: November 6, 2001 Introduced: November 6. 2001 ATTEST. Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary City of Muskego a Plan Commission Supplement PC 171 -2001 For the meeting of: November 6,2001 REQUEST: Preliminary Plat, Riverview Court Woods Road I Tax Key No. 2200.985 SE of SECTION 10 PETITIONER: Frank Switala - Owner, John Elliot & Thomas Beaudry - Petitioners INTRODUCED: November 6,2001 LAST AGENDA: N I A PREPARED BY: Brian Turk BACKGROUND PC 171-2001 Petitioner proposes a 22 lot residential subdivision on Woods Road, immediately south of Quietwood Creek. Petitioner received sketch approval by Resolution #PC 090-2001 on July 17, 2001 PLAN CONSISTENCY PC 171-2001 The 2010 Plan depicts the area for medium density residential development Comprehensive Plan: consistent with RS-2 and RS-3 zoning. The proposal is consistent with the adopted plan. .. The property is zoned RS-3 Suburban Residence District, permitting parcels of district requirements. 15,000 square feet and 100 feet in width. The proposal is consistent with The remnant parcel includes numerous outbuildings. Planning staff can not determine the compliance of the outbuildings without accurate measurements. Staff recommends that this be provided by petitioner to resolve the matter prior to Plan Commission action. The 2001-2005 Plan does not depict land acquisition or public improvements in the area. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Planning Staff notes that the southern boundary of the subdivision abuts the WEPCO recreation trail. In addition, trails are proposed for Woods Road and extended from Woods Road to the WEPCO Trail. The Park and Recreation Board has reviewed the proposal and has concurred. An outlot has been illustrated between two parcels to accommodate this feature. This should be labeled “Outlot 1 to be owned by pro-rata share of Lots 1 through 21 inclusive, and maintained by the incorporated home owners association.” The DRAFT Plan does not identify this parcel for land management or acauisition. The DroDosal is consistent with the DRAFT Dlan. Zoning: Park and Open Space Plan: Quietwood Drive. Planning staff recommends that a recreation trail be DRAFT ‘Ian: The 2010 Street System Plan depicts Woods Road to be a 100 foot ultimate consistent with the adopted Plan. Direct access to Woods Road has been right of way. The proposal depicts a 50 dedication from centerline, and is eliminated as recommended by staff. Reservations for future street extensions have been illustrated as recommended by staff. Additional comments received during the Department Head review session include a desire for street name uniformity (the name should not change at the intersection - Quietwood Drive should continue), and cul-de-sac design standards should be adhered to. These have been addressed by the resubmittal. However, several Department Heads object to the use of the names ‘Riverview Drive” and “Riverview Court” Common Council has final authority over street names, following recommendation by the Plan Commission. Open cut restrictions which are in place on Woods Road for the next seven years. All utility construction will be required to occur without an open cut of the pavement. The parcel is within the sanitary sewer service area and water service area. Utility Service Areas: Both utilities are proposed to serve the development. The proposal is consistent with adoDted Dlans .~ Street System Plan: STAFF DISCUSSION PC 171-2001 Staff has a number of technical concerns with the plat. These are identified below: Code Section or Source 18.31(3)(a)(5) Requirement 18.31(3)(b)(2) The property owner’s name and address must be depicted Drive locations. floor area of all structures must be illustrated 18.31(3)(b)(4) 18.31(3)(b)(l) Bearing and dimensions of all plat boundaries must be illustrated Names of all abutting owners must be illustrated 18.31(3)(b)(5) Type, width, and elevation of pavement abutting the plat must be illustrated 18.31(3)(b)(6) Location. size. invert elevations of all sewers. hvdrants. catch basins. utilitv Doles and boxes. . .. .. . I gas mains, etc. must be illustrated 1831(3)(b)(ll) 18.31(3)(b)(13) The Ordinary High Water Mark of the stream must be depicted. 18.31(3)(b)(19) The approximate radii of all curves must be illustrated. Six soil borings must be illustrated on the plat, and the logs must be submitted with the plat. 18.31(3)(b)(21) Wetland and floodplain information will be required to be depicted on the preliminary and final _. 