RESOLUTION #202-2001
WHEREAS, A Yield Plan and sketch Preliminary Plat was submitted on October 5,
2001 for development of the Benke-Schweitzer property located in the SE % and SW X
of Section 13; and
WHEREAS, The concept proposes the development of 88 acres with 54 lots and
common space; and
WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Resolution #P.C. 162-2001 recommending
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the
Yield Plan and sketch preliminary plat to develop the Benke-Schweitzer property
located in the SE % and SW % of Section 13 subject to the conditions outlined in
Resolution #P.C. 162-2001
0 DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF October ,2001
Ald. William Le Doux
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #202-2001 which
was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego.
City of Muskego
Plan Commission Supplement PC 162-2001
For the meeting of: October 76,2007
REQUEST: Yield Plan and Sketch Land Division
Benke-Schweitzer Property. Durham Road I Tax Key No. 221 1.999
SE ?4 and SW ?4 of SECTION 13
PETITIONER: Towne Realty
INTRODUCED: October 16,2001
PREPARED BY: Brian Turk; Dustin Wolff
Towne Realty proposes to develop the Benke-Schweitzer property, generally located on Durham Drive to the east
of Holz Drive. The property is approximately 88 acres in size, and includes substantial marsh and lake frontage. A
total of 54 parcels are proposed.
The petitioner has presented two sketches for Plan Commission consideration. The first (herein referred to as a
yield plan) depicts the development of the entire property utilizing sewered one acre parcels. The second (herein
referred to as the planned development district) depicts the same number of parcels, clustered to the east of
Wildlife Area project boundary.
Durham Drive. This effort preserves all of the property which is located within the DNR's Big Muskego Lake
The submittal represents what all of the parties agree is the best approach to development.
The Mayor's Office and Planning Staff have worked very closely with the petitioner and representatives of the DNR.
.. .~ .~ .~ ~~ . ~ ~~ . ~
Comprehensive Plan:
IDRAFT Conservation Plan: management priority. The planned development district serves to implement
lthe Plan, as well as the DNR's Wildlife Area plan. -i .. .
treet System Plan:
The 2010 Plan depicts Durham Drive to be a I00 foot wide ultimate right-of-
~ development district have access controls.
way. The proposal is consistent with the Plan. Both the yield plan and planned
The developments will be served by municipal sewer Water source has yet to
be determined, as the petitioner is assessing the potential of extending
municipal water systems to serve the development. The proposal is consistent
with the Plan.
~~ . . .. ~ ..
Utility Service Areas:
Planning staH is highly supportive of the planned development district concept. Although the proposal achieves
many of the City's and DNR's conservation objectives, the plans are not put forth under the new "Conservation
Subdivision" ordinances. The proposal conforms to the requirements of the City's standard OPD zoning. The
20,000 square foot parcel sizes are reasonable for the neighborhood; parcels on Holz Drive to the west are typically
less than 15,000 square feet in area, while many to the north in the Hi-View Drive area are 20,000 square feet in
Stormwater management is proposed to be accommodated on the west side of Durham Drive, and would support
the DNR's wetland restoration plans.
The DNR has expressed an interest in acquiring the open space to the west of Durham Drive. However, the DNR
will take no action to proceed until the City takes steps to approve the planned development district.
