CCR2001144COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #144-2001 RECOMMENDATIONS TO WAUKESHA COUNTY RELATING TO COUNTY HIGHWAY "L / JANESVILLE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 6 WHEREAS, Waukesha County anticipates the reconstruction of County Highway "L" / Janesville Road from Moorland Road to College Avenue in the years 2003-2004, and WHEREAS, The Common Council directed the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development to evaluate the project scope and make specific recommendations relating thereto, and WHEREAS, The Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development has forwarded the following recommendations to the Common Council for consideration: 1 Street Cross-Sections: Section from Moorland Road to Durham Drive, four through lanes with 24 foot grass median, with transition to TWTTL cross section beginning near Atonement Lutheran Church, generally as illustrated in County Alternative #3 dated Jan. TWTTL lane, generally as illustrated in County Alternative #3 dated Jan. 30th. Section from 30th. Section from Durham Drive to Tess Corners Drive, four though lanes with center Tess Corners Drive to College Avenue, four lanes with TWTTL transitioning to grass median after old St Paul Lutheran Church, generally as illustrated in County Alternative #3 dated Jan. 30'h, but with an additional median break in the vicinity of Bierer's commercial driveway. 2. Landscape Architect to Plan Medians: Planning Department to prepare RFPs for median landscape design services. Common Council to evaluate costs and determine feasibility of immediate or phased landscape installations, with County and City to enter into maintenance agreements for landscaped medians. recreation trails. Section from Durham Drive to old St Paul Lutheran Church I parsonage, dual 5' wide concrete sidewalks to be maintained under recreation trail policies. Section from old St Paul Lutheran Church / parsonage to College Avenue, dual 10 wide asphalt recreation trails. 0 0 3. Recreation Trails: Section from Moorland Road to Durham Drive, dual 10 wide asphalt 4. Burial of Overhead Wires: All overhead utilities to be relocated and buried. 5. Street Liqhtina I Decorative Liqhtinq: Decorative lighting installed between St. Paul's Church and Durham Dr Common Council to evaluate costs and determine feasibility of immediate or phased lighting installations Waukesha County should make accommodations within the design, and permit installation of ductwork. WHEREAS, The Park and Recreation Board has concurred with the Task Force's recommendations pertaining to recreation trails. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Common Council approves the recommendations of the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development and recommends the same to Waukesha County. DATEDTHIS 14th DAY OF Auqust , 2001 SPONSORED BY Ald. William LeDoux Ald. Chuck Wigchers by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #144-2001which was adopted 0 7/2001 bdt