18.40(l)(h) Attorney General Visions corners required 17.05.02 to the west placed in an outlot. The stream bed must be meandered. Legal Opinion Navigable waterways divide property. Lot 22 must be split by the navigable creek, and lands plats. Street names shall not duplicate or be similar to existing names. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 171-2001 Deferral of Resolution #PC 171-2001. ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS 0 SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS PLANNERS Brian D. Turk Plan Director City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue P.O. Box 0749 Muskego WI 53150-0749 A DIVISION OF YAGGY COLBY WELCH HANSON ASSOCIATES DEW1 ELD, WlSCONSlN 53018 355 AUSTIN CIRCLE. SUITE 100 FAX 262-646-6064 262-646-6855 October 30,2001 Re: “Riverview Court” Preliminary Plat Review WH Project #I2742 Dear Mr. Turk We have completed our review of the above referenced preliminary plat and have the following comments: The following comments refer to the City of Muskego’s Land Division 0 Ordinance: 1. Per Chapter 18.31(3)@)1: The exact length and bearing of the exterior boundaries of the proposed subdivision, referenced to a comer established in U.S. Public Land Survey must be shown. (Closure of exterior was not checked due to incomplete boundary data.) a. (Recorded as) must be used where bearings or distances differ from those on previously recorded documents. 2. Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)2: The location of structures and the first floor elevations thereof, drives, visible and known wells, streams and water courses, all wetlands and wooded areas, within the tract being subdivided or immediately adjacent thereto, within a distance of 200’ must be shown. 3. Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)3: Right-of-way widths and names of all existing streets, alleys or other public ways, easements, and utility rights-of-way within the exterior boundary of the proposed plat or immediately adjacent thereto, within a distance of 200’ must be shown. (The width of Aud Mar Dr. and Woods Rd west of plat is not shown) 4. Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)4: The status of the lands adjacent and westerly of this plat are not denoted. The owners of record of abutting unplatted lands must be shown if this area is unplatted. 5. Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)5: The type and width of any existing pavements immediately adjacent to this plat must be shown. 6. 6.Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)6: The location, size and invert elevation of any existing sanitary or storm sewers, culverts and drain pipes, location of manholes, catch basins, hydrants, electric and communication facilities, whether overhead or underground, and the location and size of any existing water and gas mains within the exterior boundaries of the plat or immediately adjacent thereto must be shown. If no sewer or water mains are located on or immediately adjacent to the tract, the nearest sewers or water mains which might be extended to serve the tract shall be indicated by their direction and distance from the tract, size and invert elevations. 7 Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)9: At least two permanent bench marks shall be located in the immediate vicinity of the plat; the location of the bench marks shall be indicated on the plat, together with their elevations referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and be so noted on the face of the document, and the monumentation of the bench marks clearly and completely described. (There is no indication or note on this proposed datum.) preliminary plat indicating the source for bearing reference or vertical 8. Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)10: The highwater elevation of all ponds, streams, lakes, flowages and wetlands within the exterior boundaries of the plat or located within 100’ therefrom referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and so be noted on the face of the document. (Applicable if water is present in wetlands shown.) 9. Per Chapter 18,31(3)(b)ll. Water elevations of all streams, ponds, lakes, located within 100’ therefrom at the date of the survey, referenced to the flowages and wetlands within the exterior boundaries of the plat and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and so be noted on the face of the document. (Applicable if water is present in wetlands shown.) 10. Per Chapter 18,31(3)(b)13: Per this Ordinance, a minimum of one boring test per three acres is required. Also, the results of the boring tests must be submitted for review along with the preliminary plat. 11 Per §236.20(2)(c): All easements must be dimensioned properly. (The detention basin and “creek” easements shown are not dimensioned.) 