Approval of Resolution #PC 162-2001
e RESOLUTION #P.C. 162-2001
SE '/4 AND SW '/4 OF SECTION 13 (TAX KEY NO. 221 1.999)
WHEREAS, On October 5, 2001 a sketch for a yield plan and preliminary plat
was submitted by Towne Realty for the Benke-Schweitzer property located in the
SE '/4 and SW '/4 of Section 13, and
WHEREAS, The yield plan consists of 88 acres, proposes 54 parcels, and
provides 22 acres of common open space, and
WHEREAS, The sketch preliminary plat consist of 88 acres, and proposes 54
parcels, and provides 50 acres of common open space, and
WHEREAS, Said property is zoned RSE Suburban Estate District and R-2
Country Home District, and a rezoning to RS-2/0PD would be required in order
to implement the sketch preliminary plat, and
WHEREAS, The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts this area for residential
development at a density not to exceed one dwelling unit per acre, and the yield
plan and sketch preliminary plat illustrate a density of 0.61 dwelling units per
acre, and e
WHEREAS, Said parcels will be serviced by City sewer, and
WHEREAS, Said parcels may be served by private water systems or may be
served by municipal water if demonstrated to be economical, and
WHEREAS, The 2010 Street System Plan depicts Durham Drive to have a 100
foot wide ultimate width, and the proposal is consistent with the Plan, and
WHEREAS, wetlands, floodplain, and shoreland wetlands exist on the property
and are depicted to be preserved as common open space, and
WHEREAS, The DRAFT Conservation Plan depicts the wetlands, floodplain, and
shoreland wetlands as a high management priority, and
WHEREAS, The lands proposed to remain in common open space are within the
project boundary of the Big Muskego Lake Wildlife Area, and their preservation
will further the goals of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources with
minimal public investment, and 0
a WHEREAS, The plat is required to provide on-site stormwater management as
required by Chapter 34, and the sketch preliminary plat accommodates this in
conjunction with a wetland restoration effort promoted by the Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of an 88
acre, 54 parcel, yield plan and sketch preliminary plat for the Benke-Schweitzer
property as proposed by Towne Realty, and located in the SE '/4 and SW '/4 of
Section 13 and will be receptive to the submittal of a preliminary plat.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission will be receptive to the
receipt of a rezoning petition to RS-2 / OPD Suburban Residence District with
Planned Development Overlay District, being a minimum parcel size of 20,000
square feet and a minimum average parcel width of 110 feet.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That absent of the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources' acquisition of the common open space, said areas shall be
owned and maintained by an incorporated Home Owners Association.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That absent of the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources' acquisition of the common open space, said areas shall be
subject to a Management Plan which shall be executed concurrent with the Final
Plat. e
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: October 16, 2001
Introduced: October 16, 2001
ATTEST, Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary
Summary of Sketch Plat
Benke/Schweitzer Property - City of Muskego
Assumptions (based on assessoricounty records)
Total acreage of parcel 87.92 +acres
Existlng Tllled or
Homesite Acreage 67.6 +acres
Analysis based on following City of Muskego current zoning category -
RS-2 Suburban Residence zoning crireria with a lransfer ofthe lor yield to the east side of Durham Drive
Based on the above assumvtions total lot vield for rhe Darcel was calculaled a1 54 lots
as illuslrared in our yield conceptual drawing.
East side of Durham Drive 40.4 +acres
Lot Yield 54 lots
Right of Way (ROW)
OpedStonn Water
Management Areas 2.7 *acres
West side of Durham Drive
Lor Yield
47.52 *acres
32 7 +acres of lot area
5 +acres based on 60' wlde ROW
n 101s 0 *acres of lor area 0 OpenIStom Water
Right of Way (ROW)
- Management Areas
Lot Yield
Righr of Way (ROW)
OpedStom Water
Management Areas
0 *acres
47.52 *acres
based on 60 wide ROW
(Includes a 5+ acre storm water detention pond)
87.92 +acres
54 lots 32.7 +acres of lo1 area 37.2 +Yo of total area
5 +acres based on 60' wide ROW 5.1 *%of total area
50.22 +acres 57. I +% of total area
01 Summary of Yield Analysis I - Benkehchweitzer Property - City of Muskego I
Assumptions (based on assessorlcounty records)
Total acreage ofparcel 87.92 +acres
Existing Tilled or
Homesite Acreage 67.6 +acres
Analysis based on following City of Muskego current zoning Category -
RSE Suburban Estate zoning criteria
Based on the above assumptions total lot yield for the parcel was calculated at 54 101s
as illustrated in our conceptual drawing.
East side of Durham Drive 40.4 +acres
Lot Yield 31 lots 34 facres of lot area
RightofWay(R0W) 4.9 +acres based on 60' wide ROW
OpeniStorm Water
Management Areas I .5 iacres
West side of Durham Drive 41.52 +acres
Lot Yield 23 lots
OpeniStotm Water
Management Areas 2 1.42 +acres
Combined 87.92 +acres
Lot Yield 54 lots 56.8 +acres of lot area 64.6 +% of total area
Right of Way (ROW) 8.2 +acres based on 60' wide ROW 9.3 +%of total area
OpeniStotm Water
Management Areas 22.92 *acres 26. I +% of total area
0 Right of Way (ROW)
22.8 +acres of lor area
3.3 iacres based on 60' wide ROW