12. Per Chapter 18.31(3)(g): Easements do not encompass all drainage features ie(wet1ands). The city may require drainage path to be within an easement No private utility easements are shown or conditions therefor are provided to keep the utility companies out of wetland areas. 13. (Per Ordinance 18.31(3)(a)5: The Name and address of the owner and or developer must be shown. If owner is developer simply state as such. 14. Per Chapter 17.05.02(2)(f): Vision comer easements must be provided at all intersections. 15. Per Chapter 18.31(3)(h): The surveyor preparing the preliminary plat shall certify on the face of the plat that it is a correct representation of all existing 16. 17 18. 19. 20. 21, 22, 23 land divisions and features and that hekhe has fully complied with the provisions of this Chapter. Approving and objecting authorities are not listed on the proposed preliminary plat. Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)12: The contour line 2 ft. above the 100 yr flood elevation must be shown and labeled. The City may require that the provisions of ordinance 18,31(3)(d)which covers soil testing, and (e) which covers soil and water conservation be adhered to. Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)18: Approximate radii of all curves must be denoted (this applies to cul-de-sac at intersection of Quietwood Dr. Riverview Ct.) “Planting strip” shown , if it is an easement, should be labeled as such. In the note pertaining to the wetland the word “delineation” is spelled incorrectly. or dedicated must be denoted. (this applies to the reservation shown for the Per Chapter 18.31(3)(b)17: The approximate dimensions of sites reserved public street which has no dimensions along its western limits.) Proposed street centerlines must be shown. Zoning and Planning issues were not addressed as part of this review. We recommend the approval of this Preliminary Plat subsequent to the successful completion of the items listed above and receiving approval’s from all other objecting or approving agencies. The City of Muskego may waive any of its own ordinance requirements at its discretion. If you should have any questions or comments, please contact our office. Very truly yours, James R. Beaty, RLS cc: Mayor DeAngelis, City of Muskego City of Muskego Addendum to Plan Commission Supplement PC 171-2001 For the meeting of: November 6,2001 REQUEST: Preliminary Plat, Riverview Court Woods Road / Tax Key No. 2200.985 SE 'A of SECTION 10 PETITIONER: Frank Switala - Owner, John Elliot 8, Thomas Beaudry - Petitioners INTRODUCED: November 6,2001 LAST AGENDA N I A PREPARED BY: Brian Turk BACKGROUND PC 171-2001 The initial staff supplement recommended deferral due to numerous technical deficiencies. A resubmittal was received on November 1,2001 STAFF DISCUSSION PC 171-2001 Staff continues to have a number of technical concerns with the plat. IN additional, the revisions have been forwarded to the City's consulting engineers at Welch Hanson for further review. Their response has not been received at this time. Planning staff's concerns are identified below: 1 Codesection I I or Source I Reauirement I ~~ ~~~~~~ 18.31 (3)(b)(2) Drive locations, floor area of all structures must be illustrated 18.31(3)(b)(l) Location, size, invert elevations of all sewers, hydrants, catch basins, utility poles and boxes, 18.31(3)(b)(6) Type, width, and elevation of pavement abutting the plat must be illustrated 18.31(3)(b)(5) Names of all abutting owners must be illustrated 18.31(3)(b)(4) Bearing and dimensions of all plat boundaries must be illustrated ~~. gas mains, etc. must be illustrated 18.31(3)(b)(l3) 18.31(3)(b)(19) The approximate radii of all curves must be illustrated. Six soil borings must be illustrated on the plat, and the logs must be submitted with the plat. 18.31(3)(b)(21) Wetland and floodplain information will be required to be depicted on the preliminary and final .. 18.40(l)(h) I Street names shall not duplicate or be similar to existing names. Chapter 39 I The stormwater pond is depicted in an easement on the private propertv of Lot 22. Note #3 I plats. describes the po.nd as owned by prorate share of Lots 1-22. This mustbe clarified to be "owned by the owner of lot 22 and maintained by pro-rate share of lots 1-22 The Public Works Committee meets on November 19Ih and will determine if the pond may be in an easement, or if it must be in a dedicated outlot. Deferral of Resolution #PC 171-2001